NAME LABTIME/DATE TheAppendicular Skeleton Bonesof the PectoralGirdleand UpperExtremity 1. Match the bone namesor markings in column B with the descriptionsin column A. Column B ColurnnA s; deltoidtuberosiry 1. raised areaon lateral surfaceof humerusto which deltoid muscle attaches i: humerus 2. arm bone a. acromion b. capitulum c. carpals p; scapula 3. bonesofthe shouldersirdle o; radius t; ulna 4. forearm bones a: acromlon 5. scapularregion to which the clavicleconnects D: scaDula 6. shouldergirdle bonethat is unattachedto the axial skeleton d; clavicle 7. shoulder girdle bone that articulateswith and transmits forces d; clavicle , d. clavicle e. coracoidprocess f. coronoidfossa g. deltoid tuberosity to the bony thorax h. glenoidcavity h; glenoid cavity 8 . depressionin the scapulathat articulateswith the humerus i, humerus e; coracoidprocess 9. processabove the glenoid cavity that permits muscle attachment J. metacarpals d; clavicle 10. the "collarbone" k. olecranonfossa s; trochlea l l . distal condyle of the humerusthat articulateswith the ulna l . olecranonprocess t; ulna 12. medial bone of forearm in anatomicalposition m. phalanges b: caoitulum 13. rounded knob on the humerus; adjoins the radius n. radial tuberosity f: coronoid fossa 14. anterior depression,superior to the trochlea, which receivespart o. radius of the ulna when the forearm is flexed p. scapula t: ulna 15. forearm bone involved in formation of the elbow joint c; carpals 16. wrist bones m; phalanRes t7. finger bones i; metacarpals 18. headsof thesebonesform the knuckles q. sternum r. styloid process s. trochlea p; scapula a: sternum t. ulna 19. bonesthat articulate with the clavicle 69 ) How is the arm held clear of the widest dimension of the thoracic caee? Theclavicleactsas a strut to hold theglenoidcavityof thescapula(thereforethearm) Iaterallyawayfrom the narrowestdimensionof therib cage. 3. What is the total number of phalangesin the hand? l4 4. What is the total number of carpalsin the wrist? i Name the carpals (medial to lateral) in the proximal row. pisiform'triangular'Iunate'scaphoid In the distal row. thev are (medial to lateral) hamare,capitate, trapezoid, trapezium 5. Using items from the list at the right, identify the anatomicallandmarks and regions of the scapula. Key: a. acromion b. coracoidprocess c. glenoid cavity d. inferior angle infraspinousfossa 1 f. lateral border b' o medial border h. spine i. superior angle J. superior border k. suprascapularnotch L 70 ReviewSheet1''l supraspinousfossa Match the terms in the key with the appropriateleader lines on the drawings of the humerus and the radius and ulna. Also decide whether the bones shown are right or left bonesand whether the view shown is an anterior or a posterior view. k Key: a. anatomical neck b. coronoid process c. distalradioulnarjoint d. greater tubercle e. head of humerus f. headofradius g. headof ulna h. lateral epicondyle i. medial epicondyle j. olecranonfossa k, olecranonprocess l. proximal radioulnarjoint m. radial groove n. radial notch o. radial tuberosity p. styloid processofradius q. styloid processofulna r. surgicalneck s. trochlea t. trochlearnotch Circle the correct term for each pair in parentheses: ThehumerusisaGigfri}eft)bonein{ananterior@view.TheradiusandulnaareGiEfri}eft)bonesin@ a posterior)view. Bonesof the PelvicGirdleand LowerLimb 7. Compare the pectoral and pelvic girdles by choosing appropriatedescriptive terms from the key. Key: a. b. c. flexibility most important massive lightweight Pectoral: 8. a , -----!-, d. e. f. insecureaxial and limb attachments secureaxial and limb attachments weight-bearingmost important Pelvic: -----3-, What organs are protected, at least in part, by the pelvic girdle? I lterur f lfpmnlpl urinnru hlndder tmnll intectine rprhtm ReviewSheet11 71 9. Distinguish between the true pelvis and the false pelvis. Thetruepelvisis theregioninferior to thepelvic brim, whichis encircled by bone.Thefalsepelvisis theareamedialto theflarin| iliac bonesandliessuperiorto thepelvic brim. 10. Use letters from the key to identify the bone markings on this illustration of an articulated pelvis. Make an educatedguess as to whether the illustration shows a male or female pelvis and provide two reasonsfor your decision. Key: This is u male a. acetabulum b. ala of sacrum c. anterior superior iliac spine d. iliac crest e. iliac fossa f. ischial spine g. pelvic brim h. pubic crest i. pubic symphysis j. sacroiliacjoint k. sacrum (female/male)pelvis because; Acetabula are close together; pubic anglelarch is lessthan 90"; narrow sacrum, heart-shapedpelvic inlet 11. Deduce why the pelvic bones of a fourJegged animal such as the cat or pig are much less massive than those of the human. Thepelvicgirdle doesnot haveto carry theentireweightof thetrunkin thequadrupedanimal. 12. A person instinctively curls over his abdominal areain times of danger.Why? Abdominal area orRansreceive the least protectionfrom theskeletalsystem. 13. For what anatomical reasondo many women appearto be slightly knock-kneedl Thepelvisis broaderand theacetabula and ilia are more laterally positioned. Thus, thefemur runs downward to the knee more obliquely than in the male 14. What doesfallen arches mean? A weakening,of the tendonsand lig,amentssupportinl the arches of the foot. 72 ReviewSheet11 15. Matchthe bonenamesandrnarkingsin columnB with thedescriptions in columnA. ColumnA Column B a. acetabulum i: ilium k; ischium t; pubis l . fuseto form thecoxalbone k; ischium 2. "sit-down"boneof thecoxalbone c. femur s; pubic symphysis 3. point wherethecoxalbonesjoin anteriorly d. fibula h; iliac crest 4. superiormost marginof thecoxalbone a; acetabulum 5. deepsocketin thecoxalbonethatreceivesthe headof the and thighbone u; sacroiliacjoint 6. joint betweenaxial skeleton and pelvic girdle c; Iemur 7. longest, strongestbone in body d: fibula 8. thin lateral leg bone x; tibia 9. heavy medial leg bone c; femur x; tibia 10. bonesforming kneejoint .r; patella 12. kneecap x; tibia 13. shinbone o: medial malleolus 14. medial ankle projection l: 15. lateral ankle projection lateral malleolus metatarsals obturator foramen 17. ankle bones p; metatarsals 18. bonesforming the instep of the foot q; obturatorforamcn 19. opening in hip bone formed by the pubic and ischial rami v; talus ischium medial malleolus w; tarsals x; tibia iliac crest Iinea aspera 16. largest tarsal bone v: talus greater sciatic notch lessersciatic notch b: calcaneus un1j f; gregterand lessertroclnnters f. greater and lesser trochanters ischial tuberosity 11. point wherethepatellarligamentattaches e; glutealtubergsity e. gluteal tuberosity ilium y; tibial tuberosity lateral malleolus b. calcaneus patella 20. sites of muscle attachmenton theproximalfemur 21. tarsalbonethat "sits" on the calcaneus 22. weight-bearing bone of the leg 23, tarsal bone that articulateswith the tibia pubic symphysis pubis sacroiliacjoint talus tarsals tibia tibial tuberosity Review Sheet 11 73 16. Match the terms in the key with the appropriateleader lines on the drawings of the femur and the tibia and fibula. Also decide if thesebones are right or left bones and whether the view shown is an anterior or a posterior view. Key: a. distal tibiofibularjoint b. fovea capitis c. gluteal tuberosity d. greater trochanter e. headof femur f. head of fibula g. intercondylareminence h. intertrochantericcrest i. lateralcondyle j. lateralepicondyle k. lateral malleolus l. lesserffochanter m. medial condyle n. medial epicondyle o. medial malleolus p. neck of femur q. proximal tibiofibular joint r. tibial anterior border S. tibial tuberosity Circle the correct term for eachpair in parentheses: ThefemurisaGlgtr?Deft)bonein(ananterio.@view.Thetibiaandfibulaare(Etr}tert)bonesin@ a posterior) view. Summaryof Skeleton 17. Identify all indicated bones (or groups of bones) in the diagram of the articulated skeleton on page 73. 74 ReviewSheet11