2012_13 FX Plus Environmental Sustainability Report 11

Environmental Sustainability Report – Penryn Campus 2012/13 Academic Year
This report summarises progress made against last year’s ESWG (Environmental
Sustainability Working Group) Action Plan.
As set out in our Environmental Sustainability Policy; the Environmental Sustainability
targets and actions for the Penryn Campus are reviewed and updated annually and
reported to the Falmouth Exeter Plus (FX Plus) Environmental Sustainability Working
Group, the FX Plus Senior Executive Team (SET), and the FX Plus Board.
An updated and revised Environmental Sustainability Action Plan (2013-2016) was
presented to the ESWG on October 4th 2013 (attached at Appendix 1). This report
summarises progress made against last year’s (2012-2015) ESWG Action Plan, as well
as targets contained in our individual environmental plans and policies.
Environmental Policy/Management
Our new Environmental Sustainability Policy was revised and signed off by the FX Plus
Board in January 2013. As part of this new revised policy we made a commitment to
report on progress and to review and, if necessary, update the policy annually each
Green League Tables
The student-led People & Planet Green League takes a dual approach to environmental
management - looking at universities’ commitment to systemic improvement and their
actual performance in areas such as policy, investment, energy and procurement.
In 2012/13 Falmouth University moved up 26 places to 100th place with an award of
Lower Second Class. This rise is due to the collaborative work on the Carbon
Management, Travel and Waste & Recycling Plans, and student engagement that has
taken place between our Sustainability & Low Carbon team and university colleagues in
the last year.
Although these results are not campus-specific and not all categories are within the
remit of the universities’ service provider FX Plus, they give do a clear steer on which to
build for the future, and the results have helped guide some of the content of our 20132016 ESWG Action Plan.
Carbon Reporting/Energy Management
A revised joint Carbon Management Plan was completed during 2012/13 which set out a
revised and updated strategic direction to ensure a continued progress in reducing our
carbon emissions per square metre of gross internal floor area (GIA). In July 2013 the
Carbon Footprint for the Penryn and the Falmouth Campuses was restated for all years
in order to account for material changes to the conversion factors provided by Defra for
company reporting purposes.
Carbon reduction is a key performance indicator (KPI) for Falmouth Exeter Plus (FX
Plus), the universities’ joint services and facilities provider for the Penryn Campus. The
CMP is reported on annually to the FX Plus Board. The agreed target for Penryn Campus
is to achieve an average reduction of 3.63kg in Scopes 1 and 2 CO2e per m2 of GIA year
on year between 2010/11 to 2019/20.
Actual (kg CO2e per m2 of GIA)
Target (kg CO2e per m2 of GIA)
Actual/target % reduction since 05/06
Actual average reduction in kg CO2e per m2 of GIA year on year
Target average reduction in kg CO2e per m2 of GIA year on year
Target is to achieve an average reduction of 3.64kg CO2e in Scope 1 and 2 per m2 of GIA year on year
from 2010/11 to 2019/20. The following range is based on the target average reduction:
GREEN - >3.64kg CO2e target average reduction year on year - Acceptable Performance
AMBER - =between 3.60kg and 3.64kg CO2e target average reduction year on year - Monitor Performance
RED - <3.60kg CO2e target average reduction year on year - Action Plan Required
Over the whole estate we saw a rise in kg per m 2 of GIA of 1.4% compared to the
previous academic year, but a 17.1% reduction compared to the baseline year
(2005/06). In terms of the average reduction in kg of CO2e per m2 of GIA year on year
from 2010/11 to 2019/20, the 2012/13 year saw a slight shortfall of 0.26kg.
Both absolute and per m2 of GIA Scope 1 and 2 emissions from activities at the Penryn
Campus increased last year compared to the previous academic year (see Appendix 1).
Much of this increase was caused by commissioning and teething problems with the
introduction of new academic and residential buildings on campus. Some of the increase
in heating (Scope 1 emissions), is also extremely likely to have been a consequence of
the unusually high number of cold weather days experienced during the 2012/13 winter.
Whilst, there has been an overall slight increase in carbon emission per m 2 of GIA in
2012/13 compared to the 2011/12 academic year, it was actually less than 1% of the
agreed KPI percentage target of an 18% reduction in 2012/13 compared to the 2005/06
Issues with the operation of the new buildings appear to now be largely resolved. This,
along with Technical Services implementing an improved maintenance schedule for plant
and machinery, combined with the finalisation of several capital carbon reduction
projects, is expected to see a reversal in this trend back towards the average reduction
target in the 2013/14 Academic Year.
Inefficient plant and equipment often leads to excessive energy consumption; in order to
ensure we are able to continue to make good progress in future years it is imperative
that we are able to invest in essential regular maintenance and servicing revenue
programmes. We also need to continue with our programme of improving sub-metering
on campus and optimisations of the BMS to help us better understand where energy
improvements can produce the highest carbon paybacks. These works, combined with
condition and efficiency audits, will enable us to develop a new schedule of identified
capital carbon reduction projects to help ensure we are able to continue to improve our
environmental performance and reduce our carbon footprint per m 2 of GIA
Carbon Reduction Projects
Capital carbon reduction projects completed for Penryn campus between August 2012
and July 2013 will, it is estimated, result in a saving of around 193 tonnes of CO 2e per
Over the next 2013/14 academic year we will continue to report quarterly on progress
towards meeting our carbon reduction target which is to achieve an average reduction of
3.63kg in Scopes 1 and 2 CO2e per m2 of GIA year on year from 2010/11 to 2019/20. In
the last academic year we fell slightly short of this average target (0.27kg). During
2013/14 academic year, we estimate we will need to achieve a reduction from 2012/13
carbon emissions of at least 250 tonnes of CO2e in order to stay on target. The
residential retrofit carbon reduction programme (funded through an interest free Salix
carbon reduction loan) which was completed late November 2013, is expected to result
in annual savings of more than double our target reduction for the year.
Travel and Transport
The first Travel Plan for Falmouth University (Falmouth) and the University of Exeter
Cornwall Campus (UoE CC) was published in 2007, and set out the objectives for
reducing carbon emissions associated with travel modes at both the Penryn and
Falmouth campuses. Since 2007 Travel Plans have been produced on an annual basis,
and have made significant progress towards improving levels of sustainable travel; this
includes seeing a step change in the provision and use of public transport to both the
Penryn and Falmouth campuses.
Due to the significant work undertaken on developing and implementing the Travel Plan,
along with the series of promotional incentives delivered across the academic calendar,
Falmouth Exeter Plus were shortlisted as finalists in the prestigious Green Gown
Awards 2013.
Notable results emerging from our 2013 Travel Survey include:-
A 6% increase in walking to campus
A 5% reduction in single car occupancy
A 1% increase in cycling to campus
78% of commuting journeys to/from the Falmouth and Penryn campuses were made by
sustainable means; which is higher than any other universities in our comparator sector.
Work continues with educating students and staff about the advantages of sustainable
travel; as well as providing an option of travel choices at competitive rates. The Travel
Plan key objectives for the academic year 2013/14 are to:
improve the options available for travel to both campuses
reduce the environmental impact of travel associated with both institutions
reduce parking congestion on campus and in the locality during term-time
improve the safety and accessibility of travel within and to both campuses.
During 2013/14 we intend to develop a 5 year travel strategy for Falmouth University
and UoE (Penryn Campus), this strategy will be reported on annually.
Cornwall Council were awarded 75% grant funding to install a network of vehicle
chargers at publically accessible sites across Cornwall – there are around 20 sites which
are taking part, one of them being the Penryn Campus. It was agreed by the
Environmental Sustainability Working Group (ESWG) that FX Plus would install 2 double
headed fast charge points and that we would contribute the 25% match funding towards
Cornwall Council have now agreed terms with the network provider and will be looking to
install our chargers by the end of March 2014. The network provider is Ecotricity – and
they will be providing free electricity from renewable sources and have also agreed to
contribute the additional 25% cost.
Waste/Recycling and Water Management
A waste and recycling policy for the Penryn Campus was adopted in January 2013. The
Penryn Campus Waste and Resources Action Plan (which includes water management as
well as waste and recycling management) was subsequently written and adopted by FX
Plus in spring 2013. A Waste and Resources Action Group, chaired by the Estates
Director, meets on a monthly basis in order to progress the actions contained within this
Action Plan.
Waste and Recycling
A large part of the Waste and Resources Action Plan was the development of a waste
and recycling baseline through which reduction targets could be set. It has, however,
come to light that the methodology historically used by our waste contractor for
collection of waste and recycling data has not been accurate, nor have they been able to
give us collection data in term of weights during 2012/13 for any WEEE (Electrical
Equipment), bulky waste items recycled, and most importantly the weights and
breakdown of residential waste recycled. This is in part due to a change in management
structure of the waste contractor. However, FX Plus repeatedly requested monthly
recycling and waste data during the academic year, by the time the waste contractor
actually gave us some data, it was too late to ensure the correct data was being collated
for the year. This is extremely disappointing as it means we are currently unable to
estimate progress, and we will need a full year of reliable data collection before we can
re-establish a baseline on which to develop new and realistic targets.
Our current waste contract terminates in March 2014. We are currently (December
2013) at the early stages of tender preparation for a new waste contract and through
this we are ensuring that a robust methodology for collection of all waste and recycling
data forms part of the waste contract. As part of the FXU led ‘Green Living’ project (see
awareness raising/behavioural change section of this report) waste and recycling audits
will be undertaken on site during 2014 which will provide us with a much better
understanding on what the waste stream consists of, whether we are recycling as much
as we could be, the potential for waste to energy technologies on campus, and what
infrastructure/information provision we need to put in place to better facilitate a
reduction in the total amount of waste going to landfill in future.
During 2012/13 over £15,000 was spent on the introduction of new waste and recycling
bins for academic areas on campus as part of our capital investment programme in
improved waste and recycling facilities. The long-term ambition is to develop a
centralised waste and recycling compound for the campus which will allow us to collect a
greater range of recycling and re-use materials, as well as allow students and academics
to further utilise the campus as a ‘living lab’. A detailed project plan including estimated
capital and revenue costs is currently being developed and will be presented to SET for
consideration as part of the 2014/15 capital projects budget.
At Glasney Village a student led composting pilot was trialled in 15 flats during the
summer term of 2012/13.this is now being extended to all student residents wanting to
participate in composting initiatives through the delivery of the FXU led Green Living
FX Plus Campus Services purchased kitchen caddies
(shown left), a composter and a wormery to be used
by the students.
The aim is that the compost is used by the users of
the allotments (managed by FXU) as well as the
Estates Grounds Team.
The pilot proved successful with students willing to
continue to manage the project themselves. The
composting programme is now being extended to all
student residents wishing to opt in, and is being
funded through the FXU Green Living Project (see
Behavioural Change/Awareness Raising Paragraph
As part of our waste and resources strategy we developed a 2010/11 baseline against
which to measure reductions in water usage.
Academic (non-residential) water usage
Penryn Campus
Water Consumption (non-residential)
Baseline 2011/12 2012/13
Target (m3)
Actual Achieved (m3)
Average annual reduction/increase (m3) n/a
Target percentage reduction since 2010/11
Actual percentage reduction since 2010/11
For academic water consumption our target is to reduce total water consumption per FTE
student by at least 31.1% by 2020 in order to achieve the sector average water use per
student FTE (UK non-residential estate) of 6.1m3 for English HEI’s (HEFCE EMS
Reporting Data for 2008/09).
In the 2011/12 reporting year academic water consumption had actually increased by
over 6%, much of this increase is likely to have been attributable to construction usage.
At the end of the last academic year 2012/13 water consumption had decreased to
8.48m3 per FTE student; 4.2% less than the baseline year. Whilst this is an
improvement, a lot of work is needed in order to reduce academic water usage to
achieve our current target. South West Water recently completed a water efficiency
audit of all the main buildings at the Penryn Campus. Based on the findings of this
report we will be able to identify water reduction projects, prioritising those with the
largest water reduction/shortest payback periods.
During 2012/13 we purchased and installed a Waste2Water machine to digest food
waste from the Stannary Refectory. Prior to this food waste from the Stannary was
being macerated and flushed down the drains. Treating macerated food is costly as it
wastes an incredible amount of water and also causes drain blockages due to the fat
content in food waste. Usage of our on-site waste digester is not only reducing our
water consumption, it is also helping to ensure that we are disposing of our waste in a
more environmentally responsible manner.
Sustainable Food
A draft Sustainable Food Policy has been produced by the Sustainable Food Working
Group (which has FX Plus and FXU representation). The policy includes Fairtrade
accreditation, drinking and bottled water, seasonal produce, higher welfare meat and
poultry, sustainable fish, food packaging, and waste/recycling. The draft policy was
recommended for approval by SET at the October 2013, ESWG. The policy will be
further developed over the current academic year to reflect feedback from a planned
FXU led questionnaire to attain students’ views on a range of sustainable food issues.
FX Plus Campus Services will now develop a sustainable food action plan which will
include SMART targets. These time-bound improvement targets will be monitored
quarterly by the ESWG.
Information Technology
IT began the roll out of replacement of desktop computers with low carbon VDI (Visual
Display Units) and reprographics introduced print management software during 2012/13.
Actions for 2013/14 academic year include the development of a IT Carbon Footprint
which will allow a carbon baseline to be established. This baseline will be used to
develop a plan to further the sustainability of IT.
A biodiversity policy for the Penryn Campus, which included biodiversity management
principles for the FX Plus Grounds Team, was approved by the Senior Executive Team
(SET) in January 2013.
Birds and Bees (Cornwall) was also established last year, this group of students,
academic staff and FXPlus representatives met monthly during term time to discuss
biodiversity issues on the campus, they helped develop the biodiversity policy and will
help guide the future development of the Campus Biodiversity Action Plan.
Student Engagement in Campus Biodiversity
In June 2013, Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union (FXU) EcoSoc, along with local
experts and student volunteers, hosted their second well attended Bioblitz.
A BioBlitz is a large scale event that engages people with biodiversity, inviting them to
get directly involved in surveying and monitoring their local wildlife and green spaces.
During a BioBlitz event scientists and members of the public work together to survey a
natural space; looking for, identifying and recording as many species as possible over 24
hours or shorter for a "mini-BioBlitz"
Drawing upon the success of the first Penryn event in 2012, the BioBlitz extended its
reach last year to include the local College and Argal reservoirs as well as the Penryn
Campus itself.
Of the hundreds of species that were identified, participants found evidence of habitation
by otters and badgers, saw a kingfisher and identified poplar hawkmoths.
The Penryn Campus Bee Society, which includes members from the local community,
successfully secured funding from the Exeter University Annual Fund which (together
with a contribution from the FXU) paid for important protective gear as well as
equipment, hives as well as new bees. The FX Plus grounds team includes a number of
qualified bee keepers who have worked closely with BeeSoc over the last few years to
maintain and improve the bee colony at the Penryn Campus.
Over the 2013/14 academic year, FX Plus will continue to work with and support the FXU
EcoSoc and BeeSoc on biodiversity initiatives.
Awareness Raising/Behavioural Change
Initiatives and activities aimed at promoting behavioural change amongst campus users
will complement capital carbon reduction projects and can allow an element of
competition to be included. In 2012-13 we, in partnership with the FXU, signed up to
two NUS schemes; the Student Switch Off Campaign, aimed at promoting energy
efficiency within student residences, and also the Green Impact Scheme for offices on
Green Impact is an environmental accreditation and awards scheme run by the NUS,
bringing staff and students together with their wider communities to enable and
showcase positive changes in environmental practice. Four teams participated in the
Green Impact Scheme at the Penryn Campus last year and each were awarded working
towards Bronze Status. The FXU also received Bronze Status. Last year’s entrants are
all signed up for the new academic year, along with four new teams.
During summer 2013 we worked in partnership with the FXU and two environmental
charities (Community Energy Plus and the Raw Foundation) to develop a funding bid for
a two year behavioural change project focussing on actions to promote energy and
waste reduction both on campus and within the wider community. In September 2013
the FXU were granted £100K of this NUS Green Fund, a major achievement as the fund
was heavily oversubscribed. FX Plus are providing in-kind match funding for the Green
Living project through the employment of an Environmental Sustainability Internship
who has been tasked to help co-ordinate and deliver the student union environmental
project as well as continue the roll-out the Student Switch Off and Green Impact
During 2012/13 FX Plus joined forces with the Falmouth and Exeter Students’ Union, FXU
to establish a Sustainability Events Committee.
The aim of this committee is to organise and promote themed events at the Penryn and
Falmouth Campuses.
The first event occurred during People & Planet’s Go Green Week, which ran from
Monday 11 to Sunday 17 February 2013. This national week of action is designed to
raise awareness about climate change and showcase projects that highlight practical
solutions for a low-carbon future.
FX Plus and the FXU will be raising awareness about all aspects of sustainability, from
biodiversity and green travel, to health, wellbeing and recycling through to a range of
activities for staff, students and the wider community, and are already planning and
implementing a programme of activities for this current 2013/14 Academic Year.
Karen Clowes
Carbon and Sustainability Manger
Falmouth Exeter Plus
December 2013