Patient code number* * May be medical record # or project-specific code # depending on the evaluation circumstances. CenteringPregnancy® Chart Abstraction Form Complete this form only if your CenteringPregnancy® (CP) program is conducting chart abstraction for the purposes of outcome evaluation. 1. Name and title of abstracter: 2. Today's date (MM-DD-YY) ____- ____- ____ 3. Mother's birth date (MM-DD-YY) ____- ____- ____ 4. Was this pregnancy singleton multiple If this was a multiple pregnancy, do not answer any additional questions. Prenatal Care 5. Gestational age at first prenatal visit (enter in a form like 12 weeks and 5 days) _____ weeks and _____ days If gestational age in weeks and days at first prenatal visit is not known, indicate: month (enter a number, 1-9) _____ OR trimester (enter a number, 1-3) _____ 6. Gestational age at first CP session attended _____ weeks and _____ days or Not applicable (mother did not attend CP) 7. Total number of prenatal visits (including CP) ______ 8. Total number of CP visits ______ Maternal Birth History 9. Four-item OB Index from the Mother’s chart. (If the five-item OB Index is in the chart, note the last four numbers only.) X __ __ __ __ a. The first number is the total number of births (prior to this pregnancy) b. The second number is the total number of preterm births (prior to this pregnancy) c. The third number is the total number of miscarriages, stillbirths, and intentional abortions (prior to this pregnancy) d. The fourth number is the total number of currently living children (excluding this pregnancy) 10. Prior to this pregnancy, did the mother ever have a cesarean delivery? OB Issues for This Pregnancy 11. Pre-existing hypertension No Yes 12. Gestational hypertension No Yes 13. Preeclampsia No Yes No Yes 14. Placenta previa No Yes 15. Pre-existing diabetes No Yes 16. Gestational diabetes No Yes 17. Smoking in mo. before pregnancy No Yes 18. # of cigs. per day, mo. before pregnancy _______ (0 if none) or 19. Smoking during pregnancy No 20. # of cigs. per day, during pregnancy Unknown Yes _______ (0 if none) or Unknown 21. Mother’s weight at the beginning of the pregnancy? Underweight (BMI below 18.5) Normal weight (BMI 18.5 – 24.9) Overweight (BMI 25.0 – 29.9) Obese (BMI 30.0 and above) Not in chart 22. Maternal weight gain in pounds (rounded to the nearest pound)? ______ Outcomes for This Pregnancy 23. Due date of this pregnancy (MM-DD-YY) ____- ____- ____ 24. Outcome of this pregnancy Please fill in the event date in the one row that describes the outcome of this pregnancy. Pregnancy Outcome Date of Event (enter in the form MM-DD-YY) Next Step Live Birth Please go to question 25 Stillbirth Please go to question 30 Miscarriage Please do not answer any additional questions 25. Type of delivery Vaginal birth Cesarean 26. Was the delivery induced? No Yes 27. Was the infant admitted to a NICU? No Yes Unknown 28. Was there a neonatal death prior to postpartum visit? No Yes 29. Baby’s gender Unknown (not seen postpartum) Female Male 30. Infant's birth weight in grams (rounded to the nearest 0.1 grams) _______ 31. Gestational age at birth (enter in a form like 39 weeks and 3 days) _____ weeks and _____ days Thank you for your time, expertise, and all that you do to help mothers and babies! CenteringPregnancy® Program Outcomes Chart Abstraction Form, p. 2