WEST OF SCOTLAND REGION - NHS Scotland Recruitment

Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
The Edinburgh Specialist Virology Laboratory is situated within the Directorate of Laboratory Medicine at
the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. The laboratory complex was completed in 2003 and houses the
majority of the clinical laboratory facilities for the Lothian region. Virology benefits from modern
laboratories in close proximity to the other disciplines, and in particular from 2 multidisciplinary areas, the
molecular diagnostics suite and the automated core laboratory. This laboratory provides diagnostic
virology services to NHS Lothian and acts as a referral centre for samples for the South East of Scotland.
Real-time PCR is available for respiratory viruses, HIV, HBV, HCV, CMV and EBV (quantitative),
norovirus, HSV, VZV and measles virus (on request). The repertoire is in constant development. The
laboratory is also home to the Scottish HPV Reference Laboratory and to the NSS-funded blood borne
virus specialist service, which provides HCV genotyping and HIV genotypic resistance testing.
Virology runs an Abbott Architect for high-throughput testing. This encompasses the majority of bloodborne virus screening for local antenatal, GUM, dialysis and transplant services. A combination of
automated, semi-automated and manual platforms provide syphilis and a comprehensive range of lowervolume antibody tests. An automated robotic tracking system to combine virology and biochemistry
screening tests has recently been installed at Royal Infirmary. Confirmatory blood-borne virus testing
including HIV immunoblot is offered to SE Scotland through the NSS-funded specialist service. Syphilis
confirmatory testing is also available.
We enjoy close links with University of Edinburgh, which has buildings adjacent to the Royal Infirmary,
and make a significant contribution to teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. The
department has active R&D links with the University of Edinburgh and the UK CVN. Areas of
collaboration include respiratory pathogens.
Now is a particularly exciting time to be joining Edinburgh Specialist Virology Laboratory. We are in
discussion with Regional Infectious Diseases Unit WGH (RIDU) about increasing cooperation between
RIDU, microbiology and virology. At the same time Lindsay Guthrie has just been appointed as Lead
Infection and Prevention and Control Nurse and the IPCT works closely with NHS Lothian infection
specialties to combat spread of infection. The Scottish National Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Test Service
(SNVTS) instigated in 2014 is based at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh and offers Ebola, Marburg,
Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic Fever and Lassa Fever testing to NHS Scotland in close collaborative
partnership with the Rare and Imported Pathogens Laboratory (RIPL) in England. SNVTS operates within
7-day laboratory working hours with on-call capacity for testing of urgent high possibility of VHF samples
using molecular (real-time PCR) approaches. At present time it is the only UK laboratory outside of RIPL
to offer this service. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) testing is also carried
out at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
The Virology Service is responsible for diagnosing and monitoring viral infections in a range of patients.
We support:
1. The Regional Infectious Diseases Unit (Western General Hospital). A large proportion of the cohort
are infected with a blood borne viruses (HIV, hepatitis B/C). All these patients require regular
monitoring, and antiviral resistance testing. There are also a number of patients with other infectious
diseases acquired abroad. This provides the opportunity to gain excellent clinical exposure with
particular emphasis on the diagnosis and management of viral infections.
2. Hepatitis Clinics. There are also viral hepatitis clinics within gastroenterology. There are opportunities
to become involved with these clinics
3. Transplant services. There is both an active solid organ transplant program (kidneys and liver) at
Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and also the Western General Haematology and Oncology service
undertakes peripheral blood stem cell transplants.
4. Paediatric and Neonatal Services. The department receives samples from the Royal Hospital for Sick
Children and has oversight of near patient testing for RSV at RHSC in the winter months.
5. Microbiology laboratories both in and outside NHS Lothian.
LAS/StR in Virology. This post provides an excellent opportunity not only for anyone
considering a career in virology, but those working in allied disciplines who would like to gain a more in
depth knowledge of clinical virology.
Name of Trust or Health Board:
(ii) Director of Laboratory Medicine:
NHS Lothian
Dr Ingo Johannessen
(iii) Acting Head of Specialty, Department of Microbiology
Dr Ian Laurenson, consultant microbiologist
(ii) Names of Consultant virologists with the Department of Microbiology
Dr John Bremner
Dr Ingo Johannessen
Dr Sandeep Ramalingam
Dr Kate Templeton
iii) Number and Grades of Junior Medical Staff
2 Specialty Registrar
Duties of the Post
i) Clinical - details of all clinical commitments
Day to day involvement with provision of the clinical service. This includes telephone advice about the
diagnosis and management of patients with suspected viral infections. Clinical reporting and authorising
reports under direct consultant supervision will also be required. Depending on the background and
requirements of the trainee there is also ample opportunity to undertake both laboratory work and to gain
clinical experience. On call commitment is not guaranteed - the postholder may be offered participation in
out hours cover depending on their level of experience. The banding supplement applicable upon
appointment will be determined by the current monitoring results for the rota.
ii) Research and Audit
Depending on the previous experience of the successful candidate, opportunities to take part in small
research or audit projects will be made available.
The post does not have educational approval from the Postgraduate Dean and will not be recognised for
training. Study leave within the United Kingdom will be in accordance with the terms and conditions of
service and application should be made through the microbiology department, NHS Lothian
Library Facilities
There is a library in the medical school adjacent to Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Postgraduate Medical Education Courses available in the locality:There are weekly clinical meetings within the department and a number of courses available both within
Lothian and outside.
The post is available until 02 August 2016.
For any informal enquires please contact:
Dr John Bremner, 0131 242 6006 or by email: john.bremner@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk, or
Dr Ingo Johannessen 0131 242 6003 or by email Ingolfur.Johannessen@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk
For a job pack detailing the minimum requirements for this post and associated training and development
opportunities, email medical.personnel@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk. Please quote reference: TG 852
Applicants must have:
MBBS or equivalent medical qualification
Application form
centre , preemployment check
Applicants must:
Be eligible for full registration with, and hold a current licence to practise from, the GMC at intended
start date
Have evidence of achievement of foundation competences from a UKFPO-affiliated foundation
programme or equivalent, by time of application in line with GMC standards/Good Medical Practice
Be eligible to work in the UK
Application form
Application form,
Language skills
Applicants must have demonstrable skills in written and spoken English, adequate to enable
effective communication about medical topics with patients and colleagues; as demonstrated by one
of the following:
Application form,
undergraduate medical training undertaken in English;
academic International English Language Testing System (IELTS) results showing a score of at least
7.0 in each domain (speaking, listening, reading, writing),with an overall score of at least 7.5, to be
achieved in a single sitting and within 24 months of the time of application
If applicants believe they have adequate communication skills, but do not have evidence in one of
the above forms, they must provide alternative supporting evidence of language skills
Career progression
Applicants must:
Be able to provide complete details of their employment history
Application form
Have evidence that their career progression is consistent with their personal circumstances
Have evidence that their present level of achievement and performance is commensurate with the totality
of their period of training
Not already hold, nor be eligible to hold, a CCT/CESR in the specialty and must not currently be eligible
for the specialist register for the specialty to which they are applying
Not have previously relinquished or been released / removed from a training programme in this
speciality, except under exceptional circumstances
For those wishing to be considered for Locum Appointment for Training posts (where available):
no more than 24 months’ experience in LAT posts in the specialty by intended start date
Fitness to practice
Is up to date and fit to practice safely
Application form,
Applicants must meet professional health requirements (in line with GMC standards / Good Medical
Application form,
health screening
Application completion
ALL sections of application form completed FULLY according to written guidelines
Application form
 Full MRCP (UK) at the time of application
As above
 Diploma in tropical medicine and hygiene
(DTM&H) or equivalent
Application form,
 Intercalated BSc or equivalent
 Higher degrees including MSc, PhD or MD
(where the research thesis is not part of first
medical degree)
Clinical Skills – Clinical Knowledge and Expertise
 Demonstrates awareness of the basics of
managing patients with infection, including
awareness of relevant medical microbiology and
virology laboratory techniques
 Evidence of some competences in the specialty,
as defined by the relevant curricula
 Evidence of skills in the management of acute
medical emergencies (e.g. ALERT, IMPACT
 Appropriate knowledge base, and ability to apply
sound clinical judgement to problems
Application form
 Evidence of skills in the management of patients
not requiring hospital admission
 Proficiency in a range of medical procedures as
an indication of manual dexterity and hand-eye
 Evidence of ST1 level procedural skills relevant to
medical patients
 Able to work without direct supervision
where appropriate
 Able to prioritise clinical need
 Able to maximise safety and minimise risk
Clinical Experience
Experience of managing patients with
Experience of laboratory work (including
research) relevant to infection
Application form
Personal Skills
Management and Leadership Skills:
Application form
Evidence of involvement in management
commensurate with experience
Demonstrates an understanding of NHS
management and resources
Evidence of effective multi-disciplinary team
working and leadership, supported by multi-source
feedback or other workplace based assessments
Evidence of effective leadership in and
outside medicine
Communication Skills:
Demonstrates clarity in written/spoken
communication, and capacity to adapt language to
the situation, as appropriate
Able to build rapport, listen, persuade and
Problem Solving and Decision Making:
Capacity to use logical/lateral thinking to solve
problems/make decisions, indicating an
analytical/scientific approach
Empathy and Sensitivity:
IT Skills:
Capacity to take in others’ perspectives and treat
others with understanding; sees patients as people
Demonstrates respect for all
Evidence of achievement outside medicine
Managing Others and Team Involvement:
Evidence of altruistic behaviour e.g. voluntary work
Able to work in multi professional teams and
supervise junior medical staff
Ability to show leadership, make decisions, organise
and motivate other team members; for the benefit of
patients through, for example, audit and quality
improvement projects
Capacity to work effectively with others
Demonstrates information technology skills
Organisation and Planning:
Capacity to manage/prioritise time and
information effectively
Capacity to prioritise own workload and organise
ward rounds
Evidence of thoroughness (is well prepared, shows
self-discipline/commitment, is punctual and meets
Vigilance and Situational Awareness:
Capacity to monitor developing situations and
anticipate issues
Coping with Pressure and Managing Uncertainty:
Capacity to operate under pressure
Demonstrates initiative and resilience to cope
with changing circumstances
Is able to deliver good clinical care in the face of
Understands, respects and demonstrates the
values of the NHS Constitution (e.g. everyone
counts; improving lives; commitment to quality of
care; respect and dignity; working together for
patients; compassion)
Career Progression
 Evidence that present achievement and
performance is commensurate with totality of
Probity – Professional Integrity
 Demonstrates probity (displays honesty,
integrity, aware of ethical dilemmas, respects
Capacity to take responsibility for own actions
Application form
centre, References
Commitment to Specialty – Learning and Personal Development
 Shows initiative/drive/enthusiasm (self-starter,
motivated, shows curiosity, initiative)
 Extracurricular activities / achievements
relevant to the specialty
 Demonstrable interest in, and understanding of,
the specialty
 Evidence of participation at meetings and
activities relevant to the specialty
 Commitment to personal and professional
 Evidence of attendance at organised teaching
and training programme(s)
Application form
 Evidence of self-reflective practice.
i ‘When evaluated’ is indicative, but may be carried out at any time throughout the selection process.
iv ‘Selection centre’ refers to a process, not a place. It involves a number of selection activities which may be
delivered within the unit of application.
v The GMC introduced the licence to practise in 2009. Any doctor wishing to practise in the UK after this date
must be both registered with and hold a licence to practise from the GMC at time of appointment.
vi ‘Intended start date’ refers to the date at which the post commences, not (necessarily) the time an offer is
ix Applicants are advised to visit the GMC website which gives details of evidence accepted for registration
xii For information on how experience in acute care common stem specialties will be counted, please visit the
ST3 recruitment website: http://www.st3recruitment.org.uk/am-i-eligible/experience-career-progression.html
xiv Applications will only be considered if applicants provide a Support for Reapplication to a Specialty Training
Programme form, signed by both the Training Programme Director/Head of School and the Postgraduate Dean
in the LETB/Deanery that the training took place. Extraordinary circumstances may be defined as a
demonstrated change in circumstances, which can be shown on the ability to train at that time and may include
severe personal illness or family caring responsibility incompatible with continuing to train. Completed forms
must be submitted at the time of application. No other evidence will be accepted.
xv Evidence can include portfolio, logbook, ARCP, or equivalent. Where relevant/applicable, workplace-based
assessments (eg CbD, mini-CEX, ACAT, DOPS, MSF, or equivalent) may also be used to demonstrate
achievement of competences.
The NHS Constitution - the NHS belongs to us all 26 March, 2013
http://www.nhs.uk/choiceintheNHS/Rightsandpledges/NHSConstitution/Documents/2013/the-nhs-constitutionfor-england-2013.pdf, accessed August 13, 2014