Anthropology - Renton School District

Introduction to Anthropology
Course Description
Introduction to Anthropology explores the nature of humanity and human culture. To
present a broad understanding of our origins, our contemporary civilization, and the
future prospects of our species, the course will focus on human biological, cultural, and
social development. Students read, reflect, synthesize, and respond to case studies and
articles. Students will conduct independent research to analyze human development,
social groups, economic systems, evolution, and gender roles. Research results will be
presented in activities, group discussions, essays, and a multimedia project. Through
these instruction strategies, Anthropology guides students to a greater understanding of
their origins and roles in human society.
Course Objectives
When you finish this course, you will be able to:
 Identify the concepts, themes, and types of anthropology
 Analyze evolution
 Analyze production and issues related to labor
 Analyze the impact of globalization
 Analyze social groups and social stratification
 Describe the impact of technology on society
 Evaluate the role of kinship
Course Assignment Values
Assignment Type
5 Discussions
75 pts
150 pts
1 Activity
35 pts
3 Papers
105 pts
1 Multimedia Project
5 Unit Tests
35 pts
250 pts
1 Midterm Exam
65 pts
1 Final Exam
98 pts
10 Assignments
Course Totals
813 pts
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Suggested Course Schedule
The suggested time frame shown below is based on learning sessions. A learning
session is a 45-minute period of time. This course should take approximately 90
learning sessions to complete, but this schedule is just a suggestion. You may work on
each unit at your own pace, completing as many learning sessions as you like in one
sitting. However, keep in mind that you must finish the entire course within the time
specified by your school district.
Content Covered
Unit 1: Overview of Anthropology
In this unit, you will explore the basics and importance of anthropology.
In this unit there will be:
1 Discussion
15 pts
2 Assignments
30 pts
1 Paper
35 pts
1 Unit Test
50 pts
Unit 2: Tracing the Path of Human Evolution
As you learn about the four perspectives of anthropology, you will also
learn how ethics apply to the field of anthropology. In this unit, you will
trace the development of early humans.
In this unit there will be:
1 Discussion
15 pts
2 Assignments
30 pts
1 Paper
35 pts
1 Unit Test
50 pts
Introduction to Anthropology Midterm Exam
65 pts
Unit 3: Economic Systems
In this unit, you will learn about production and labor in societies. You will
also study the impact of globalization.
In this unit there will be:
1 Discussion
15 pts
1 Activity
35 pts
2 Assignments
30 pts
1 Unit Test
50 pts
Unit 4: Social Groups and Stratification
How important are social groups in our lives? In this unit, you will study
status, social groups, and social stratification.
In this unit there will be:
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2 Assignments
1 Discussion
1 Paper
1 Unit Test
Unit 5: Gender and Kinship
In this unit, you will discover what
30 pts
15 pts
35 pts
50 pts
role kindship and gender plays in daily
In this unit there will be:
1 Discussion
20 pts
1 Required Chat
20 pts
1 Assignment
20 pts
2 Papers
80 pts
1 Unit Test
50 pts
Introduction to Anthropology Final Exam
98 pts
Privacy Policy
No member of the Advanced Academics staff is authorized to release student
information without the written permission of the student’s parent or legal guardian.
Names, images, and/or class work of Advanced Academics students will not be
published in print, video/film, or on our public website without written student and
guardian consent.
Disability Statement
If you have a disability or condition that may affect your ability to succeed in this course,
please contact your teacher. It is important that you discuss the problem with him or her
so accommodations may be made to give you every opportunity to perform well. Your
teacher and virtual school program coordinators are committed to helping students with
disabilities succeed, and every request will be treated with respect and confidentiality.
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