Jamie Saathoff ENGL 1302.207 October 15, 2013 Project 3

Jamie Saathoff
ENGL 1302.207
October 15, 2013
Project 3 – Argument of Evaluation Outline
Communication in the Electronic Era:
While the creation, invention and responsible parties of the internet is of great debate in
Information Technology professional circuits, there is little doubt the internet
has revolutionized digital media and many elements of communication like nothing before.
Although some may argue the impact of social media in electronic era has been detrimental,
an actual influx of communication progression is evident among digital media users,
specifically youth, today.
1. Interactive Communication Transitions
a. Traditional Face to Face Communication and Verbal Interaction v Electronic
Medium Use in personal settings
2. Literary/Reading Improvements: We Are All Writers Now-Andrea Lunsford
3. Writing Improvements: We Are All Writers Now-Andrea Lunsford; Clive Thompson on
the New Literacy-Clive Thompson
a. Writing Revolution
i. Audience consideration and adaptation
ii. Increased social media frequency increases creative writing
a. Hold Attention
b. Promote Disengagement
5. Privacy/ Information Credibility: The Meaning of Anonymity in an Information AgeHelen Nissenbaum
a. The systems of identity safeguarding by namelessness alone, either for personal
preference or security necessity, is insufficient in the Electronic Revolution and
Information Age.
b. Protection of one’s identity must intrinsically extend to all elements of personal
6. Peer Interaction: Cyberbullying: Prevention and Intervention to Protect Our Children and
Youth-John Snakenborg, Richard Van Acker, and Robert Gable
a. Once something is on internet, it is theoretically infinitely available for anyone to
discover, infer and use for privacy invasion without knowledge or acceptance of
intended subject.
i. Bullying
1. Traditional
2. Cyberbullying
b. While withholding a name or using a pseudonym in an email, chat room or blog
allows for freedom of expression without judgment or fear, elapsed time on this
concept now opens the door of uncertainty in who is on the other end of the
conversation by the same criteria as well as the need to combat predators who
may capitalize on an opportunity.
7. Virtual Security, Safety and Regulation Education: Cyberbullying: Prevention and
Intervention to Protect Our Children and Youth-John Snakenborg, Richard Van Acker,
and Robert Gable
Internet has become a gateway for information dissemination. The revolution of this
relatively new medium has broadened literary horizons of the generation who has grown with
it. However, with success, the seemingly inevitable predatory element surfaces requiring
staunch advocacy for continued evolution in response to discovery of such pitfalls.