Past and Future Temperature Evolution off West Svalbard Arctic Ocean To arrive at appropriate starting conditions for modeling the next three centuries, we preconditioned the model of the present-day gas hydrate system, using a combination of measured and estimated records of temperature for the past two millennia. Temperature series were constructed for a period of 2005 yr at 350, 400, 420, 450, 500, 600, 700 and 800 m water depth (mwd) (Figure S1a) on a transect across the margin (Figure 1). To model the period 1975-2005, we used near-seabed temperature means at the above water depths, given by May-to-October CTD measurements in our study area, from Westbrook et al. [2009, Figure 3b] and the temperature anomalies, temperature deviations from the mean at that period, at 400 mwd from Thatcher et al. [2013]. The temperature anomalies for the other water depths were calculated by scaling the variation in temperature measured at 400 mwd in proportion to the ratio between the standard deviation from the mean at each depth and the standard deviation from the mean at 400 mwd. We took the variation of standard deviation of temperature with depth from the profiles of Polyakov et al. [2003, Figure 2] and, assuming that the temperature variability with depth at the profile location, 82.85°N 25.79°E, is the same as that in our study site, scaled these standard deviations to be appropriate to our study transect using the ratio between the standard deviation of the temperature anomalies at 400 mwd at the study transect and 400 mwd at Polyakov et al.’s [2003] profile. For the period 1950-1975, we used mean values for the period 1975-2005 from Westbrook et al. [2009], and the anomalies from Ocean Station Mike at 50 mwd [Holliday et al., 2008]. These anomalies were scaled to match the standard deviation of the anomalies for the period 1975-2005 for each water depth. For the period 1900-1950, we used the mean temperature and 15-year-running mean anomalies at 150-300 mwd for region 4 from Polyakov [2004]. For each water depth, these anomalies were scaled to match the standard deviation of the anomalies for the period 1950-1975, and the temperatures were offset to make the temperature at 1950 the same as the mean for the period 1950-2005. For the period 1-1900, we used 50year-running summer temperature means at 50 mwd, obtained from planktic foraminifera proxy data in a borehole nearby our study area and using the SINMAX modern analog technique [Spielhagen et al., 2011], and scaled them to our location and water depths by applying a linear regression between the near-surface temperatures at the site of Spielhagen et al. [2011] and the temperatures at the water depths along our transect given by the ocean/sea-ice model NEMO [Madec, 2012] at 1/12° resolution (ORCA12). The temperatures for this period were offset to make the temperature at 1900 the same as the mean for the period 1900-1950. The temperatures for the period 2005-2300 were mean annual seabed temperatures given by climate models HadGEM2 [Collins et al., 2011a, 2011b] and CCSM4 [Gent et al., 2011] under climate-forcing scenarios Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) 8.5 and 2.6 [Moss et al., 2010], except for that from CCSM4 model RCP 8.5 which goes from 2005-2250 (Figures 2a and 2b). These temperatures were interpolated to our study location and offset (Table S1) to make the temperature at 2005 the same as the mean temperature for the period 1975-2005 given by CTD measurements in our study area. 1900 4 1940 1980 2005 2 Temperature [°C] 4 3 0 Water Depth [m] 350 400 450 RWP 500 DACP 600 700 IP 800 MCA LIA 2 1 Methane Flow [mol! y-1m-2] 0 (a) -1 100 1 1940 1900 100 1E-5 1980 2005 1 1E-10 0.01 1E-20 1 (b) 200 400 600 800 1000 Time [yr] 1200 1400 1600 1800 2005 Figure S1. (a) Past temperature constructed for our study transect (Figure 1) for the period 1-2005 yr and for 800, 700, 600, 500, 450, 400, 350 meters water depth (mwd). This period is subdivided into the Roman Warm Period (RWP, until ~600 CE), the Dark Ages Cold Period (DACP, ~600 to ~900 CE), the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA, ~900 to ~1500 CE), the Little Ice Age (LIA, ~1500 to ~1900 CE), and the Industrial Period (IP) [Spielhagen et al., 2011]. Temperature data were obtained from Spielhagen et al., [2011] for the period 1-1900, from Polyakov [2004] for 1900-1950, from Holliday et al. [2008] for 950-1975, and from Westbrook et al. [2009] and Thatcher et al. [2013] for 1975-2005. (b) Methane flow at the seabed. The insets in (a-b) show details for the period 1900-2005. Note that at 350 mwd (red line), the increase in methane outflow at ~1967 yr is due to free methane gas coming from the deeper part of the model contributing to the methane outflow in the upper part. Table S1: Temperature bias at 2005 yr given by the climate models with respect to the mean seabed temperature for the period 1975-2005 given by CTD measurements in our study area [Westbrook et al., 2009]. Positive temperature offsets indicate higher temperatures predicted by the climate models. 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