CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1.1 1.2 School Background Location 2. Site Audit 2.1 2.2 Access Arrangements Site Plan 3. Policy and Objectives 3.1 3.2 3.3 School Travel Plan (STP) Aims of a STP Benefits of a STP 4. 4.1 4.2 Development of our School Travel Plan Survey Results Mapping the routes 5. 5.1 Audit of Key Routes to School Action Plan 6. Monitoring and Evaluating 7. Distribution of the STP 1.INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCHOOL BACKGROUND Name: Strathallan Primary School Address Strathallan Drive Kirkcaldy KY2 5YP Telephone E-mail 01592 583434 School website Headteacher Mrs Heather Logan Strathallan Primary School was opened in January 2007. The school lies to the west of Kirkcaldy and is part of the Balwearie High School Cluster. The school is located within a busy residential estate and is bordered by Raith Estate containing woods and grass areas. The school has 13 classrooms from Primary 1 – Primary 7 and the school roll is currently 358. The school roll has gradually been increasing over the past few years. The nursery is annexed to the school with morning and afternoon placements and the current roll is 118. The school staff comprises forty-five individuals who work in a variety of roles including head teacher, deputes, teachers, nursery teacher, early years officers, auxiliary staff, office staff, classroom assistants, kitchen staff, janitorial staff and school crossing patrol staff. The staff members work a variety of different hours to suit the school opening hours. The school has community use available two nights a week and on a Saturday morning. The school also has a breakfast club as well as an after school club. The children play an important part in our school community and we are very proud to receive recognition of their hard work. Strathallan Primary is an Eco School and was awarded its Second Green Flag Award in 2013. The school is also recognised as a Health Promoting School. We are now in the fifth phase of the accreditation scheme. The school has also achieved Level 1 of becoming a Rights Respecting School and are currently working towards Level 2. 1.2 LOCATION 2. SITE AUDIT 2.1 ACCESS ARRANGEMENTS The school is all on one level and accommodates thirteen classrooms, four shared learning areas, dining hall, gym hall, music room and library. The school also accommodates a community lounge, parent’s room, sensory room, administration rooms and medical room. Pedestrian access to the school is via one entrance gate situated off Strathallan Drive which has a 20 mph speed limit. There is a zebra crossing to the right hand side outside the main gate of the school which is operated by a crossing patrol officer and to the left there is a bus lane drop off point for children who use public transport to and from school. Children are accompanied to the bus lane by members of staff. All visitors report to the main entrance situated at the front of the school. Parents who drive their children to school drop them off on Strathallan Drive. This area is heavily congested at the start/end of the school and nursery day. There is a car park within the school grounds which can hold 52 vehicles (including 4 disabled parking bays). Parents are discouraged to access the car park to drop off pupils due to child safety issues. A bike shed equipped for 30 bikes is situated to the rear of the building. The children have a large enclosed tarmacadam playground for outside activities as well as garden areas where the children grow flowers/food. There is also an enclosed grass area utilised for gym activities. 2.2 SITE PLAN The school provides nursery and primary school education to a catchment area which is shown on the map. The catchment area has a wide coverage ranging from Craigearn Avenue to Raith Estate. (Addresses should be checked to ensure they are in the catchment area of the school). The catchment area contains the majority of pupils at the school but there are other pupils who attend from outwith the catchment area. The percentage of pupils who live out-with the catchment is 41%. This figure is steadily rising as parents opt for ‘choice of school’ legislation. 3. POLICY AND OBJECTIVES The initiative behind the School Travel plan has been driven by the Scottish Government. The (then) Scottish Executive established a Scottish School Travel Advisory Group (SSTAG) and brought together expertise from health, education and transport areas. The group was to consider the issues and identify practical means of more effectively managing school travel, whilst encouraging as many children as possible to walk, cycle or take public transport to school. There was concern centrally that too many people were driving their children to school unnecessarily. 3.1 SCHOOL TRAVEL PLAN A School Travel Plan (STP) is a working document identifying aims and objectives to reduce car use and promote more sustainable transport options for the school journey. By developing a STP, schools can identify current and preferred travel modes and highlight specific travel/traffic issues pertaining to that individual school. The travel plan not only seeks solutions to specific problems, but also investigates ways of improving the journey for everyone travelling to and from school – pupils, parents, teachers and staff. The STP also aims to encourage healthier ways of travelling to and from school, specifically walking and, where appropriate, cycling. The STP may link with other initiatives or programmes such as: Health Promoting Schools Eco-Schools Active Schools Road Safety Education and Training Development of Social skills and Personal Safety Skills 3.2 Aims of a School Travel Plan (STP)? Too many people are driving unnecessarily to school – a major cause of this is the fact that many parents have legitimate concerns about their children’s safety on the journey to and from school – fears about road safety, personal safety (including bullying and abduction). Parents themselves may also be under increasing pressure of time due to work commitments, etc. As a result of these factors, the volume of traffic and congestion increases and a vicious circle occurs. Due to the increasing traffic, fears become more prominent and consequently more pupils are discouraged from walking or cycling what can be a relatively short distance to school. Every school has different challenges associated with the school journey and therefore requires different approaches and/or measures to overcome these challenges. The routes to school need to be safe and pleasant in order to encourage pupils and their parents/carers to use them; and for those who must use a car, consideration must be given to the creation and/or promotion of a safe drop-off area for pupils. The travel plan aims to address these issues. 3.3 Benefits of a School Travel Plan (STP) The travel plan aims to benefit many people in many ways. The beneficiaries can be described as: School, Pupils, Parents and Staff, and the Local Community. For the School, the benefits are: Less traffic outside the school gates Improved safety and reduced pollution Creation of safer walking routes to school Justification for funding for action proposed in the plan For the Pupils, the benefits are: Improved road and personal safety skills Improved health and fitness Increased local and travel awareness For the Parents and Staff, the benefits are: Improved journey quality A potential saving of money Reduced concerns about safety For the Community, the benefits are: Reduced pollution Increased community awareness Solution to local congestion problems through the proposed actions Cleaner and safer environment 4. DEVELOPING OUR SCHOOL TRAVEL PLAN Staff, pupils, parents and Fife Council representatives have met to develop the STP. A number of investigations and information gathering exercises have taken place including: Surveys – for pupils, parents and staff Mapping exercises – pupils mapping the routes taken to and from school Audit of the school site Audit of the surrounding streets selected to be designated ‘safer routes to school’. Awareness raising activities relating to the STP – both within and out-with school. 4.1. SURVEY RESULTS During the winter period 2013/2014 an online travel questionnaire was hosted by Fife Council to gather information about how and why pupils, parents and staff travel to and from school and what actions could be addressed to encourage more people to consider alternative (and more sustainable) travel modes. The parents results showed:The most popular method of travelling to and from school was walking and the least popular was cycling. When the parents were asked if they would allow their child to cycle to school the majority of parents said no. Some parents commented that they would allow their child to cycle to school after they had received cycling training or if the weather was suitable. The parent’s survey also revealed that the most popular reason for their child travelling to school by car was due to the distance between home and school. On this point it should be noted that 41% of children who attend Strathallan Primary School live out-with the catchment area. The staff results showed:Without exception the staff members travel to school by car. This is due to the need for flexibility in working hours and the distance staff travel to and from work. Pupils travelling FROM school 29% 10% 2% 20% Bus Car 39% Cycle Park & Walk Walk The pupils results showed:41% of pupils who responded to the survey indicated that they travelled to school by car and 39% travelled from school by car. 32% of pupils who responded to the survey indicated that they walked to school and 29% walked from school. The results also showed that 30% of all pupils who live within half a mile from school travelled by car to some extent. When pupils were asked what would make their journey to school safer they responded as per the graph below. 4.2 MAPPING THE ROUTES A group of children from the Health Pupil Voice Group took part in a mapping exercise where they identified the route they travel to and from school. The results were collated and from the information gathered, the main routes of travel were identified. 5. AUDIT OF KEY ROUTES TO SCHOOL A group of eight children, 1 teacher, 1 parent and two representatives from transportation services, audited these routes and identified needs, issues and opportunities relating to safety, environment and health. The streets that were audited were: Strathallan Drive Dunvegan Avenue Balmoral Drive Dunbar Place There is one pedestrian entrance to the school off Strathallan Drive and this is also the main drop off point for cars. There is also a bus drop off point at the school entrance. The beginning and end of the school/nursery day is a very busy time for all users whether they be walking, cycling, using public transport or in a car. Most parents, who drive to school, drop their children off near to the school on Strathallan Drive but the problem is not isolated to those dropping children off outside the school grounds. Other drivers enter the school grounds unnecessarily, use the entrance as a turning circle and obstruct driveways and footpaths. This creates lots of congestion making this area a dangerous area to be around. Although there is a zebra crossing and a lollipop person who helps our children cross the road safely there are still many dangers pedestrians face. The school has a range of visitors on a daily basis from parent helpers, specialist teachers, workmen, representatives from Fife Council, NHS Fife and other education services. These people all add to the volume of traffic entering the curtilage of the School. 5.1 Action Plan Objective Agency Responsible Anticipated Timescale Status Request more enforcement of the ‘School Keep Clear’ zig zags Introduce an additional sign plate showing waiting restrictions to the bus stand. Request trees and bushes to be cut back on school route Request footway to be assessed for repair and hedges to be cut back. Transportation services June 2014 ongoing Transportation services June 2014 ongoing Transportation services June 2014 ongoing Transportation services June 2014 ongoing Request signing for park and walk areas for lay-bys Campaign to refresh banners at school gates and leaflets to residents Lock school gates Contact school travel coordinator to request assistance setting up park and walk campaign/walking bus Write a polite letter to residents from pupils asking them to sweep the stones back into their driveways Transportation services June 2014 ongoing School June 2014 ongoing School School June 2014 June 2014 ongoing ongoing School June2014 ongoing Click to open School Audit Report 6. Monitoring and Evaluating The Health co-ordinators along with pupils in the Pupil Voice Group, will continue to monitor the progress of the Travel Plan and up-date the Plan on an annual basis. The school will continue to participate in initiatives that link directly to the School Travel Plan such as: walk to school promotion days hands up travel tally Bikeability fun days Road safety competitions The school will publicise future travel planning work on the school website and school newsletters. 7.DISTRIBUTION OF SCHOOL TRAVEL PLAN The school travel plan will be available on the school website. The plan will also be circulated via the local media. A paper copy can be made available on request.