Using the E-learning Module Using the E

Using the E-learning Module
Using the E-learning module, education and skill development of users or employees can be carried out
with monitoring and testing.
I’ll divide this topic into parts:
Creating a training course: access rights, course templates, courses, chapters, lessons
Testing: questions, views, tests
Results, certifications, and grade books
Creating a course: rights, course templates, courses, chapters, and lessons
Setting access rights
To allow a specific user group or groups to create training courses and tests, the following access rights
need to be granted to that group:
Edit files and folders level to the Site Explorer module;
to the actual pages of the site where the course is published; this access level should be ‘write’,
and ‘read’ access to the section /bitrix/admin/ should be granted;
Full Access to the e-Learning module.
Creating a course
Showing the detailed description, sections, pages and tests of a given course is done through the use of a
separate site template. The conditions for using template established for viewing training courses are
determined in the same way that conditions for any site template are determined, that is, the page settings
show what pages and sections use that particular template.
Creating a course
Before starting to create a course, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the main principles of the
The section on training courses is a bit outdated since all of the settings and management of courses are
now available from the front end.
Enter the parameters and description of the course.
Note: usually when a course is being created, access to it is granted only to users who are participating in
its creation. After the course is finished, it can be made available to all appropriate user groups.
After saving the course, it appears on the course list page.
Addition of a course
Enter the course content by creating chapters and lessons.
Testing: questions, types and test
Questions can be attached to each lesson and can be used as a self-test.
Self-test (practice) questions do not affect the final test scores. They are simply intended to help users
determine their level of comprehension of the material. Practice questions do not have to be answered
before moving on to the next lesson.
So let’s make some practice questions in the lessons
The following types of questions can be used:
single choice – one answer from the list is correct (radio buttons);
multiple choice – more than one of the answers in the list may be correct (check boxes);
sort – the items in the answer must be put into the correct order;
text answer* – answers are entered in a text field.
* - text answers can be sent to the course administrator (instructor) by email for grading.
Grading of the first three types of questions can done automatically. If a test contains a mix of both text
answers and other answers, the system can check the non-text answers and the instructor can mark
answers as correct or not in the box provided and enter the score in the control panel of the system.
If a user gets a passing score on a test (even without getting points from the text answers), the test is
considered to have been passed. If the number of points is not enough to pass, then the system will wait
for the instructor to grade the text answers before giving a result.
Mark – number of points given to the user for a correct answer to the given question.
If the A correct answer is required is checked, then the next question will appear only after the correct
answer is given. We don’t need this option now, but it is useful in some training scenarios.
We create the questions and the options for answers in this way for each lesson of the course, as
applicable. Below each lesson that has self-test questions, a link to the self-test will appear.
Now we’ll create the chapter and final tests.
The test for the chapter Continuous Tenses is available only after the Simple Tenses test has been
passed. The Perfect Tenses test is available only after the Continuous Tenses test has been completed
Since this is the first test of the course, access to it does not depend on the other tests. The following tests
will have access criteria shown using the Deny access to this test without passing the test property. I’d
like to note that you can mark tests from this course or from other courses.
If the Incorrect Answer Control option is marked, the test will be interrupted when the critical number
of incorrect errors is reached. Thus, once a test-taker has made enough mistakes to insure a failing final
score, the test quits without allowing the user to view the rest of the questions.
The Marks tab lets you enter the rule for processing course grades depending on the number of correct
We’ll create 3 more tests.
So the training course is ready.
Results, certificates and grade book
The training section of your site lets you publish additional information for users by means of
components such as the Course report (bitrix:learning.student.certificates), Student's gradebook
(bitrix:learning.student.gradebook) and others.
Course report (bitrix:learning.student.certificates) is a component that displays a list of courses
passes and not yet passed for the given user.
In the control panel, in the Certification section (Services>e-Learning>Certification) you can see such
information for all users who have received certificates. A certificate is given to a user after successfully
taking a test.
Student's gradebook (bitrix:learning.student.gradebook) - this component displays the results of all
tests taken.
On the page E-learning Grade book (Services>E-learning>Grade book) the results of all users’ training
is displayed. If a test is not graded automatically, then the grade book will display the number of points
earn, rather than a passed/failed indicator.
Additional information about the module’s capabilities can be found via the links below: