instructions for building the fruit pizza

Tier One
Congratulations! You have earned the crust for your fruit pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves
Remove wrapping from the pizza crust and discard
Remove and discard food safety gloves
Tier Two
You Rock! You have earned the “sauce” for your fruit pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves
Using the spatula provided, open the container labelled “sauce” and spread
evenly over the pizza crust.
Return the lid to the empty container and leave the spatula on the paper towel
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Tier Three
Good Work! You have earned one type of fruit for your fruit pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves
Open the container with the sliced apples in it and arrange the apples in a neat,
side-by-side row along the outer edges of the pizza. If necessary work your way
inward by creating a second row.
Close the container.
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Tier Four
Awesome! You have earned another fruit topping for your pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves.
Using the plastic knife and bananas provided create a row (or two) of bananas
similar to the apples on the fruit pizza. You may use the plate provided to slice
the bananas on if you wish.
Discard any banana peels and place the knife on the paper towel with the dirty
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Tier Five
You Did It! You have earned another fruit topping for your pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves
Open the container with the orange segments in it. Still working towards the
centre of the pizza, create a row of orange segments similar to the apples and
bananas (create a second row if necessary).
Replace the lid on the container.
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Tier Six
Now you’re cookin’! You have earned the final fruit topping for your pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves.
Open the container labelled “grapes”. Cover the remaining surface in the centre
of the pizza with the grapes following the same circular pattern as the other fruits.
Replace the lid on the container when finished.
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Tier Seven
You should be an Accountant! You have earned the glaze for your fruit pizza.
Put on a pair of food safety gloves.
Open the container labelled “glaze”. You may either pour the glaze over the
pizza (trying to cover the entire surface area evenly) or you may use the spoon
available to spoon the glaze over the pizza.
Replace the lid on the container when finished. Place the spoon (if used) on the
paper towel with the spatula and knife.
Remove and discard your food safety gloves.
Congratulations! You have successfully reviewed the
Accounting Cycle and created your Fruit Pizza!