File - WKC Anatomy and Physiology

Appendicular Skeleton: A Checklist of Bones and Select Bony
The appendicular skeleton is composed of 126 bones organized into:
o 2 pectoral girdles
o 2 upper limbs
o 1 pelvic girdle
o 2 lower limbs
The Pectoral Girdle:
The pectoral girdle attaches the upper limb to the axial skeleton
Each pectoral girdle is composed of 2 bones
o Clavicle (collar bone)
o Scapula (shoulder blade)
 -Spine
 -Acromion
 -Glenoid cavity
 -Coracoid process
 -Supraspinous fossa
 -Infraspinous fossa
 -Subscapular fossa
 -Lateral (axillary) border
 -Medial (vertebral) border
The Upper Limb:
The upper limb is composed of 30 bones
o Humerus (arm bone)
 Head
 Anatomical neck
 Greater tubercle
 Lesser tubercle
 Deltoid tuberosity
 Trochlea
 Capitulum
 Medial epicondyle
 Lateral epicondyle
 Radial fossa
 Coronoid fossa
 Olecranon fossa
o Ulna (medial bone of forearm)
 Olecranon
 Coronoid process
 Trochlear notch
 Styloid process
 Radial notch
o Radius (lateral bone of forearm):
 Head
 Radial tuberosity
 Styloid process
o Carpus (wrist):
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Jason Taylor MSc
 Composed of 8 carpal bones – you don’t have to know their names!
Metacarpus (Palm of Hand):
 Composed of 5 metacarpal bones
Phalanges (fingers and thumb):
 Each finger composed of 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)
 Thumb composed of 2 phalanges (proximal and distal)
Pelvic Girdle:
The pelvic girdle attaches the lower limb to the axial skeleton
Composed of two hip bones called the ossa coxae
o Each os coxa is formed by the fusion of 3 bones:
 Ilium
 Iliac crest
 Anterior superior iliac spine
 Anterior inferior iliac spine
 Posterior superior iliac spine
 Posterior inferior iliac spine
 Greater sciatic notch
 Iliac fossa
 Ischium:
 Ischial tuberosity
 Ischial spine
 Lesser sciatic notch
 pubis
 pubic symphysis
 Bone markings formed by ilium, ischium, and pubis:
 Acetabulum
 Obturator foramen
 Pelvic Brim
 True pelvis (surrounds pelvic cavity)
 False pelvis
 Pelvic inlet (superior opening)
 Pelvic outlet (inferior opening)
The Lower Limb:
The upper limb is composed of 30 bones
o Femur (thigh bone):
 Head
 Neck
 Greater trochanter
 Lesser trochanter
 Medial condyle
 Lateral condyle
 Intercondylar fossa
 Medial epicondyle
 Lateral epicondyle
 Gluteal tuberosity
 Linea aspera
o Patella (knee cap)
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Jason Taylor MSc
Tibia (medial leg bone)
 Medial condyle
 Lateral condyle
 Tibial tuberosity
 Anterior border (crest)
 Medial malleolus
Fibula (lateral leg bone):
 Lateral malleolus is distal and articulates with the talus laterally.
 Head
 Lateral malleolus
Tarsus (ankle):
 Composed of 7 carpal bones; need to know 2:
 Calcaneus (heel bone; largest tarsal bone)
 Talus
 Composed of 5 metacarpal bones
Phalanges (toes and big toe):
 Each toe composed of 3 phalanges (proximal, middle, distal)
 Big toe composed of 2 phalanges (proximal and distal)
The Knee Joint
Classified as a diarthrotic synovial joint.
Main parts:
o Menisci
o Medial collateral (tibial) ligament
o Lateral collateral (fibular) ligament
o Anterior cruciate ligament
o Posterior cruciate ligament
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Jason Taylor MSc