Schoolwide or Districtwide Problem-of

AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
Pam Brown
Business Teacher
Professional Growth Target
School/Group/Teacher Problem of Practice:
Description: A Problem of Practice
includes an area of concern involving
student performance supported by multiple
data sources and a review of current
practices that may contribute to the area of
Because the Objective Mastery Summary Statistics for the CTE End of Course Exam scores
in CBA indicate 80% of my students are scoring below the basic cut off score of 75% on
Objective CTE.CBA.1.1 Define terminology related to hardware and software questions,
additional review is warranted throughout the year. Since Unit 1 Hardware and Software is
taught in August and the ECO is given in April or May students need to be reviewed
throughout the year more often to reinforce the terminology. However, students did score
well on all four of the other questions in Unit 1- CTE.CBA 1.2 – 1.5 with 100% of the students
scoring above the 75% cut off score on these objectives. The lower scores may result from a
lack of varied instruction and/or a need for more opportunities to practice learning the
terminology in various ways (Quizlet, E-Instruction (student performance system – clickers).
In any event, the low scores on hardware and software terminology needs to be improved.
The same statistical data showed 83% of my students are scoring below the basic cut off score of
75% on Objective CTE.CBA 3.1 Define terminology related to spreadsheets with 17% of the students
scoring above the cut off score. These objectives are taught during the second nine weeks of
school. Again this area of low scores in terminology needs to be addressed in the same manner as
listed above for the Hardware and Software terminology.
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 6/27/13
AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
Related ACSIP Goal in SMART Format:
Corning School District - ACSIP - Priority 1: Student Achievement
(Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic,
1.1 Goal: Increase DISTRICT-WIDE student academic achievement, with emphasis
in the areas of reading, writing, and math problem-solving,
as measured by the state
Benchmark and End-of-Course Exams. To Improve Academic Achievement and
School Environment.
Corning High School – Business Department – CBA EOC Goal: Increase the
number of students scoring above the cut off score of 75% on objective 1.1
from 20% to 30% on the Unit 1 objective 1.1 portion of the 2013 EOC CBA exam.
Corning High School – Business Department – CBA EOC Goal: Increase the
number of students scoring above the cut off score of 75% on Objective 3.1
from 17% to 27% on the Unit 3 objective 3.1 portion of the 2013 EOC CBA exam.
Framework for Teaching component(s) and
element(s) to be addressed:
CTE.CBA 1.1 Define terminology related to hardware and software
CTE.CBA 3.1 Define terminology related to spreadsheets
Goal of this Plan:
Instruction will be differentiated to address the various levels of
students’ abilities. Instructional outcomes will be appropriate
for all levels of students.
Students will spend more time using various technologies
(Quizlet, study stacks, clickers, Jeopardy or some similar type
games for the units will be investigated) to challenge their
learning skills in various activities to improve students’
knowledge of terminology.
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 6/27/13
AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
Theory of Action
Implementation Strategies
If I take the following actions:
Review the state standards and align
instructional outcomes with the standards
Post questions on the state business list
serve about how other business teachers
address the issue of teaching terminology for
computerized business applications
specifically in the areas of hardware and
software and spreadsheets
Results Indicators
Sources of Data to Monitor
What change(s) will be seen in my practices:
Evidence/Artifact of this change:
My teaching will include activities to address the
different ability levels
WIKI will include activities for learning terminology
Student work samples
My teaching will include specific activities to promote
student interest in learning terminology
My teaching will reflect appropriate time given to
review terms learned earlier in the year -
Then I expect to see my students:
Student data/information source:
Engaged in learning terminology individually, in pairs
and/or in groups
Student results from clicker activities
Explaining to other students the meaning of
confusing terms – peer-to-peer tutoring
Checking each other’s work and having a study
partner (which will change periodically)
Interim assessment scores for terminology recorded in
the form of Quizlets, study stacks, Jeopardy games, etc.
EOC scores in CTE.CBA 1.1 improve
EOC scores in CTE.CBA 3.1 improve
Students will check grades on-line to determine if any
classwork needs to be retaken in order to achieve a
higher grade
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 6/27/13
AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
What steps are needed to ensure successful implementation of this growth plan?
I must post on the list serve to determine what other business teachers in the state do in order to interest students in learning CTE.CBA terminology. I must
use this information to prepare appropriate activities so all students can be successful in learning the terminology necessary to score above the 75% cut-off
score on the CBA EOC for objectives 1.1 and 3.1. I will place these activities on the class WIKI so students in class and at home can access these activities.
Other business teachers and students across the state can have access to this information once it is placed on the WIKI. I need to make a timeline of actions
and prepare folders for a sampling of evidence of terminology grades per student.
What is the proposed time of events for this work?
Professional development is attended at the Northeast Arkansas Educational Cooperative
Summer conferences – ACTE and ABEA are attended to learn the latest information in career technology education
School starts – the class Wiki is introduced to the students
Objective Mastery Summary Statistics for the CTE End of Course Exam scores in CBA are retrieved, printed and analyzed
Develop an appropriate post for the business list serve addressing the issue of effective methods/practices in teaching CBA terminology in
preparation for the EOC at the end of the year.
Students will review previous terminology from the beginning of the school year and take additional Quizlets, etc. as necessary until a score of
80% is reached on the assessment.
Add additional terminology assignments/activities (study stacks) to the WIKI for review and make an assignment for students to complete an
activity from a previous unit studied.
Add clicker activities for review of unit objective terminology to the WIKI for review and make an assignment for students to complete an activity
from a previous unit studied.
Add Jeopardy or some similar activities for review of unit objective terminology to the WIKI for review and make an assignment for students to
complete an activity from a previous unit studied.
Allow students to study independently, in pairs, and/or in groups to review terminology from the beginning of school until the current unit
CBA EOC boot camp will involve terminology tests from all units as a review for the test. Students are encouraged to score at least 80% or
better on each review activity before going to the testing lab to take the EOC.
Reflect on and revise PGP
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 6/27/13
AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Professional Growth Plan (PGP)
Teacher Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________Date: ______________________
Principal/ Designee Signature: ___________________________________________Date: ______________________
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 6/27/13
AR Teacher Excellence Support System (TESS)
Reflective Narrative
Directions: Use the Teacher Evaluation Rubric to complete this reflective narrative prior to the summative evaluation conference.
1. Describe successes experienced as a result of this planned work.
2. Express some remaining and/or additional areas to be addressed after this work has been completed. How
could these be incorporated into a future Professional Growth Plan?
3. What have I learned that will impact my future instructional practices?
TESS Professional Growth Plan
Revised 4/19/13