Camp Registration (Name on players camp certificate will appear as printed below.) Enjoy 3 days of fun-filled competitive basketball instruction and receive an official Camp T-Shirt! NAME ADDRESS Skills Emphasized at the Camp CITY STATE PHONE ( Dribbling ZIP ) - EMERGENCY PHONE ( 2013-2014 GRADE ________________________________ SHIRT SIZE (Please circle one) YOUTH: S M L Cost: 2014 Passing Irish Basketball Camp )- EMAIL: ADULT: S M L XL Shooting XXL $ 35 per Camper Rebounding Kindergarten through Grade 2 Defense Monday, June 9- Wednesday, June 11 9-11:30 AM at Assumption School Team Play Grade 3-5 Please complete both sides of this panel, detach along the dotted line, and return only this portion with your check. You may return the form to DeSales or Assumption School Office or you may mail to: Monday, June 16-Wednesday, June 18 9-11:30 AM at DeSales High School Grade 6-7 John Lesko D e S a le s B o y s Basketball Camp 2066 E. Alder Walla Walla, WA 99362 Return forms by May 30 to receive camp shirt at camp Monday, June 16 – Wednesday June 18 1-3:30 PM at DeSales High School Provided by the DeSales Boys Basketball Team . Register for Grade level during the 2013-14 School Year 2014 Irish Basketball Camp June 9-11 - K-2 June 16-18 - 3-5, 7-8 Camp Features Camp Highlights Daily skill instruction from DeSales Coaches and Players 3 0n 3 Game Play Free Throw Competition Each Camper receives an Official Camp Tee Shirt Each Camper receives a Camp Certificate of Participation Offensive Fundaments Shooting Passing Ball Handling Defensive Fundamentals Proper Stance & Footwork Rebounding Man 2 Man Defensive Techniques Team Fundamentals Players will be divided and assigned a team coach to help implement the individual skills taught in a team setting. Individual Awards for Skills Who May Attend All boys grades Kindergarten through 7. Location Grades K-2 – Assumption Elementary Grades 3-7 – DeSales High School I hereby state my child (CHILD’S NAME) is in good health and has my permission to participate in all Irish Basketball Camp activities. I authorize the staff at the camp to provide emergency first aid in the event of sickness or injury. I also give my permission for the coach/sponsor to sign for me in the event that emergency treatment, hospitalization, and/or surgery is required. I understand I am financially responsible for any medical bills incurred by my child while at the 2014 Irish Basketball Camp. My signature below hereby releases the camp, camp sponsor, camp workers, camp volunteers, Walla Walla Catholic Schools from any and all liability and any manner of actions, suits, damages, claims, and demands on account of personal injury arising from my child’s participation in the camp. Please list any medical conditions the camp volunteers should be aware of during camp. What to Bring Basketball Shoes (Clean) Athletic Shorts & Tee-Shirt Water Bottle Times K-2 3-5 6-7 Medical Waiver 6/9-6/11 - 9-11:30 AM 6/16-6/18 – 9-11:30 AM 6/16-6/18 – 1-3:30 PM Parent Signature: Date: Sample Daily Schedule: Warm-ups/Stretching Ball Handling Fundamentals Water Break Shooting Fundamental Shooting Contests Water Break Passing Fundamentals Contests Games Emergency Phone: ( ) - Cost $35 per camper – Make check payable to DeSales Boys Basketball Pizza and awards will be provided at the completion of the last day of camp. Our Health Insurance – Provider: Policy #: Complete both sides, detach at dotted line, and return with your check made payable to: DeSales Boys Basketball Return to DeSales or Assumption office