OUR LADY OF THE MISSION PARISH SUNDAY 21st December 2014 4th Sunday of Advent th SUNDAY 28 December 2014 Feast of the Holy Family Parish Priest: Fr Joseph Tran Mob: 0402 048 502 Assistant Priests: Fr Renald Anthony Mob: 0406 557 320 Pastoral Worker: Donna Moxey Mob: 0434 637 355 Presbytery: Office: 270 Camberwarra Drive Craigie – WA 6025 Ph : 93072776 Fax: 94024319 Year B/1 Introduction: God is building a house where all people may experience unity and peace. This is our home, and Jesus is coming to show us the way so that we may avoid the hurt and disappointment of broken promises. 1st Reading: 2 Samuel 7:1-5, 8-12, 14, 16 King David wants to build a house, a temple, for the Lord; but the Lord promises rather to build a house, a dynasty, for David. 2nd Reading: Romans 16:25-27 The mystery of God, revealed in Jesus, has to be made known to pagans everywhere to bring them to faith. Secretaries: Christine, Jenni & Lesley Office Hours: Mon – Fri 9am –4pm Email Address: whitford@optusnet.com.au Parish Website: www.olm.myparish.net.au Reconciliation: Saturdays 12 noon – 1pm 5:30pm-6.00pm Missioncare: Donna Moxey Mob: 0434 637 355 Gospel: Luke 1:26-38 The angel Gabriel reveals to Mary that she is to be the mother of God’s Son. He will be given the throne of his ancestor David and his reign will have no end. Antiphon to the Psalm: For ever will I sing the goodness of the Lord. PRAYER FOR THE WEEK Lord, we look forward to your coming. Behold, the virgin will conceive and bear a son and his name will be Emmanuel, for God is with us. MASS TIMES: 22nd December – 28th December 2014 DAY Mon 22nd Dec Tue 23rd Dec Wed 24th Dec Thur 25th Dec Fri 26th Dec Sat 27th Dec Sun 28th Dec FEAST DAY CHAPEL CHAPEL 7am* 7am* 9am 9am CHURCH NO MORNING MASSES Christmas Eve. See timetable inside Christmas Day. See timetable inside St Stephen St John the Evangelist 9am 8.30am & 6.30pm 8am/9.30am/ 11am/5.45pm Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion Fr Joseph’s Message Advent – Week Four Reflection: As Christmas is all but upon us take a quiet moment to be with God and ask yourself what is the best gift I can give to others on behalf of the baby Jesus. The spirit of Christmas: “Give Forget… Receive Remember…” Let us offer our personal prayer “Thank you, Jesus, for the gift of yourself. I can never exhaust the mystery of your meaning, for your fullness will always elude my comprehension. May I spend my life deepening my understanding and my appreciation for who you are.” Fr Renald and I wish you all Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. 21st December 2014 WELCOME Our Lady of the Mission, the Catholic Parish Whitford, warmly welcomes visitors and new parishioners. Thank you for joining our vibrant community. This place is truly a house of God and a home for all. Our parishioners come from all walks of life and hail from many corners of the globe (places of birth spanning 80 countries; we are a very diversified community. We wish you a Merry Christmas and Grace filled New Year. We invite new parishioners to fill in a parish census card that can be found at our information desk in the foyer of the Church. Please hand it to Father Renald or Father Joe or place it in the white bin on top of the information desk. See one of our friendly volunteers after Mass for a special Sample Bag if you would like to officially join our parish. Christmas Mass Time Christmas Eve, Wednesday 24th December. 6pm Outdoor Mass for children and families. Nativity play, camels, donkey, doves, balloons, 3 wise men. Bring rugs and portable chairs. Children can dress up as angels, shepherds and sheep. Carols will start at 5.30pm. 9pm Vigil Mass in church. Meet baby Jesus. Carols will start at 8.30pm 12am Midnight Mass in church. Meet baby Jesus. Carols will start at 11.30pm. Christmas Day, Thursday 25th December. 8am Christmas Mass. Welcome to Santa Claus who is coming to our church by helicopter and joining in Mass. 9.30am Christmas Mass. Farewell to Santa Claus who is leaving to South Pole by helicopter after Mass. 11am Christmas Mass. Enjoy the angelic choir. 15 Years! That’s how long I have been a priest having celebrated my anniversary on Wednesday 17th December. I would like to say thanks to all the people who have kept me in their prayers and for the love and support given to me from all of you over the years. I am truly grateful, Fr Joe xxx PARISH NOTICES – 21st December 2014 1. Gift Ideas: Why not visit our Piety store for those special little presents like our Columbian Calendars and Bible Diary. SVDP Christmas card are still available. 2. Parking for Christmas Masses: Parishioners are reminded not to park on verges, over driveways & footpaths. Please be courteous to our neighbours. A car tyre on a path way will incur a fine. Obey all council signage and the usual road rules. Overflow parking will be made available at Albion Park (entry off Camberwarra Drive down lane way next to the presbytery) & Barwon Park (entry off Barwon Road). A friendly ranger may be there to assist you. Parking on Marmion Avenue adjacent the oval is allowed just make sure you obey the rules. A fine will be incurred if rules are broken. So please be CAREFUL and THOUGHTFUL and give yourself TIME to park properly 3. Joondalup Christmas Lunch: Once again our parish is supporting this Christmas Day event. Please consider offering your time as a volunteer to assist with this event. Volunteers are required on Christmas Eve to set up and then on Christmas Day to serve the lunch and act as table hosts to the guests. We also need a lot of help from 2.30pm on Christmas Day to clean and pack up. Please get the word out to anyone you know who may be on their own this Christmas. To register as either a guest or a volunteer please call 0466 252 076 or go to www.joondalupchristmaslunch.com 4. Just Faith Magazine: FREE Please pick up one of these great coffee table magazines produced for Christmas 2014 by a dedicated team led by coordinator Mark Tenney who rose to the challenge again for this Christmas edition and Peter Hunt - another fantastic design job. Our thanks go to everyone involved in this production. All the writers, editors, proof readers, admin staff and photographers for their tireless efforts. Well done!! 5. The Word Among Us: January/February Issue available now at the back of the Church for $5. Please place your money in the envelope provided. 6. Birthday Wishes: Happy Birthday to Ron Polglaze who turns 87 on Tuesday 23rd December. May God bless you with many years of health and happiness. 7. Calling all great chefs of this parish: We're looking for food donations to be sold at the bush dance. If you can help, please put your name down at the back of the church after 3rd/4th Jan or call Stella 94057134 or Ruth 94015305. Assistance needed with Christmas Masses. Vacancies: If you would like to assist with the Christmas Masses there are still opportunities to volunteer as: Eucharistic Ministers: for 6pm outdoor Mass – 10, Midnight – 1, All Masses Christmas Day Readers: 1 each for 8am and 11 am on Christmas Day. Altar Servers: 8am and 11am Christmas Day Acolytes: Midnight Mass, 9.30am and 11amNeeded for 9.30am and 11am Masses on Christmas Day Parking Attendants for Children’s Mass on Oval: We STILL need about 12 more people to help with the parking and directing of traffic. You will be positioned around the Church grounds, and guiding cars into Albion and Barwon Parks. Stewardship Corner When he discovered that Mary was with child, Joseph resolved to end their engagement with as little disgrace as possible. BBunt to the voof God, he changed those plans and became instead the protector of the child Jesus and His mother, Mary. God grant that I may be as open to the leading of the Holy Spirit. SPECIAL THANKS: to all the people who have been involved and who have helped out in anyway throughout this Holy Season of Advent and leading up to the great and joyful feast, Christmas. There are too many names to list them all and I would love to mention them all but I am afraid that I might miss someone out therefore please allow me to say thank each and EVERYONE of you so very much; You Know Who You Are!!!. May God bless you much in return for your generous hearts. All your gifts, time, talents and treasure are very much appreciated. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Appreciations: Carols by Candlelight: To Rob and the Overseas Mission Team and all the people who helped out at the Carols by candlelight. Sunday 28th December Year B/1 Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph Next Sunday is the Epiphany of the Lord Introduction: The presentation of Jesus in the Temple brought joy to Simeon and Anna and a promise of pain to Mary and Joseph. Family life will always be a mixture of joy and sorrow, but the Holy Family show us the way to be united in all the ups and downs that we experience. First Reading: Genesis 15:1-6;21:1-3 God promised Abraham that he would have a son and countless descendants. Although it seemed unlikely, Abraham trusted in God’s word. Second Reading: Hebrews 11:8. 11-12. 17-19 From the beginning of the human race, we have examples of people who remained faithful to God in good times and in bad. Gospel: Luke 2:22-40 Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to present him to God. For Simeon and Anna, Jesus was the long-awaited promise of hope. For Mary and Joseph, their moment of celebration was also a discovery of anxiety and pain to come. Antiphon to the Psalm: The Lord remembers his covenant forever. Prayer for the week: Lord, we pray that our families may be united in respect and love and may we live in joy and peace 28th December 2014 Fr Joseph’s Message Emanuel – God is with us Christ portrays a God who guides us through life, provides us with what we need, and abides with us forever. There is no promise that God will never allow His children to experience pain, or suffering, or even fall victim to natural catastrophes. But there is the promise that He will be with us always and everywhere. Emanuel, “God is with us”. Come close and draw near, my dearest friends. Follow me, wayfarer. Take a serious, sincere, and searching look at Christ, and you will have an authentic image of the eternal God. And while you look, bend your knee and kneel. ‘Oh come and let us adore Him’. On behalf of Fr Renald and myself we would like to wish you all MERRY CHRISMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR. May God fill your heart and your home with His Joy, Love and Peace in this Holy Season. May He shadow you and all your loved ones with His full blessing protection and grant all with good health in this coming New Year. Love in Christ. Fr Joe PARISH NOTICES 1. New Year’s Eve: Mass will start at 11pm concluding at Midnight. Join Fr Joe for a New Year’s Eve celebration in our main hall after Mass. BYO drinks and a plate to share. 2. Christmas Lights: on the Mandurah Canals, January 2nd. Bus holds 35, Canal cost $30, bus $10, total $40. For details and booking see table at the back of church after each mass. Must pay when book, Be Quick. Bus will leave from Church 4.30pm arriving in time to purchase Fish & Chips, or you can take your own meal & eat on board. Jo: 0409 112 501. 3. Healing Mass: Saturday 27th December at 8.30am. If you are suffering from any kind of sickness, physical, emotional or spiritual, please do come to receive the Sacrament of Healing of the Sick. All others are welcome to join in prayer for God’s healing power bestows on our loved ones who are not well. 4. Looking for Baby Jesus: Our resin nativity scene on sale at the piety stall is incomplete since the Baby Jesus has gone missing! Please if anyone has come across it would you kindly return it to the stall asap. Many thanks. 5. World Youth Day Fundraiser: Australia Day Bush Dance: Save the date and come along! Join us on the Parish Oval on 25th January 2015 from 7pm onwards, featuring the amazing Southern Cross Bush Band. Tickets are $20 per family, $10 per adult and $5 for children/students, and will be on sale from 4th January. Yummy food and drink will be sold on the night. 6. Christmas Eve Outdoor Mass: With Advent upon us, we are looking for children to be involved in the Nativity Play. Those children who feel they would like to be involved invited to a practice on Monday 22nd December at 10 am in the church.. Contact: Mrs Leanne Fragomeni: Leave a message at 9402 1582 or 0424 584 460 or just turn up! 7. Christmas Eve Mass: We are also looking for girls to take part in a dance at this Mass. If interested please leave your name, age & number on sheet at the back of the Church or contact Christine Polglaze after Dec 19th on 0417 097 017. 8. Altar Servers: Please collect your new roster. It will come into play the weekend of 10/11 Jan. 9. Ministry Fair: You are warmly invited to come to our annual Fair held over the weekend of 21 st/22nd February It is a fun filled day where you can find out about all the ministries we have on offer. Children will receive an icy pole and coffee and cake will be provided courtesy of Glory Be Café. So SAVE the DATE! 10. Eucharistic Ministers: Please collect your new rosters from the Sacristy. 11. Oval Preparation: At 10am on Christmas Eve please meet on the school oval to help prepare it for our Children’s Mass. Lots of jobs to be done e.g. setting up chairs, putting up bunting etc. Many hands do make light work so if you can spare an hour please add your name to the list at the back of the Church. Fr Joe and Fr Renald would really appreciate your assistance. 12. Shop Rider Delux Mobility Scooter: A mid-sized gofer for $600 ono Enq: Trevor 0401 491 799 Includes battery Charger/Basket at Front/Shopping Bag at Rear/4 wheels for stability/Horn/Front Light EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: In Recess, resumes 7th Jan. BAPTISMS: We welcome Isabella, Ivy, Harrison, Zeke, George and Harry into God’s family this weekend. PRAY FOR THE SICK: We pray for all those in our parish’s Book of the Sick. You are most welcome to add names to this book in the foyer of the Church. DEATH & ANNIVERSARY: All Masses this week will be offered for Catherine Fox, Phyllis Oates, Pham Thi Luong, Anna Roznowska, Bernadette Burns, Helen Meyer, Barbara Demecillo, Patrick Wallace, Hugh Dennie, Ted Wieladek, Brenden O’Shea, Ronald McArthur, Graciano Pingil Senior, Louisa Pingil, Noel Pitt and May Sedgman, all your dearly departed loved ones’ Holy Soul, all those recently deceased and those who have their anniversary around this time.