CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad

CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
1- Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery- Khorasgan
Islamic Azad University -Jey Avenue-Isfahan
2- Nursing & Midwifery School -Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences – Ebn-e -Sina
Phone: +98(311)5354058
Zip/ Postal Code:81595-158
Ph. No: +98( 511) 8598016
Fax: +98 (511) 8598016
Home page :
Nationality: Iranian
Marital status: Married
 Ph.D student in Reproductive health, Mashhad University of medical sciences
 Faculty member in Midwifery education, Department of Midwifery, School of Nursing and
Midwifery, Islamic Azad University of Khorasgan (Isfahan)
 Graduated from GFMER Training Course in Sexual and Reproductive Health
Research 2012
Feb 2009-present
Ph.D student in Reproductive health ,Mashhad University of Medical sciences and
Health services, Mashhad ,IRAN
Title of Thesis: “Exploring sexual behavior patterns of the couples with “unconsummated marriage “and,
developing and psychometric assessment of a tool for its measurement” with co-supervision by Dr.R.latifnejad
and Dr.E.Merghati Khoei.
CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
Feb. 1997-Jun.2000 MSc. in Midwifery education, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran
University of medical sciences and Health services, Tehran ,IRAN
Title of thesis: The relationship of marital adjustment and stress in infertile women with supervision
of Dr. Shayesteh Jahanfar
Oct. 1992-Sep.1996 BSc. In Midwifery. Shiraz University of medical sciences and Health services,
Shiraz ,IRAN
2001-present Faculty member, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, IslamicAzad University,
Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan-IRAN
2000-2001 Part time lecturer, Medical sciences school, Shahrekord University of Medical
sciences and Health services, Shahrekord,IRAN
1997-1999 Medical educator, Paramedical school, Yasouj University of Medical sciences and
Health services, Yasouj,IRAN
2001-present A Member of Family planning institute of Islamic Republic of Iran(FPAIRI)
2005-present A Member of The International Alliance of Midwives (IAM).
Practice as a Midwife in a private prenatal clinic .Isfahan, Iran.
Practice and training in Isfahan Psychosexual clinic.Isfahan university of
Medical sciences. Isfahan, Iran
health .
official educator of MISP (Minimum initial service package) for Reproductive
2001-present Faculty member, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Islamic-Azad University,
Khorasgan Branch, Isfahan-IRAN
2000-2001 Part time lecturer, Medical sciences school, Shahrekord University of Medical
sciences and Health services, Shahrekord,IRAN
1997-1999 Medical educator,Paramedical school ,Yasouj University of Medical sciences and
Health services, Yasouj,IRAN
Correlation between maternal anxiety in the third trimester of pregnancy and
neonatal pain during invasive procedures in Bandar-Abbas hospitals in 2012. MSc thesis .Co supervisor.
Experiences and psychosocial needs of family members of HIV positive people: A
Phenomenological study. Msc thesis . Co supervisor.
2010-present Need for and access to emotional support and sexual practices of widows: A
phenomenological study.
2009-present Evaluation of a light source with wavelength more than 400nm in screening of
semen stains in rape victims referred to forensic medical center of Isfahan province.
CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
2006-2008 Jahanfar Sh. Molaei-nezhad M., Perception of medical students, academics and
clinicians towards ethical issues in medical research: A comparison Study between Malaysian and
Iranian Medical students. Under published
Forensic medicine in Midwifery and Ethical issues in Midwifery, Sexology for medical and
paramedical students and CME programs for general physicians, Maternal and child health,
Gynecology and Obstetrics for Midwifery and Nursing students, , Family planning for students of
Basic sciences
Jahanfar Sh, Molaei-nezhad M.,”Textbook of sexual disorders”,TehranBijeh,SalemiPublication.2002(3th Ed.2007)
Jahanfar Sh, Molaei nezhad M.,”Male menopause:Andropause”,Translation of the Major book by:
Jed Diamond,Tehran,Bijeh publication2003.
 Molaei -nezhad M "Yoga in pregnancy and postpartum period: a review".as a chapter
in book psychotherapy, Yoga and Ganesh Shankar. , India ,First
edition.Nov.2005 .ISBN:81-88780-17-0
 Sharifian Sh.,Molaei -nezhad M "Prenatal Yoga" Oral presentation. as a chapter in book
psychotherapy, Yoga and Ganesh Shankar. , India ,First edition.Nov.2005
Molaei nezhad M "Infertility related stress and marital life in Iranian infertile
women who referred to Isfahan infertility treatment clinic. Oral presentation. "4
International congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology .Tehran,IRAN,Nov.2000
Molaei-nezhad M,.” The relationship of stress and sexual satisfaction in infertile women ”.
Oral presentation. Psychological aspects of infertility symposium, Tehran, Iran ,May 2001,
Molaei -nezhad M” .Effects of Yogurt consumption in treatment of Gynecological bacterial
infections. Oral presentation The first conference on Nursing and Midwifery,.Islamic
Azad University (khorasgan Branch), Isfahan, Iran. December 2003
Molaei -nezhad M”.Kangaroo care: The best help parents can do for their premature infant.”
Oral presentation. The Second national conference on Nursing and Midwifery; client,
Contribution, Health. Islamic Azad University (khorasgan Branch), Isfahan, Iran December
Molaei -nezhad M "Yoga in pregnancy and postpartum period: a review" Oral
presentation.The 2th international conference on psychotherapy, Yoga and
Spirituality.Haridwar , India ,Nov.2005
Molaei -nezhad M "Premenstural syndrome as a mitigating factor"6 International
congress on Obstetrics and Gynecology .Tehran, Iran, Nov.2005
Sharifian Sh.,Molaei -nezhad M "Prenatal Yoga" Oral presentation. The 2th international
conference on psychotherapy, Yoga and Spirituality .Haridwar , India ,Nov.2005
Molaei -nezhad M” .Surrogacy:problem or problem solving" Conference on Midwifery
day,.Islamic Azad University (khorasgan Branch), Isfahan, Iran. December 2003
CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
Molaei -nezhad M "Infertility related stress and marital life in Iranian infertile women."Oral
presentation, ХVІІІ FIGO World Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Kula Lumpur,
Malaysia, Nov. 2006
Molaei -nezhad M" Psychosocial treatment and demographic predictors of the sexual and
marital functioning of Iranian infertile women" Poster presentation .ХVІІІ FIGO World
Congress of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Kula Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 2006
Molaei -nezhad M” .Quinaqrin Sterility (Q.S.): An ideal alternative for tubal ligation.Poster
presentation, The third conference on Nursing and Midwifery,.Islamic Azad University
(khorasgan Branch), Isfahan, Iran. December 2005
Molaei -nezhad M. "AIDS and pregnancy" Oral presentation. The second local AIDS
conference Islamic Azad University (khorasgan Branch) , Isfahan, Iran, December2007
Molaei -nezhad M. Acceptability of a preconception sex selection program as a method for
reduction of family size in an urban area of Iran. Oral presentation. The 11 world congress
on Controversies in Obstetrics and Gynecology and Infertility ( COGI) .Paris- France
• Molaei -nezhad M. A comparative study about perception and practice of women about injection
methods for contraception in 2 urban and rural area The 4th congress in nursing and midwifery. IsfahanIran 2008
• Molaei -nezhad M. and Sedaghati N.(Bsc.) A case report in postpartum deppression The 5th local
conference in nursing and midwifery Isfahan-Iran y.December 2009
• Molaei -nezhad M. and Rezaie z. .(Bsc.)
Acuaapressure for hyperemesis gravidarum The 5th local
conference in nursing and midwifery. Isfahan-Iran December 2009
• Molaei -nezhad M. and Mohammad Ebrahim M.(Bsc.).aromatherapy in
midwifery 5th local
conference in nursing and midwifery. Isfahan-Iran 2009
• Molaei -nezhad M. Metformin
treatment for PCO infertile patients with clomiphen resistance
The 5th local conference in nursing and midwifery. Isfahan-Iran. 2009
• Molaei -nezhad M. and Mohammad Ebrahim M.(Bsc.).Reflexology in
midwifery The 5th local
conference in nursing and midwifery. Isfahan-Iran 2009
• Molaei -nezhad M The
medico-legal care of sexual assault victims. Oral presentation. The 5th
local conference in nursing and midwifery (workshop). Isfahan-Iran .2009
• Molaei -nezhad M Sexuality during pregnancy and postpartum, Oral presentation, A 3-day
workshop on “ the first actions in sexual problems of clients”. Isfahan-Iran October,2010
• Molaei -nezhad M Sexual physiology and anatomy, ,Oral presentation, A 3-day workshop on
“The first actions in sexual problems of clients” .Isfahan-Iran October,2010
• Molaei -nezhad M The paraphilias,Oral presentation, A 3-day workshop on
“ the first actions in
sexual problems of clients”.Isfahan-Iran October,20100
• Molaei -nezhad M and Moeini P.(MD) The effects of homeopathic therapy on semen parameters
: A case report , Poster presentation. National congress on Patients Care & Treatment by
Complementary & Alternative Medicine .Isfahan-Iran,October, 2010
standard practice in sexual consult in midwifery offices. Oral
presentation, A 3-day workshop on” the first actions in sexual problems of clients.CME
• Molaei -nezhad M. The
CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
program for general physicians and midwives- .Isfahan-Iran”.October 2010
• Molaei -nezhad M The general principles of physical examination of rape victims. Oral
presentation, A 2-day seminar in medico-legal guidelines for management of rape victims.
CME program for general physicians and midwives .Isfahan-Iran June, 2010
• Molaei -nezhad M. sexual violence, definition, dynamics, prevalence and consequences , Oral
presentation, A 2-day seminar in medico-legal guidelines for management of rape victims CME
program for general physicians and midwives .Isfahan-Iran. June, 2010
• Molaei -nezhad M and Moeini P.(MD) The homeopathic therapy for Premature ovarian failure: A
case report. Poster presentation. National congress on Patients Care & Treatment by
Complementary & Alternative Medicine .Isfahan-Iran,October, 2010
Molaei nezhad M and Kohan Sh.What are users seeking when they turn to a Reproductive
health web site?Oral presentation.The First International Congress on Midwifery and
Reproductive Health, , Mashhad -Iran ,May 2011.
Molaei nezhad M and Kohan Sh.What are users seeking when they turn to a Reproductive
health web site?poster presentation. 17th Qualitative Health Research (QHR) Conference
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada October ,2011
Molaei nezhad M., Caring survivors of sexual violence in Emergencies.Oral presentation.A oneday workshop on MISP for Reproductive Health. CME program for Nurses and midwives
.Isfahan-Iran. Jan., 2012
Jahanfar Sh. Molaei nezhad M. Dzalila Izzat, Perception of medical students, academics and
clinicians towards ethical issues in medical research: A comparative study in two academic
settings.Oral presentation.The second congress on medical ethics in Health system. IsfahanIran,Feb. 2012
Kohan Sh.,Taghizadeh Z., Molaei nezhad M.Minimum initial service package for
Reproductive health.Poster presentation. National Congress on health system, Risk
Management and Disaster.Isfahan University of medical sciences.Isfahan-IRAN. Feb. 2012
Kohan Sh.,Taghizadeh Z., Molaei nezhad M.Evaluation of an workshop about MISP(
Minimum initial service package) for Reproductive health on knowledge and perception
of midwives and nurses..Poster presentation. National Congress on health system, Risk
Management and Disaster.Isfahan University of medical sciences.Isfahan-IRAN. Feb. 2012
Molaeinezhad M.,Merghati Khoei E.,Latifnejad R.Salehi M., Yousefy A.,Transition to
womanhood: Iranian women experiencing vaginismus. Poster presentation ESSM.
Molaeinezhad M., Kohan Sh., Widowhood and sexuality; experiences of Iranian
widows about an unspoken issue. Poster presentation ESSM. Dec.2012
 Infertility related stress and marital life in Iranian infertile women who referred to Isfahan
infertility treatment clinic
Journal: Journal of fertility and infertility. Volume 2- Issue1 - Winter 2001 - No5
Authors: Mollaiy nezhad M., Jaaferpour M. Jahanfar Sh., Jamshidi R.
CURRICULUM VITAE Mitra Molaeinezhad
Acceptability of a preconception sex selection program as a method for reduction of
family size in an urban area of Iran .
Journal: Iranian journal of reproductive medicine. Volume 8-Supplement1- winter2010
Molaeinezhad M.,Parents awareness about sexual abuse in children. Salamat& Tosee.
No.4. indexed in Magirana.
Menopause and Andropause
Publisher: Bijeh. 2003; (in Farsi)
Authors: Jahanfar Sh, Mitra Molaei nezhad
Text book of sexual disorders
Publisher: Salemi and Bijeh. 2002; (in Farsi)
Authors: Dr.Shayesteh Jahanfar Mitra Molaei nezhad
1997 Elected as a prominent student of Shiraz University of medical sciences and Health services
,Shiraz ,IRAN
English Fluent in speaking, writing, reading and listening
Persian Native language
Arabic Poor in speaking and listening, moderate in reading, poor in writing
Sexology and sexual health, Forensic medicine in Midwifery and Women rights, infertility, Ethical
issues in Medicine and Medical education, Complementary medicine in Obstetrics and gynecology,
Maternal nutrition and exercises during pregnancy and postpartum