Think Feet First Active Travel Program Resource

SITE: ___________________________________
Think Feet First Active Travel Program
for Early Childhood Sites
Think Feet First Active Travel Program Information Sheet
Think Feet First Active Travel Program Implementation Checklist
Walk Record Sheets - Part 1 & Part 1B
Think Feet First Active Travel Program Curriculum Links
Information for Parents - Brochure
Information for Parents - Letter
Reminder Notes for Parents
Family Feet Sheet (footprints)
Notice Board Display – Border and Images
Think Feet First Active Travel Resource Poster
Bag Tags for Children
Magnifying Glass Notes for Children
Template for Family Walk Certificate
Template for Community Walk Certificate
Template for Independent Walk Certificate
Ideas for Family Walking Activity Loan Packs
Evaluation Report
What is the Think Feet First active travel program?
Think Feet First is a fun active travel program for 3-5 year olds and their families attending kindergarten
or child care in your local OPAL region. This program is based on a similar program developed by
Sport Manawatu in New Zealand which has been adapted by the OPAL project.
The program aims to:
 promote short active travel trips (walking, scooting, or bike riding) as healthy, enjoyable and
achievable activities for preschool children and their families;
 encourage and support families to undertake short active travel trips all or part of the way to or
from community places, instead of travelling by car;
 provide resources to support early childhood educators to incorporate and embed both active travel
and road safety awareness into play based learning activities within their program.
The overall objective of the Think Feet First program is to increase the number of families with
preschool children engaging in active travel for short trips to/from preschool or child care and/or in their
local community.
What does the Think Feet First program involve?
The program runs over a 4-8 week period in Term 1 2013, however, if needed, this period can extend
into Term 2. Your centre selects the duration of your program to best suit your families, staff and
resources. The minimum duration period is four weeks.
The Think Feet First program involves the coordination of two initiatives by your centre during the
selected time period. Your centre chooses which two initiatives best suit your needs from the three
initiatives listed below:
1. Support families to actively travel (walk) a short trip to their centre of 500 metres (7-8
minutes) at least once a week during the selected time period.
If initiative #1 is unable to be implemented due to lack of staff capacity to implement it, lack of
capacity/interest by families to participate in it, or lack of a safe route for families to actively travel on to
their site, then the site may implement initiative #1b as an alternative.
1b Engage in several weekly community walks with the children as part of their learning
program (with parent consent and volunteers).
*Some sites may also choose to implement #1b in addition to initiative #1 if they wish.
2. Encourage families to undertake short active travel trips (eg walks, bike/ scooter rides)
of at least 500 metres (7-8 mins walking or 4-5 mins riding/ scooting) to community
places or go on local neighbourhood walks in their free time (ie weekends).
What would each of these initiatives involve?
Initiative 1:
 Staff member/s would meet interested families at a designated spot, date and time each week and
each child would wear a Think Feet First hi-visibility safety vest provided by OPAL. Parent
participation in these walks would be required.
 Staff member/s would coordinate a ‘group walk and talk’ of at least 500m on a safe route to their
 Each child that participated would receive a special ticket (bag tag) for their kindy/centre bag,
clipped after each walk.
 At end of term, participating children would receive a Think Feet First magnet, bike bell or
pedometer and certificate to acknowledge their family’s commitment to active travel.
N.B If there are some children and their families at your centre that are already actively travelling to
and/or from your site regularly and who may not want or need to join in on the supported ‘group walk’,
they will not miss out. These children will also receive a bag tag to be clipped and a certificate and bike
bell or pedometer at the end of the term.
Initiative 1b:
 Staff members and parent volunteers would coordinate regular community walks for children as part
of the centre program.
 On these walks, children would wear safety vests provided by OPAL.
 Children participating on these walks would receive a Think Feet First bag tag for their kindy/centre
bag which would be clipped after each walk.
 At the end of the term, children would receive a special Think Feet First certificate and sticker as an
acknowledgement of their active travel participation.
Initiative 2:
 All 3-5 year old children at your site would receive a Think Feet First magnifying glass in addition to
two ‘feet sheets’, each with 5 colourful footprints on them. Families would be asked to use these
sheets each time they go on a walk more than 500 metres (ie about 7-8 minutes with their child) in
their community during the designated time period.
 On each footprint there is space for parents to record their child’s name, date of their active travel
trip, where they went, and something their child saw on their walk eg a colourful butterfly, a
crunchy Autumn leaf, a squishy mud puddle!
 Each time a family completes a footprint, they bring it in, cut it out and stick it in a designated Think
Feet First display area at their child’s kindy/centre.
 Completed footprints would be used by staff as a basis for group discussion with the children
around active travel so children have the opportunity to share their active travel experiences.
Why is active travel important for young children?
Young children are born to move so they can grow, develop new skills and learn about their world, so it
is easy to think that they are naturally active. We know however, that the majority of preschool children
are not participating in sufficient daily physical activity1. We also know young children are spending
excessive amounts of time sitting, engaging in screen-based entertainment 1,2. Lack of time spent being
physically active and more sedentary time not only impacts on children physically (ie affecting their
health, fundamental movement skill development, bone and muscle growth), but also their brain
development, learning, and self-confidence3.
Active travel is a very versatile physical activity that preschool children and their families can engage in
relatively easily and regularly, as part of their daily routine (eg walking part-way to kindergarten, or
going on a short ride to the local park). Going on active travel trips together is either free or low cost.
Children and families can engage in active travel anytime and almost anywhere where there are
footpaths or safe travel routes. In addition, active travel can be performed by children and adults of all
ages and physical abilities and enjoyed throughout the lifespan.
Walking, riding or scooting short trips regularly from an early age helps children to:
 build strong bones and muscles
 develop new, life-long physical skills
 stay healthy and establish healthy habits for life
 learn and practice important road safety rules
 become more confident in public places
 enjoy some quality time with their parents
 sleep better, by burning off some of their energy
 learn about nature and their community through exploring outdoors
 be prepared for walking to school and other places as they get older
The more families and children that walk, cycle or scoot in our community, the safer it becomes for
everyone. Less traffic means less pollution, less congestion around early childhood settings and safer
streets for our kids.
For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact:
Tamara Thorpe
OPAL – City of Playford
Phone: 8256 0466
1. Hinkley T, Salmon J, Okely A, Crawford D, & Hesketh K. Preschoolers’ physical activity, screen time, and compliance with
recommendations. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 2012, Mar; 44(3):458-65.
2. Hinkley T. Environmental/family/psychosocial influences on physical activity in young children. Fisher JO, topic ed. In:
Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, eds. Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development [online]. Montreal, Quebec:
Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development and Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development;
2012:1-8. Available at: Accessed August 31 2012.
3. National Physical Activity Recommendations for children 0-5 years, 2010. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia,
Department of Health and Ageing. Available at:$File/05yrACTIVE_Brochure_FA%20SCREEN.pdf. Accessed August 31 2012.
Implementation Checklist
This checklist will help guide you in implementing the program.
Step 1: Program planning
If completing Part 1: Staff-led family group walks/OR Walk to kindy/Child care Day
 identify meeting point (at least 500m away, approx. 7-8 mins slow walk from your site)
 choose safest route and complete/document risk assessment of route
 select dates/times for walk/s
 identify staff members’ and parents’ roles and responsibilities.
 purchase hi-vis safety vests for each child
 print bag tags for each child
If completing Part 1B: Community walks with children in program
 choose safe, interesting routes and conduct/document risk assessments of routes
 select dates/times for walks
 send our standard site parental consent form for walks
 identify staff members’ and parent volunteers’ roles and responsibilities.
 purchase hi-vis safety vests for each child
 print bag tags for each child
If completing Part 2: Family walks in free time
 identify Think Feet First display area for completed family ‘footprints’ to be displayed
 affix Think Feet First notice board images, captions and borders provided for the display area.
 Purchase magnifying glasses for each child (attach notes to each magnifying glass)
Other ideas - educational resources (toys, books, etc):
 search educational catalogues for resources and calculate costs
 plan with staff how and when resources will be used in your site learning program
 order and purchase your items
Other ideas - Family Walking Activity loan packs:
 research items to include in loan packs and calculate costs (ideas are included later in this guide)
 discuss and decide with staff how your pack loan system will operate
 order and purchase your items
 once resources received, compile packs and promote to children and families.
Step 2: Program promotion
 put up Think Feet First poster in prominent location
 inform parents and children about the program through:
> providing selected newsletter inserts and chatting with parents
> engaging in discussion and learning activities with children
> placing ‘Parent information package’ in parents’ pockets (including cover letter, brochure
and 2x Family Feet sheets)
> giving children a Think Feet First magnifying glass/note and bag tag to take home.
Step 3: Program implementation
If completing Part 1: Staff-led family group walk/s OR ‘Walk to kindy or child care Day’
 place item in newsletter and/or send invitation home with children to parents to invite families
to participate in this event/these walks (include date/time/meeting spot for planned walk/s)
 complete Part 1: Family Group Walk/Walk to kindy or child care Day record sheet
when any walks are held.
 punch holes into bag tags of children who have completed to walk
If completing Part 1B: Community walks with children in program
 send consent form to parents for permission to take children on community walks as part of
the learning program
 complete Part 1B: Community walks with children record sheet each time a walk is held.
 punch holes into bag tags of children who have completed to walk
If completing Part 2: Family walks in free time
 make sure each family has 2x Family Feet sheets (‘footprints’)
 encourage families to complete a ‘footprint’ each time they go on a walk more than 500
metres (ie about 7-8 minutes with their child) in their community
 encourage families and stick their ‘footprints’ on the display at the centre
 staff are to use the ‘footprints’ as a basis for group discussion with the children around active
Step 4: Program evaluation
 complete Think Feet First evaluation report, transferring information from record sheets kept
from family group walks and/or community walks as above, in addition to answering the other
evaluation questions included in the report
PART 1: Organised family group walks to kindy
OR ‘Walk to kindy/child care Day’ record
*To be completed by staff after each family group walk
OR ‘Walk to kindy care Day’ to their site.
Site name:
Number of
Number of families
that normally walk
all or part way to
Summary of significant feedback from
participants about the walks
Number of
Number of families
that normally walk
all or part way to
Summary of significant feedback from
participants about the walks
PART 1B: Community walks with children record
*To be completed by staff after each community walk is
undertaken with children within their site’s learning program.
Site name:
Number of
Approximate distance
walked and time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Interesting observations of children’s
learning and behaviour and/or summarise
any significant feedback from children
during the walk
Number of
Walks children
Approximate distance
walked and time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Interesting observations of children’s learning
and behaviour and/or summarise any
significant feedback from children during the
Information for Parents – Brochure (delete before printing)
Families will be encouraged to go on
short active travel trips (ie walks,
bike/scooter rides) to community
places in their free time (ie weekends)
during the program.
All children will receive two family ‘feet
sheets’ with colourful shoes on them and a
Think Feet First magnifying glass they
can use for their important exploring!
You will be asked to use these each time
you go on a walk, ride or scoot with your
child in your community during the
program. There will be space on each
footprint to share a little bit about your
outdoor adventures. All completed ‘family
footprints’ will be displayed and children
will be encouraged to share and celebrate
their active travel experiences
with each other.
What is OPAL?
OPAL is a program that helps to
support our local community to eat
well and enjoy being active.
The Think Feet First preschool
|program is an OPAL initiative,
supported by local preschools and
child care centres.
We acknowledge Sport Manawatu
New Zealand’s generosity in sharing
information about their active travel
How does the Think Feet First
program work?
What is the Think Feet First
active travel program?
Why is it important for children to
step, cycle or scoot?
We all know how important it is for young
children to be active every day and how
much they learn when exploring the
outdoors. ‘Active travel’ – ie walking,
scooting or bike riding short trips is a great
way for preschoolers to move and learn,
whilst also burning off energy and
practicing road safety and learn.
Walking, riding or scooting short trips from an
early age with their families helps children to:
Think Feet First is a free, fun active travel
program for 3-5 year olds and their families
in the OPAL Playford region.
Think Feet First encourages families to
have some fun together by going on short
walks, scoots or bike rides of at least 500
metres (about 6-8 minutes if walking with
your child) all or part of the way to
community places. For example, families
may go for a short walk or ride to the local
playground on a weekend, or park the car
a little further away from kindy then walk
and talk the rest of the way.
 build strong bones and muscles
 develop new physical skills
 learn and practice road safety rules
 become more confident in public places
 enjoy quality time with you
 sleep better, by burning off some of
their energy
 learn new words and more about nature
and their community through exploring
 be prepared for walking, riding or
scooting to school and other places as
they get older
 develop healthy habits for life.
Our program will run during [insert date]
and will involve these two parts.
Our staff will lead a short morning
‘family walk’ (children and parents)
from a chosen spot in the community
to our centre [insert frequency, e.g.:
at least once a week] during this
time. All children will wear a bright
safety vest and receive a special
Think Feet First bag tag for their bag,
clipped after each walk. At the end of
the term, children who have joined in
will receive an [insert giveaway, e.g.:
prize] and certificate to recognise
their active travels!
1b Our staff will take children on weekly
community walks during the program
(with parent consent and volunteers).
On these walks, children will wear a
bright safety vest, receive a Think Feet
First bag tag for their bag, clipped after
each walk, and a special certificate.
Information for Parents - Letter
[insert date]
Dear Parents,
Young children are born to move so they can grow, develop new skills and learn about their world. The
more they move and explore outdoors, the more they learn. We know it can be challenging for families to
support children to play outdoors and move as much as they need to. One way to help young children to
be active and burn off some of their energy is to Think Feet First - by going on short, fun active travel trips
in the community (ie walking, bike riding or scooting) with their parents/families. As part of our work to
help children to be active in our program and support active families, our [kindergarten/ child care centre]
has agreed to participate in OPAL’s exciting Think Feet First active travel program for preschool families
in [insert date, e.g.: Term 1 2013].
OPAL is a program coordinated through local council that aims to encourage and support children and
families in our community to eat well and be active. OPAL supports us in our [kindy’s/centre’s] work and
commitment to help children lead healthy lifestyles.
What is the Think Feet First program?
Think Feet First is a fun, free active travel program for 3-5 year olds and their families in our local OPAL
region. It runs for 4-8 weeks over one term. This program is based on a similar program developed by
Sport Manawatu in New Zealand, which has been adapted by OPAL. This program is explained in the
attached pamphlet.
Our Think Feet First program will run for [insert no. of weeks] from: [insert dates]
Please join us to help encourage and support your child to discover the fun and benefits of
Thinking Feet First by participating in this special program. If you have any questions or
require any further information please speak to one of our staff.
Kind regards,
[insert preschool/child care centre Director name and title]
Reminder Notes for Parents (for family group walks to kindy OR ‘Walk to kindy/child care Day’)
Come and join us for our fun ‘Family group walk and talk’ to our [insert preschool/centre]
for our children and parents on ______________________.
We will meet at ________ am, at __________________________________________
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for walking and weather conditions
(e.g.: hat, sunscreen, walking shoes). This walk is part of our Think Feet First program
and partnership with OPAL, promoting safe active travel for children and families.
Come and join us for our fun ‘Family group walk and talk’ to our [insert preschool/centre]
for our children and parents on ______________________.
We will meet at ________ am, at __________________________________________
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for walking and weather conditions
(e.g.: hat, sunscreen, walking shoes). This walk is part of our Think Feet First program
and partnership with OPAL, promoting safe active travel for children and families.
Come and join us for our fun ‘Family group walk and talk’ to our [insert preschool/centre]
for our children and parents on ______________________.
We will meet at ________ am, at __________________________________________
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for walking and weather conditions
(e.g.: hat, sunscreen, walking shoes). This walk is part of our Think Feet First program
and partnership with OPAL, promoting safe active travel for children and families.
Family Feet Sheet (Provide 2 per child)
Notice Board Display – Border and Images
Resource Poster:
Bag Tags for Children
Magnifying Glass note
Template for Family Walk Certificate
You are a ‘Think Feet First’ champion for joining in [insert site name’s] [delete
whichever is not relevant: family walk to kindy/child care day OR family group walks].
[Insert date]
[Insert signature]
[insert director’s name]
[insert site name]
Template for Community Walk Certificate
Going on walks has helped my body to grow strong and I have
learned new things by exploring the outdoors.
[Insert date]
[Insert signature]
[insert director’s name]
[insert site name]
Template for Independent Walk Certificate
You are a ‘Think Feet First’ champion for walking to and from [insert kindy or
childcare] regularly.
[Insert date]
[Insert signature]
[insert director’s name]
[insert site name]
Tips for planning the compilation of your packs:
Choose a pack theme related to the outdoors eg bugs, leaves, rocks/stones
Attach a sign to the front of your pack identifying which pack it is so families know
which pack they are borrowing on the loan sheet
Include a laminated ‘Contents list’ of the items in the pack, preferably with a photo of each item so
families can use this as a quick reference guide to check the pack is complete before returning it. Attach
the ‘Contents List’ to the pack so it does not get lost.
Include an appropriate children’s storybook related to your theme
Include an active or outdoor themed ‘persona doll’ (a soft toy chosen for its ‘active’ nature or a toy that
inspires walking eg monkey or caterpillar)
An A5 ‘active travel diary’ (notebook or scrapbook) for the persona doll: families who borrow the pack
use this to record (with pictures, short stories/captions/ sentences, photos, collected items like leaves
stuck on a page) their walking adventure/s with the persona doll
Include a laminated cover note on the diary written from the persona doll to the child/family borrowing
the pack: the note would introduce the persona doll, explain how to use the pack and what the notebook
is for (see example of Persona Doll note at the end of this resource)
Include a small toy/tool related to the theme that the child could use to help them explore the outdoors
when going for a walk (see examples under each pack heading)
Include a laminated ‘treasure hunt’ sheet related to your theme that families can do as walking/exploring
activity when borrowing the pack (see themed examples in this resource)
Purchase a cheap backpack or rucksack for your pack, making sure it is large enough to store the items
you wish to include in your pack
Prepare a loan sheet for families to use when borrowing and returning a pack (see example near end of
this resource).
Pack 1 ideas: Bugs
Persona doll: a caterpillar or similar bug with legs matches well with this theme
Bug catcher with magnifying lid (include reminder re: catch, look at and release)
and a pair of plastic tweezers (to pick up and examine bugs)
Plastic insect/bug set (cheap shops or National Geographic shop) OR 1 set of
insect rubbing plates ( $21.89)
‘Can you find?’ Bug hunt sheet (see example at end of this resource)
1 bug discovery themed storybook (see Book list).
Pack 2 ideas: Leaves/flowers
Persona doll: a caterpillar would match well with this theme
1 leaf/flower press and/or 1 magnifying glass
1 set of leaf rubbing plates ( $21.89)
‘Can you find?’ Leaf hunt or ‘Leaf Man’ sheets (see examples at end of this resource)
1 leaf discovery/exploration themed storybook (see Book list).
Pack 3 ideas: Birds
Persona doll: a chicken or emu would match well with this theme
1 set of children’s binoculars
Bird spotting sheet (see example at end of this resource, or download Adelaide Botanic Gardens
Guide at:
1 walking/exploring outdoors themed storybook (see Book list).
Pack 4 ideas: Rocks and stones
Persona doll: any soft toy chosen for its ‘active’ nature eg dog
Rock collecting box or minerals box (National Geographic Shop online - $10-$30)
‘Rocks and stones hunt’ sheet (see example at end of this resource)
1 rock exploration themed storybook (see Book list).
Walking/Exploring outdoors themed storybook list:
This list is a guide for children’s storybooks themed around walking or
exploring outdoors that may be useful to include in ‘Family Walking Activity loan
packs’. Most books are available from various suppliers, including online suppliers.
‘The listening walk’ by Paul Showers
‘I went walking’ by Sue Williams
‘Handa’s surprise’ by Eileen Browne
‘We’re going on a bear hunt’ by Michael Rosen
‘There’s a shark in the park’ by Nick Sharratt
‘The treasure hunt’ or ‘The secret path’ by Nick Butterworth
‘Walking through the jungle’ by Stella Blackstone
‘Walking through the jungle’ by Julie Lacome
‘Pete the cat: I love my white shoes’ by Eric Litwin
‘I took the moon for a walk’ by Carolyn Curtis
‘Pond walk’ by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
‘Please take me for a walk’ by Susan Gal
‘Walking with Maga’ by Maureen Boyd Biro
‘A walk in the park’ by Joe Walters (one of the ‘Little Nippers’ series)
‘A walk at the beach’ by Joe Walters (one of the ‘Little Nippers’ series)
‘Spot’s first walk’ or ‘Spot’s walk in the woods’ by Eric Hill
‘I love bugs’ by Emma Dodd
‘I love bugs’ by Philemon Sturges
‘We’re going on a leaf hunt’ by Steve Metzger
‘Leaves’ by David Ezra Stein
‘Leaf man’ by Lois Ehlert
‘If you find a rock’ by Peggy Christian
‘Everybody needs a rock’ by Byrd Baylor
‘If rocks could sing’ by Leslie McGuirk
‘On my beach there are many pebbles’ by Leo Lionni
‘Birds’ by Kevin Henkes
‘Bring on the birds’ by Susan Stockdale
‘What makes a bird a bird’ by May Garelick
‘Letter birds’ by Pam Spremulli
Make a Leaf Man or Lady!
Collect some leaves and see if you can make a ‘leaf man’ or ‘leaf lady’. If you’d
like to share your special creation, please glue it in the book in your pack!
Can you find them? Leaf hunt sheet
Tick the box if you can find them.
Can you find
small leaves?
Can you find
special leaf?
Can you find
big leaves?
Can you find
green leaves?
Bug hunt sheet. How many bugs can you find?
Tick the box if you can find them.
Number of snails
Number of butterflies
Slater bug
Number of worms
Number of bugs
Rocks and stones hunt sheet
Tick the box if you can find them.
Can you find
big rocks?
circle shaped
Find some small stones and
build a tower or wall
Have Mum or Dad help you lift
up a rock and see if any bugs
Bird spotting sheet
Tick the box if you can find them.
Noisy miner
Example ‘active travel’ persona doll note for
scrapbook cover
Hi there!
My name is [insert name of persona doll] and I love to go for walks! I enjoy stepping outside into
the fresh air to get my body moving, see new things, sniff all the different smells of the outdoors
and nature, find different creatures and feel interesting plants and trees. I really like to see children
and their families enjoying themselves when they go on walks too!
While I am at your house, please take me for some walks with your family! I would really like to see
where you go for walks with your family and what sorts of things you see, do, find and talk about on
your family walks.
Don’t forget to draw me some pictures, take a photo or write a little story (with an adult’s help)
about the walks you take me on when I visit your house in this book. It’s my special ‘Family Walk
and Talk’ book!
This way, when you bring me back, all the other children and staff can find out about all the
interesting walks you go on with your family at home.
Remember, to be safe on your walks. Always ‘STOP, LOOK, LISTEN AND THINK’ before you
cross any roads to make sure it is safe to cross. Always hold an adult’s hand when you cross any
road too!
Thankyou for letting me come and visit and walk with you!
[insert persona doll’s name] 
Sample family walking activity pack loan sheet
Date loaned
Borrower’s name
Pack borrowed
(e.g pack 1 or birds pack)
Evaluation Report
Site name: _______________________________________________________
Key contact: _____________________________________________________
Think Feet First program start date: __________________________________
Think Feet First program end date: __________________________________
This evaluation report is to be used to evaluate the Think Feet First program at your kindy/centre.
Please complete all section of this report that are relevant to your site and the parts of the program
you have implemented eg if you implemented Parts 1 and 2 of the program, but not Part 1B, then do
not complete the Part 1B section.
Please send your completed evaluation report to Tamara Thorpe, OPAL Project Officer as soon as
you complete the program. Please ensure this report includes this cover page.
08 8256 0578
City of Playford (OPAL)
12 Bishopstone Rd
Davoren Park SA 5113
PART 1: Organised family ‘group walk/s’ to kindy/centre.
Number of
Number of families that
normally walk all or part
way to site
Summary of significant feedback
from participants about the walks
The following questions are designed to evaluate different aspects of your family group walk/s and talk/s.
Please answer these questions in the space provided.
A. Did you perceive any benefits/positive outcomes for children and/or families
participating in this/these walk/s?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these benefits below.
B. Did you experience any challenges in coordinating/running this/these family group walk/s
to your site?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these challenges below.
C. Are there any elements of your family group walk/s to your site that you would change
or do differently if you coordinated more family walks in the future?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these changes below.
D. Do you plan to continue running any family group walks to your site in
the future?
If you answered ‘no’, please indicate why not.
If you answered ‘yes’ above, please indicate how often you would coordinate these walks
in the future by circling the response that best matches your answer on the scale below.
Once a year Once a term
2-3 times a term
Once a week
Other, please specify:
PART 1B: Community walks with children (as part of learning program).
Number of
Approximate distance
walked and time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Interesting observations of
children’s learning and behaviour
and/or summarise any significant
feedback from children during the
Number of
Approximate distance
walked and time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Distance walked
Time taken
Interesting observations of
children’s learning and behaviour
and/or summarise any significant
feedback from children during the
The following questions are designed to evaluate different aspects of your community walks with the children.
Please answer these questions in the space provided.
A. Did you perceive any benefits/positive outcomes for children from their participation in these
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these benefits below.
B. Did you experience any challenges in coordinating these community walks with the
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these challenges below.
C. Are there any elements of your walks with the children that you would change
or do differently if you coordinated more of these walks as part of your program
in the future?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these changes below.
D. Do you plan to continue running any walks with the children as part of your program
in the future?
If you answered ‘no’, please indicate why not.
If you answered ‘yes’ above, please indicate how often you would coordinate these walks
in the future by circling the response that best matches your answer on the scale below.
Once a year Once a term
2-3 times a term
Once a week
Other, please specify:
PART 2: Families’ own walks (in community)
Number of families participating: ___________________
Total number of walks families recorded: ___________________
List the most popular locations families visited on their walks:
List the most common ‘interesting discoveries’ families made on their walks:
The following questions are designed to evaluate different aspects of these walks that families engage in
outside of your kindy/centre. Please answer these questions in the space provided.
A. Has participating in this component of the Think Feet First program engaged children and/or
parents in talking about active travel and sharing their active travel experiences? YES / NO
If you answered ‘yes’, please share your observations regarding these discussions below.
B. Did you perceive any benefits/positive outcomes for children and families from their
participation in these walks?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these benefits below.
C. Did families report any challenges in participating in this component of the Think Feet First
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline challenges families reported below.
D. Are there any elements of this part of the Think Feet First program that you would change or do
differently if you ran it again in the future?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline these changes below.
E. Do you plan to continue this initiative as part of your program in the future?
If you answered ‘no’, please indicate why not.
If you answered ‘yes’, please indicate how often you would coordinate this initiative below
e.g. once each term for 3-4 weeks, weekly on ongoing basis, etc.
F. Has participating in the Think Feet First program made you and your staff members
think and/or plan differently around ‘active travel’ experiences and related learning for
children in your program?
If you answered ‘yes’, please outline your differences in thinking or planning below.
Please include a few photos (once you have gained parental consent) below of your Think Feet First
program in action e.g. your display of families’ completed ‘feet’ records of their walks, family group
walks, community walks with children, or road safety activities, etc.