
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPT) Initiative Advisory Member Activity Update
January 5, 2011
Greetings Everyone and Happy New Year!
As we begin this New Year I want to congratulate everyone on the great progress that has been made this past year to
advance the emerging field of MPTs! Collectively, we have prepared peer-reviewed publications and advocacy
materials; organized MPT-focused convenings; prepared poster and oral presentations highlighting MPTs; refined our
messaging around MPTs; launched the MPT R&D on-line mapping database; expanded our outreach efforts globally and
domestically; implemented social networking tools (e.g., Facebook, website, and Twitter) for MPT advocacy and
education; secured initial support and began planning for an International Symposium on MPTs; initiated preparations
for the longer-term needs required to successfully move this field forward, namely prioritization of product profiles,
regulatory issues, translational research, and funding. Furthermore, many of you are on the cutting edge of MPT product
development and testing. The success of your efforts is also reflected in the recent support for MPTs in the way of RFAs
and funding from USAID, the NIH, and the BMGF. I feel extremely privileged to work alongside such dedicated and
talented individuals.
Attached are several documents that reflect the various MPT related programmatic activities underway by our Initiative
Advisory members, as well as a proposed outline for advancing MPTs over the next five years.
MPT Initiative Activities 2010-2011: This matrix demonstrates the ongoing MPT activities by Advisory members,
who is involved, and the status of each activity. Please review this and let me know of any revisions you may
have by January 19th, 2011.
MPT Initiative – Moving the Field Forward (draft 5-year phased-in plan): The purpose of this draft document is
to stimulate us to carefully think about where we want the MPT field to be in 5 years, and the steps required to
get us there as we develop a well defined 5-year strategic plan. Please review and send comments to me on this
document by January 19th, 2011. Your comments will be incorporated into a revised document which will be
used to help develop our MPT Initiative 5-year strategic plan.
Upcoming MPT Initiative meetings
Please note the following MPT Initiative related activities that will take place within the next month. Working groups
will convene separately via telecon or in-person (e.g., Messaging activity; Symposium Program planning; Product profile
Think Tank; etc).
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies: Towards Clarity in Nomenclature meeting: January 31st, 2011
As a reminder, if you have not done so already, please RSVP to Martha Brady (MBRADY@popcouncil.org) if you or a
member of your organization will participate in the MPT Nomenclature meeting held from 1-4pm at the DC office of the
Population Council on Monday, January 31st. This meeting will focus on MPT regulatory nomenclature and Martha will
send out an agenda as well as logistical details, including call-info for those unable to participate in person.
Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPT) Initiative Advisory member meeting: February 4th, 2011
We will have an in-person MPT Initiative Advisory committee meeting on February 4th, 2011 from 12:30 – 4:00 at the
ARHP/Global Health office of PHI/CAMI located in Washington, DC. The focus of this meeting will be to 1) begin our 5year strategic planning process; 2) get updates from Advisory members on key activities, namely Messaging (PATH) and
Regulatory Nomenclature (Population Council). Teleconference and video conference participation will be available for
those not able to make this in person. Please RSVP to Bethany by January 19th, 2011. Lunch will be provided between
Change in Document Sharing Platform
We have transferred our document sharing platform from google.docs to a system called Basecamp, which is supposed
to be more user-friendly. All relevant MPT Initiative documents, including Symposium planning and working group
documents, will be posted on Basecamp which we hope will better facilitate on-line communications and documentsharing. Efficient on-line communication will become increasingly important as our initiative becomes more global and
in-person and telephone calls become more of a challenge due to travel and time-zones. Kathryn will distribute invites
to each of you as well as instructions (it is very easy!)
Key updates regarding the MPTs 2011 Symposium
Venue secured: The Kaiser Family Foundation in Washington, DC has been secured for November 3rd and 4th, 2011 for
the MPTs 2011 Symposium. A half-day follow-up strategy meeting will take place with a smaller group on November 5th
at the ARHP/Global Health office of PHI in Washington DC.
Funding: Initial funding has been secured from USAID and a request for additional support is currently under review by
the NIH Office of AIDS Research. LOIs have been submitted to several other funders. Supplemental support in the
amount of $100,000 is being sought to help fund a reception ($25,000) and scholarships/travel support ($75,000) for
new and developing country scholars. Supporters of the Symposium can have their logos included on Symposium
materials and display their organizational materials during the symposium. If you have suggestions for funders, or if
your organization is able to contribute to the Symposium, please contact Bethany.
Several interrelated MPT Initiative activities are currently underway:
Product Development Think Tank: A proposed Think Tank (TT) organized by the MPT Initiative and AVAC is
under review for funding. The TT will focus on Product Profiles that are feasible and acceptable. The Think Tank
will commission working groups (WGs) to generate development strategies for each product profile. The
recommendations from these WGs will be presented to the Symposium or for discussion. One desired
outcome of the Symposium is a consensus on how to continue dialogues and identify next steps for the MPT
Regulatory Issues Working Group: The Population Council is planning to direct a Regulatory program on MPTs
in the US and internationally. This project will explore pathways for MPTs through the regulatory process. The
Population Council will also host discussions around nomenclature which will impact regulatory issues.
Message Development Activities: PATH has been facilitating some initial messaging activities to help inform
how MPT advocates communicate about what we are doing to different target audiences as effectively as
Behavioral Science Working Group: CAMI is appointing a small working group of behavioral scientists,
translational science researchers, cultural anthropologists, and learning theory experts to bring another
dimension to the IMPT discussion. The working assumption is that key strategies and principles identified by
this group will be applied to the product development, regulatory issues, and message development efforts as
Together, these activities will help lay the foundation for the Symposium and the MPT Initiative.
Call for papers on dual protection in the Jo of Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Special Issue on Dual Protection Use to Prevent STIs and Unintended Pregnancy.
Manuscript deadline is March 15, 2011 (see attached PDF).
Warm Wishes for a wonderful 2011!
Bethany Young Holt, PhD MPH
CAMI/Public Health Institute