Appendix A East & West Suffolk Supervised Consumption Specification 1. Aims 1.1 To ensure compliance with the agreed treatment plan for supervised consumption by: dispensing in specified instalments (doses may be dispensed for the patient to take away to cover days when the pharmacy is closed), ensuring each supervised dose is correctly consumed by the patient for whom it was intended. 1.2 To reduce the risk to local communities of: over usage or under usage of medicines, diversion of prescribed medicines onto the illicit drugs market; and accidental exposure to the supervised medicines. 1.3 To help service users access treatment by offering referral to specialist drug and alcohol treatment centres and health and social care professionals where appropriate. 1.4 This service is for service users of 18 years and above. 1. Service Criteria 2.1 This service will require the trained pharmacist and their staff to supervise the consumption of prescribed medicines at the point of dispensing in the pharmacy, ensuring that the dose has been consumed by the patient. 2.2 Examples of medicines which may have consumption supervised include methadone and other medicines used for the management of opiate dependence. 2.3 The service user will be provided with appropriate health promotion materials. 2.4 The pharmacy will promote safe practice to the user, including advice on sexual health and STIs, HIV and Hepatitis C transmission and Hepatitis B immunisation. 2.5 Pharmacies will offer a user-friendly, non-judgmental, client-centred and confidential service. 2. Service Outline 3.1 The part of the pharmacy used for provision of the service provides a sufficient level of privacy and safety and meets other locally agreed criteria. 3.2 The pharmacy will present the medicine to the service user in a suitable receptacle and will provide the service user with water to facilitate administration and/or reduce the risk of doses being held in the mouth. 3.3 Terms of agreement are set up between the prescriber, pharmacist, patient and specialist service (a four-way agreement) to agree how the service will operate, what constitutes acceptable behaviour by the client, and what action will be taken by the GP and pharmacist if the user does not comply with the agreement. 3.4 The service provider, Turning Point, will provide details of relevant referral points which pharmacy staff can use to signpost service users who require further assistance. 3.5 The service provider, Turning Point, will obtain or produce health promotion material relevant to the service users and making this available to pharmacies. 3.6 Missed doses – Please advise the prescribing agency when a client has missed a dose. They may be aware of the reasons and be able to authorise the next instalment of the prescription, or require the client to make contact with them first. Please use Turning Point template for DNA reporting attached. Any issues report to Turning Point, telephone 0300 123 0872. 3.7 If a client has missed three consecutive doses you should not dispense you should contact the prescribing agency. If a client has a pattern of non-attendance, e.g. always missing the same day or regularly missing days each week you should also advise the prescribing agency as their prescription/dispensing arrangements require review. Please use Turning Point DNA template attached. Any issues report to Turning Point, telephone 0300 123 0872. 3. Health & Safety 4.1 Appropriate protective equipment, including gloves, overalls and materials to deal with spillages, should be readily available close to the storage site. 5. Accreditation 5.1 Pharmacists and their staff involved in the provision of the service have relevant knowledge and are appropriately trained in the operation of the service to a standard agreed with Turning Point Regular training is a mandatory requirement. 5.2 The pharmacy can demonstrate that pharmacists and staff involved in the provision of the service have undertaken CPD relevant to this service. Any pharmacy wishing to accredit themselves for this service must contact the clinical co-ordinator, Turning Point, to arrange appropriate training. 5.3 Pharmacists and their staff involved in the provision of the service are aware of and operate within local protocols agreed with Turning Point. The Pharmacies SOP must be based on the local protocols of this service and must be regularly reviewed. 5.4 Providers will attend at least one meeting per year with Turning Point to promote service development and update the knowledge of pharmacy staff. 6. Financial Details 6.1 The annual payment structure which covers supervised consumption and needle exchange together is as follows:0 to 500 credits 500 to 1500 credits Remaining credits = = = £2 each £1 each £0.50 each a) The number of interventions for needle exchange payments 1 intervention = 2 credits b) The client weeks for supervised consumption Number of client weeks x 7 = Total number of credits Note: a week will be counted even when the client was not supervised for a complete week. 6.2 Payments will be authorised on a quarterly basis on submission of the attached forms to Turning Point (head office fax number 01473 213062). Data received after the deadline will not be processed 6.3 Payment will be made by Suffolk County Council. 7. Performance Monitoring 7.1 The pharmacy must maintain appropriate records to ensure effective on-going service delivery and audit. 7.2 The pharmacy reviews its standard operating procedures and the referral pathways for the service on an annual basis. 7.3 The pharmacy participates in an organised audit of service provision and co-operates with any locally agreed Turning Point or Suffolk County Council led assessment of service user experience. 7.4 Suffolk County Council reserves the right to request evidence or information that the contractor is providing the service in a way that is safe, convenient and in accord with the requirements of this specification. The contractor is required to comply with all reasonable requests for evidence or information. Supervised Consumption front sheet and claim form 2015-16 Suffolk Supervised Consumption front sheet and claim form.docx 4 Way agreement 2015-16 Suffolk -Turning Point - 4 way pharmacy contract.docx DNA reporting template 2015-16 Draft Suffolk - Reporting any client who misses a dose.docx