
Polygenic Inheritance and Epistasis
Many traits are actually controlled by more than one gene. These are called ______________________.
Examples include human height, intelligence and eye color.
Polygenic traits explain the ______________________ variation that we see in human traits.
Humans eye color, is determined by two genes. The two genes are the OCA2 gene located on
chromosome __________ and the EYCL1 gene on chromosome __________.
The OCA2 gene is the classic eye color gene that students learn about, with a dominant brown allele (B)
and a recessive blue allele (b).
This system does not, however, explain the inheritance of ___________ eyes. The trait of green eyes is
controlled by the EYCL1 gene, which has a dominant green allele (G) and a recessive blue allele (g).
Epistasis is the phenomenon where the effects of one gene are modified by one or several other genes,
which are sometimes called ___________________.
The gene whose phenotype is expressed is called ______________, while the phenotype altered or
suppressed is called _________________.
The OCA2 gene(coding for brown) is epistatic over the EYCL1 (green) gene. In other words, the alleles of
OCA2 influence the expression of the alleles of EYCL1.
If OCA2 genotypes are BB or Bb, the offspring will have____________ eyes, regardless of the
alleles at the EYCL1 gene.
If the OCA2 genotype is bb, the individual will have ___________ eyes or __________ eyes,
depending on the alleles at the EYCL1 gene.
If OCA2 is bb and EYCL1 is GG or Gg, the individual will have___________ eyes.
If OCA2 is bb and EYCL1 is gg, the individual will have ____________ eyes.
This type of epistasis is known as _________________ epistasis.
The following combinations of genetic information show the phenotype possibilities for the various
allele combinations.
Bbgg BBgg BBGg-
bbGG -
bbGg -
bbgg -
The effect can occur directly at the __________________ level, where one gene could code for a
protein that prevents the production of another protein from the other gene.
Alternatively, the effect can occur at the ____________________ level. For example, the gene
causing albinism would hide the gene controlling color of a person's hair. In another example, a
gene coding for a widow's peak would be hidden by a gene causing baldness.
Example- 9:7 Ratio (Flower Color in Sweet Pea)
If two genes are involved in a specific pathway and functional products from both are required for
expression, then one recessive allelic pair at either allelic pair would result in the mutant phenotype.
If a pure line pea plant with colored flowers (genotype = CCPP) is crossed to pure line, homozygous
recessive plant with white flowers, the F1 plant will have colored flowers and a CcPp genotype. The
normal ratio from selfing dihybrid is 9:3:3:1, but epistatic interactions of the C and P genes will give a
modified 9:7 ratio. The following table describes the interactions for each genotype and how the ratio
Flower Color
Enzyme Activities/TH>
9 C_P_
Flowers colored;
anthocyanin produced
Functional enzymes from both genes
3 C_pp
Flowers white;
no anthocyanin produced
p enzyme non-functional
3 ccP_
Flowers white;
no anthocyanin produced
c enzyme non-functional
1 ccpp
Flowers white;
no anthocyanin produced
c and p enzymes non-functional
Because both genes are required for the correct phenotype, this epistatic interaction is called
Example- 15:1 (Kernel Color in Wheat)
For this type of pathway a functional enzyme A or B can produce a product from a common precursor.
The product gives color to the wheat kernel. Therefore, only one dominant allele at either of the two
loci is required to generate the product.
Thus, if a pure line wheat plant with a colored kernel (genotype = AABB) is crossed to plant with white
kernels (genotype = aabb) and the resulting F1 plants are selfed, a modification of the dihybrid 9:3:3:1
ratio will be produced. The following table provides a biochemical explanation for the 15:1 ratio.
Kernel Phenotype
Enzymatic Activities
9 A_B_
colored kernels
functional enzymes from both genes
3 A_bb
colored kernels
functional enzyme from the A gene pair
3 aaB_
colored kernels
functional enzyme from the B gene pair
1 aabb
colorless kernels
non-functional enzymes produced at both genes
If we sum the three different genotypes that will produce a colored kernel we can see that we can
achieve a 15:1 ratio. Because either of the genes can provide the wild type phenotype, this interaction is
called _______________________________________.
Example 3- 12:3:1 Ratio (Fruit Color in Squash)
With this interaction, color is recessive to no color at one allelic pair. This recessive allele must be
expressed before the specific color allele at a second locus is expressed. At the first gene white colored
squash is dominant to colored squash, and the gene symbols are W=white and w=colored. At the second
gene yellow is dominant to green, and the symbols used are G=yellow, g=green. If the dihybrid is selfed,
three phenotypes are produced in a 12:3:1 ratio. The following table explains how this ratio is obtained.
Shapes of Squash Fruit
Fruit Color
Gene Actions
9 W_G_
Dominant white allele negates effect of G allele
3 W_gg
Dominant white allele negates effect of G allele
3 wwG_
Recessive color allele allows yellow allele expression
1 wwgg
Recessive color allele allows green allele expression
Because the presence of the dominant W allele masks the effects of either the G or g allele, this type of
interaction is called _______________________________.
Other Examples
1. In a particular species of cats there are 4 eye colour phenotypes: blue, green, amber, and brown. Eye
colour is controlled by 3 genes – genes A, B, and C. If a cat has only recessive alleles (aabbcc), the cat
will have blue eyes. The presence of at least 1 dominant allele for 1 gene, will result in green eyes. (ie:
Aabbcc , and aaBBcc, and aabbCc will all have green eyes.) The presence of at least 1 dominant allele for
2 genes will result in amber eyes (ie. AAbbCc and aaBBCC will both have amber eyes). The presence of at
least 1 dominant allele for all 3 genes will result in brown eyes (AABBCC and AaBbCc will all have brown
eyes). What is the expected phenotypic ratio when a AaBBCc cat mates with a aabbCC cat?
2. The height of spike weed is a result of polygenic inheritance involving three genes, each of which can
contribute 5 cm to the plant. The base height of the weed is 10 cm, and the tallest plant can reach 40
a. If a tall plant (AABBCC) is crossed with a base-height plant (aabbcc), what is the height of
the F1 plants? Show your work.
b. What are the phenotypes of the offspring?