Lesson Plan Example- 2nd Semester

Teacher Candidate _
Grade Level _3rd
Title _Comprehension- Trail of Tears – Sequence/Summarizing
CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (classroom factors)
Contextual Factors:
There are 18 students in the class. There are 11 girls and 7 boys.
ELL Students & WIDA level:
Alex 4
Alexa 3
Christian 2
Jocelyn 4
Meily 2
Shady 2
Tiara 4
Zynisha 3
Students with IEP:
Christian - Reading, Math and Speech
Ghannon - Reading, Math and Speech
Jocelyn – Math, Reading
Ronnie – Speech
Timothy - Speech
Behavior concerns:
Shady - Doesn’t follow directions, problems with other kids
Ghannon – Always up moving around, can’t sit still.
Marissa – Always off task, easily distracted.
Meily - Always off task, easily distracted.
High level learners –
Alex (math)
Classroom environment:
The desks are arranged into three groupings. Student seating is constantly shuffled around to accommodate for various
needs. There is a SMART board at the front of the room, which works occasionally, so it mostly acts as a projection screen
for the Elmo and computer. The wipe board is utilized frequently for instruction. There is not a personal mic system for
the teacher, so good enunciation and projection is important especially with speech students in the room. There is a
horseshoe table in the front corner of the room with a grass umbrella above it; this area is for small group instruction.
There is a small rectangular table at the back of the room with three computers for students. There are also two round
tables at the back of the room; one is for the teacher’s papers and the other is for small groups and interventions. There is
a class library available for the students to use when they have finished work early. Back by the library area are shelves
with organized manipulatives and classroom supplies, below these shelves lies a counter and sink. The teacher’s desk is off
to the left side, it is rarely used unless the computer or Elmo is needed. There is a word wall with high frequency and
vocabulary words for students to use as a reference. Displayed up front are the week’s goals and essential questions for the
week. The classroom has an open and comfortable arrangement.
WALK-AWAY (As a result of this lesson, what do I want the students to know, understand, and be able to
State Standard/Objective (from Unit Plan):
Key Ideas and Details
Reading: Informational Text Standard 3
Describe the main ideas from a series of historical events, scientific ideas or concepts, or steps in technical
procedures in a text, using language that pertains to time, sequence, and cause/effect.
Content Walk-Away:
I will write the sequence of events to understand the story Trail of Tears. SIOP 1
Language Walk-Away:
I will write the sequence of events to understand the story Trail of Tears. SIOP 2
ratify, treaty, resigned, prospectors SIOP 9
ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (What evidence do I need to show the
students have learned the Walk-Away? )
Modifications/Accomodations (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Formative Evidence (checking for understanding throughout the lesson):
Observe and listen to students comments as they pair-share and as they fill
out the graphic organizers to see if the students comprehension is in line with
the text as well as understanding the comprehension strategies. SIOP 30
Ghannon- (Low- Reading, Math, Speech IEP):
Partner with Ronny, to help him identify
and summarize events to complete his
graphic organizer. Listen to his answers as
he works with Ronny. Extra wait time
before having him tell me his favorite part
of the story. Post vocabulary with visuals.
Pre-teach graphic organizer strategies. Read
story beforehand in small group, so this will
be a second exposure and comprehension
will be increased. SIOP 5
Christian & ELL’s(Reading, Math, Speech
IEP, WIDA 2): Pair with Shady so they can
clarify thinking in L1 throughout the whole
lesson. Get Spanish translation of reading if
possible. Post vocabulary with visuals. Preteach graphic organizer strategies. Read
story beforehand in small group, so this will
be a second exposure and comprehension
will be increased. SIOP 5
Shady (WIDA 2, Behavior): Pair with
Christian so they can clarify thinking in L1
throughout the whole lesson. Place Shady
near the teacher so he can be directed to
stay on task. Get Spanish translation of
reading if possible. Post vocabulary with
visuals. Pre-teach graphic organizer
strategies. Read story beforehand in small
group, so this will be a second exposure and
comprehension will be increased. SIOP 5
Timothy & IEPs(Speech IEP): Pair with
Jamin. Have him share his thoughts verbally
before writing. Post vocabulary with visuals.
Pre-teach graphic organizer strategies. Read
story beforehand in small group, so this will
be a second exposure and comprehension
will be increased. SIOP 5
(High Level): Give the prompt- My feeling
on the Trail of Tears. Have them write a
paragraph with reactions to events in the
story. SIOP 5, 6
Content Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
The students will fill in a graphic organizer identifying sequence of events.
Language Walk-Away Evidence (Summative):
The students will fill in a graphic organizer identifying sequence of events.
Activate/Building Background Knowledge
Have any of you ever moved before? SIOP 8 I want you to imagine for a minute that someone told you that your home
did not belong to you and you need to move. How would you feel? Think for a minute. I want you to turn to your elbow
buddy and talk about how you would feel if this happened to you. How would you react? (Give them a minute to discuss.)
SIOP 7,18,16,17,19,6 That is what happened to the Cherokee people. The Cherokee nation is a tribe of Native American
people that lived in the area of Georgia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky. Over the years during white
settlement, the Cherokee nation began to shrink until they were finally pushed out in to Arkansas and eventually into
Oklahoma. Once a huge thriving nation, with a written language and economic trade, the Cherokee were stripped of their
lands and belongings and relocated. Roxy& Jamin have done some research and will tell us briefly about the Cherokee
Students, today we are going to be reading an informational text about these Native Cherokee Indians who were forced by
the government to leave their homeland. We will be seeing the words ratify, treaty, resigned, and prospectors during our
reading. To help us better understand what we read let’s discuss what these words mean. The word ratify means to agree
or approve of something officially, usually by voting on it. SIOP 9 Say the word ratify. As a class, we could choose to ratify
or agree to no longer have homework. We could take a vote and if most of you agreed to make that change we would have
ratified our homework policy. I regret to inform you that we will not make this change, lol. A treaty is a formal agreement
between two or more countries. SIOP 9 In our story today we will read about the treaty or agreement between the US
Government and the Cherokee Nation. Here is a copy of that treaty to look at. SIOP 4 See here how it is signed showing
that all these people agreed to this treaty. (pass around for students to see) When someone resigns it mean that they
volunteer to quit a job or position. SIOP 9 Tell your shoulder buddy something you could resign from. Say, “ I could
resign from being a _____.” SIOP 16,17,18,19 A prospector is someone who searches for something, usually gold or
silver. SIOP 9 In our text today we will read about prospectors who wanted to find gold. Tell your shoulder buddy
something you would like to find. Say “ I would like to prospect for _______.” SIOP 16,17,18,19 Great job. Be on the
lookout for those words as we read today.
Formative assessment:
Listen for appropriate responses to questions. Listen for students using vocabulary words appropriately. Check for
participation during buddy discussion.
Modification/accommodations: (ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.)
Pair Shady and Christian together as shoulder partners allow them to clarify in L1. SIOP 16,17,19 Have Ronny be
Ghannon’s shoulder partner. SIOP 17 Pair Timothy and Jamin together. SIOP 17 Pair Roxy with Tiare. SIOP 17 Stand
close to Shady while he is working with his shoulder partner to ensure he stays on task. SIOP 5 Give a brief mini lesson
ELLs, IEPs and Low learners -( Ghannon, Christian, Shady & Timothy) of the vocabulary words using visuals, and tangible
items (treaty). SIOP 5 Pre read the story with ELLs, IEPs, and Low Learners - Ghannon, Christian, Shady & Timothy
before hand, this will give them a second exposure increasing their comprehension. SIOP 5 Assign Roxy to tell the class
briefly about the Cherokee people, traditions, customs…Have her research this ahead of time. SIOP 3,5,6
Focus Lesson (“I do it”)
I am going to read the story to you. Please follow along as I read. I will be stopping so we can identify and summarize the
sequence of events that happens during our story today. SIOP 1,2 Good readers use different strategies to help them
understand what they are reading. By looking for the different events and knowing the time order in which they happened
it can help us better comprehend what we read today. We will identify these events as we read, then we will summarize
them and write them on our graphic organizer. SIOP 4,6
(Begin reading story starts on pg 54. Stop after the 1st paragraph.) Now that I have read a couple paragraphs, I am going
to stop and summarize the main events that happened so far. This will help me understand and remember the important
events that have taken place and the order in which they occurred. SIOP 1,2 I’ll only include the important information,
because a summary doesn’t include every detail. As I was reading, the story told me that the European Settlers and the
Native Americans have been in conflict since they began settling in America. I am going to write that information on my
graphic organizer as the first important event that happened. I also read that the US Government wanted the Cherokee
peoples land because it had gold. I need to add this event to my graphic organizer. I wrote in my own words the important
events that happened and in the sequence they took place. SIOP 53,4,6 Now, I understand what I’ve read, and I am
ready to read on. Partner A, tell your shoulder partner what we are looking for as we read today. SIOP 16,17,18,19
(Sequence of events). Partner B, tell your shoulder partner what information we will write on our graphic organizer. SIOP
516,17,18,19 (A summary of the event in our own words – only important details, not everything.) SIOP 30
Formative Assessment:
Listen to hear students say they are looking for sequence of events to summarize. Assess for understanding. If they don’t
understand take time to explain more about sequence and summarizing. SIOP 30
Pair Shady and Christian together as shoulder partners and allow them to clarify in L1. SIOP 16,17,19 Have Ronny be
Ghannon’s shoulder partner. SIOP 17 Pair Timothy and Jamin, together. SIOP 17 Pair Roxy with Tiare. SIOP 17 Stand
close to Shady while he is working with his shoulder partner to ensure he stays on task. SIOP 5 Show ELL’s & IEP’s
Ghannon, Christian, Shady & Timothy the graphic organizer before the lesson and explain the strategies. SIOP 5 Ask
Christian to clarify what they will be doing and looking for. SIOP 5
Guided Instruction (“We do it”)
Follow along again as I read, starting on the 3rd paragraph. Remember to listen carefully as we read so that we can fill out
the graphic organizer. We will first be looking for what happens next. Then we will stop and discuss what happened so we
can summarize the information and write it on our graphic organizer. SIOP 1,2,4,6
What event just happened in our story? Tell your shoulder partner in your own words what event occurred next. SIOP
16,17,18,19 Who would like to share with me what happened? That is correct, in 1830 Congress passed the Indian
Removal Act, which would force the Cherokee people of their land. Now write that down on your graphic organizer. SIOP
4,6 Great job. Let keep reading. (continue to do this to the bottom of pg 54. Stop and point out vocabulary words when we
get to them.)
SIOP 4,6,9,16,17,18,19
Formative Assessment:
Listen to students answers about events they find in the reading. Listen for thoughtful comments and questions that the
students contribute. Positively reinforce each comment and expound on their thinking. SIOP 30
Pair Shady and Christian together as shoulder partners allow them to clarify in L1. SIOP 16,17,19 Have Ronny be
Ghannon’s shoulder partner. SIOP 17 Pair Timothy and Jamin, together. SIOP 17 Pair Roxy with Tiare. SIOP 17 Spot
check Shady as he works with his partner to ensure he stays on task. SIOP 5 Give Ghannon, Christian, Shady & Timothy
written instructions on what to look for when completing graphic organizer. SIOP 5 Give Ghannon a graphic organizer
that has been filled in with the information covered during the I do portion of the lesson. SIOP 5 Encourage Roxy to use
descriptive words and write in cursive. SIOP 5
Collaborative/Cooperative (“You do it together”)
Ok students. Now I want you to read with your shoulder buddy the next three paragraphs. SIOP 16,17 Remember to be
listening for what will happen next. SIOP 1 Then stop and summarize the most important details of the event and tell
them in order. SIOP 2 Then write these on your graphic organizer. Use the checklist on your desk to help you assess
yourself. SIOP 4,6 Who can tell me how the word resigned was used in this part of the story? SIOP 9
Formative Assessment:
Spot-check students as they work with their partners. Walk around and listen to the discussions. Use probing questions
like, “Tell me what event happened after the treaty was signed?” “How many Cherokees were forced from their land?”
“How many died along the way? “How far did the Cherokee people have to walk?” “What is the name of the path they took
to their new home?” SIOP 30
Pair Shady and Christian together as shoulder partners. Allow them to clarify in L1. SIOP 16,17,19 Have Ronny be
Ghannon’s shoulder partner. SIOP 17 Pair Timothy and Jamin, together. SIOP 17 Pair Roxy with Tiare. SIOP 17 Spot
check Shady as he works with his partner to ensure he stays on task. SIOP 5 Ask deeper probing questions to Roxy.
SIOP 5 Make sure Timothy and Ghannon are talking and sharing ideas with their partners and not letting their partner
do all the thinking (provide a checklist with roles of partners to ensure proper collaboration is happening). SIOP 5,17
Independent (“You do it alone”)
Students, you have worked well with your partners in coming up with the sequence of events as they occur and
summarizing the information on your graphic organizer. SIOP 1 Now I want you to work alone. I want you to finish
reading the last three paragraphs of the text. I want you to identify the important events that happen and summarize them
in order then write them on your graphic organizer. SIOP1,2,3,4,6
Summative Assessment:
Check students’ graphic organizers. Students will fill out the graphic organizer throughout the story. They will write
summaries of sequential events from the story then be graded according to a rubric. ( I will pay close attention to the last
few event entries on their graphic organizer to see if they understood the text feature concept on their own.) SIOP 30
Spot check Shady to ensure he stays on task. SIOP 5 Remind Ghannon what the strategies are, watch him complete the
next box. SIOP 5 Have Roxy write her feelings about what she has read, let her know she will share this with the class.
SIOP 5,6 Have Timothy verbally share his thinking with me before he writes on his graphic organizer. SIOP 16 Allow
Ghannon, Christian, Shady & Timothy extra time to finish organizers if needed. SIOP 18 Allow Shady and Christian to
clarify together in L1 before writing thoughts on organizer if necessary. SIOP 19 Provide Spanish translation of reading if
possible. SIOP 19
Closure/Review of walk-aways, vocabulary, and essential questions
(Note: Closure includes student interactions, reflection, and/or demonstrations.)
Students today we learned about the Cherokee Indians and the historical Trail of Tears. We also learned how to identify
the sequence of events in a storty to help us better understand it. SIOP 1 We learned four new vocabulary words. Who can
tell me what they were. (Call on three students. Call on Shady & Timothy). That’s right, they were ratify, treaty, resigned,
and prospectors. (Show pictures for Christian, Shady, Ghannon & Timothy). SIOP 27
How was the word ratify used in the story? SIOP 27
What is a treaty? SIOP 27
Why did General John Wood resign? SIOP 27
What role did the prospectors play in our story? SIOP 27
What information were we looking for in the story to help us understand it better as we read? SIOP 28
Roxy and/or Jamin is going to read us their feelings and reactions to this story. SIOP 5,6 Thank you that was
wonderful.SIOP 29
Students, your ticket to recess will be to tell me the most interesting thing you learned from this story today. SIOP 30
(Give Ghannon extra wait time to answer). SIOP 18 Thank you for participating so well in today’s lesson! SIOP 29,30
SIOP Indicators (Add SIOP number and description within the lesson plan)
Preparation: 1-Content objectives, 2-Language objectives, 3-Content appropriate, 4-Supplementary materials, 5-Adaptation
of content, 6-Meaningful activities
Building Background: 7-Linked to background, 8-Linked to past learning, 9-Key vocabulary
Interaction: 16-Opportunity for interaction, 17-Grouping supports objectives, 18-Wait time, 19-Opportunity for L1 students
Review/Assessment: 27-Review vocabulary, 28-Review concepts, 29-Feedback, 30-Assessment
What do I need to remember to do? What materials do I need to have ready? What is the approximate time needed for
this lesson?
Copies of Graphic organizer, Copy of the Treaty of Echota. A copy of the text, The Trail of Tears, for each student.
30 minutes for this lesson
How can I use the assessment data to reflect on & evaluate the outcomes of teaching and learning? How can I transfer
what I learned from teaching this lesson to future teaching? What was effective and not effective? What goals can I set
to improve my practice and student learning?