School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) PRESENTATIONS at the Board Meeting February 4, 2013 Chungbuk National University: Short-Term Program Mr. Gwang Ok, a representative from the Chungbuk National University Program, and students Jaeheok Choi and Sangyun Kim shared experiences and highlights of their participation in the short-term Korean visit to the district and community. They indicated they were impressed by the education system and the warm support received by the schools and their host families. Highlights included skiing, tobogganing, cultural differences, and Penticton hospitality. They indicated their desire for the program to continue in the future. On behalf of the school district, Chair Manning presented gifts to the representatives and thanked them for their presentation. Cyberbullying and Sexual Exploitation Action Committee Vice Principal Todd Manuel and Counsellor Michelle Glibbery of Penticton Secondary School provided an overview of the Cyberbullying and Sexual Exploitation Action Committee. The committee includes students, parents, educators, social agencies, community partners, and others who are developing an action plan to equip those who care for youth with the tools to deal with the challenges that arise from online communications. An update on their efforts to promote the responsible use of social media was provided which included education through a parent night, school assemblies, peer-to-peer program, and involvement of community members. Mr. Manual added that some students are creating their own videos to promote cyberbullying awareness. Appreciation was extended to Mr. Manual and Ms. Glibbery for their efforts in establishing the committee.