[LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT JOINTLY AWARDED PhD DEGREE PROGRAMME Between [NAME OF PARTNER INSTITUTION, CITY, COUNTRY, REGISTRATION/CHARITY NUMBER] ([“Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution”]) and University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336 (“Edinburgh”) concerning [Name of Research Student] This Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) is drawn up in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between [Partner institution, city, country, registration/charity number], the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336 signed on [Date] (the “MoU”) which recognizes that collaborative research and jointly supervised research students is an effective means of academic cooperation the intent of which is to establish a joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme to enable research students to be awarded a single joint Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree for a programme of research undertaken at both [Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution] and Edinburgh. 1 Preamble A jointly awarded PhD is a qualification conferred upon a student on completion of a collaborative programme established by the partner institutions. It is characterised by: Meeting the academic requirements of both universities Agreement regarding the nomination of a lead university Joint supervision of students between nominated and qualified staff at doctoral degree awarding institutions A single degree awarded for one PhD thesis Parchment(s) issued which indicate that there has been joint supervision. Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 1 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] Conforming to the regulations of both countries and Universities, [Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution] and Edinburgh thereafter designated the ‘Partner Universities’, agree to put in place a doctoral co-supervision programme for: [Name of Research Student] (the “Research Student”) This MoA covers the terms of the training and support that [Name of Research Student] will receive for the preparation of a thesis [Entitled /in the field of/ area of study] cosupervised by [Name of Supervisor] at [Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution] and [Name of Supervisor] at Edinburgh and other detailed administrative and academic matters. 2 2.1 Administrative Terms Lead Partner University The lead Partner University for [Name of Research Student] will be [Indicate either Partner Institution OR University of Edinburgh] (the “Lead University”) and in accordance with the MoU, both partner institutions will be responsible for the overall administrative management related to [Name of Research Student] registered onto the joint PhD programme and examination procedures as agreed in Paragraph 3.4 of the MoA. [Name of Research Student] will also be subject to the degree programme regulations of [University of Edinburgh OR partner Institution] as lead University. 2.2 Registration, Enrolment and Matriculation The student will be registered in the two universities according to the terms and regulations specific to each of the Partner Institutions. For day-to-day functions the local rules of the institution in which the student is resident will apply. If the research student is outwith either the Partner Institutions for purposes under the terms of this agreement, the rules of the lead University will apply and the research student will ensure that the lead University is informed of such periods of time outwith the Partner Institutions. Personal details of the student will be held by both institutions to facilitate matriculation, registration and other relevant administrative processes. Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 2 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] The joint enrolment/matriculation will commence [Date of commencement] and be for a period of [State number of months] with a possible extension up to a further year by mutual agreement of the Partner Institutions, in agreement with the Partner Institutions’ regulations and subject to the MoU being extant. The exact commencement date will be confirmed in writing to the Research Student by the Lead University. 2.3 Supervision The Research Student, will be supervised by at least one supervisor in each of the Partner Institution as detailed above. The work, as appropriate, will be carried out in the two Partner Universities. The Research Student should spend a minimum of 12 months at each Partner Institution (or under their direct supervision if research is being carried out outwith the Partner Institutions). The portion of time the Research Student will spend at each of the Partner Universities is as follows: Year 1: Year 2: Year 3: This may be amended by prior arrangements between the Research Student, the named supervisors and the appropriate administrative authorities of each Partner Institution. In addition, and where applicable, immigration rules may provide restrictions and stipulations on time spent at each Partner Institution which must be applied. Article 4 – Fees The Research Student will be eligible to apply for a scholarship to cover tuition fees and living expenses from either or both Partner Universities but will only be eligible at any one time to be in receipt of one full scholarship. Applicants will need to satisfy eligibility criteria for the award of a scholarship. Likewise the Research Student will be eligible to apply for access to hardship funds but will be eligible at any one time to be in receipt of assistance from only one of the Partner Universities. The Partner Universities shall be permitted to discuss between themselves any proposed award of scholarship (and the amount and basis thereof). Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 3 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] If the Research Student is self-funded, the terms of the MoU and this Agreement apply in the same manner as for a student in receipt of a Scholarship or Studentship. Tuition fees as well as an other additional fees will be due to each of the Partner Institution, according to their payment regulations, for time spent at the Partner Institutions (or being directly supervised by them outwith the premises of the Partner Institutions) as agreed in paragraph 2.3. Travel costs incurred by the student for travelling between Partner Universities will be covered as follows: [If applicable, enter travel costs’ arrangements e.g.: 1 return ticket] 2.4 Insurance While located in [Country of Partner Institution] as an international student, the [Health Insurance scheme name] for the Research Student will be [provided by Partner Institution OR paid for by the Research Student]. In the event that regular coverage is deemed insufficient, it will be the responsibility of the Research Student to subscribe to an appropriate additional personal insurance policy. While in Scotland, the Research Student will have access to the same national healthcare provision as any other student registered at the University of Edinburgh. If the Research Student is undertaking research, training or conference work outwith either of the countries of the Partner Institutions as agreed with the named supervisors, the healthcare and insurance arrangements and regulations of the Lead University will apply unless otherwise agreed in writing prior to the period of time outwith of the countries of the Partner Institutions. 3 3.1 Academic Details Working thesis title The proposed title of the thesis is: [Title of thesis] 3.2 Supervisory team The Principal Supervisor at Edinburgh is [Name of Principal Supervisor]. The Principal Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 4 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] Supervisor at [Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution] is [Name of Principal Supervisor]. The Principal Supervisor and any other Supervisors will jointly be involved in the continuing assessment of the candidate's work in progress. The degree regulations including assessment and progression will be those of the [Name of the Lead University], unless otherwise stated in Paragraph 3.4 of this Memorandum. 3.3 Intellectual Property The Research Student, the co-supervisors and the Partner Institutions will comply with the relevant policies of both Partner Institutions with regard to intellectual property in order to protect the PhD research and the publication of research results. If there is a conflict between the Intellectual property regulation of the Partner Institutions, the Research Student, the co-supervisors and the Partner Institutions agree to resolve this by mutual agreement and the specific following Intellectual property arrangements for the doctoral research undertaken under the terms of the Memorandum will be: [If relevant State Intellectual Property arrangements. E.g. For each student the following will require to be discussed and way forward agreed pursuant to the signing of this MoA: Research with commercial application developed by one or both of co-supervisors during course of the programme Research with commercial application developed by research student during course of the programme, independently and/or with co-supervisor’s support/guidance Authorship of articles published as a result of research work] 3.4 Assessment and examination The Research Student will be required to complete assessments of his/her doctoral research work is accordance to the rules and regulations of [Partner Institution/Lead University/Both]. Final examination for the award of the joint degree of Doctor of Philosophy will consists of: [state examination procedure E.g. submission of intention to submit at one or both institutions, viva voce, panel presentation, examiners’ report only, number of examiners…. Or a combination of the rules and regulations of both partner institutions as Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 5 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] long as it does not conflict with either set of rules and regulations]. Where appropriate, the Research Student should inform the Partner Institutions of any reports submitted or any assessments undergone during the course of the doctoral research undertaken under the terms of the Agreement, 3.5 Language The thesis will be submitted in [Language], with a [number of words]-word abstract in [Language], as stipulated in the MoU. 3.6 Joint Award of the Doctor of Philosophy The two Partner Institutions will agree to award the joint degree of Doctor of Philosophy of [Partner Institution] and the University of Edinburgh subject to the satisfactory completion of all award requirements by the research student in accordance with the regulations of the [Partner Institution/Lead University/Both]. A decision to recommend the award of the degree by either University is not binding upon the other. 4 4.1 Legislation, Regulations and Dispute Resolution Terms differing from Memorandum of Understanding The arrangements in respect of [Research Student] differ from those set out in the MOU as follows: Management and Administrative Arrangements – [State how different] Rules and Regulations - [State how different] Supervision, Counselling and Advising - [State how different] Awarding of Degree and Graduation – [confirm which graduation ceremony is to be attended and how the parchment will reflect the joint nature of the degree] 4.2 Copyright The signatories of this MoA will comply with existing regulations in their respective institutions and countries regarding the filing, registration of copyright, description and Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 6 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] For and on behalf of the University of Edinburgh For and on behalf of [Partner University] reproduction of the thesis. 4.3 Confidentiality From time to time during the Term, Edinburgh and [Abbreviated designation of Partner Institution] will exchange confidential information. Such information may be disclosed orally or in writing. Each Partner Institution undertakes to keep such information secret and confidential and not to disclose the same to any other person except to the extent that such information is in the public domain (other than as a result of the breach of any obligation of confidence) or required to be disclosed by law, including but not limited to requirements under the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002. This clause is intended to be legally binding under Scots Law and will remain in force beyond the Term of this Memorandum. Any dispute arising out of the interpretation, validity or performance of, or otherwise in connection with, this Memorandum shall be submitted to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Scottish courts. 4.4 Length of Agreement This MoA will be effective from the date of enrolment/matriculation of [Name of Research Student] at the Partner Universities. It will terminate either on submission of the thesis at the end of the maximum prescribed period (or at the end of any extension periods) as described in Paragraph 2.2, or on termination by any one of the parties to this MoA, whichever is earlier. By mutual agreement, the terms of this MoA may be reviewed and varied particularly to take account of any changes agreed by all signatures to this Agreement to the periods of residency of the Research Student at each Partner University, changes in fee structure and/or length of study period. 4.5 Dispute Resolution If there is a difference in the interpretation or execution of this document, all Parties agree that they will solve it by mutual agreement. Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 7 of 8 [LOGOS OF PARTNER INSTITUTIONS] The Principal Supervisor: The Principal Supervisor: Name: Name: Date: Date: Associate Supervisor Associate Supervisor Name: Name: Date: Date: The Head of the School of (name of Department): Name: The Head of Department) Name: Date: Date: The Head of the College of (name of College) Name The Dean of Division/Faculty) Name Date: Date: The Vice–Principal (Research Community Relations): Training the the Department of (name Division of (name and The Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research): Name: Name: Date:` Date: The Research Student: Witness Name: Name: Date: Address: Date: Version: NML December 2009 (MoA Final 1.01) Page 8 of 8