2013-2014 Week Five Grade Level: 7 Content: Science 1) Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 examine the dependence of all organisms on one another and their environments (GPS) (7SC_B2005-11) examine the dependence of all organisms on one another and their environments (GPS) (7SC_B2005-11) examine the dependence of all organisms on one another and their environments (GPS) (7SC_B2005-11) examine the dependence of all organisms on one another and their environments (GPS) (7SC_B2005-11) examine the dependence of all organisms on one another and their environments (GPS) (7SC_B2005-11) Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Presentations Standards of SWBAT demonstrate the Learning dependence all organisms have on each other and their environments SWBAT demonstrate the dependence all organisms have on each other and their environments SWBAT demonstrate the dependence all organisms have on each other and their environments SWBAT demonstrate the dependence all organisms have on each other and their environments SWBAT demonstrate the dependence all organisms have on each other and their environments d) Content -ecosystem Vocabulary -biotic factors -abiotic factors -autotrophs, heterotrophs -food webs -producer, consumer, decomposer -predator, prey -carnivore, omnivore, herbivore -ecosystem -biotic factors -abiotic factors -autotrophs, heterotrophs -food webs -producer, consumer, decomposer -predator, prey -carnivore, omnivore, herbivore -ecosystem -biotic factors -abiotic factors -autotrophs, heterotrophs -food webs -producer, consumer, decomposer -predator, prey -carnivore, omnivore, herbivore -ecosystem -biotic factors -abiotic factors -autotrophs, heterotrophs -food webs -producer, consumer, decomposer -predator, prey -carnivore, omnivore, herbivore -ecosystem -biotic factors -abiotic factors -autotrophs, heterotrophs -food webs -producer, consumer, decomposer -predator, prey -carnivore, omnivore, herbivore AKS/CC Objective a) b) Day 1 Lesson Title Terraform Mars Project Essential Question c) e) Materials/Resourc -Desert Survival Activity es Needed -chart paper -Project Rubric Chart Paper Stuff to Make models (students can provide) Stuff to Make models (students can provide) Students must be able to demonstrate they understand how types and numbers of organisms impact each other. Students must be able to demonstrate they understand how types and numbers of organisms impact each other. Students must be able to demonstrate they understand how types and numbers of organisms impact each other. Circulate, assist, discuss collaboration rubric with groups Circulate, assist, discuss collaboration rubric with groups -Circulate, assist, Start Presentations discuss collaboration rubric with groups -Discuss gas cycling with advanced groups 3) Guided Practice: Plane Crash Rankings (whole group, pair and share, elbow partners, MONITORED LEARNING & FEEDBACK) Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Presentations 4) Independent Plane Crash Rankings Practice: (When you know you know.) Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Project Terraform Mars Presentations Closure/Summariz List of basic necessities of ing* life (multiple summaries during lesson) Groups report where they are on their projects Groups report where they are on their projects Groups report where they are on their projects I wish I’d thought of… list STANDARD: What the Students must be able to students must be able demonstrate they to do and by when. understand how types and numbers of organisms impact each other. 2) Teacher Input: -Plane Crash Story (Model, Background Knowledge etc) 5) Students must be able to demonstrate they understand how types and numbers of organisms impact each other. 6) Homework Watch at least first 5 minutes of following video: http://safeshare.tv/w/SmAs CTIwqI . List steps to terraform mars. Ted Ed- Habitable worlds- a needle in got us to Mars http://ed.ted.com/lesso countless haystacks http://ed.ted.com/le would we settle mars? ns/how-curiosity-gotssons/a-needle-inhttp://science.howstuff us-to-mars-bobakcountless-haystacksferdowsi works.com/terraformfinding-habitablemars.htm planets-ariel-anbar Read the following article: HowStuffWorks- How TedTalk- How Curiosity Watch Ted ed Symbiosishttp://ed.ted.com/le ssons/symbiosis-asurprising-tale-ofspecies-cooperation Terraform Mars Plan: Day 1- Desert survival activity Hook: Share the story from the desert survival handout, telling students our plane has crashed. IP: Give students 5-10 minutes to personally prioritize each of the items they have for survival. GP: Give groups 20 min to discuss their lists and decide on a team list. Write lists on chart paper and post for other grousp to see your survival plans Share lists. TI: Introduce project. Discuss rubric and clarify what is expected. Closing: make a class list of essential biotic and abiotic factors needed for life. Challenge students to design the ideal ecosystem to terraform mars. Day 2-4- Terraform Project Groups work to design and build their mar’s ecosystem models. Time can be used to plan, write organisms profiles, or to actually build model. End each day with a 5 minute debrief about what each group accomplished. Day 5- Present Projects Give each group 2 minutes to describe significant features of their ecosystems to the class. Allow students to walk around and examine each group’s project. Conclusion: Make a “I wish I’d thought of…” list. Allow students to list things other groups did that they wish they would have thought of. Stress that a key step in the engineering cycle is revising your plan. If Mars is terraformed, plans will be edited multiple times before being put into action.