Lesson Planning Template: Charlotte Danielson Rubric


Lesson Planning Template for Charlotte Danielson Rubric


Grade Level:


Date/Time of Observation:

Intended Lesson Duration:

Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: Component 1b

Total # of students expected to be in this class: Age range of students: Ability range of students:

What information would be pertinent for an observer to know about these students for this lesson? Consider students’ cultural heritage, interests, special needs and/or language proficiencies.

What developmental characteristics of this group did you take into account when designing this lesson? How did you acquire this information for individual students?

Setting Instructional Outcomes: Component 1c

Learning Outcomes/Target(s):

What will students know & be able to do as a result of this lesson?

(phrase either as “Students will” or “I can” statements) How are these related to the “big ideas” or essential questions of the discipline? Highlight opportunities for coordination/integration.

Selecting Instructional Outcomes, Designing Coherent Instruction: Components 1c, 1e

How will you ensure access to all learners?

What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make for the varying needs of individual students in your class?

How did you differentiate your lesson so that all students are engaged in an appropriately rigorous level of cognitive activity?

Demonstrating Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy: Component 1a

Common Core/New York State Content Standards strand, grade, and number/letter, [ex. RI.4.3,

W.5.1a, etc.]

Summary of Standard (Can be found and cut/pasted from http://www.corestandards.org/the-standards )

Demonstrating Knowledge of Content & Pedagogy, Setting Instructional Outcomes: Component 1a, 1c

What prerequisite content/skills are necessary for students to be successful in this lesson and how do they relate to one another both within the discipline or in other disciplines?

What misconceptions might students have about the concepts?

Designing Coherent Instruction: Component 1e

What will be observable during the lesson? (Instructional grouping, structure/pacing of lesson, learning activities, technology, student choice, etc.)

Demonstration Knowledge of Resources: Component 1d


What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson and to extend learning beyond the lesson? Specify where they were accessed.

Designing Student Assessments: Component 1f

Assessment/Criteria for Success

How will you and your students know if they have successfully met the outcomes? List both summative and formative assessments.

What specific criteria will be met in a successful product/process? Attach rubrics/assessments/products as appropriate.
