Ross High School, Well Wynd, Tranent, East Lothian EH33 2EQ ROSS HIGH SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL Meeting of Tuesday 27th January 2015 Present: J Belton (Chair), R Powell, J Robertson, N Neighbour, A Muir, B Esamal, G Walshe, A Welsh, P Reynolds, A Archer, Cllr D Grant, N Nicholls (Clerk) Apologies: Cllr K McLeod, Cllr J Gillies, Cllr S Akhtar Minutes 1. Introductions and Apologies JB welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced AA who had recently taken up post as Deputy Head. 2. Minutes and Matters Arising The minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2014 were proposed by GW and seconded by AM. GW said that the school employability project was going ahead. Canon and the local Co-op were the main business links. SA had asked the school what it would like in terms of a business group for the ward. AA had a good deal of experience of working with businesses to improve pupil employability. N Neighbour reported on Ross Rocks Reading; books for members of the public to pick up and read had been placed in Pencaitland and Tranent. RP said that a Fa’side Area Partnership Active Transport Sub-Group meeting was taking place in Tranent where Ian Dalgleish would talk about a school cycling programme. PR thanked GW for sending out thank you letters to people who had provided prizes for the school’s 60th anniversary celebrations. 3. Head Teacher’s Update A French/Spanish teacher and a Science/Physics teacher had been appointed. David Fitzgerald had been appointed as permanent Principal Guidance Teacher for Fa’side House – moving from a temporary post in Winton. A temporary Principal Guidance Teacher for Winton House would now be advertised. Action PR handed round the new school Aims and Values and Code of Conduct produced after consultation with staff and pupils. The school development plan was well on track in terms of progress and development priorities. An NHS anti-smoking project had begun involving 35 influential pupils in the school (chosen by pupils) being trained to offer peer support. In England such schemes had resulted in a 60% reduction in the number of pupils smoking in school. PR would look at whether an award might be appropriate for pupils carrying out this work. Three pupils had graduated from the Children’s University at Queen Margaret University (QMU). New Rights Respecting Cards would be awarded to pupils who had respected others’ rights and would be recorded on the merits system. The school had hosted rugby teams visiting from Merewether, Australia. The under 13s football team had reached the last 16 of the Scottish Cup. The school would try to obtain additional funding/assistance towards transport costs for the away fixture. Some pupils had been featured canoeing in Scottish Paddler Magazine. There had been a great turnout to the S2 Curriculum Evening two weeks ago. S2 pupils were making their subject choices. A language was not a compulsory choice but was being encouraged by the school and SCILT (Scotland’s National Centre for Languages) speakers were talking to S2 classes on the benefits of learning a foreign language. 45 pupils and 5 staff were going on the 6th year London trip. Prelims were now underway. JB asked how the QMU Academies and prelims timetables fitted together. PR said that the Academies had now been opened up to schools in Edinburgh which might have different prelims timetables compared to those in Mid and East Lothian. Neil Craik-Collins was discussing with other East Lothian Secondary Schools whether or not it would be useful to share Advanced Higher Classes. 4. Finance Update AM said that there was £435.44 in the Parent Council bank account. Proceeds from the Christmas raffle organised by staff had been paid into the School Fund. 5. Reporting Senior school PR said that reports to parents should state clearly where a pupil was now, what they could do next, where they should end up and if they were on track to do that. If pupils were under-achieving this would be shown on the SEEMIS reporting system. At present there was a tracking report for senior pupils (with no written dialogue) followed by a Parents’ Evening, a full final report with dialogue followed by more tracking. PR asked for the Parent Council’s view on having three tracking reports each with a next steps dialogue but smaller than the present full report. It was agreed that this might be beneficial. It was suggested that the school’s core values should be in the reporting system; a template could be used for the production of the three shorter tracking reports; links for next steps support could be included on the school website; reporting would need to take account of what PR pupils wanted to do when they left school including the grades which they might need to secure a place on a particular university course. It was noted that the combined 4th, 5th and 6th year Parents’ Evening had worked well but that there had been long queues for some subjects and that tables in the Library were too close together to allow confidential discussion between parents and teachers. Years 1 – 3 Neil Craik-Collins would be coming along to the next meeting to talk about a new system of reporting for years 1 - 3 which would show where pupils were at present and next steps. 6. Parent Council Publicity N Neighbour would produce cards about the Parent Council which could be handed out to parents. AA would assist with producing a Parent Council logo. It was noted that the council ran Edubuzz website training sessions from time to time for Parent Council members. N Neighbour said that 91 people had liked the Parent Council Facebook page. N Neighbour AA 7. Parents’ Queries PR would send an email to parents to let them know if Easter study clubs would be going ahead. It was felt that, in general, the number of emails from PR to parents was about right. JB asked if the school had any plans for use of the outside social area. It was suggested that the Ranger Service might be able to assist with a lunch time gardening club. PR would follow this up. BE passed on a comment from a parent of a 3rd year pupil praising Ross High. JR and AM praised the use of the Edmodo system by teachers in the school. 8. Fundraising It was agreed that another Quiz Night should be organised and that this would be discussed at the next meeting. PR said that the school planned to hold a Burns Supper next year and had been in contact with the Tranent Burns Club about this. 9. Any Other Business AW offered to help with the running of a second-hand school uniform thrift shop towards the end of the school year. The school was considering whether blazers should be introduced for 1st - 3rd years. About 70% of 4th, 5th and 6th years were currently wearing blazers. It was thought that more pupils might return to wearing their blazers as soon as the weather became warmer. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 24th February 2015 at 7.00pm. PR