February and July
Orientation Program
*SSAs attending & supporting FYCs + provide input on SSA role
All commencing students
Facilitating early engagement, enrolment & attendance at
Orientation Day
*School/Program Mail-out to improve attendance at O-Day
*Orientation Program conducted by FYC with support from SSA
Number of students attending
*Attendance at Orientation
total cohort
late engager sub-group
other targeted sub-groups
In first semester of 2012 the University trialled the implementation of six risk markers designed to identify commencing students at early risk of discontinuation or failure. These risk markers are now being mainstreamed in all Programs across the University. These risk markers include:
non-attendance at Orientation;
not accessing Learning at Griffith by the end of Week 2;
not attending small classes by the end of Week 3;
non-submission of first/early assessment tasks;
failure of first/early assessment tasks: and
failure of two or more courses in the semester.
The triggering of each risk marker presents an important point of intervention with commencing students.
Marker 1 targets commencing students in their first and second semesters who have not attended their
Orientation Program and are at risk of non-engagement and early drop-out. The purpose of this protocol is to identify the processes required to guide the implementation, recording, intervention, and dissemination of information on Risk Marker 1.
The purpose of this document is to guide the implementation of a method for accurate recording and collation of attendance at Orientation Day/s data using printed student enrolment lists. This data is then used to drive SSAs intervening with non-attending students, and the collation of Program, School, Group and University-wide attendance at Orientation data for dissemination to School/Program Student Success and Retention Teams at the local level, and Deans Learning and Teaching, and the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) at the Group and
University levels. This data is then used to inform strategies for increasing attendance at Orientation in the following semester or year. This is important, given that attendance at Orientation predicts student’s academic results in their first semester of study.
By Friday of O-Week, SSAs or schools send a general welcoming email to all commencing students, which includes
SSA contact information, and informing them of any follow-up required if they have not attended Orientation.
Co-ordinate with schools, FYC, SAO/PSO if school already has an Orientation follow-up process.
Collecting Attendance Data – intended for First Year Coordinators, First Year Course Convenors, School
Administration Officers, Program Services Officers
Student Intervention and Follow-up
Data Entry and Management
Dissemination of Risk Marker 1 Attendance Data to Student Success and Retention Teams - intended for
Student Success Advisors
Dissemination of Risk Marker 1 data to Student Success and Retention Teams
Attendance Data Templates - intended for Student Success Advisors
Risk Marker Template 1.1 – Marker 1 – Attendance at Orientation Day
SSA Reporting Template 1.2 for Student Success and Retention Teams - Marker 1 – Attendance at Orientation Day
Required: An Alphabetised list of enrolled students recording attendance at school-based Orientation Day/s by
Degree Program. The screenshot below shows an example from a spreadsheet from the School of ICT. Your school may not necessarily include all the information as in the ICT screenshot below but student numbers, names and program code would be the absolute minimum. It is more efficient if attendance data is collected at
Orientation from alphabetised lists of enrolled students to avoid the need to collate this data several times.
Recording process to be negotiated with First Year Co-ordinators and relevant administrative staff.
ID Prefix
Email ID
2896980 Mr
2903227 Mr
2901102 Mr
2900998 Mr
2901602 Mr
Marcus Alroy s2896980@griffithuni.edu.au 1109 3131
Mattison Aquilina s2903227@griffithuni.edu.au 1109 3131
Matthew Banner s2901102@griffithuni.edu.au 1109 3131
Bent s2900998@griffithuni.edu.au s2901602@griffithuni.edu.au
2896584 Mr Daniel Boiko s2896584@griffithuni.edu.au 1109 3131
2896194 Mr Alexander Borchers s2896194@griffithuni.edu.au 1109 3131
2901229 Mr
2899504 Miss
Bristow s2901229@griffithuni.edu.au
Burgoyne s2899504@griffithuni.edu.au
Tot cp inc credit awarded
Recommended=Schools may already have effective and accurate ways of recording attendance through a registration process, a name tag process or other means. Cohort sizes can make a difference to the method selected.
One method that has worked well in various schools and with various intake sizes, including large intakes, is a registration process on arrival at Orientation, using staff and mentors. ‘Election style’ voter registration outside the main venue can ensure this process flows quickly, even for large intakes. Mentors can also welcome and direct students to appropriate, Alphabetised registration tables. This process helps to start to group students in like degrees, especially if outgoing mentors ‘work’ any queues that form.
Peoplesoft reports are generated just prior to Orientation to create an overall alphabetised list of commencing students by program:
Main Menu>Reporting Tools>Query Viewer
Generating Lists of Enrolled Students: Query Viewer
Enter any information you have and click Search. Leave fields blank for a list of all values.
Query Name begins with
Enter GU_LABELS_BY_PROG_GPA in the “begins with” box and hit Search.
-- All Folders --
Customise | Find | View All | | First 1 of 1 Last
Query Name Description Owner Folder
Run to
Run to
Run to
Add to
Actv Stud Addr by Prog &
Public HTML Excel XML Schedule Favorite
Click on Excel in the “Run to Excel” column
GU_LABELS_BY_PROG_GPA - Actv Stud Addr by Prog & GPA
Enter the term code (3131 for semester 1, 2013 or 3135 for semester 2, 2013).
Enter the program code eg 1356
GU_LABELS_BY_PROG_GPA - Actv Stud Addr by Prog & GPA
Hit the ‘View Results’ button.
This generates an Excel spreadsheet for students active (enrolled) in the nominated program.
Once the spreadsheet downloads, open it and click the ‘Enable Editing’ button if it appears in your spreadsheet. Then select ‘Save As’ under ‘File’; in the ‘File Name’ box, label your Excel file with a meaningful name (e.g. ‘1356 Semester # 20## Orientation’) and change the file location from ‘Downloads’ to a folder you have created either on your desktop or in one of your drives. It is important to save the spreadsheet in a different location as some computers will erase all downloads by default when shut down; it is also more efficient to store a file in a location consistent with your own filing system (e.g. a folder titled ‘Environment Orientation, Semester # 20##).
You can then hide columns that are not required by clicking on the columns in the top row (A B C D E etc).
Once highlighted, right click on the columns, and then hit Hide (or Delete)
After setting up the spreadsheet columns, click in any cell, and go to Data in the top row menu, then Sort.
Sort by admit term to identify students by commencement semester, and hit ‘OK’.
To remove the students that will not be attending orientation, highlight rows of students not commencing in the current semester, right click in the highlighted cells, and then delete the cells.
This process needs to be repeated for each of the intake degrees. These lists can be printed for registration purposes, and are useful in other ways for schools and SSAs (phone lists, lists for issuing materials/swipe cards etc).
The Orientation registration lists are then collated into a single spreadsheet by school staff or SSA, noting
‘yes’ or ‘no’ in the ‘Attend Orientation’ column. It is important for SSAs to finalise the Orientation attendance spreadsheet for their schools by Friday of Week 1 at the latest. The spreadsheet’s label/name should clearly identify the program, school, semester, and year as this will facilitate an efficient process for GIHE administrative support staff to enter the attendance data in a timely manner for all program
Orientation sessions. Lyn Gannon will create a folder in the SSA Community site where SSAs will upload their Orientation attendance spreadsheets. This data will be collated for analysis by Lyn Gannon by Friday of Week 1 and GIHE administrative staff will complete data entry for SSAs to track students by end of
Week 2.
All non-attendees should be followed up with a “welcome and come and see us…” school focused email prepared collaboratively with SSA/FYC/SAO/PSO and sent at the end of Orientation Week or early in Week 1. This email should advise students of their Student Success Advisor’s name and contact information, and where to collect relevant handout information e.g. Student Handbook.
Phone contact made by SSAs with all non-attendees in Orientation Week or Week 1, to set up a consultation will also assist. If schools already do this, co-ordinate with relevant staff. This is particularly important for Late
Engager/Target Group students with whom SSAs have conducted a Negotiated Engagement Interview.
GIHE administrative staff will sort the ‘Attend Orientation’ column by ‘No’. They will then enter ‘DNA’ against the
CRM Proximal Marker 1 [Attendance at] Orientation; thus recording only those students who have not attended the formal Orientation Session for their school. Those who attended the formal Orientation Session for their school will be left blank and this group will be reflected in the CRM Marker Reports as ‘No Value’ for Marker 1
[Attendance at] Orientation.
Conversely, in the CRM Proximal Marker 1 table relating to those events listed in subsequent fields under this
Marker (i.e. Friends & Family Day, Enrolment Day), ‘A’ will be entered into these fields where students have attended these events. SSAs are to collect attendance data at these events and forward to GIHE administrative staff, following a similar process outlined for collecting Orientation data. A copy of the attendance data for (a)
Friends & Family Day should be forwarded to Lexie Mooney (Student Support Services); and (b) Enrolment Day
(aka Early Enrolment Support Sessions) to Michelle O’Brien (Student Success Unit).
PASS enrolment data will be entered into the CRM by SSAs at time of NEI with LE/At-Risk Target group students.
Although this will initially only reflect an Expression of Interest (EOI) in PASS, it provides the SSA with a point of reference to follow up any LE/At-Risk Target group students who indicated during an NEI that they intended to participate in PASS but are not appearing on the attendance sheets for PASS. Attendance sheets for PASS will be uploaded to Google Drive and shared by PASS Co-ordinators with SSAs.
PASS attendance data will be entered into the CRM by GIHE administrative staff; 1-50 attendances may be recorded for each student. PASS Co-ordinators will upload attendance sheets for PASS to Google Drive and share with GIHE administrative staff.
Academic Skills Workshops
Student attendance at SSA Academic Skills Workshops/Common Time Programs will be recorded by GIHE administrative staff throughout the semester. SSAs are to collect attendance data at these workshops and forward to GIHE administrative staff, following a similar process outlined for collecting Orientation data. SSAs also to enter relevant data in Workshop Log for the semester; this will be uploaded to Google Drive (SSA Core).
Negotiated Engagement Interviews and Follow-Ups
NEIs and NEI Follow-Ups to be recorded in CRM Proximal Marker 1 table by SSAs. NEI recorded as ‘A’ and NEI
Follow-Ups ‘1-13’. Student sub-group attending NEIs will be reflected in Risk Marker 1 Report as ‘A’.
Any events or workshops that do not appear under the ‘Marker 1’ tab, yet are considered relevant to Marker 1 can be recorded in the ‘Notes’ section for this Marker.
SSAs to complete Marker 1 report by end-of-week 1 or early week 2 and submit to FYC/SSRT (cc Keithia Wilson and Lyn Gannon). Data accessed from CRM Analytics>Marker Reports>Marker 1 Template, and run for each program.
Predictive Analytics
Predictive Analytics – Students identified in these reports to be added manually by SSAs to LE/At-Risk Target group in CRM field (second column from the left in ‘My Students’ list). Once selected, these students will be automatically included in terms of Risk Marker reporting. (NB: SSAs may also manually remove a student from the LE/At-Risk Target sub-group.
Learning@Griffith –
No information will be entered into Learning@Griffith course sites. Only attendance spreadsheets are to be uploaded to SSA Community for GIHE administrative staff to access.
The final step in the process is the dissemination of the risk marker information on non-attendance, and overall student attendance as soon as it has been collated in the prescribed templates.
Student Success Advisors will disseminate Template 1.1 containing the summary information for student attendance at Orientation for their designated Programs to their Student Success and Retention Teams.
This information needs to be disseminated in a timely manner, as soon as it is finalized, roughly by Week
2 or 3. SSAs will also incorporate a brief summary of this data into Template 1.2 - SSA Monthly Reporting to Student Success and Retention Teams.
Academic Leader Student Success and Retention will disseminate the information from Templates 1.1 collated at Group and University levels to the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic) and the Deans Learning and Teaching, as well as to Student Success Advisors for dissemination back to the Student Success and
Retention Teams by Week 3.
Template 1.1
Please note - Student Success Advisors in GBS will need only to record data by their individual degree programs. The final row “OVERALL SCHOOL/PROGRAM will remain blank.
Degree Program
(Code + Description
+ Campus)
Overall Attendance
Number of students attending
Orientation identified & percentage of total commencing cohort
Late-Engager Attendance
Number of late engager students attending Orientation & percentage of total late engager sub-group
LEs with NEIs Attendance
Number of late engager students attending
Orientation who have had a Negotiated
Engagement Interview & percentage of total late engager sub-group who have had a
Negotiated Engagement Interview
Template 1.2
SSA Name: School/s/Programs:
SSA Current Core Activities
Proactive Outreach to Students At Risk
NEIs & NEI Follow-up data:
Starting@Griffith data:
Predictive Analytics data:
Risk Marker 1 to 6 data:
Staff and Student Referred Consultations
Student face to face consultations:
Phone and email contact:
Academic Skills Developments
Academic Skills Workshops (types of workshops (generic &/or assessment related & student numbers):
Academic Recovery (Performance Markers 4 to 6) consultations:
Co-curricular Strategies
Early Enrolment Support Sessions:
School Mail-out:
Orientation Day:
Peer Mentoring Program:
PASS attendance:
Recognition of high achieving students:
Social Networking
Online engagement (Facebook):
School networking events:
Data Management and Reporting
Recording of proximal markers 1-6:
Student Success & Retention Team Partnership Work
SSRT meetings and informal meetings
Liaison with convenors and First Year Tutors
Planned Core Activities
Summarise core planned activities in the next monthly reporting cycle drawn from the Current Core Activities list.