Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy RITE OF OPENING THE DOOR OF MERCY AT ST. MARY’S CATHEDRAL BY BISHOP HENRY FOLLOWED BY THE CELEBRATION OF EUCHARIST Diocese of Calgary Third Sunday of Advent November 13, 2015 Preparation Sacristy: - Liturgical vestment for Bishop & all ministers, including Bishop’s cope. Processional cross, candles Book of the Gospels Thurible and incense Basin with water to be blessed and used for the sprinkling rite To organize: - Assign a deacon to assist Bishop during procession and throughout the Mass. Altar Servers (St. Mary’s Cathedral) Music ministry (St. Mary’s Cathedral) – working with Office of Liturgy o A small number of choir members to sing during the procession o A cantor to sing the antiphon when Bishop stands at the Jubilee Door threshold 1. AT THE STATIO The faithful gather in a nearby hall or another fitting location outside of the Cathedral (or Jubilee church/site). While the Bishop and the ministers go to the places prepared for them, the Hymn of the Jubilee is sung (Misericordes Sicut Pater – repetition of the refrain is sufficient. See Appendix 1). The Bishop turns to the people and said. Presider: (+) In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All: Amen. Presider: The mercy of the Father, the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all All: And with your spirit. Presider: Glory to you, Father, who forgive our faults and heal our infirmities. All: Your mercy endures forever. Presider: Glory to you, Lord, merciful and kind, slow to anger and abounding in mercy. All: Your mercy endures forever. Presider: Glory to you, Lord; you who are a tender Father toward your children. All: Your mercy endures forever. 3 Opening Prayer Bishop: Let us pray. O God, author of true freedom, who desired to gather the whole human race into one people, unshackle from the chains of slavery; and who give top us, your children, a time of mercy and forgiveness; grant that your Church, ever expanding in freedom and peace, may brilliantly shine out to all as a sacrament of salvation; and make known and active in the world the mystery of your love. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. All: Amen. Reading of the Word of God The proclamation of the Gospel by the deacon follows. First Reading | Luke 15:1-7 Deacon: Tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to him, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, “This man welcomes sinners and eats with them.” So to them he addressed this parable. “What man among you having a hundred sheep and losing one of them would not leave the ninety-nine in the desert and go after the lost 4 one until he finds it? And when he does find it, he sets it on his shoulders with great joy and, upon his arrival home, he calls together his friends and neighbors and says to them, ‘Rejoice with me because I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you; in just the same way there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need of repentance. The Gospel of the Lord. All: Glory to you O Lord Jesus Christ. A brief silence follows. 2. The Procession Procession begins as the Deacon picks up the Book of the Gospel and says the following: Deacon: Brothers and sisters, let us go forth in the name of Christ: He is the way that leads us in the year of grace and mercy. A choir or cantor leads the singing of Psalm 89, Psalm 25 or the Litany of Saints (see Appendix 2) during procession. The Book of Gospel is carried through the procession by the Deacon. 5 3. Opening the Door of Mercy The procession stops at the Jubilee Door of the Cathedral/Church/Site. Bishop/Presider says: Presider: Open the gates of justice, we shall enter and gives thanks to the Lord. A Deacon or Minister opens the door. As the door opens, the Bishop says: Presider: This is the Lord’s gate: let us enter through it and obtain mercy and forgiveness. The Deacon gives the Book of the Gospels to the Bishop. Bishop holds up the Gospels at the threshold, with the Deacon carrying the processional cross, while a cantor chant the following: Cantor: I am the gate, says the Lord, whoever enters through me, will be saved; he will enter and go out and find pasture. Once the antiphon is sung, the procession begins again and moves to toward the altar: The thurible, cross and candles go first; the Bishop proceeds with the Book of the Gospel, followed by the Priests, other ministers and the faithful. Entrance antiphon and/or gathering hymn for the Third Sunday of Advent is sung. Bishop places the Book of the Gospels on the Altar. He then removes his cope, and puts on a chasuble. He reverences the altar, incenses it and finally goes to his chair. 6 4. Remembrance of Baptism and Renewal of Vows A container with water to be blessed is brought to the Bishop. Then he prays the following: Bishop: My dear brothers and sister, let us ask the Lord to bless this water, a reminder of our Baptism. With it, let us invoke the Lord’s mercy and salvation that come through the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A moment of silence, then Bishop continues: Bishop: Almighty God, creator and source of all life, bless (+) this water and grant that we your faithful, sprinkled from this purifying font, may receive the forgiveness of sins, deliverance from all evil, and the grace of your protection. In your mercy, O Lord, give us a spring of living water springing up to eternal life, so that, free from every danger, we may come to you with pure hearts. Through Christ our Lord. The Bishop then sprinkles himself, the concelebrants, ministers and the people. While this taking place, an appropriate song can be sung. 7 The Bishop then returns to his chair and says: Bishop: May almighty God cleanse us of our sins, and through the celebration of this Eucharist make us worthy to share at the table of his Kingdom. All: Amen. Bishop: Let us pray. O God, who see how your people faithfully await the feast of the Lord’s Nativity, enable us, we pray, to attain the joys of so great a salvation and to celebrate them always with solemn worship and glad rejoicing. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. All: Amen. 5. Mass proceeds as usual 8 Concluding Rites Before the final solemn blessing, Bishop informed the faithful of the churches/sites in which the he has designated a Door of Mercy for gaining a plenary indulgence throughout the Jubilee Year. - St. Mary’s Cathedral Corpus Christi, Calgary Holy Cross Church, Fort McLeod Holy Trinity in Siksika Nation, Cluny Mount St. Francis in Cochrane Divine Mercy Centre in Northwest Calgary near Balzac He then says: Bishop: We now turn our thoughts to Mary, the Mother of Mercy. May her merciful gaze be upon us throughout this Holy Year, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God’s tenderness. The assembly and the choir then sing “Salve Regina”, “Alma Redemptoris Mater” or “Hail Holy Queen”. Bishop then imparts the solemn blessing for the season of Advent. After the blessing, the Deacon announces the dismissal. Deacon: Be merciful, just as your heavenly Father is merciful. Go in peace. All: Thanks be to God. 9 Appendix 1 Full score at: http://www.im.va/content/dam/gdm/documenti/inno/Inglese%20%20Tutto%20lo%20spartito.pdf 10 Appendix 2 Litany of Saints Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, graciously hear us. God, the Father of heaven, God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us. have mercy on us. have mercy on us. have mercy on us. Holy Mary, Holy Mother of God, Holy Virgin of virgins, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael, All you Holy Angels and Archangels, St. John the Baptist, St. Joseph, All you Holy Patriarchs and Prophets, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. St. Peter, St. Paul, St. Andrew, St. James, St. John, St. Thomas, St. James, St. Philip, St. Bartholomew, St. Matthew, St. Simon, St. Jude, St. Matthias, St. Barnabas, St. Luke, St. Mark, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. 11 All you holy Apostles and Evangelists, All you holy Disciples of the Lord, All you holy Innocents, pray for us. pray for us. St. Stephen, St. Lawrence, St. Vincent, Sts. Fabian and Sebastian, Sts. John and Paul, Sts. Cosmas and Damian, All you holy Martyrs, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. St. Sylvester, St. Gregory, St. Ambrose, St. Augustine, St. Jerome, St. Martin, St. Nicholas, All you holy Bishops and Confessors, All you holy Doctors, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. St. Anthony, St. Benedict, St. Bernard, St. Dominic, St. Francis, All you holy Priests and Levites, All you holy Monks and Hermits, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. St. Mary Magdalene, St. Agatha, St. Lucy, St. Agnes, St. Cecilia, St. Anastasia, St. Catherine, St. Clare, All you holy Virgins and Widows, All you holy Saints of God, pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. pray for us. Lord, be merciful, From all evil, From all sin, Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. 12 From your wrath, From a sudden and unprovided death, From the snares of the devil, From anger, hatred, and all ill-will, From the spirit of uncleanness, From lightning and tempest, From the scourge of earthquake, From plague, famine, and war, From everlasting death, By the mystery of your holy Incarnation, By your Coming, By your Birth, By your Baptism and holy fasting, By your Cross and Passion, By your Death and Burial, By your holy Resurrection, By your wonderful Ascension, By the coming of the Holy Spirit, On the day of judgment, Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Lord, save your people. Be merciful to us sinners, That you will spare us, That you will pardon us, That it may please you to bring us to true penance, Guide and protect your holy Church, Preserve in holy religion the Pope, and all those in holy Orders, Humble the enemies of holy Church, Give peace and unity to the whole Christian people, Bring back to the unity of the Church all those who are straying, and bring all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel, Strengthen and preserve us in your holy service, Raise our minds to desire the things of heaven, Reward all our benefactors with eternal blessings, Deliver our souls from eternal damnation, and the souls of our brethren, relatives, and benefactors, Give and preserve the fruits of the earth, Grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed, Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. 13 Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. Lord, hear our prayer. That it may please You to hear and heed us, Jesus, Son of the Living God, Lord, hear our prayer. Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord! Christ, hear us, Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, graciously hear us Lord Jesus, hear our prayer. Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Graciously hear us, O Lord! Have mercy on us. 14 15