Word Study Activities Menu Once you have sorted your words for your new list, you are expected to complete five choices from the menu below. At least one needs to be a technology option. These are to be properly labeled for your particular list(example..Sort 14), and completed inside your word study notebook. If typed or completed on the computer, print a copy and paste it inside your notebook. Choices Sentences Itty Bitty Antonyms Crossword Tagxedo Puzzle Dictionary Poem Definitions Synonyms Create a Comic Word Stories Wordsearch WoW Alphabetize Parts of Speech Descriptions Sentences Take 10 words from your list and write a good sixth grade sentence using each word. Please highlight the word in your sentence. Dictionary Definitions Pick 10 words from your sort list. Look each up in a dictionary, write the definition. Itty Bitty Find smaller words inside ten of your sort or hunt words. Ex. “paint” -pant -ant -ain’t -pat -pit Poem Write a short poem using at least 8 of your words. Antonyms Using a thesaurus, or dictionary.co m, find one antonym for 10 of your sort words. Crossword(tech) Using puzzlemaker.com create a crossword puzzle for at least 15 of your sort words. Tagxedo (tech) Create a tagxedo for your entire word sort. You may include hunt words. Below your tagxedo, define the two hardest words. Wordsearch (tech) Using puzzlemaker.c om create a wordsearch for at least 15 of your sort words. Solve it using highlighter. WoW Choose a word from your sort. Create a WoW card. Be sure all seven expectations are there. Synonyms Using a thesaurus or dictionary.co m, look up 10 words from your sort. Write down three synonyms for each of the ten words. Comic(tech) Using the website makebeliefscomi x.com, create a comic using at least 8 words from your sort. Word Stories Using at least 10 words from your sort, create a one page creative story. Alphabetize Put all of this weeks words from your sort in alphabetical order. Parts of Speech Using a dictionary, or dictionary.com, look up at least 15 words in your sort. Record the word and its part of speech.