MyTime Peers Support Groups - Department of Social Services

Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical
Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support
Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or
Chronic Medical Condition
January 2012
Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical
The Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous
Affairs (FaHCSIA or the Department) has a suite of documents (the Program Guideline Suite) which
provide information relating to the program. They provide the key starting point for parties considering
whether to participate in the program and form the basis for the business relationship between FaHCSIA
and the funding recipient.
They are:
- Part A: Program Guidelines which provides an overview of Program and the Activities relating to the
Part B: Information for Applicants which provides information on the Application, Assessment,
Eligibility, Selection and Complaints processes; Financial and Funding Agreement arrangements.
Part C: Application Information provides specific information on the Activity, Selection Criteria,
Performance Management and Reporting. This part should be read in conjunction with the Draft
Funding Agreement for the Activity and the Standard Terms and Conditions.
The Application Form which is completed by applicants applying for funding during a selection
FaHCSIA reserves the right to amend these documents from time to time by whatever means it may
determine in its absolute discretion and will provide reasonable notice of these amendments.
January 2012
Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic
Medical Condition
Table of Contents
PREFACE ................................................................................................................................................................... 2
PROGRAM OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................. 4
DISABILITY AND CARERS ............................................................................................................................. 4
PROGRAM OUTCOMES .................................................................................................................................. 4
ACTIVITY OVERVIEW .................................................................................................................................. 4
PRINCIPLES OF MYTIME PEER SUPPORT GROUPS ...................................................................................................... 4
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES ................................................................................................................................. 5
PARTICIPANTS/CLIENTS/RECIPIENTS/TARGET GROUP ................................................................................... 5
FUNDING FOR THE ACTIVITY ........................................................................................................................ 6
ELIGIBLE AND IN-ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 6
ACTIVITY LINKS AND WORKING WITH OTHER AGENCIES AND SERVICES ....................................................... 7
SPECIALIST REQUIREMENTS (E.G. LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS)................................................................. 7
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ........................................................................................................................ 7
ACTIVITY PERFORMANCE AND REPORTING ....................................................................................... 8
PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT AND EVALUATION ........................................................................................ 8
REPORTING .................................................................................................................................................. 8
PERFORMANCE INDICATORS......................................................................................................................... 8
APPLICATION PROCESS .............................................................................................................................. 9
OVERVIEW OF THE APPLICATION PROCESS .................................................................................................. 9
HOW TO SUBMIT AN APPLICATION ................................................................................................................ 9
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS DURING THE APPLICATION PERIOD .................................................................... 9
QUESTIONS AFTER THE APPLICATION PERIOD ............................................................................................... 9
CLOSING DATE AND TIME ........................................................................................................................... 10
APPLICATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................................... 10
SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLYING TO THIS ACTIVITY .................................................................... 10
CONTACT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................... 10
GLOSSARY ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
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Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic
Medical Condition
Program Overview
Disability and Carers
The Australian Government helps to support people with disability, their families and carers, through
programs and services, benefits and payments.
Outcome 5: Disability and Carers aims to provide an adequate standard of living, improved capacity to
participate economically and socially and manage life transitions for people with disability and/or mental
illness and carers through payments, concessions support and care services.
Under Program 5.5: Support for Carers the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and
Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) funds a number of services for carers of people with disability, including
respite and information services for young carers and peer support for parents and carers of children with
disability or chronic medical condition.
Program Outcomes
The Support for Carers program aims to provide peer support, respite and information services for carers
to help them balance their care responsibilities with social participation and, in the case of young carers,
completion of their education.
The Support for Carers Program provides support to carers of people with disability, through funding to
organisations that deliver services for carers.
There are two activities in the Support for Carers Program:
 MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical
Condition; and
 Young Carers Respite and Information Services.
2 Activity Overview
Peer support groups, through which parents and carers provide support to other parents and carers, are
recognised as an effective way of developing positive relationships between parents of children with
disability or chronic medical condition. However access to peer support groups is severely restricted for
many parents and carers of children with disability.
MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical
Condition (MyTime Peer Support Groups) aims to engage parents and carers of children with disability or
chronic medical condition who might not normally be able to access a community playgroup due to the
intensity of their caring role. The groups aim to increase parents and carers’ knowledge of caring for a
child with disability or chronic medical condition as well as allowing them to interact and form relationships
with other parents and carers who share similar experiences.
Principles of MyTime Peer Support Groups
MyTime Peer Support Groups are open and accessible to parents from all sectors of the
community, including mothers and fathers, carers, culturally and linguistically diverse groups,
Indigenous families, families in non-metropolitan areas and single parent families;
support early childhood development and provide culturally and developmentally appropriate
support parenting education and skills development;
support the development of social networks for families of children with disability or chronic
medical condition; and
foster social capital and build local capacity, community connectedness and partnerships.
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Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic
Medical Condition
MyTime Peer Support Groups will establish and maintain 262 groups across Australia in a mix of
metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions and will aim to assist around 3,000 parents and carers per
year. Each group will have no more than 12 participants.
MyTime Peer Support Groups are supported by two workers – a facilitator for parents and a play helper
for children.
Facilitators work with participants to help them get to know each other and to provide information
about services, supports and resources in their area.
Play helpers are engaged where a MyTime group has parents/carers of children under school
age. They organise play activities, such as singing, drawing, playing with toys etc, and provide
support for the children while the parents participate in activities and discussions. Play helpers
are not required to be qualified child care workers, but must have the appropriate skills and
experience to lead play activities for children.
A National Co-ordinator, the Parenting Research Centre (PRC) has been appointed to manage the
MyTime Peer Support Groups activity. The national co-ordinator will subcontract a number of local coordinators, Coalition Lead Agencies, to organise groups and encourage the participation of parents and
carers of children with disability or chronic medical condition up to 16 years of age.
To be eligible for the group’s parents must have a child under the age of sixteen who is eligible for Carer
Allowance (Child). Note that parents and carers only need to be eligible for carer allowance and do not
have to be in receipt of this allowance.
Funding for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or
Chronic Medical Condition activity in 2010-13 is $10.563 million.
Aims and objectives
The objective of MyTime Peer Support Groups is to establish and maintain peer support groups that
 parents and carers who participate in MyTime Peer Support Groups develop relationships with
other parents of children with disability or chronic medical condition;
 parents and carers participating in MyTime Peer Support Groups have an increased knowledge
of caring for a child with disability or chronic medical condition;
 strong linkages exist between MyTime Peer Support Group participants and the broader
community, including relevant partnerships, and appropriate networks; and
 parents and carers who participate in MyTime Peer Support Groups feel supported in their caring
Participants/clients/recipients/target group
Target Groups
MyTime Peer Support Groups are aimed at parents and carers of children with disability or chronic
medical condition up to 16 years of age. A range of parents and carers should participate in the groups,
culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds;
Indigenous families;
mothers and fathers;
teenage and young parents; and
parents and carers who are located in non-metropolitan areas.
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Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic
Medical Condition
Parents and carers of children with disability or chronic medical condition who would like to participate in
a MyTime Peer Support Group or would like to know how to access the program and what they can
expect are able to contact the PRC on 1800 889 997 for further information. A website is also available,
The PRC will need to consider the specific needs of Indigenous people when establishing and
maintaining MyTime Peer Support Groups.
Funding for the activity
A total of $10.5 million administered funding from July 2010 to June 2013 has been allocated to fund the
Parenting Research Centre to manage the MyTime Peer Support Groups activity.
Funding will be provided to assist with costs of:
the establishment and maintenance of 262 groups across all states and territories;
a National Co-ordinator who will be responsible for all aspects of MyTime Peer Support Groups
including developing, co-ordinating and undertaking all project related activities, monitoring
progress and providing regular progress reports to the Department. The National Co-ordinator
must also ensure a high level of supervision is provided to Coalition Lead Agencies, especially in
the establishment phase of each Peer Support Group. Overall accountability for MyTime Peer
Support Groups rests solely with the National Co-ordinator;
Coalition Lead Agencies (CLA) who will oversee the state/territory implementation and
management of the MyTime Peer Support Groups within their state/territory. CLAs will also be
responsible for the localised implementation of the MyTime Peer Support Groups including the
identification of appropriate sites, arranging venue hire and insurance, recruitment of parents and
carers, representation of the target groups, quality assurance and compliance, supervision of the
MyTime Peer Support Group Facilitators in their state/territory, collection and analysis of
evaluation data and timely and acceptable report writing. CLAs will also encourage parents and
carers to register to become members of MyTime. CLAs will report to the National Co-ordinator;
Peer Support Group Facilitators to facilitate the MyTime Peer Support Group meeting and provide
parents with information on caring for a child with disabilities, and to provide activities, support
and referrals to other services. The facilitator should also engage with participants whilst they are
attending the MyTime Peer Support Group and follow up with parents and carers where issues of
non-attendance are observed wherever possible and practicable. The local provider agency will
be responsible for the group’s education program, and the Facilitator will deliver the education
program, plan, set up and run the Peer Support Group activities, encouraging the parents, carers
and children to assist with the tidying up at the end of the session. As the group develops and
increases their skills and confidence, the Facilitator may encourage parents and carers to take on
responsibility beginning with tasks such as bringing morning tea to share, reading a story to the
group etc. Peer Support Group Facilitators will report to their CLA;
Peer Support Group Play Helpers to facilitate child-related play activities and provide support for
children while parents participate in activities and discussions. Peer Support Group play helpers
will report to their CLA and the Facilitator of their group; and
ongoing group costs – eg. facility hire, insurance costs etc.
Eligible and in-eligible activities
Funding may be used for the following purposes, provided they are directly related to the implementation
and management of the MyTime Peer Support Groups:
staff salaries and on-costs;
staff training;
venue hire;
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Medical Condition
materials and equipment;
operating expenses such as office materials, utilities, telephones, insurances, travel, book
keeping, auditing etc;
travel within Australia; and
expenses involved in conducting formal and informal evaluation.
Funding may not be used for:
costs that are not directly and specifically related to the program e.g. ongoing staff wages, rent,
overheads and administrative costs of existing operations;
overseas travel;
relocation costs; and
retrospective costs.
For advice on any activity not provided in the list above please contact your Funding Agreement Manager
in FaHCSIA National Office.
Activity links and working with other agencies and services
The PRC and local provider agencies are encouraged to develop links with other agencies and services
that are undertaking similar work and/or working in the same geographic area. This will contribute to
connectedness across the program nationally while also building local capacity.
The PRC is also encouraged to develop partnerships with associated peak bodies, organisations and
services to develop broader expertise and connections between a range of service providers. This will
facilitate the transfer of knowledge and experience at the local level, which will in turn improve the quality
of services and benefit MyTime Peer Support Groups, parents, carers, children and communities.
The development of relationships with other service providers in the area will help to minimise duplication
of services, identify sources of ongoing support for the MyTime Peer Support Group, and provide
appropriate referrals to the MyTime Peer Support Groups.
In the case of MyTime Peer Support Groups, facilitators should begin this process as soon as possible,
so that they can keep other services informed of the progress of the MyTime Peer Support Group as it
Specialist requirements (e.g. Legislative requirements)
PRC is required to develop a national Quality Assurance Framework within six months of the Funding
Agreement being signed. The Quality Assurance Framework should be developed in consultation with
FaHCSIA and adopted and implemented nationally.
The PRC must also comply with obligations under Clause 19 – Vulnerable Persons, Police Checks and
Criminal Offences of the Terms and Conditions regarding working with vulnerable persons. The Terms
and Conditions explain the requirements and obligations on the PRC regarding Police Checks for any
person, including contractors, prior to their engaging with any child with disability.
The PRC should also ensure that MyTime Peer Support Group facilitators and play helpers have
appropriate skills and training and access to any MyTime specific training and resource material.
The PRC should contact FaHCSIA if they need further clarification regarding their Funding Agreement
Information technology
The MyTime website, will be maintained by PRC, with information and research for
parents, carers and interested organisations or individuals kept current and accessible,
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Medical Condition
3 Activity performance and reporting
The Funding Recipient should apply the service delivery principles of good practice when planning and
implementing their programs and services.
The good practice principles are:
 accessible and inclusive approaches that are responsive, respectful and supportive of language
and culture;
 responsiveness to local needs and consumer protection;
 holistic approaches that build community connections;
 a focus on family strengths and building skills;
 early intervention in a child’s life and at key transition phases, with a long-term preventative
 effective co-ordination and inter-sectoral collaboration;
 a skilled workforce; and
 an outcomes, evidence driven approach.
Performance management and evaluation
The PRC is required to report on progress and outcomes, including in meeting specific Performance
Indicators (PIs). These requirements are outlined in the Schedule of the Funding Agreement.
The PRC is required to submit a progress report every six months in accordance with the Funding
Agreement. The report details progress in promoting and delivering the Activity, performance data and
funding expended.
Data provided will be used for the Department’s Annual Report, at Senate Estimates and in reporting to
the Minister or Parliamentary Secretary and external agencies.
From 2010-11 an annual plan is no longer required however a three year Activity Plan was due shortly
after commencement of the Activity.
A certified, non-audited financial acquittal report is required for each year of funding, excluding the final
year. A final, independently audited financial acquittal report is required on completion of the Activity in
the final year of funding, 2012-13.
Performance Indicators
Program Performance Indicator
The PRC will contribute to meeting a performance indicator under Support for Carers:
The number of parents and carers assisted by MyTime Peer Support Groups.
The number of parents and carers assisted by MyTime Peer Support Groups will be calculated by
providing data on the number of members (registered clients) who attended at least one MyTime session
in the financial year and counted only once.
The PRC should report on strategies developed to improve attendance levels; whether these strategies
have been implemented and have been successful.
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Medical Condition
Activity Performance Indicators
As outlined in the Funding Agreement, the PRC has a target for the
following PIs. Achievement against the target will be reported in the progress
 PI 1 – Number of MyTime support groups overall and in each state/territory
 PI 2 – Percentage of groups in non metropolitan areas
 PI 3 – Number of MyTime participants*
 PI 4 – Number of MyTime participants satisfied with the service**
 PI 5 – Percentage of carers reporting an increased knowledge of caring for a child with disability
or chronic medical condition.
This figure must be reported as an annual figure. It is calculated on parent/carer members who
attended at least one session and counted only once in the financial year.
Parents and carers may be sampled regarding their satisfaction with the service. This PI must be
reported as a number and a percentage. Either an online, hard copy or telephone survey may be
undertaken with a minimum of 25% of parents/carers surveyed once in the financial year.
4 Application Process
Overview of the Application Process
There was no application process for this activity as the Department undertook a direct selection process.
A direct selection process is where an approach is made directly to an existing, high performing provider
to expand their current service delivery activities or deliver new services. It involves assessment of
provider’s current performance and an assessment of a provider’s capacity to deliver an expanded
service or capability to deliver a new service through use of selection criteria.
Selection Criteria
At present there are no selection processes for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and
Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical Condition activity.
Should a selection process be conducted for the MyTime Peer Support Groups it will be conducted in
accordance with In accordance with Commonwealth Grant Guidelines.
How to submit an application
To apply for selection under this process, applicants will need to complete the application form and
respond to selection criteria as detailed at above. Applications must be received by the closing date and
time as detailed at 3.6.
The Department will not issue Application Forms or accept completed applications by fax.
Questions and Answers during the Application period
The Department will only respond to requests for information that seek clarification of issues to allow
them to better understand the requirements of the Application Form and Application Guidelines.
Questions after the application period
The Department will not accept or respond to any applicant’s requests for information or correspondence
about the status or progress of their application during the assessment phase.
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Medical Condition
Closing date and time
At present there are no selection processes for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and
Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic Medical Condition Activity.
Application Acknowledgement
At present there are no selection processes for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents of Young
Children with Disability activity.
5 Special Conditions applying to this Activity
Not applicable
6 Contact information
The primary contact for the MyTime Peer Support Groups Activity is the Funding Agreement Manager in
the FaHCSIA National Office. Any enquiries in relation to the Activity should be directed to that person in
the first instance.
7 Glossary
Agreed Activity
The set of principles used to guide the development of Peer Support
Commonwealth (the)
The legal entity for Funding Agreements.
Department (the)
Australian Government Department of Families, Housing, Community
Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA).
Departmental Officer
The person for the time being holding, occupying or performing the duties
of an officer of the Department, as specified in the Schedule to the
Funding Agreement or any other person(s) specified by the Department.
A systematic, objective assessment of appropriateness, effectiveness
and/or efficiency of a program or part of a program. Depending on the
purpose of the evaluation and the stage of development of the program,
an evaluation may focus on more of these issues.
Early Intervention
Early intervention activities target individuals or groups who may be at risk
of developing problems or who are exposed to potentially harmful
Final Acquittal Report
The final audited Financial Acquittal report required by the Department
verifying that Funding provided under the Funding Agreement has been
expended for the Approved Purposes of the Project; and any other
matters required by the Department for its own or any Commonwealth
accountability purposes.The Final Acquittal Report must include an
Independently audited report for 2012-2013 and must attach all previous
End of Financial Year Acquittal Reports which, together with the Final
Acquittal Report, verify that funding provided has been expended for the
Approved Purposes of the Project.
Funding Recipient
The Funding Recipient is the organisation undertaking the project and to
whom allocated funds are paid.
Funding Agreement
The Funding Agreement is the document signed by the Funding Recipient
and the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and
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Part C: Application Information for the MyTime Peer Support Groups for Parents and Carers of Children with Disability or Chronic
Medical Condition
Indigenous Affairs in relation to the delivery of MyTime Peer Support
Funding Agreement
The Funding Agreement Period is a period of up to three years
commencing on the date the Funding Agreement is signed.
Significant events or points in time, which frequently mark the start or
completion of a phase or activity in the project. Both the achievement and
non-achievement of a milestone is monitored and reported.
Results, impacts or consequences of actions by the Commonwealth on
the Australian community. Program Outcomes are the results or impacts
expected to be achieved by the Funding Recipient through MyTime Peer
Support Groups.
The products or services that are delivered by the project in order to
achieve the program’s outcomes.
A partnership is when two or more parties make a joint commitment and
contribution to a long-term goal. Partnerships can also refer to strategic
alliances with organisations and services that benefit Peer Support
Groups, families and children. They contribute to connectedness and
building local capacity.
MyTime Peer Support
MyTime Peer Support Groups are groups that support parents and carers
of young children up to the age of 16 years with disabilities or chronic
medical conditions.
Performance Indicators
Qualitative and quantitative factors of an output that provide a framework
for assessing. Peer Support Groups indicators primarily relate to outputs,
that is, the products or services that are produced and delivered by the
program in order to achieve the project outcomes.
Performance Reports
Reports from the Funding Recipient that provide performance information
about the project’s progress i.e. actual results in terms of performance
Part of the Funding Agreement, which provides details specific to the
program such as objectives and outputs.
People, organisations or agencies that have an interest in the project.
Target Groups
For the purposes of MyTime Peer Support Groups, there are specific
target groups. These are families from culturally and linguistically diverse
(CALD) backgrounds, Indigenous families, mothers and fathers, teenage
and young parents and parents who are located in non-metropolitan
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