CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Thank you for taking the time to fill out the overview form. This information will greatly assist us in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. All information is strictly confidential as required by law and our center’s privacy policy. INTAKE FORM Name: __________________________________ Date: _______________ Date of Birth: _____________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email: ______________________________________ Occupation: _______________________ Age: ___________ Telephone Mobile: ___________________________________ Home: ___________________________________ Emergency Contact Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Relation: ________________________ Spouse/ Partner Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Children Names & Ages: _________________________________________________________________________ How did you hear about the Cameron Wellness Center? ________________________________________________ Health Information Please list your health concerns in order of importance to you, and the date of onset: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Please list your most stressful life experiences: 1. Age: _______ 2. Age: _______ 3. Age: _______ 4. Age: _______ 5. Age: _______ 1 CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Supplements & Drug Medications Please list all vitamins, minerals, herbs, and/or homeopathic remedies you are currently taking. Supplement Dose/day How long Reason Please list all medications you are currently taking (prescription and over-the-counter). Medication Are the medications well tolerated? medication: Dose/day Y N How long If no, please list the adverse reactions or side effects and from which In the last 10 years, approximately how many courses of antibiotics have you taken? Medical History Please indicate if you have had any of the following diagnostic tests performed: Test Reason Date Notable finding Thyroid Panel Liver Panel Complete blood count Blood sugar test Colonoscopy Food Allergy Heavy Metals Digestive Stool Analysis Cholesterol Hormone level EKG Chest x-ray Mammography Thermography Adrenal Function Other 2 CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Date of last physical exam: _____________ Findings: __________________________________________________ Please list any past surgeries or hospitalizations with approximate dates: Please list all past injuries (i.e. broken bones, joint sprains, burns, falls, car accidents, etc.) with dates: List all dental work and the approximate date of the procedure (root canal, mercury or ceramic filling, implants, caps, dentures): Indicate if you have had any of the following: Childhood Illnesses O Asthma O Measles O Rheumatic fever O Chicken pox O Mumps O Scarlet fever O Eczema O Polio O Whooping cough O Frequent ear infections or colds O Rubella O Hepatitis A O Diphtheria O Pertussis O Hepatitis B O Mumps O Rubella O Tetanus O Flu Shot O Polio Vaccination History O O O O Measles Small pox Chicken pox Shingles Other Medical Procedures O Joint replacement O Pacemaker What is your blood type? A+ O Pins or plates B+ O+ AB+ A- B- Height: __________ Current Weight: __________ Weight 1 yr. ago: __________ Maximum weight: __________ When? __________ Desired weight: __________ 3 O- AB- CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Review of Systems Circle if the symptom has occurred in the last year. Place a check mark if the symptom has occurred in the past. General weight gain weight loss significant wt. loss significant wt. gain history of dieting chronic fatigue afternoon fatigue weakness excessive thirst anemia night sweats fever chills sick more than 1 time/ yr intolerance to heat intolerance to cold cold hands/ feet other: Skin dry skin itchy skin rashes hives moist skin bruising easily acne eczema psoriasis shingles ringworm athlete’s foot moles bumpy skin on back of arms spider/ varicose veins changes to nails changes to skin color changes to moles nail fungus nail ridges other: Head headaches migraines dizziness vertigo trauma hair loss other: Eyes dry eyes watery eyes itchy eyes eye pain red eyes discharge from eyes floaters blurred vision impaired vision double vision eyes sensitive to light poor night vision cataracts vision loss other: vision correction: vision: near/ far contacts glasses laser Ears ear pain itchy ears waxy ears discharge from ears ringing in ears hearing loss ear infections ear infections as a child hearing aids other: Nose & Sinuses itchy nose discharge from nose congested nose/sinuses post nasal drip nosebleeds loss of smell breathes through mouth snores other: Mouth & Throat dry mouth itchy mouth/throat sores on mouth/lips hay fever/allergies bad breath root canals implants frequent sore throat coughing up blood persistent cough difficulty swallowing loss of taste hoarseness dentures inflamed/bleeding gums cavities braces teeth sensitivity jaw clicks TMJ treatment for strep as a child… other: Neck neck pain or stiffness swollen glands trauma other: Respiratory shortness of breath wheezing pain w/ breathing chronic cough coughing up blood asthma allergies bronchitis/pneumonia positive TB test history of smoking exposure to chemicals exposure to solvents exposure to particulates history of 2nd hand smoke other: Cardiovascular high blood pressure low blood pressure high cholesterol high glucose chest pain heaviness in legs cold hands/feet feel heart racing chest tightness difficulty breathing at night palpitations swelling in ankles heart fluttering purple fingers/lips irregular heartbeat heart murmur dizziness on standing exhaustion with minor exertion hemorrhoids spider veins calf pain at night calf pain walking other: 4 CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Circle if the symptom has occurred in the last year. Place a check mark if the symptom has occurred in the past. Gastrointestinal poor appetite excessive appetite changes in appetite excessive thirst trouble swallowing stomach pain nausea/vomiting burping/belching abdominal pain abdominal bloating gas/flatulence indigestion heartburn/antacid use constipation (<1 stool/day) stool hard to pass foul smelling stools loose stools (break up when in water) diarrhea blood in stools black tar in stools mucous in stools undigested food in stools stool shape: -one piece -hard little pellets -breaks up in water -other: Endocrine hypothyroid hyperthyroid hypoglycemia excessive thirst heat or cold intolerance diabetes fatigue poor appetite excessive hunger seasonal depression unexplained weight loss easy weight gain other: Immune slow wound healing reactions to vaccinations chronic fatigue syndrome chronically swollen glands chronic infections other: Neurological fainting dizziness/vertigo numbness or tingling trembling hands head trauma poor concentration memory loss lack of alertness loss of grip strength loss of muscle tone muscle weakness head heavy heavy extremities other: Urinary frequent urination urinate <3 times/day can’t hold urine urination with cough or sneeze light yellow urine yellow urine yellow dark urine red urine cloudy urine strong smelling urine Kidney infections bladder infections urination at night pain/burning urination dripping after urination bed-wetting other: Musculoskeletal pain in: -arms -shoulders -upper back -hips -feet -hands -neck -lower back -legs painful bones tight shoulder muscles swollen knees/elbows numbness/tingling burning spasms/cramps morning stiffness chronic pain loss of height unable to sit straight activities limited due to pain arthritis herniated/slipped disk tendonitis osteoporosis broken bones other: 5 Color: -yellow -green -light brown -dark brown -black intolerance to specific foods fatigue after eating food sensitivity anal itching liver disease gallbladder disease treated for parasites ulcers hemorrhoids other: CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Women Only Heaviest flow day: Sexually active Y N Age of first menses: # of pads/tampons on heaviest day: Which gender are you sexually active with? -Men -Women –Both Length of period: # pregnancies: Type of birth control: Length of cycle: # live births: Type of STD control: condoms/ monogamy/ other: Date of last menses: Circle if the symptom has occurred in the last year. Place a check mark if the symptom has occurred in the past. Women Only Clots with period Menstrual cramps Wt. gain with period Spotting between periods PMS Irritability Moodiness Tendency to cry Bloating/swelling Breast tenderness Low back pain Fatigue with period Missed periods Irregular periods PMS Lack of sexual desire Vaginal itching Vaginal discharge Vaginal odor Yeast infections Vaginal mucosa dry Painful intercourse Painful masturbation History of STDs Y N Tested for STDs Y N Uterine fibroids Hysterectomy Use of birth control pills for greater than 10 yrs? Monthly breast self-exam Y N Use of hormone replacement: Breast feed your child Age of menopause: ____ # of mammograms Hot flashes Fibrous breast Breast implants Vaginal dryness Abnormal mammogram Difficulty conceiving Changes in cycle Moodiness Menopause Nipple discharge Brain fog Ovarian cysts Other: Men Only Sexually active? Y N Type of birth control: History of STDs Y N Sense of full bladder Discharge from penis Testicular lump Difficult urinating Sore on penis Breast lump Burning/pain w/ urination Wake up to urinate Infertile Lack of sexual drive Sexual difficulties History of prostatitis Enlarged prostate Prostate exam? Y N PSA test? Y N Prostate cancer Increased straining w/ urination Hernias Other: 6 CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Please indicate whether any family members have had any of the following: (Include parents, siblings, maternal grandparents (MGP), paternal grandparents (PGP), aunts, uncles. Include age and cause of death if applicable.) Relation to you Relation to you O Alcoholism O Diabetes O Allergies O Drug Abuse O Alzheimer’s disease O Heart disease O Arthritis O High blood pressure O Asthma O Kidney disease O Cancer (indicate type) O Osteoporosis O Depression O Stroke O Epilepsy O Anemia O Autoimmune condition O Glaucoma O Skin condition O Tuberculosis O Thyroid condition O Other medical illness 7 CAMERON Wellness Center 1945 S 1100 E Suite 100 801-486-4226 Salt Lake City, UT 84106 Please list all allergies (food, medication, environmental): Rate your stress level (1=low, 10=high) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Which factors most contribute to your stress? O health O work O money O family O marriage Please describe: What brings you joy? Any additional information about your health that you would like to share: Thank you for taking the time to fill out the overview form. This information will greatly assist us in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. All information is strictly confidential as required by law and our center’s privacy policy. 8