Non-fiction Annotated Bibliography and Test

What to include in a Non-fiction Annotated Bibliography:
Directions: For non-fiction books your annotation should include one paragraph
that summarizes and explains the main idea of the book. The second paragraph
should describe your favorite part of the book and a recommendation.
The book, Wolves in the Wild, explains how wolves have been reintroduced
into the wild in several areas such as Glacier National Park and Yellowstone
National Park. With their reintroduction, problems have occurred. Many ranchers
are unhappy, because wolves are carnivores, so they prey on livestock such as
cattle and sheep. If wolves eat their livestock, ranchers lose profits. On the
other hand, wildlife enthusiasts are pleased because the number of wolves are
continuing to grow and flourish in their new habitats. The debate over whether
it’s a good idea to reintroduce wolves in wild areas continues today.
My favorite part of the book was when the author explained how the wolves
were brought back into the wild because it was a long, careful process. This book
would be a good resource for students who want to learn about the debate
between environmentalist and ranchers, but it doesn’t tell much about wolf pups. I
would recommend this to students that are researching wolves and their
comeback, because the author explains how wolves are carefully raised so that
they can survive in the wild. (45 pages)
5 Question Test for Non-fiction Books
Directions: Please write one question and one response in complete sentences for
each number below using information from your book.
1. Write a question about the meaning of a challenging word used in your book.
 What does __________ mean?
o Question: What does reintroduction mean?
o Answer: Reintroduction means…
2. Write a question about the topic of your book and why it/he/she behaves in
a certain way.
 Why do _________ do __________?
o Question: Why do wolves hunt in packs?
o Answer: Wolves hunt in packs because….
3. Write a question comparing or contrasting two topics in your book. (choose
similar or different)
 How are _________ similar to / different from _____________?
o Question: How are wolves similar to dogs?
o Answer: Wolves are similar to dogs because both wolves and
4. Write a question about the effects of an event.
 What happened because of (describe an event)?
o Question: What happened to the deer population in
Yellowstone Park when wolves were reintroduced there?
o Answer: When wolves were reintroduced to Yellowstone Park …
5. Write a question about the cause of an event. (choose who or what)
 Who caused _______________ ?
o Question: Who caused the reintroduction of wolves?
 What caused ______________?