Annexure-I Draft Upcoming Transmission System in Southern Region (Transmission Schemes) (A) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS): a. Projects identified for implementation through Tariff based Competitive Bidding (TBCB) route: T1. Talcher-II Augmentation System - (D4) T2. Transmission System Associated with Krishnapattnam UMPP- Synchronous interconnection between SR and WR (Part-B) – (D1) T3. Transmission system associated with IPPs of Nagapattinam / Cuddalore Area – Package A – (D12) T4. Transmission System associated with IPPs of Vemagiri Area- Package A – (D5) T5. System Strengthening in Southern region for import of power from Eastern region – (D5) T6. Transmission System required for evacuation of power from Kudgi TPS (3x800 MW in Phase-I) of NTPC Limited. – (D2) T7. Transmission System for Connectivity for NCC Power Projects Ltd (1320 MW) – (D6) T8. Connectivity lines for Maheshwaram (Hyderabad) 765/400 kV Pooling Station. – (D3) T9. Transmission System for LTA of 400 MW for 2x500 MW Neyveli Lignite (Replacement) (NNTPS) in Neyveli – (D8) Corporation Ltd. TS-I T10. Mangalore (Udupi PCL)-Kasargode-Kozhikode (Areacode) 400 kV Link – (D12) b. Projects identified for implementation through Regulatory Tariff route (PGCIL): P1. Transmission System Associated with KRISHNAPATNAM UMPP - Part – B – (D1) P2. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-A – (D4) P3. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-B – (D4) P4. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-C – (D4) P5. System Strengthening - XVII in Southern Regional Grid - (D1) P6. Kaiga 3 & 4 Trans. System (Balance Line). (All elements completed progressively from Jan'08 to May08 except 400KV D/C Mysore-Kozhikode line) – (D12) P7. Kudankulam - APP Transmission System (Balance lines) – (D10) P8. System Strengthening - XII of SR – (D2) P9. Supplementary Transmission System Associated with Vallur TPS – (D7) 1 Annexure-I P10. Common System Associated with ISGS Projects in Krishnapatnam area of Andhra Pradesh. (Revised BPTA Schedule - Sep'14) – (D6) P11. Common System Associated with Costal Energen Private Ltd and Ind-Barath Power Ltd. (LTOA) Gen. Proj. in Tuticorin area Part - B. (Revised BPTA Schedule - Dec'14) – (D12) P12. System Strengthening - XIII of SR Grid – (D2) P13. System Strengthening in SR – XIV – (D12) P14. Common System Associated with Costal Energen Private Ltd and Ind-Barath Power Ltd. (LTOA) Gen. Proj. in Tuticorin area Part – A – (D12) P15. Transmission System Associated with Krishnapatnam UMPP - Part - C1 – (D6) P16. Transmission System for Connectivity of Thermal Powertech Corporation (I) Ltd. – (D6) P17. Common Trans. Scheme Associated with ISGS Project in Vemagiri Area of Andhra Pradesh Part - A1. (Scheme under review in view of CERC direction) – (D4) P18. System Strengthening in SR - XVIII (Compln Sch. : 29 months from IA.) – (D6,D7) P19. System Strengthening in SR - XIX (Compln Sch. : 27 months from IA.) – (D6, D7) P20. Common Transmission Scheme Associated with ISGS Projects in Nagapattinam/ Cuddalore area of Tamil Nadu - Part-A (a) [ Compln Sch. : 21 months from IA.] – (D8) P21. Transmission System Associated with Contingency plan for Evacuation of Power from IL&FS (2x600MW) (Compln Sch. : 18 months from IA.) – (D8) P22. System Strengthening in SR - XXII (Compln Sch. : 30 months from IA.) – (D6) P23. Substation Extn. works associated with Trans. System Required for Evacuation of Power from Kudgi TPS (3x800 MW -Ph-I) of NTPC [Compln Sch. : 22 months from IA.] – (D1) (B) Intra-State Transmission System (Intra-STS): a. Andhra Pradesh & Telangana: A1. Short Gestation Power Transmission Scheme –II (400 KV Narasaraopet connected lines) – (D6) A2. LILO of Srisailam - Mamidipalii 400 KV line to the proposed 400 KV Yedumalaram SS – (D3) A3. ATS for Evacuation of Power from HNPCL (1040 MW) Power Plant – (D5) A4. Rayalaseema Power Transmission Scheme – (D6) A5. Jaipur Power Transmission Scheme – (D3) A6. Krishnapatnam Power Transmission Scheme – (D6) A7. Transmission system for Evacuation of Wind Power in Kadappa, Anantpur & Kurnool Districts of AP – (D6) A8. Indira Sagar Rudramakota Lift Irrigation Scheme – (D5) 2 Annexure-I A9. Transmission System Improvement Scheme at Vizianagaram & Srikakulam Districts – (D4) b. TamilNadu: TN1. 400 KV D/C Line with Quadruple Moose ACSR from Karaikudi 400 KV PGCIL SS to 400 KV Kayathar SS – (D10) TN2. 400 KV D/C Line with Quadruple Moose ACSR from Karaikudi 400 KV PGCIL SS to Pugalur 400 KV PGCIL SS – (D10) TN3. 400 KV D/C Line from Pugalur with one circuit to Ottiyambakkam and another circuit to Kalivanthapattu – (D10) TN4. 400 KV D/C Line from MTPS - Singarapet 400 KV S/S – (D9) TN5. 400 KV D/C Line on multi circuit towers with twin moose conductor from the proposed Thervaikandikai 400 KV SS to the proposed Korattur 400 KV SS and Manali 400 KV SS upto the common point and related system – (D7) TN6. 400 KV Line (4 Nos. circuits on multi circuit towers) with twin moose conductor from proposed Karamadai 400 KV SS to LILO the "400 KV MTPS Stage III - PGCIL Arasur Line" – (D9) TN7. 400 KV D/C Line on Towers with Quad Moose from Tirunelveli SS (Ahishekapatty) to the proposed Kanarpatty 400 KV SS (D10) TN8. Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with twin moose conductor from the proposed Thappakundu SS to 400 KV Anaikadavu SS – (D9) TN9. Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with twin moose conductor from the proposed Rasipalayam SS to 400 KV Anaikadavu SS – (D9) TN10. Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with quadraple moose conductor from the proposed Rasipalayam SS to 765 KV Salem SS – (D9) TN11. Erection of 400 KV D/C quad Line from MTPS Stage - III to the proposed 400 KV Thiruvalam Sub Station – (D9) TN12. Erection of 400 KV D/C Twin Line from the proposed 400 KV Thiruvalam SS to Alamathy 400 KV SS upto the common point near Kanagammachatram (LILO of point of 400 KV Nellore - Sriperumbudur D/C Line to Alamathy 400 KV SS) – (D7) TN13. 400 KV M/C tower Line from NCTPS Stg-II to Almatti 400 KV S/S with Twin Moose ACSR – (D7) TN14. 400 kV D/C Line from Kalivanthapattu 400 KV S/S to Sholinganallur 400 KV S/S – (D7) c. Karnataka 400 kV Substations: K1. 400/200 kV Nelamangala : Additional transformer (3rd) K2. 400 kV Hoody, Bangalore Rural : 3rd 500 MVA Transformer 3 Annexure-I (C ) Additional Schemes discussed in various meetings of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning for Southern Region and are expected to be realized in the coming five years: S1. Wardha-Hyderabad 765 kV D/C line – (D3) S2. Additional TPS for Rayalseema TPS – (D7) S3. ATS for ETPS Expansion(1x660 MW) – (D7) S4. ATS for Ennore SEZ/NCTPS Stage IV(2x660 MW) – (D7) S5. ATS for NCTPS Stage III(1x800 MW) – (D7) S6. ATS for ETPS Replacement (1x660 MW) – (D7) S7. ATS for M/S OPG Power Generation Limited (2x360 MW) – (D7) S8. Establishment of 765/400 kV Pooling Station in North Chennai Area – (D7) S9. Establishment of 400/230 kV Pooling Station at Pulianthope as System Strengthening – (D7) S10. Establishment of 765/400/230 kV S/s at Kilpennathur – (D9) S11. Establishment of 765/400/230 kV S/S in Coimbatore Region (Upgradation of Rasipalayam 400 kV S/S) – (D9) S12. ATS for proposed power plants at Udangudi (3x600 MW) – (D10) S13. Transmission System proposed Pooling Station for Solar Power Evacuation – (D9) S14. Kayathar-Kovilpatty(Tuticorin Pooling Point) 400 kV D/C Line for additional connectivity with ISTS and increased reliability – (D10) S15. Transmission System proposed for Evacuation of Power from NLC TS I Replacement/NNTPS-(2x500 MW) – (D8) S16. Transmission Requirement for AP for 2013-14 – (D3, D6) S17. WR-SR HVDC Bipole Link(Raighar {Chhatisgarh} - Pugalur {Tamil Nadu} – (D8) S18. System Strengthening within Southern Region – (D6, D7) S19. Transmission system of KPTCL for evacuation of power from Yeramarus (2x800 MW) and Edlapur (1x800 MW) TPP’s – (D2) S20. TNEB/TANTRANSCO proposals for evacuation of power from Plants of Gumminipoondi area and future load growth in Chennai Area – (D7) S21. Transmission System Associated with Kudankulam APP – (D10) S22. Nirmal 400 kV S/s and Transmission system for Singareni Colleries (SCCL) Generation Project (2x600 MW) – (D3) S23. Establishment of Narsapur 400 kV S/s and Transmission system for Singareni Colleries (SCCL) Generation Project (2x600 MW) – (D3) S24. Common Transmission System Associated with IPP projects in Vemagiri Area, Andhra Pradesh – (D5) S25. Transmission system associated with IPPs of Vemagiri Area- Package B (TBCB) – (D5) S26. ISTS wind power evacuation scheme for Southern Region – (D11) S27. Wind power evacuation schemes of Tamilnadu – (D11) 4 Annexure-I S28. Karnataka wind power evacuation from Doni area (expected wind addition up to 2016-17 400 MW) – (D2) S29. Wind power evacuation schemes of Andhra Pradesh – (D6) Note: 1. The diagram number in which the scheme was shown was given at the end of each scheme in parentheses. 2. The diagrams are provided in the end. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A) Inter State Transmission System (ISTS) Network: a. Projects identified for implementation through TBCB route: T1. Talcher-II Augmentation System. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity (i) Talcher II- Rourkela 400 kV D/C Quad line 161 (ii)Talcher II – Behrampur 400 kV D/C line 220 (iii)Behrampur- Gazuwaka 400 kV D/C line 290 (iv) 400/220 kV, 2x315 MVA Behrampur S/S 2x315 Implementing Agency/ Milestones Target date Constraints/ Remarks M/s Talcher Transmission Company Limited (M/s Reliance Power Transmission Company Limited) September , 2013 1) TTCL had approached CERC for time extension for commissioning and revision of tariff on the ground of force majeure in May, 2011. CERC issued final order on 9.5.2013 directing project authority to approach beneficiaries for time extension. 2) TTCL call meeting in May 2013 with beneficiaries, but no final decision could be arrived. 3) Matter in Appellate tribunal challenging the order of CERC dated 9.5.2013. 4) 23rd SRPC Meeting (14.03.2014) TTCL had sought enhancement of Tr. Charges by 86% after APTEL’s Order. TANTRANSCO had approached Hon’ble Supreme Court To be referred to SCPSPSR for review. (1) LOI placed on 18/12/09 (2) Special purpose vehicle acquired on 27/04/10 (3) Transmission License received on 08/11/10 (4) Clearance under sec-164 received on 12.9.2011 (5) Tariff adoption approval on 4.11.2010 (6) work yet to start (7) Scheduled completion: Sept 2013. 5 Annexure-I T2. Transmission System Associated with Krishnapattnam interconnection between SR and WR (Part-B) Transmission elements (i) Raichur-Sholapur 765 kV S/C line-1 Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 208 UMPP- Synchronous Implementing Agency /Milestones Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks RSTCL(Consortium of M/S Patel Engineering Ltd, M/S Simplex Infrastructure Ltd and M/s B S Transcom Ltd..) May/Jun e, 2014 CERC in its ROP (Date of Hearing 15.04.2014) on Petition No. 331/SM/2013 had noted the progress. Anticipated COD 21.05.214 (1) LOI placed on 16/12/11 (2) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 07/01/2011 (3) Transmission license application filed in CERC on 12/01/11 and received on 24.8.2011 (4) Tariff adoption by CERC on 12.8.2011 (5) Clearance under Section 164 : 08.11.2011 (6) Scheduled completion : Jan2014. T3. Transmission system associated with IPPs of Nagapattinam / Cuddalore Area – Package A Transmission elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity (i) Nagapattinam Pooling Station-Salem 765 kV D/c line 211.73 Implementing Agency/ Milestones Powergrid NagapattinamMadhugiri Scheduled COD Constraints/ Remarks March, 2015 i) Route alignment completed ii) Proposal for Forest Clearances submitted 6 Annexure-I (ii) Salem-Madhugiri 765 kV S/c line. 234.46 Transmission Company Limited (PNMTCL) iii) Initiation of procurement activities, CERC took cognizance the National Green Tribunal (NGT), New Delhi in its order dated 23.05.2012 in which Environmental Clearance (EC) was suspended. (A subsidiary of PGCIL) (1) LOI placed on 06.03.2012 (2) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 29.03.2012 (3) Scheduled completion : 28.03.2015 (36 month) (4) Tr. License application filed in CERC on 4.4.2012 and application for tariff adoption filed on 4.4.2012. Tr. License issued on 15.7.2013 and tariff adoption by CERC on 9.5.2013. (5) Clearance U/s 164 – application submitted to CEA on 17.9.2012, gazette notification on 7/7/12 and public notice issued on 20.6.2012. T4. In view suspension of EC, in the 29th meeting of the Empowered Committee on Transmission (15.06.2012) the scheme should be reviewed and It was further recommended to keep the implementation of the transmission scheme on hold. On PGCIL’s IA CERC vide its order dated 21.8.2013 stated that the time and cost overrun issues are under consideration by them and directed PNMTCL to proceed with implementation of transmission project. PNMTCL started the activity of the project with the NIT for procurement to be floated in Oct. 2013. Transmission System associated with IPPs of Vemagiri Area- Package A Transmission elements (i) Vemagiri Pooling station – Khammam (new) 765 kV D/C Line-I (ii) Khammam (new) 765 – Hyderabad 765 kV D/C Line-I Implementing Agency/ Milestones Powergrid Vemagiri Transmission Company Limited (A subsidiary of PGCIL) (1) LOI placed on 20/03/12 Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 227.79 205.75 Scheduled COD April, 2015 Constraints/ Remarks i) ii) iii) Route alignment completed Proposal for Forest clearances submitted Initiation of procurement activities, Taking into consideration the uncertainty in availability of gas and the consequent uncertainty in the operational phase of the generating stations CERC vide order dated 9th May 2013 stated that no useful purpose 7 Annexure-I (2) Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 18/04/2012 (3) Scheduled completion : 17.04.2015(36 month) (4) Tr. License application filed in CERC on 19.4.2012 and application for tariff adoption filed on 19.4.2012 (5) Clearance U/s 164 – application submitted to CEA on 21.9.2012, gazette notification on 14/7/12 and public notice issued on 23.5.2012. T5. CEA filed its reply before CERC on 30.9.2013 wherein after deliberations in the 36th meeting of the SCPSP held on 4.9.2013, it opined that Vemagiri – Khammam – Hyderabad 765 kV D/C line that is already awarded to PGCIL may be implemented as soon as possible. Final CERC order in this case is awaited. System Strengthening in Southern region for import of power from Eastern region Transmission elements (i) Srikakulam P P- Vemagiri- II Pooling station 765 kV D/C line (ii) Khammam (new)-Nagarjuna sagar 400 kV D/C line (this was modified to Khammam (existing)- Nagarjuna Sagar 400 kV D/C line due to delay in the commissioning of Khammam (new) PS T6. is likely to be served in the adopting the transmission charges and granting license to the applicant. CEA /CTU were directed to undertake necessary review and reexamination of the entire matter afresh and file their decision/views in the matter. Implementing Agency M/s Vizag Transmission Limited (A subsidiary of PGCIL) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Scheduled COD Constraints/ Remarks 1000 July, 2016 1. LOI placed on 31.7.2013 2. Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 30/08/2013 3. Transmission license yet to be received. 4. Tariff adoption yet to be approved 5. Clearance under Section 164 : yet to be received 6. EPC yet to be awarded 7. Scheduled completion : 30.8.2016 (36 month) November, 2015 Transmission System required for evacuation of power from Kudgi TPS (3x800 MW in Phase-I) of NTPC Limited. 8 Annexure-I Transmission elements (i) Kudgi TPS – Narendra (new) 2xD/C Line (ii) Narendra(new)-Madhugiri 765 kV D/C Line Implementing Agency Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity M/s Kudgi Transmission Limited (L&T Infrastructute Development Projects Ltd.) January, 2015 1. LOI placed in Aug2013 2. Special Purpose Vehicle acquired on 30/08/2013 3. Transmission license yet to be received. 4. Tariff adoption yet to be approved 5. Clearance under Section 164 : yet to be received 6. EPC yet to be awarded 7. Scheduled completion : 31.12.2015(28 month) November, 2015 Transmission System for Connectivity for NCC Power Projects Ltd. (2x660 MW) Transmission elements Implementing Agency Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity (i) NCC Generation switchyard - Nellore Pooling Station 400 kV D/c (Quad) line T8. Constraints/ Remarks November, 2015 (iii) Madhugiri -Bidadi 400 kV D/C (quad) Line T7. Scheduled COD Scheduled COD Constraints/ Remarks March, 2015 Bidding cancelled by the Bid Process Coordinator (RECTPCL) and the project was recommended by the Empowered Committee on Transmission in its 32nd meeting held on 17.01.14 to be implemented by PGCIL under regulatory tariff route. CERC in its ROP (Date of Hearing 24.04.2014) on Petition No. 153/MP/2013 has directed CTU to submit whether Regulatory Approval has already been obtained and if not how the Competitive Bidding Process was undertaken without Regulatory Approval. Connectivity lines for Maheshwaram (Hyderabad) 765/400 kV Pooling Station. Transmission elements Maheshwaram (PG) – Mahboob Nagar 400 kV D/C Implementing Agency Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 200 Scheduled COD Constraints/ Remarks The scheme was recommended to the GoI for implementation through TBCB by the Empowered Committee in its 32nd 9 Annexure-I line meeting held on 17.01.14 Nizamabad – Yeddumailaram (Shankarapalli) 400 kV D/C line 400 2 no of 400 kV line bays at Mahboob Nagar S/S of APTRANSCO T9. Transmission System for LTA of 400 MW for 2x500 MW Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd. TS-I (Replacement) (NNTPS) in Neyveli Transmission elements Implementing Agency NNTPS switchyard – Villupuram (Ginjee) 400 kV D/C line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Scheduled COD 160 • 2 No of line 400 kV bays at NNTPS switchyard Villupuram (Ginjee) 400/220 kV, 2x500 MVA S/S Constraints/ Remarks The scheme was recommended to the GoI for implementation through TBCB by the Empowered Committee in its 32nd meeting held on 17.01.14 2x500 400 kV • ICTs - 400/220 kV: 2 no • ICT bays : 2 no • Line Bays : 2 no • Space for bays : 4 no 220 kV • ICT bays : 2 no • Line Bays : 6 no • Space for bays : 6 no T10. Mangalore (Udupi PCL)-Kasargode-Kozhikode (Areacode) 400 kV Link. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Mangalore(Udupi PCL)Kasargode(Q) 400 KV D/C Line PGCIL May, 2017 KasargodeKozhikode(Areacode)(Q) 400 KV D/C Line PGCIL May, 2017 Constraints/ Remarks The scheme was recommended for implementation under TBCB by the Empowered Committee in its 31st meeting held on 18.02.13 subject to obtaining (i) Kerala Govt.’s commitment 10 Annexure-I 400/220 kV, 2x500 MVA, Kasrgode(GIS) 500 PGCIL May, 2017 for compensation only for Right-of-Way for the tower footing area; and (ii) commitment of from UPCL to provide two nos. of 400 kV Bays at Mangalore UPCL switchyard. Though commitment of the Kerala Govt. was obtained, UPCL is yet to convey its commitment and is under process. b. Projects identified for implementation through Regulatory Tariff route (PGCIL) Inter-Regional: P1. Transmission System Associated with KRISHNAPATNAM UMPP - Part - B. Transmission Elements 765KV S/C Sholapur line * Raichur Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity - 208 Implemen ting Agency PGCIL Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Oct'14 Dec'13 Line commissioned Dec'13. Oct'14 Pune S/s critical. Line being planned for commissioning earlier, bypassing Pune, through contingency. Oct'14 Oct'14 Pune S/s critical. Line being planned for commissioning earlier, bypassing Pune, through contingency. Oct'14 Dec'13 Line commissioned Dec'13. Oct'14 Jan'14 Sub station commissioned along with ICT-I in Dec'13 & ICT-II in Jan'14 Dec'13 Sub station commissioned along with Both ICT's in Dec'13. Commissioning of remaining bays matching with Sholapur-Pune line under contingency. PGCIL 765KV S/C Sholapur - Pune line 289 LILO of 400KV D/C Parli Pune & Pune - Aurangabad line at Pune (GIS) (including Multi - Ckt) 97 LILO of 400KV D/C existing Raichur - Gooty at Raichur (new) S/Stn. (Quad) 21 765/400KV station Raichur Sub Oct'14 PGCIL PGCIL PGCIL 2x1500 PGCIL 765/400KV station Sholapur Sub 2x1500 Oct'14 Constraints/ Remarks in in 11 Annexure-I PGCIL 765/400KV Pune (GIS) 2x1500 Oct'14 Oct'14 Award placed in May'12. (Land acquired in Aug'13). There was resist from one of the land owner. Finally, works started full-fledged in Dec'13. Supply & civil works under progress. P2. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-A [Compln. Sch. - 36 months of IA] Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 765KV D/C Srikakulam Pooling Station - Angul line 550 765KV Pooling Station at Srikakulam Extn. 765/400KV Angul Sub station 1x1500 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL Jun'15 Jun'15 PGCIL Jun'15 Jun'15 Civil work under progress. PGCIL Jun'15 Jun'15 Civil work under progress. P3. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-B [Compln. Sch. - 33 months of IA] Transmission Elements 765 kV D/C Jharshuguda line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Angul- 765 kV D/C JharshugudaDharamjayagarh line Extn. of 765/ 400 kV Angul SS Extn. of 765/ Jharshuguda SS 400 kV Extn. of 765/ 400 Dharamjaigarh SS kV 570 312 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL Dec'15 Dec'15 Dec'15 Dec’15 Award under progress Dec'15 Dec’15 Award placed in Aug,13. Engineering & Civil works under progress Dec'15 Dec’15 Award placed in Aug,13. Engineering & Civil works under progress Dec'15 Dec’15 Award placed in Aug,13. Engineering & Civil works 12 Annexure-I under progress P4. Common System Associated with East Coast Energy Pvt. Ltd and NCC Power Projects Ltd. LTOA Gen. Proj. in Srikakulam -Part-C [Compln. Sch. - 27 months of IA] Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Srikakulam Pooling Station & 2 no. of 765 kV bays (400 kV SS –AIS & (765 kV SS –GIS) 2x1500 Extn. of 765/ 400 kV Angul SS Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL Jun'15 Jun'15 Award placed. PGCIL Jun'15 Jun'15 Award placed in Aug 2013. P5. System Strengthening - XVII in Southern Regional Grid: Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD PGCIL 765KV D/C Narendra (New Kudgi) - Kolhapur line (initialy charged at 400KV) * 396 400KV D/C Narendra (New Kudgi) - Narendra (existing) line (Quad) 370 LILO of both ckt at 400KV D/C Kolhapur - Mapusa line at Kolhapur 172 Apr'15 Dec'15 Tower packages awarded (Part-II in Nov'13). Completion matching with readiness of Kudgi S/S (Land acquired in Feb’14). Apr'15 Dec'15 Completion matching with Sub station. Apr'15 Dec'15 Award placed. Apr'15 Dec'15 PGCIL PGCIL 765/400 kV Narendra (New kudgi) Sub station (GIS) (charged at 400KV) PGCIL 765/400 kV Kolhapur Sub station (GIS) (charged at 400KV) PGCIL Extn. at 400/220 Narendra S/stn. PGCIL kV Constraints/ Remarks Award placed in Feb'14. Land acquired in Feb'14. Award placed in Feb'14. Apr'15 Dec'15 Apr'15 Dec'15 Award under progress. 13 Annexure-I Intra - Regional: P6. Kaiga 3 & 4 Trans. System (Balance Line). (All elements completed progressively from Jan'08 to May08 except 400KV D/C Mysore-Kozhikode line) Transmission Elements 400 KV D/C Mysore Kozhikode line 400/220 KV Kozhikode S/Stn. Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency 418 PGCIL 2x315 PGCIL PGCIL Ext. 400/220 KV Mysore S/stn Sch COD Dec'07 Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks 2014-15 Completion uncertain as work was completely heldup in stretch of 50 Kms since more than 05 year due to severe ROW problem in Karnataka portion of line forest clearance/ Coffee Plantation in Karnataka. 23rd SRPC – Tower works were planned before monsoon. Stringing would be taken up after monsoon and if situation was favorable line was expected by January 2015. Dec'07 2014-15 Civil work completed & erection under progress. Completion matching with line. Dec'07 2014-15 Completion matching with line. P7. Kundankulam - APP Trans. System (Balance lines): Transmission Elements Edamon (KSEB) Muvattupuzha (PG) 400 kV D/C (Quad) line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 297 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Nov'08 Ant COD/ Act COD 2014-15 Constraints/ Remarks Serious ROW problem continues. 23rd SRPC : KSEB had assured further coordination to sort out this issue. Discussions and efforts to resolve the issue 14 Annexure-I were underway. PGCIL had informed that Hon’ble Chief Minister of Kerala had already taken a couple meetings in this connection. They had approached Court for suitable directions to complete the work. The Court had not passed any orders. Since the project was much delayed, IDC may also not be approved by Commission. PGCIL was willing to handover this project to KSEB. 400/220 KV Muvattapuzha S/S 2x315 Ext. 400 KV North Trichur (PG) PGCIL Nov'08 Nov'11 Sub station with both ICT's test charged & commissioned in Nov'11. PGCIL Nov'08 Nov'11 Commissioned in Nov'11. Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Jun'12 P8. System Strengthening - XII of SR: Transmission Elements LILO of Neelamangla Hoody 400KV S/C line & LILO of Somanhally-Hoody 400KV S/C line at Yelahanka through Multi – Ckt Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 34 Ant COD/ Act COD Jun'14 was changed to LILO of one circuit on multicircuit tower in Bengaluru area of Neelamangla – Hoody 400 kV D/C line at Yelahanka (instead of earlier envisaged LILO of both Circuits) in 35th SCPSPSR 400/220KV Yelahanka Sub station 400 KV GIS & Constraints/ Remarks ROW problem. Critical. Work commenced in Jan'14. However work again stopped due to agitation. State Govt. help required for resolution of compensation issue. In 35th SCPSPSR Madhugiri – Yelahanka 400 kV Quad D/c line with a small portion to be strung on multi-circuit tower of the SRSR-XII sceme with high ampacity conductor in Bengaluru area 2x500 PGCIL Jun'12 Jun'14 Completion matching with line. 23rd SRPC PGCIL contemplating 15 Annexure-I 220 KV AIS dismantling due to severe ROW problem. KPTCL had invited PGCIL for a Meeting to sort out the issue. P9. Supplementary Transmission System Associated with Vallur TPS. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks 400KV D/C Vallur TPS Melakottaiyur line 71 PGCIL April’13 Mar'13 Line commissioned Mar'13. in 400KV D/C Tiruvalam (PG) Chitoor line 42 PGCIL April’13 Mar'14 Line commissioned Mar'14. in 765/400KV Tiruvalam Switching station PGCIL April’13 Oct'14 400 kV yard commissioned in March, 2014. Balance works under progress. Extn. 400/220KV Chittor S/stn. (APTRANSCO) PGCIL Apr'13 Mar'14 Commissioned in March’14 P10. Common System Associated with ISGS Projects in Krishnapatnam area of Andhra Pradesh. (Revised BPTA Schedule - Sep'14) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD 765KV D/C Nellore Pooling Station - Kurnool line 602 PGCIL Sep’14 Aug'14 765KV S/C Kurnool - Raichur (IInd-Ckt) line 118 PGCIL Sep’14 Aug'14 Constraints/ Remarks 23 SRPC 6 locations near Raichur held up due to RoW. Anticipated by April/May 2014 LILO of Both Ckt of SEPL/MEPL - Nellore 400KV D/C line (Q) at Nellore Pooling Stn. 15 PGCIL Sep’14 Mar'13 Line commissioned in Mar'13. 16 Annexure-I PGCIL Sep’14 Aug'14 400KV yard commissioned in Mar'13. 765KV yard along with Bus Reactor I & II charged through ICT I & II to improve system parameters progressively by Jan’14 & Feb'14. Balance works under progress. Extn. at 765/400KV Kurnool Sub station PGCIL Sep’14 Aug'14 Award placed in Sep'11. Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn. at 765/400KV Raichur Sub station PGCIL Sep’14 Aug'14 Award placed in Sep'11. Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. 765/400KV Nellore Sub station 2x1500 P11. Common System Associated with Costal Energen Private Ltd and Ind-Barath Power Ltd. (LTOA) Gen. Proj. in Tuticorin area Part - B. (Revised BPTA Schedule - Dec'14) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD 765 kV D/C Tuticorin Pooling Station - Salem Pooling Station line (initialy charged at 400KV) 735 PGCIL Dec'14 Dec'14 400KV D/C Salem Pooling Station - Salem line (Quad) 120 PGCIL Dec'14 Sep'14 765KV S/C Salem Pooling Station - Madhugiri Pooling Station line (initially charged at 400KV) 244 PGCIL Dec'14 Dec'14 PGCIL Dec'14 Dec'14 765/400KV Salem Pooling station (initially charged at 400KV) Constraints/ Remarks 23rd SRPC : SRPC agreed for early commissioning simultaneously along with Somanhalli- New Salem (Dharmapuri) & 765/400 KV New Salem (charged at 400 KV). Anticipated by April/May 2014. 23rd SRPC : SRPC agreed for early commissioning simultaneously along with Somanhalli- New Salem (Dharmapuri) & Salem PSSalem. Anticipated by April/May 2014. 17 Annexure-I Extn. at 765/400KV Tuticorin Pooling Stn PGCIL Dec'14 Dec'14 Supply & civil works progress. Extn. at 400/220 KV Madhugiri Pooling Stn PGCIL Dec'14 Dec'14 Award placed in Oct'11. Engg., supply & civil works under progress. Extn. at 400/220KV Salem Sub station PGCIL Dec'14 Sep'14 Award placed in Oct'11. Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. P12. System Strengthening - XIII of SR Grid Transmission Elements 400KV D/C Gooty Madhugiri line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 418 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Jun'14 Ant COD/ Act COD Jun'14 Constraints/ Remarks 23rd SRPC Severe ROW problem near Madugiri. 400KV D/C Madhugiri Yelhanka line (QUAD) with a small portion to be strung on multi-circuit tower of the SSSR-XII Scheme with high ampacity conductorin Bengaluru area 132 PGCIL Jun'14 Sep'14 23rd SRPC Severe ROW problem near Yelhanka & Madhugiri PGCIL contemplating dismantling of Yelhanka S/S due to severe ROW problem. KPTCL had invited PGCIL for a Meeting to sort out the issue. 400/220KV Madhugiri Sub station with provision of establishing a 765/400 kV Subsation in future in the same switchyard 2x500 PGCIL Jun'14 Sep'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn. at 400/220KV Gooty S/stn. PGCIL Jun'14 Jun'14 Engg., civil works, supply & erection under progress. Extn. at 400/220KV Yelahanka GIS S/stn. PGCIL Jun'14 Jun'14 P13. System Strengthening in SR - XIV Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks 18 Annexure-I 400KV D/C Dharmapuri (Salem New) - Somanahalli line 240 PGCIL Aug'14 Aug'14 23rd SRPC: SRPC agreed for early commissioning simultaneously along with New Salem (Dharmapuri)Salem & 765/400 KV New Salem (charged at 400 KV). Anticipated by April/May 2014. Augmentation. of Hosur Sub station 1x315 PGCIL Aug'14 Feb'14 ICT commissioned in Feb'14. Extn. at 400/220KV Somanahalli S/stn. PGCIL Aug'14 Aug'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress Extn. at 400/220KV Dharmapuri (Salem New) S/stn. PGCIL Aug'14 Aug'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress P14. Common System Associated with Costal Energen Private Ltd and Ind-Barath Power Ltd. (LTOA) Gen. Proj. in Tuticorin area Part – A. Transmission Elements LILO of both ckts of Tuticorin JV - Madurai 400KV D/C line at Tuticorin Pooling Stn. (Q) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 20 765KV Pooling Station in Tuticorin (initially charged in 400KV) P15. Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL Apr'14 Apr'14 Award placed in Mar'13. PGCIL Jul'14* Apr'14 Award placed in Mar'13. Engg., civil works & erection under progress. Transmission System Associated with Krishnapatnam UMPP - Part - C1. Transmission Elements 400KV D/C Kurnool (new)Kurnool line (Q) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 20 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Aug'14 Ant COD/ Act COD/ Act COD March'14 Constraints/ Remarks Line commissioned in March’14 19 Annexure-I LILO of 400KV S/C Nagarjunsagar - Gooty line at Kurnool 70 PGCIL Aug'14 March'14 Line commissioned in March’14 765/400KV Kurnool Sub station 2x1500 PGCIL Aug'14 Aug'14 400 kV yard commissioned in Mar'14. 765 kV yard along with Bus Reactor charged through ICT to improve system parameters in March’14. Balance works under progress. Extn. at 400KV Kurnool (APTRANSCO) S/S P16. PGCIL Aug'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Transmission System for Connectivity of Thermal Powertech Corporation (I) Ltd. Transmission Elements 400KV D/C Thermal Powertech Corp. (I) ltd Nellore Pooling Station line (Q) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 65 Extn. at 400KV Nellore Pooling station P17. Aug'14 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL May'14 Aug'13 Line commissioned in Aug'13. PGCIL May'14 Aug'13 Commissioned in Aug'13. Common Trans. Scheme Associated with ISGS Project in Vemagiri Area of Andhra Pradesh - Part - A1. (Scheme under review in view of CERC direction) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks LILO of Gazuwaka Vijayawada 400KV S/C line at Vemagiri Pooling Station . 38 PGCIL Jun'14 Scheme under review as per CERC's. direction. 765/400KV Vemagiri Pooling Station (GIS) - Initially 2x1500 PGCIL Jun’14 Scheme under review as per CERC's direction. 20 Annexure-I charged at 400KV P18. System Strengthening in SR - XVIII (Compln Sch. : 29 months from IA.) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks 400KV D/C Vijayawada – Nellore (Manubolu) line 686 PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 23rd SRPC ROW Problem. Expediting by July 2014 400KV D/C Nellore (Manubolu) – Thiruvalam (PG) line (Quad) 352 PGCIL Nov'14 April’14 Commissioned in April’14 400KV D/C Thiruvalam (PG) - Melakotiyuar line 228 PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 LILO of Bangalore (Somanahalli) - Salem 400KV S/C line at Hosur 25 PGCIL Nov'14 Jan'14 Line commissioned in Jan'14 Extn. 400/220Kv Vijayawada S/Stn. PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Award placed in Sep'12. Enggi., supply & civil works under progress. Extn. 400/220Kv Nellore S/Stn. (APTRANSCO) PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn. 400/220Kv Nellore S/Stn. PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn. 400/220Kv Thiruvalam S/Stn. PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn. 400/220Kv Hosur S/Stn. PGCIL Nov'14 Jan'14 Commissioned in Jan'14. Extn. 400/220Kv Melakkottiyur S/Stn. PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Award placed in Aug'13. Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress P19. System Strengthening in SR - XIX (Compln Sch. : 27 months from IA.) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks 21 Annexure-I 765KV D/C Kurnool Thiruvalam line 710 PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 23rd SRPC Forest Clearance awaited LILO of existing KolarSriperumbudur 400KV S/C line at Thiruvalam (PG). 42 PGCIL Nov'14 March'14 Line commissioned in March, 14. (clubbed with 400 kV D/C NelloreThiruvalam) PGCIL Nov'14 Nov'14 Enggi., supply, civil works & erection under progress. PGCIL Nov'14 Feb'15 Engg., supply, civil works & erection under progress. Extn at 765/400KV Kurnool SS Upgradation 400KV to 765/400KV Thiruvalam S/Stn. (765KV GIS & 400KV AIS) P20. 2x1500 Common Transmission Scheme Associated with ISGS Projects in Nagapattinum/ Cuddalore area of Tamil Nadu - Part-A (a) [ Compln Sch. : 21 months from IA.] Transmission Elements LILO of Neyveli - Trichy 400KV S/C line at Nagapattnam Pooling Station Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 46 400KV Nagapattinam Pooling Station (GIS) (provision 765/400KV in future in the same Sw.Yd.) P21. Implemen ting Agency Sch COD Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL Oct'14 Oct'14 Stringing commenced from March,14. PGCIL Oct'14 Oct'14 Award placed in Aug'13. Engg./civil works in progress. Transmission System Associated with Contingency plan for Evacuation of Power from IL&FS (2x600MW) (Compln Sch. : 18 months from IA.) Transmission Elements LILO of 2nd Ckt of Neyveli Trichy 400KV D/C line at Nagapattinam Pooling Stn. Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 44 Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Jul'15 Ant COD/ Act COD Jul'15 Constraints/ Remarks Award under progress 22 Annexure-I Strengthening of Neyveli TS II to Neyveli TS-I expension link with higher capacity conductor 28 Extn. of 765/400KV Pooling Stn. at Nagapattinam by 02 nos. bays for termination of 2nd Ckt LILO line P22. PGCIL Jul'15 Jul'15 Award under progress PGCIL Jul'15 Jul'15 Award under progress System Strengthening in SR – XXII (Compln Sch. : 30 months from IA.) Transmission Elements Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Aug'16 Aug'16 Award placed in March,14. Extn. at 765/400KV Kurnool Sub station PGCIL Aug'16 Aug'16 Award under progress Extn. at 765/400KV Raichur Sub station PGCIL Aug'16 Aug'16 Award under progress 765KV S/C Kurnool (New) Raichur line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 119 Ant COD/ Act COD Constraints/ Remarks . P23. Sub station Extn. works associated with Trans. System Required for Evacuation of Power from Kudgi TPS (3x800 MW -Ph-I) of NTPC [Compln Sch. : 22 months from IA.] Transmission Elements Extn. of 765/400KV Narendra (New) at Kudgi (GIS) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Sch COD PGCIL Dec'15 Ant COD/ Act COD Dec'15 Constraints/ Remarks Award placed in March, 14 Land acquired in Feb, 14 Extn. of 400/220KV Madhugiri S/stn. PGCIL Dec'15 Dec'15 Award under progress Extn. of 400/220KV KV Bidadi S/stn. (GIS) PGCIL Dec'15 Dec'15 Award under progress 23 Annexure-I (B) Intra State Transmission System (Intra-STS): a. Andhra Pradesh & Telangana: A1. Short Gestation Power Transmission Scheme –II (400 KV Narsaraopet connected lines): Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implem enting Agency Purushottapatnam (Nunna) to Jujjuru 400 kV D/C Line 112 APTRA NSCO Oct-14 Contract cancelled and Purchase Order issued on 29.04.2013 as per new tender. Jujjuru to Sattenapalli and LILO of VTS Srisailam line 134.166 APTRA NSCO Mar-14 Work awarded on 09.03.2011. Works under progress. VTS-SSLM LILO was charged on 12.02.2014. Narsaraopet (Sattenapally) 400/220 kV S/S 2x315 APTRA NCO Mar-14 S/S idle charged on 26.02.2014 with 1 No. 315 MVA PTR and COD on 31.03.2014 APTRA NCO Mar-14 400 KV Bays at Narsaraopet, pertaining to VTSSrisailam Line Origina Target Date Target date completi on Constraints/ Remarks A2. For LILO of Srisailam - Mamidipalii 400 KV line to the proposed 400 KV Yedumalaram Sub station. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completi on Constraints/ Remarks Yeddumailaram (Shankarapally) Idulapally 400 kV D/C line 82.344 APTRANS CO Dec-13 New Tenders called for and PO issued on 04.02.2014 Idulapally to LILO point of Srisailam Hyderabad 400 kV line 74.438 APTRANS CO Dec-13 New Tenders called for and PO issued on 04.02.2014 24 Annexure-I A3. Evacuation of Power from HNPCL (1040 MW) Power Plant: Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Suryapet SS Nandiwanaparthi SS 400 KV Quad D/C Line 240 APTRANSCO Awarded in Sep-13 and under progress 400 KV Quad D/C Line from Nandiwanaparthi SS Shankarapally SS 222 APTRANSCO Awarded in Sep-13 and under progress 400 KV Twin moose D/C Line from M/s. HNPCL Switchyard - Proposed Kamavarapukota SS (Lot-I, II & III) Lot - III 200 ckm (100 x 2) APTRANSCO Lot I&II : Tenders due for opening on 12.03.2014 Lot III : Work awarded on 31.10.2013 (i) 400 KV Twin moose D/C Line from Proposed Kamavarapukota SS Proposed 400 KV Chinna Korukondi SS 212 APTRANSCO LOI issued on 15.07.2013 Survey is under progress (ii) 400 KV Twin moose D/C Line from Proposed Chinna Korukondi Proposed 400 KV Suryapet SS 212 APTRANSCO LOI issued on 15.07.2013 Survey is under progress APTRANSCO NIT will be issued shortly 400 KV Twinmoose D/C Line from Proposed Kamavarapukota SS - 400 KV Vemagiri SS Target Date Constraints/ Remarks Startup Power Line from M/s. HNPCL TPP to 400/220 kV Kalpakka SS (Supervised by APTRANSCO) 7 APTRANSCO Line Charged on 07.02.2014 Kamavarapukota Substation 2x315 APTRANSCO LOI issued on 26.03.2013 Suryapet Substation 400/230/132 2x315 APTRANSCO Work awarded on 29.07.2013 and under progress 25 Annexure-I 2 Nos. of 400 KV Bay Extensions at 400 KV Shankarapalli SS APTRANSCO Work under progress 2 Nos. of 400 KV Bay Extensions at existing 400/220 KV Kalpaka S/S of HNPCL APTRANSCO All works completed for 1 No. of 400 KV Bay on 07.02.2014 A4. Rayalaseema Power Transmission Scheme: Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency RTPP (Stage - IV) Chittoor Twin Moose 400 kV D/C Line 2 Nos. of 400 KV Bays at Chittoor Original Target Date Target date completion APTRANSCO Constraints/ Remarks LOI issued on 05.03.2014 APTRANCO Tenders opened and evaluation is under process A5. Jaipur Power Transmission Scheme: Transmission Elements Jaipur TPP - Rangampet Quad 400 kV D/C Line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implement ing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion APTRANS CO May -15 Feb-15 Work awarded to M/s. Best & Crompton GVPR (JV), Hyderabad on 06.03.2013 and under progress May -15 Feb-15 Work awarded to M/s. KEC International Ltd on 06.03.2013 and under progress Rangampet - Gajwel Quad 400 kV D/C Line 2 Nos. of Feeder Bays at Gajwel S/S APTRANC O Constraints/ Remarks P.O issued on 04.07.2013& Work under progress 26 Annexure-I A6. Krishnapatnam Power Transmission Scheme (Unit I : June 2014; Unit II : Dec 2014) Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Krishnapatnam TPS- Nellore 400 kV D/C Quad Line Implementing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion APTRANSCO Constraints/ Remarks Commissioned Krishnapatnam TPS Bonapally 400 kV D/C Line 179.842 APTRANSCO Jun-14 Stringing Works under progress Bonapally - Chittoor Quad 400 kV D/C Line 195.616 APTRANSCO May-14 Stringing Works under progress A7. Evacuation of Wind Power in Kadappa, Anantpur & Kurnool Districts of AP: Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 197.84 APTRANSCO Jul-15 Jul-15 Veltoor - Yemmignoor : Awarded on 13.12.13 Yemmignoor - Uravakonda : Awarded on 16.12.13 Jammalamadugu - Naranoor (Kurnool) Quad 400 kV D/C Line 210 APTRANSCO Jul-15 Jul-15 Work awarded on 28.12.2013 & under progress Jammalamadugu Uravakonda Quad 400 kV D/C Line 264 APTRANSCO Uravakonda 400/220 kV S/s (with 2 Quad Bays at 400/220 Veltoor S/S) 2x315 APTRANCO Work awarded to M/s. TEEECL & work under progress Kondapuram 400/220 S/s [Jammalamadugu] 2x315 APTRANCO Work awarded to M/s. Techno Electrical and Engg. Comp. Ltd. and to commence 400 KV Quad D/C Line Veltoor - Yemmignoor Uravakonda Line Work awarded on 23.01.2014 & under progress A8. Indira Sagar Rudramakota Lift Irrigation Scheme: 27 Annexure-I Transmission Elements 400 KV D/C Line from LILO Point of Vizag-Khammam to 400 KV Asupaka SS (OPGW Cable) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 228 APTRANSCO 400 KV Asupaka S/S Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks Work awarded on 18.05.2013 and under progress APTRANCO Purchase Order issued on 25.03.2014 A9. Transmission System Improvement Scheme at Vizianagaram & Srikakulam Districts: Transmission Elements 400 KV Quad D/C Line from 400/220 KV Kalpaka S/S to 400/220 KV Maradam (Garividi) S/S Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 240 APTRANSCO 400/220 KV S/S at Maradam (Garividi) along with 2 Nos. 400 KV Quad Bays at the existing 400/220 KV Kalpaka S/S Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks LOI is yet to be issued, subject to APERC Clearance APTRANCO Tenders will be called for shortly b. Tamil Nadu: TN1. 400 KV D/C Line with Quadruple Moose ACSR from Karaikudi 400 KV PGCIL SS to 400 KV Kayathar SS: Transmission Elements (a) Erection of 400 KV D/C Line from Karaikudi to a common point near Vijayapuri Village (b). Erection of 400 KV D/C Line from a common point Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implement ing Agency 314 TANTRAN CO 70 TANTRAN CO Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 08.10.13 2014-15 Work under Progress 31.12.13 2014-15 Work under progress 28 Annexure-I near Vijayapuri to Kayathar Kayathar 400/230-110 kV SS (2x315)+(1x200) TN2. TANTRAN CO 29.05.20 14 30.09.2014 Work awarded on 20.11.2012 and under progress 400 KV D/C Line with Quadruple Moose ACSR from Karaikudi 400 KV PGCIL SS to Pugalur 400 KV PGCIL SS Transmission Elements 400 KV D/C Line with Quadruple Moose ACSR from Karaikudi 400 KV PGCIL SS to Pugalur 400 KV PGCIL SS Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implement ing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 326 TANTRAN CO 25.03.14 2014-15 Work under Progress TN3. 400 KV D/C Line from Pugalur with one circuit to Ottiyambakkam and another circuit to Kalivanthapattu Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implement ing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks (a). Pugalur Pandiyankuppam Reach 296 TANTRAN CO 11.10.20 13 30.04.2014 Work under Progress (b). Pandiyankuppam Veeramanur Reach 228 TANTRAN CO 30.04.2014 All work completed (c). Veeramanur Kalivanthapattu Reach D/C 200 TANTRAN CO 30.04.2014 Work awarded and and under progress Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks MTPS Stg III - Singarapet 400 KV D/C Line 200 TANTRAN CO 2016-17 2016-17 Tender will be floated on acquiring the land for the S/S TN4. 29 Annexure-I TN5. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implement ing Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks (a). 400 KV D/C Line on multi circuit towers with twin moose conductor from the proposed Thervaikandikai 400 KV SS to the proposed Korattur 400 KV SS and Manali 400 KV SS up to the common point 70 TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2014-15 Tender opened and under process (b). Erection of 400 KV S/C Line on multi circuit tower with twin moose conductor from the common point to the proposed Korattur 400 KV SS 30 TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2014-15 Tender opened and under process (c). Erection of 400 KV D/C Line with twin moose conductor from the common point to the proposed Manali 400 KV SS 68 TANTRAN CO Thervaigandigai 400/230-110 kV SS (2x315) + (1x200) TANTRAN CO 03.02.20 14 28.02.2015 Civil Work under progress Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 160 TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2014-15 Tender floated with due on 12.02.2014 3x315 TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2014-15 JICA Concurrence awaited Tender opened and under process TN6. Transmission Elements 400 KV Line (4 Nos. circuits on multi circuit towers) with twin moose conductor from proposed Karamadai 400 KV SS to LILO the "400 KV MTPS Stage III - PGCIL Arasur Line" 400/230 kV Karamadai (JICA) TN7. 30 Annexure-I Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 400 KV D/C Line on Towers with Quad Moose from Tirunelveli SS (Ahishekapatty) to the proposed Kanarpatty 400 KV SS 30 TANTRAN CO 2016-17 2016-17 Tender under process Kanarapatty 400/230-110 kV SS (2x500)+(4x200) TANTRAN CO 2015-16 2015-16 Tender finalised and perusal letter issued to the company TN8. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Original Target Date Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with twin moose conductor from the proposed Thappakundu SS to 400 KV Anaikadavu SS 358 TANTRANCO 10.03.2015 Thoppan Kundu 400/110 kV SS 3x200 TANTRANCO 2014-15 Target date completi on Constraints/ Remarks Work awarded and Tower erection under progress 2014-15 Work awarded and under progress TN9. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with twin moose conductor from the proposed Rasipalayam SS to 400 KV Anaikadavu SS 86 TANTRAN CO 13.08.20 14 400/230-110 kV Anaikadavu (2x315)+(2x200) TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2014-15 Work awarded and under progress 400/230-110 kV Rasipalayam (2x315)+(2x200) TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2015-16 Tender finalised and LOA to be issued Work awarded and under progress TN10. 31 Annexure-I Transmission Elements Erection of 400 KV Line on D/C Tower with quadraple moose conductor from the proposed Rasipalayam SS to 765 KV Salem SS Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 344 TANTRAN CO 03.04.20 15 Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 546 TANTRAN CO 10.01.20 15 31.03.2015 Work under progress 2x315 TANTRAN CO 10.10.20 14 31.12.2014 Works under progress Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 150 TANTRAN CO 2014-15 Work awarded and under progress Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks Work awarded and under progress TN11. Transmission Elements Erection of 400 KV D/C quad Line from MTPS Stage - III to the proposed 400 KV Thiruvalam SS Thiruvalam 400/230 kV SS TN12. Transmission Elements Erection of 400 KV D/C Twin Line from the proposed 400 KV Thiruvalam SS to Alamathy 400 KV SS upto the common point near Kanagammachatram (LILO of point of 400 KV Nellore Sriperumbudur D/C Line to Alamathy 400 KV SS) TN13. Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementin g Agency Original Target Date 32 Annexure-I 400 KV M/C tower Line from NCTPS Stg-II to Almatti 400 KV S/S with Twin Moose ACSR 136 TANTRANC O 31.01.13 31.01.2014 Out of 4 Circuits, one circuit energised on 30-012013 TN14. Transmission Elements 400 kV D/C Line from Kalivanthapattu 400 KV S/S to Sholinganallur 400 KV S/S 400/230 kV Sholinganallur (JICA) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion Constraints/ Remarks 48 TANTRAN CO 2013-14 2013-14 Work is delayed 2x500 GIS TANTRAN CO 2014-15 2015-16 Work awarded on 19.03.2014 (34th SCPSPSR) c. Karnataka 400 kV Substations:: K1. Transmission Elements 400/200 kV Nelamangala : Additional transformer (3rd) Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 1 x 500 Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion KPTCL Aug-12 Jun-14 Implemen ting Agency Original Target Date Target date completion KPTCL Aug-12 Jun-14 Constraints/ Remarks Work under progress K2. Transmission Elements 400 kV Hoody, Bangalore Rural : 3rd 500 MVA Transformer Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 1 x 500 Constraints/ Remarks Work under progress 33 Annexure-I (C ) Additional Schemes discussed in various meetings of the Standing Committee on Power System Planning for Southern Region and are expected to be realized in the coming five years: S1. Wardha-Hyderabad 765 kV D/C line: Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Wardha-Nizamabad, 765 kV D/C Line 250 PGCIL Nizamabad-Hyderabad 765 kV, D/C Line 250 PGCIL 765/400 kV, 2x1500 MVA Hyderabad (Maheshwaram) S/S 2x1500 PGCIL Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks Wardha-Hyderabad (500 km) 1 1a 1b 2 2a 2b 3 LILO of Hyderabad-Kurnool 400 kV S/C line at Maheswaram PG PGCIL Maheshwaram(PG) – Mahboob Nagar 400kV D/c line TBCB 2c 400/220 kV, 2x500 MVA Hyderabad(Maheswaram)(AP) S/S APTRANSCO 2d Hyderabad(Maheswaram)(PG)Hyderabad(Maheswaram)(AP), 400 kV D/C line by Bay extension or by short line APTRANSCO 2e Hyderabad(Maheswaram)(AP)Yeddumailaram(Shankarapalli), D/C line (to be established by realignment of the LILO of Srisailam- Mamadipalli at Shankarapalli and re-instating the Srisailam-Mamdipalli 400 kV D/C line). 765/400 kV, 2x1500 MVA, Nizamabad S/S 2x500 2x1500 APTRANSCO PGCIL 34 Annexure-I Nizamabad - Dichpalli, 400 kV, D/C line 3a 3b 3c S2. Nizamabad-Yeddumailaram (Shankarpalli) 400 kV D/C line TBCB LILO of NizamabadYeddumailaram(Shankarpalli) 400 kV D/C line at Narsapur APTRANSCO Additional ATS for Rayalaseema TPS Transmission Elements a 400/220 kV, 2x315 MVA, Kalikiri S/S b LILO of both circuits of Rayalseema IV-Chittoor 400 kV D/C line| Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD APTRANSCO To be reviewed by APTRANSC O APTRANSCO To be reviewed by APTRANSC O Constraints/ Remarks S3. ATS for ETPS Expansion (1x660 MW {Target Date of commissioning- 2016-17}: [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up final proposal] Transmission Elements a ETPS Expansion Switchyard 765/400 kV Pooling Station at North Chennai (Generation at 400 kV Level) b 1x 80 MVAR Reactor at ETPS Generation Switchyard Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks TANTRANSCO 2016-17 TANTRANSCO 1x80 MVAR 2016-17 S4. ATS for Ennore SEZ/NCTPS Stage IV (2x660 MW) {Target Date of commissioning- 2016-17} [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal.] 35 Annexure-I Transmission a Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Ennore SEZ switch Yard 765/400 kV Pooling Station at North Chennai(Generation at 400 kV Level) Implementing Agency TANTRANSCO Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2016-17 For reliability Inter Link between ETPS Expansion and Ennore SEZ. Is planned. b 400 kV D/C (quad) Inter Link between ETPS Expansion and Ennore SEZ. c 1x125 MVAR Reactor at NCTPS generation Switchyard 1x125 MVAR TANTRANSCO 2016-17 TANTRANSCO 2016-17 S5. ATS for NCTPS Stage III (1x800 MW): [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements a NCTS Stage III Switch Yard 765/400 kV Pooling Station at North Chennai (Generation at 765 kV Level) 765 kV, D/C line. b 125 MVAR Bus Reactor at NCTPS generation Switchyard S6. Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 1x125 MVAR Implementing Agency Sch COD TANTRANSCO 2016-17 TANTRANSCO 2016-17 Constraints/ Remarks ATS for ETPS Replacement (1x660 MW): [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission a Elements ETPS Replacement Switch Yard - 765/400 kV Pooling Station at North Chennai, 765 kV D/C (Generation at 765 kV Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency TANTRANSCO Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2016-17 36 Annexure-I Level) b 80 MVAR Bus Reactor at generation Switchyard c ETPS Replacement - NCTPS Stage III 765 kV D/C Inter Link S7. 1x80 MVAR TANTRANSCO 2016-17 TANTRANSCO 2016-17 ATS for M/S OPG Power Generation Limited (2x360 MW): [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements a M/S OPG Power Generation Limited- 765/400 kV Pooling Station at North Chennai 400 kV,D/C line b 1x63 MVAR Reactor at generation Switchyard S8. Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 1x63 MVAR Implementing Agency Sch COD TANTRANSCO 2016-17 TANTRANSCO 2016-17 Constraints/ Remarks Establishment of 765/400 kV Pooling Station in North Chennai Area [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2x1500 a 765/400 kV, 2X1500 MVA, North Chennai Pooling Station b North Chennai Pooling Station Kilpennathur S/S(Proposed) 765 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO b North Chennai Pooling Station Pulianthope S/S 400 kV D/C line TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO 37 Annexure-I S9. Establishment of 400/230 kV Pooling Station at Pulianthope as System Strengthening: [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements a 400/230, 2x315MVA Pulianthope S/S b Pulianthope -Basin Bridge 230 kV D/C Line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2x315 TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO S10. Establishment of 765/400/230 kV S/s at Kilpennathur: [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2x1500 a 765/400 KV, 2x1500 MVA, Kilpennathur S/S b Kilpennathur 765/400 kV S/S to Coimbatore 765/400 kV S/S 765 kV D/C line TANTRANSCO c Kilpennathur 765/400 kV S/S to Thiruvalam(PGCIL) 765/400 kV S/S 765 kV D/C line TANTRANSCO d LILO of Pugalur-Kalivathapatu 400 kV D/C quad line with other approved connectivity at Singarapet S/S. TANTRANSCO e 1x125 MVAR Reactor at S/S TANTRANSCO 1x125 TANTRANSCO S11. Establishment of 765/400/230 kV S/S in Coimbatore Region (Upgradation of Rasipalayam 400 kV SS): [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 38 Annexure-I Capacity a 765/400 kV, 2X1500 MVA, Coimbatore S/S b Coimbatore-Edayarpalayam 400 kV S/S 400 kV D/C line with other approved connectivity. c 1x125 MVAR Reactor at generation Switchyard 2x1500 TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO 1x125 MVAR 2016-17 TANTRANSCO S12. ATS for proposed power plants at Udangudi(3x600 MW) {Target Date of commissioning-Unit-1: May 2017 ,Unit 2:Nov2017 , Unit 3: Mar:2018} [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission a Elements 765/400 KV, 2x1500 MVA Udangudi Pooling Station Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks TANTRANSCO 2x1500 b Udangudi Stage 1 Switch Yard765/400 kV Pooling Station at Udangudi(Generartion at 400 kV Level) 400 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO c Udangudi Stage 2 Switch Yard765/400 kV Pooling Station at Udangudi(Generartion at 765 kV Level) 765 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO d 1x125 MVAR Bus Reactor at each generation switchyard. e Udangudi Pooling StationProposed Kilpennathur SS 765 kV D/C line with an anchoring near 765 kV Karakudi/Sivaganga SS. e1 765/400 KV, 2X1500 MVA, Karaikudi/Sivaganga S/S 2x125 MVAR TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO TANTRANSCO 2x1500 39 Annexure-I e2 Udangudi Pooling Station Karaikudi/Sivaganga 765 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO e3 Karaikudi/Sivaganga Kilpennathur 765/400 kV S/S 765 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO f LILO of Karaikudi- Pugalur 400 kV D/C Quad line at 765/400 kV Karaikudi S/S. TANTRANSCO g 400/230 KV, 2X315 MVA, Tanjore/Thiruvarur S/S h Karaikudi/ Sivaganga - Tanjore/ Thiruvarur(proposed) 400 KV D/C Line i 1x125 MVAR Reactor at 765/400 kV Karaikudi SS TANTRANSCO 2x315 TANTRANSCO 1x125 MVAR TANTRANSCO S13. Transmission System proposed Pooling Station for Solar Power Evacuation [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] Transmission a b Elements 400/230-110, 3X315 MVA & 3X200 MVA Kamudhi S/S Kamudhi S/S - Existing Karaikudi 400 kV S/S(PGCIL) 400 kV D/C Line S14. Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 3x315 TANTRANSCO 3x200 TANTRANSCO Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks TANTRANSCO Kayathar- Kovilpatty(Tuticorin Pooling Point) 400 kV D/C Line for additional connectivity with ISTS and increased reliability: [Agreed in-principle. Further studies to be carried out by CEA, CTU, TANGEDCO for firming-up the final proposal] 40 Annexure-I Transmission a Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Kayathar -Kovilpatty(Tuticorin Pooling Point) 400 kV D/C Line Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks TANTRANSCO S15. Transmission System proposed for Evacuation of Power from NLC TS I Replacement/NNTPS-(2x500) MW Transmission a b c d e f Elements 400/220 KV, 7X167 MVA, Neyveli Transformers Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 7x167 LILO of existing Neyveli TS IIPuducherry 400 kV S/C line at Neyveli generartion Switch Yard 400 kV S/C line 1X80 MVAR Reactor at Generartion Switch Yard 230/110 kV, 3x160 or 4x400 MVA, Neyveli (TANTRANSCO 230 kV S/S) Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks NLC POWERGRID 1x80 MVAR NLC Transmissio n system for connectivity 3x160 or 4x100 TANTRANSCO LILO of Neyveli TS I - Neveli TS II 230 kV D/C line at NNTPS Switch Yard 230 NLC Shifting of 230 kV(3 nos) and 110 kV(7 nos) lines owned by TNEB emanating from existing Neyveli TS I switch yard to Neyveli 230 kV S/S TANTRANSCO g NNTPS switchyard – Villupuram (Ginjee) 400kV D/C line TBCB h Villupuram (Ginjee) 400kV S/S 2x500 MVA TBCB 41 Annexure-I i NNTPS SwitchyardNeyveli(TANTRANSCO 230 kV S/S) with HTLS conductor 230 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO Agreed in 36th SC j NLC TS IINeyveli(TANTRANSCO 230 kV S/S) with HTLS conductor 230 kV D/C Line TANTRANSCO Agreed in 36th SC S16. Transmission Requirement for AP for 2013-14: Transmission Elements a 400/220 KV, 2X315 MVA Manikonda S/S b LILO of both circuits of SuryapetYeddumailaram 400 kV quad moose D/C line at Manikonda c 400/220 kV, 2x315 MVA, Maheswaram d Maheswaram 400/220 kV S/S (APTRANSCO) - Maheswaram 765/400 kV S/S(PGCIL) 400 kV D/C Line e 400/220 kV, 3X315 MVA, Podili S/S f 400/220 kV Podili S/S - 400/220 kV Narsaraopeta/ Sattenpalli S/S(APTRANSCO)(TM) 400 kV D/C Line g 400/220 KV Kalikiri 2X315 h LILO of both circuits of Rayalseema IV-Chittoor 400 kV D/C line at Kalikiri Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 2x315 APTRANSCO Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks APTRANSCO 2x315 APTRANSCO APTRANSCO 3x315 APTRANSCO APTRANSCO 2x315 APTRANSCO APTRANSCO S17. WR-SR HVDC Bipole Link(Raighar{Chhatisgarh}- Pugalur {Tamil Nadu} 42 Annexure-I Transmission a Elements Raigarh Pooling station(Chatisgarh)-Pugalur(Tamil Nadu-New HVDC Station) 4000/6000 MW Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 4000/6000 MW This bipole line would be in place of the Raigarh-Dhule 4000 MW HVDC line that was earlier planned. b Pugalur Pooling station-Pugalur existing S/S(Q) 400 kV D/C Line c Pugalur Pooling station-Arasur S/S(Q) 400 KV D/C Line d Pugalur Pooling stationThiruvalam S/S(Q) 400 kV D/C Line e Pugalur Pooling stationEdayarpalayam S/S(Q) 400 kV D/C Line f Edayarpalayam S/S-Udumalpet S/S(Q) 400 kV D/C Line g 400/220 kV, 2x500 MVA, Edayarpalayam S/S h 4000 MW, HVDC Terminal Station at Raigarh 4000 MW i 4000 MW, HVDC terminal Station at PugalurNew) 4000 MW 2x500 Studies for 6000 MW capacity and additional strengthening should be studied and put up for discussion in the next Standing Committee (37th ) meeting S18. System Strengthening within Southern Region 43 Annexure-I Transmission Elements a Hyderabad-Kurnool 765 KV D/C Line b LILO of Kurnool-Thiruvalam 765 D/C line at Cuddapah 765 kV D/C c Vemagiri- ChilakaluripetaCuddapah-Salem 765 kV D/C Line d Chilakaluripeta- Podili(quad) 400 kV D/C Line e Cuddapah- Hindupur(quad) 400 kV D/C line f Cuddapah- Hoody(quad) 400 kV D/C line g h Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity 765/400 KV, 2x1500 MVA, Chilakaluripeta S/S 2x1500 765/400 KV, 2x1500 MVA, Cuddapah S/S 2x1500 400/220, 2x315 MVA, Podili S/S 2x315 Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks i S19. Transmission system of KPTCL for evacuation of power from Yeramarus (2x800 MW) and Edlapur (1x800 MW) TPP’s: Transmission elements Implementing Agency Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Scheduled COD Constraints/ Remarks Stage I 44 Annexure-I Bellary 400kV Pooling Station near ‘BTPS’ KPTCL Gulbarga 400/220 kV substation 7x167 MVA (single phase) or 2x500 MVA. KPTCL Yermarus TPS - Gulbarga 400 kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Establish 400 KV switching station at Chikkanayakanahalli (C.N Halli) near “Loop in Loop Out” (LILO) point on the Nelamangala – Talaguppa 400kV lines to Hassan. KPTCL LILO of both the circuits of Nelamangala – Talaguppa 400kV lines to the proposed pooling station near CN Halli. KPTCL Terminate 400kV D/C line feeding 400/220 KV station at Hassan from Nelamangala – Talaguppa line at CN Halli 400kV pooling station. KPTCL Yermarus TPS - Bellary Pooling Station 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Bellary Pooling Station C.N.Hally 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Bellary Pooling Station - New Madhugiri (near Tumkur) 765/400kV station, 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Bellary TPS – Bellary Pooling Station 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL 45 Annexure-I De-link 400kV S/C line running between RTPSBTPS-JSW-Guttur with ‘BTPS’ and JSW Bus so as to retain direct connectivity between RTPS and Guttur Only after all other Transmission Elements under Stage I are commissioned KPTCL JSW TPS – Bellary Pooling Station 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Only after all other Transmission Elements under Stage I are commissioned. KPTCL/JSW to discuss to take up this work as dedicated transmission line by the generator. Stage II Edlapur TPS - Bellary Pooling Station 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Edlapur TPS - Yermarus TPS 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL Tumakur (New Madhugiri) Bastipura (Mysore) 400kV D/C line with quad moose conductor KPTCL S20. TNEB/TANTRANSCO proposals for evacuation of power from Plants of Gumminipoondi area and future load growth in Chennai Area: Transmission a b c Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 400/230 kV, 2x315 MVA, Thervaikandigai S/S 2x315 TANTRANSCO 400/110 KV, 1x200 MVA , Thervaikandigai S/S 200 TANTRANSCO 2x315 2x200 TANTRANSCO Korattur- Upgradation of existing Korattur 230/110 kV S/S to 400/230-110 kV GIS S/S with 2x315 MVA 400/230 kV ICTs & 2x200 MVA, 400/110 kV ICT. Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 46 Annexure-I d e f g h Manali- Upgradation of existing Manali 230/110 kV S/S to 400/230-110 kV GIS S/S with 2x315 MVA 400/230 kV ICTs & 2x200 MVA, 400/110 kV ICT. 2x315 2x200 TANTRANSCO Guindy- Upgradation of sanctioned Guindy 230/110 kV S/S to 400/230 kV S/S 2X315 2x315 TANTRANSCO Thervaikandigai - Korattur 400 KV D/C line TANTRANSCO Thervaikandigai - Manali, 400 KV D/C Line TANTRANSCO LILO of one of the NCTPS Stage II- Almathy 400 kV D/C line at Korattur 400/230 kV S/S, 400 kV S/C TANTRANSCO With HTLS conductors. i j k Korattur-Manali, 400 KV D/C Line TANTRANSCO LILO of one circuit of Almathy-SV Chathram 400 kV D/C line of TNEB at Guindy 400/230 kV S/S, 400 kV S/C line TANTRANSCO Guindy-Sholinganallur, 400 KV D/C Line TNEB S21. Transmission System Associated with Kudankulam APP: Transmission a b Elements 400 KV Tuticorin Pooling StationThirunelveli section of the agreed Tuticorin Pooling StationKudankulam ahead of Kudankulam 3&4(Q) 400 kV D/C line One of the existing KudankulamTirunelveli 400 kV D/C connected to the same making KudankulamTuticorin Pooling Station(Q) 400 Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks PGCIL PGCIL 47 Annexure-I kV D/C Line S22. Nirmal 400 kV S/s and Transmission system for Singareni Colleries (SCCL) Generation Project (2x600 MW): Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2x315 a b c d 400/220 KV, 2x315 MVA, Nirmal S/S APTRANSCO 400 KV Signeri Colleries(SCCL) Generation Project-Nirmal 400 KV D/C Line APTRANSCO Signeri Colleries(SCCL) Generation Project-Gajwel 400 KV Line APTRANSCO LILO of one of the circuits of Ramagundam-Hyderabad 400 kV line at Nirmal. APTRANSCO and POWERGRID would decide the circuit that can be LILOed at Nirmal S/S APTRANSCO S23. Establishment of Narsapur 400 kV S/s and Transmission system for Singareni Colleries (SCCL) Generation Project (2x600 MW): Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 3x315 a b c d 400/220 KV, 3X315 MVA, Narsapur S/S APTRANSCO Gajwel-Narsapur, 400 kV D/C Line APTRANSCO Narsapur-Gummididala, 220 KV D/C Line APTRANSCO Narsapur-Sharpurnagar Extention, 220 KV D/C Line APTRANSCO 48 Annexure-I e Narsapur-Bachupally/Miyapur, 220 KV D/C Line APTRANSCO S24. Common Transmission System Associated with IPP projects in Vemagiri Area, Andhra Pradesh: Transmission a b c d e f g h i Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 765/400, 3x1500 MVA, Vemagiri PS(GIS) S/S 3x1500 PGCIL 765/400, 2X1500 MVA, Khammam(GIS) 2x1500 PGCIL 765/400, 2x1500 MVA, Hyderabad(GIS) 2x1500 PGCIL LILO of Gazuwaka-Vijayawada 400 kV S/C line at Vemagiri PS PGCIL Hyderabad 765/400 kV S/S – Hyderabad (Existing) S/S , 400 kV D/C Line(Q) PGCIL Khammam 765/400 kV S/S Khammam(Existing) S/S 400 kV D/C Line(Q), PGCIL 2 Nos of 765 kV Transformer Bays at Vemagiri PS and Khammam for terminating Vemagiri Pooling StationKhammam 765 kV D/C line being implemented under TBCB PGCIL 2 Nos of 765 kV Transformer Bays at Khammam and Hyderabad for terminating Khammam-Hyderabad 765 kV D/C line being implemented under TBCB PGCIL Space Provision for 10 Nos 400 kV GIS bays at Vemagiri Pooling Station for termination of lines from various IPPs. PGCIL Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks As discussed in 35th SC Meeting . To increase capacity of the transmission system for importing power in SR and as suggested by CERC, various alternatives were studied and discussed in the 36th SC Standing Committee meeting. 49 Annexure-I S25. Transmission System associated with IPPs of Vemagiri Area- Package B [TBCB]: Transmission elements Implementing Agency Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Scheduled COD Vemagiri Pooling Station – Khammam 765kV D/c (2nd ckt.) line. Constraints/ Remarks Project put on hold due to uncertainty in the associated generation projects. Khamam – Hyderabad 765 kV D/c (2nd ckt.) line. S26. ISTS Wind Power Evacuation Scheme for Southern Region (Posed for KfW funding under the India-Germany bilateral cooperation): Transmission Elements a Tirunevelli Pooling Station Tuticorin Pooling Station 400 kV D/c (Quad) b Establishment of 2x500 MVA, 400/230kV S/s at Tirunvelli Pooling Station c Charging of Tuticorin – Salem & Salem – Madhugiri 765kV lines & substations at Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 2x500 its rated voltage 765 kV level S27. Wind Power Evacuation Schemes of Tamil Nadu (Posed for KfW funding under the IndiaGermany bilateral cooperation): Phase-I: (i) 400 kV SUB STATIONS 50 Annexure-I Transmission Elements Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 5x200 a Thappugundu 400/110 KV in Theni area 63 MVAR 2x315 b Anaikadavu 400/230-110 KV in Udumalpet area 3x200 MVAR 2x315 c 2x200 Rasipalayam 400/230-110 in Udumalpet area 63 MVAR 2x315 d e Kanarpatty 400/230-110 KV in Tirunelveli area 2x200 400 KV Bay provision at Udumalpet PGCIL) 400 KV SS for LILO of one circuit of ThappagunduAnikadavu 400 KV D/C Line (ii) Transmission Elements 400 kV Transmission Lines Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity a Thappagundu- Anaikadavu 400 KV Twin D/C 358 b Anaikadavu- Rasipalayam 400 KV Twin D/C 86 c d Rasipalayam - Salem/Dharmapuri (PGCIL SS) 400 KV Quad D/C Kanarpatti - Tirunelveli (PGCIL) 400 kV Quad D/C Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 342 30 51 Annexure-I e f 24 Kanarpatti -Kayathar 400 kV D/C Twin line LILO of one circuit of Thappagunda- Anikadavu 400 kV D/C Line at Udumalpet (PGCIL) 400 kV SS 50 Phase-II: (iii) Transmission a Elements Thenampatty 400/230 kV in Tirunelveli area Additional 400 kV SUB STATIONS Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 4x315 4x315 b c Vagarai 400/230-110 kV in Udumalpet area + 2x200 400 kV Bay provision at Kayathar, Kolipatty for Thenapatty 400 kV Line, Udumalpet for Vagarai line, Salem for Singarapet line, Singarapet for Rasipalayam & Salem line 400 Kv D/C Line. (iv) Additional 400 kV Transmission Lines Transmission a Elements Thenampatty - Kayayhar 400kV Quad D/C line Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 60 52 Annexure-I b Thenampatty - Kolipatty 400kV Quad D/C line 80 c Vagarai - Rasipalayam 400kV Twin D/C line 200 d Vagarai -Udumalpet (PGCIL) 400kV Twin D/C line 80 e Salem - Singarapet 400kV D/C Quad line 180 f Rasipalayam - Singarapet 400kV D/C Quad line 520 S28. Karnataka wind power evacuation from Doni area (expected wind addition up to 2016-17 -400 MW) (Posed for KfW funding under the India-Germany bilateral cooperation): Transmission Elements a LILO of Munirabad (Guddadahalli) - Davengere (Guttur) 400 kV S/C line at Dhoni b Establishment 2x500MVA, 400/220kV Station at Dhoni Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency 52 KPTCL 2 x 500 KPTCL Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks Line survey is under progress S29. Wind Power Evacuation Schemes of Andhra Pradesh (Posed for KfW funding under the IndiaGermany bilateral cooperation): (i) Transmission Elements 400 kV Hindupur Substation Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 53 Annexure-I a 400/220, 3x315 MVA, Hindupur S/S b 80 MVAR Bus Reactor c Hindupur 400 kV S/S-Uravakonda 400 kV S/S(QM) 3x315 80 MVAR 130 (ii) Transmission a Elements 400/220/132kV Substation at Jammalamadugu 400 kV Jammalamadugu Substation Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Capacity Implementing Agency Sch COD (4x315) + (2x160) Constraints/ Remarks LOI issued LOI issued b 400kV Quad Bay Extensions at Kurnool 400kV Substation c 80 MVAR Bus Rector d 400kV D/C Quad Moose Line from 400kV Jammalamadugu to 400kV Kurnool SS 125 e 400kV D/C Quad Moose Line from 400kV Jammalamadugu to 400kV Uravakonda SS 110 LOI issued 80 MVAR (iii) Transmission Elements 400 kV Uravakonda Substation Line Length (ckm)/ MVA Implementing Agency Sch COD Constraints/ Remarks 54 Annexure-I Capacity a 400/220kV Substation at Uravakonda b 400kV Quad Bay Extensions at Mahaboobnagar 400kV Substation c 80 MVAR Bus Rector 4x315 LOI issued 80 MVAR LOI issued d 400kV D/C Quad Moose line from 400kV Uravakonda SS to 400kV Mahaboobnagar SS 190 55 Annexure-I D1. SR-WR INTER-REGIONAL Area [T2, P1, P5, P23]: 56 Annexure-I D2. NARENDRA-BELLARY-BIDADI Area [T6, P8, P12, S19, S28]: 57 Annexure-I D3. WARDHA-HYDERABAD Area [T8, A2, A5, S1, (S16), S22, S23]: 58 Annexure-I D4. ANGUL-VEMAGIRI Area [T1, P2, P3, P4, P17, A9]: 59 Annexure-I D5. VEMAGIRI-HYDERABAD Area [T4, T5, A3, A8, S24, S25]: 60 Annexure-I D6. HYDERABAD-KRISHNAPATNAM-THIRUVALAM Area [T7, P10, P15, P16, (P18), (P19), P22, A1, A4, A6, A7, (S16), (S18), S29]: 61 Annexure-I D7. NORTH CHENNAI Area [P9, (P18), (P19), TN5, TN12, TN13, TN14, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, S7, S8, S9, (S18), S20]: {53 – Korathur; 54 – Manali; 74 – OPGL; 75 – Vallur TPS} 62 Annexure-I D8. NEYVELI-HVDC EVACUATION Area [T9, P20, P21, S15, S17]: 63 Annexure-I D9. TAMILNADU NEW SUBSTATIONS & THEIR CONNECTIVITY Area [TN4, TN6, TN8, TN9, TN10, TN11, S10, S11, S13]: 64 Annexure-I D10. PUGALUR-KARAIKUDI-UDANGUDI-KUDANKULAM Area [P7, TN1, TN2, TN3, TN7, S12, S14, S21]: 65 Annexure-I D11. ISTS-TAMILNADU WIND POWER EVACUATION Area [S26, S27]: 66 Annexure-I D12. KERALA-TUTICORIN-DHARMAPURI Area [T3, T10, P6, P11, P13, P14]: 67