Barristers & Solicitors 2800, 801 6 Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta T2P 4A3 Phone 403-267-8400 Fax 403-264-9400 Toll Free 1 800 304-3574 DECEASED Full Name of Deceased: Any other name known by: Occupation of Deceased at time of death (if retired, then former occupation and date of retirement): Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Date of Death: Click here to enter a date. Place of Death: Date of Will: Date of Codicil: Location of Will (and Codicil): Address of Deceased for 6 years preceding death: Address: Years resided at this address: Was the Deceased’s habitual residence in the Province of Alberta? If no, where did the Deceased reside? Choose an item. MARITAL STATUS (Please check one) ☐ married ☐ common-law Date of Marriage: Click here to enter a date. ☐ divorced ☐ widowed Place of Marriage: Surviving Spouse: Address Phone Numbers Common-law Spouse: Address Phone Numbers Former Spouse: Date of Divorce/Date of Death FAMILY INFORMATION Surviving Children: Birth Date Name Address (including postal code) Are there any children physically or mentally handicapped? If yes, please describe: Choose an item. Are any of the other beneficiaries physically or mentally handicapped? If yes, please describe: Have any of the Deceased’s children predeceased: If yes, please describe: Choose an item. Choose an item. Name of Deceased Child: Date of Death: Names and Addresses of their Children: Birth Date Did the Deceased have any children who were not children of the spouse, former spouse and/or common-law spouse listed above? Choose an item. If yes, please provide details: Was the Deceased responsible for any other children? If yes, please provide details: Choose an item. Was the Deceased acting as an attorney under the Enduring Power of Attorney Act? Choose an item. If yes, please provide details: ESTATE MATTERS Did the Deceased leave a will? If yes, please continue filling the information below. Choose an item. If no, please make a list of the names, addresses, occupations and phone numbers of each relative of the Deceased. Please list the relatives in the following priority: spouse, children, grandchildren, parents, brothers and sisters, etc. Also please provide the information requested below (as applicable). WITNESSES Will: Name Address Occupation Address Occupation Codicil: Name Are either of the Witnesses to the Will (or Codicil) a beneficiary or spouse of a beneficiary under the Will? Choose an item. If yes, please explain: PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVES Note: Please complete this section if you are named as an Executor in the will or are applying for administration where there is no will. Please add a page if additional space is required. Name and Address (Res) Relationship to Deceased: (Bus) Occupation: (Fax) SIN: (E-mail) Date of Birth: Name and Address Relationship to Deceased: (Res) Occupation: (Bus) (Fax) SIN: (E-mail) Date of Birth: Are any Executors Renouncing? Choose an item. If yes, please specify: BENEFICIARIES Note: Please list the beneficiaries other than the Deceased=s spouse or children Name and Address Relationship Birth Date (if under 18 years) ASSETS Note: All amounts must be the value as at the date of death Does the Deceased have a safety deposit box? If yes, please specify the location: Choose an item. Please list the contents of safety deposit box: A complete list of assets is required including full names of companies, serial numbers, maturity dates, number of shares, etc. All other contents can be listed generally (birth certificates, mementos, etc.). In the margin please indicate the form of ownership of each asset: JT TC H W O = = = = = Joint Tenancy (i.e. with right of survivorship) Tenancy in Common Property owned by Husband Property owned by Wife Property owned with someone else other than spouse REAL ESTATE Market Value Principal Residence $ Amount Owing on Mortgages $ $ $ $ $ (at date of death) Municipal Address: Legal Description: _____ Names on Title: Name of Mortgage Company Are the mortgage(s) life insured? Address Choose an item. Other Real Estate Date of Purchase Legal Description 1 2 3 Acquisition Cost Mortgage Amount FMV $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Registered Owners: Registered Owners: Registered Owners: Mortgages and Encumbrances on Real Estate listed above: Name and Address of Mortgage Company Principal Interest (from last (indicate which property) payment to date of death) $ $ $ $ $ $ Mines and Minerals: Legal Description: Current Value: $ Is the property currently leased? Choose an item. Monies secured by Mortgage or by Agreement for Sale: Name Description of Land Nature of Charge Amount Owing $ $ Cash: Cash on Person: $ BANK ACCOUNTS Bank name and complete address Account No./Type Principal $ $ $ Accrued Interest (to date of death) $ $ $ GUARANTEED INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES / TERM DEPOSITS Name and Address Principal Value $ $ $ Purchase Date $ $ $ Maturity Date $ $ $ Interest Rate $ $ $ Paid (Annual, semi-annually, monthly) Any other items immediately convertible to cash (i.e. uncashed cheques, etc)? DEBTS OWED TO DECEASED Does anybody owe money to the Deceased (e.g. personal loans, promissory notes, mortgages, agreements for sale, unpaid rent, sale of equipment or livestock, etc)? Choose an item. If yes, please describe: LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES Insurance Company Policy No. Face Value $ $ Beneficiary $ $ ANNUITIES Name and Address Principal Amount $ $ $ Monthly Payment $ $ $ Date of Last Payment Beneficiary PENSION BENEFITS Name and Address Principal Amount $ $ Monthly Payment $ $ Date of Last Payment Beneficiary REGISTERED RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLANS Where held / Address Amount Beneficiary $ $ $ Is any property being held in trust for the Deceased from another estate or trust? Choose an item. If yes, describe: SHARES IN PUBLIC CORPORATIONS, MUTUAL FUNDS, BONDS & DEBENTURES Name Type Class of Shares & Number Held Unit Value $ $ $ Market Value $ $ $ SHARES IN PRIVATE CORPORATIONS Describe full name of company, shareholders, number and type of shares owned by each shareholder, nature of business, assets owned by company, acquisition cost and current value: Are there any restrictions on transfer? Choose an item. Is there a buy/sell or unanimous shareholders agreement? Choose an item. If yes, is it life insurance funded or otherwise funded? Choose an item. FARMING INTERESTS Give description and value of machinery, cattle and other farm animals and produce, as at the date of death. OTHER BUSINESS INTERESTS Describe sole proprietorships, partnerships, joint ventures, etc. PERSONAL EFFECTS Description Estimated Value Household Goods $ Jewellery $ $ Automobile(s) $ (year, make & serial no.) Paintings, antiques, collections or art collections $ Other assets Not listed above $ LIABILITIES Description of debts owed by Deceased (include funeral, charge cards, etc.) Amount $ $ $ $ Do you wish to advertise for creditors? Choose an item. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR ESTATE ADMINISTRATION TAXATION MATTERS Date of last Income Tax Return: (please provide copy if available) Who will prepare Terminal Tax Return? Social Insurance Number of Deceased: Was the Deceased, or the Deceased=s business registered to collect the Goods and Services Tax? Choose an item. If yes, what is the GST Registration Number? ___________________________ CANADA PENSION PLAN Did the Deceased contribute to the Canada Pension Plan? Date of Last Cheque: Click here to enter a date. Choose an item. Amount Received: $ Note: The Deceased is entitled to CPP and Old Age Security in the month of death. Cheques received after that month must be returned. Have you applied for: Death Benefits: Widow’s Benefits Infant’s Benefits Choose an item. Choose an item. Choose an item. MISCELLANEOUS Cause of Death: Name of Attending Doctor during last illness: (This information is only required if making a claim on insurance policies) Was there a motor vehicle involved in any way in the death of the Deceased? If yes, please complete the motor vehicle accident checklist Choose an item.