Cambria-Friesland School District - Cambria

Cambria-Friesland School District
Chapter Code:
Administrative Rule
Original Board Policy
Procedures For Dealing With Public School Open Enrollment Applications
Nonresident Student Open Enrollment Applications
Full-Time Enrollment
The parent(s)/guardian(s) of a nonresident student who wishes to attend
Cambria-Friesland School District shall submit the required application to the
school board. The application may include a request to attend a specific school
or program offered by the district. The application shall be submitted no earlier
than the first Monday of February and not later than the third Friday in February
in the school year immediately preceding the school year in which the student
wishes to attend.
All applications shall be reviewed using the acceptance/rejection criteria outlined
in the Cambria-Friesland School Board policies. The superintendent shall submit
recommendations regarding acceptance or rejection of applications to the
Cambria-Friesland School Board for action. No action shall be taken on any
application until after the third Friday in February.
On or before the first Friday following the first Monday in April following receipt of
the application, the applicant shall be notified, in writing, of whether the
application has been accepted. If the application is rejected, the notice shall
include the reason(s) for the rejection.
If the application has been accepted by the Cambria-Friesland School Board,
and not rejected by the student’s resident school board, the superintendent will
determine which school or program the nonresident student may attend in the
following year. This determination shall be made in consultation with other
appropriate staff and in accordance with established Cambria-Friesland School
Board policies and procedures. On or before the second Friday following the first
Monday in May following receipt of the application, the applicant shall be notified,
in writing, of the specific school or program that the student may attend in the
following school year.
The nonresident student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) shall notify the CambriaFriesland School Board of the student’s intent to attend school in the CambriaFriesland School District the following school year. This must be done on or
before the first Friday following the first Monday in June following receipt of the
notice of acceptance.
Annually by June 30, the resident district board shall be notified of the names of
the students from the resident district who will be attending school in the district
the following year.
Part-Time Enrollment
The parent(s)/guardian(s) of a nonresident public high school student who
wishes to take a course(s) in the Cambria-Friesland School District shall submit
the required application to the board. The application shall specify the course
that the student wishes to attend and may specify the school(s) at which the
student wishes to attend the course. The application shall be submitted no later
than six weeks prior to the date the course is scheduled to commence. The
Cambria-Friesland School District shall send a copy of the application to the
student’s resident board.
Upon receipt of the application, it will be forwarded to the superintendent for
review and action. All applications shall be reviewed and acted upon using the
acceptance/rejection criteria outlined in related Cambria-Friesland School Board
policies and prceedures. No later than one week prior to the date the course is
scheduled to commence, the superintendent shall notify the applicant and the
resident school board, in writing, of whether the application has been accepted
and the school at which the student may attend the course. If the application is
rejected, the notice shall include the reason for rejection. If accepted, the
acceptance applies only for the following semester, school year or other session
in which the course is offered.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) of a nonresident student accepted for enrollment shall
notify the Cambria-Friesland School District of the student’s intent to attend a
course in the Cambria-Friesland School District prior to the date the course is
scheduled to commence.
Resident Student Open Enrollment Applications
Full-Time Enrollment
Upon receipt of a copy of a resident student’s application to attend a school or
program in another public school district, school office staff shall forward it to the
superintendent for review and recommendation.
All applications shall be reviewed using the criteria outlined in the CambriaFriesland School Board policies.
The superintendent shall submit
recommendations regarding acceptance or rejection of applications to the
Cambria-Friesland School Board for action. If the application is rejected, the
applicant and the nonresident school board shall be notified, in writing, that the
application has been rejected. This notification shall be made on or before the
first Friday following the first Monday in April. The notice shall include the
reason(s) for the rejection.
Part-Time Enrollment
Upon receipt of a copy of a resident high school student’s application to attend a
course(s) in another public school district, school office staff shall forward it to the
superintendent for review and action.
All applications shall be reviewed using the criteria outlined in the CambriaFriesland School Board Policy JECBB. If the application is rejected, the
applicant and the nonresident school board shall be notified, in writing, that the
application has been rejected. This notification shall be made no later than one
week prior to the date the course is scheduled to commence. The notice shall
include the reason(s) for the rejection.
If the application is accepted, the superintendent shall determine whether or not
the course(s) satisfies the Cambria-Friesland School District’s graduation
requirements. If it is determined that the course does not satisfy the district’s
requirements, the superintendent shall notify the applicant of that fact no later
than one week prior to the date the course is scheduled to commence.
Open Enrollment Of EEN Students
The Cambria-Friesland School District may deny an EEN student who has an I.E.P. in
another public school district or continuing to attend a school in another public school
district if the cost of the special education service is required and the student’s I.E.P.
would place an undue financial burden on the Cambria-Friesland School District’s total
economic circumstances.
The Cambria-Friesland School District may give consideration to the following when
accepting or rejecting full-time open enrollment application for EEN students or potential
EEN students.
Whether the special education program or related services described in the
nonresident student’s individualized education program (I.E.P.) are available in
the school district or whether there is space available in the special education
program identified in the student’s I.E.P.
Consideration may be given to any class size limits, student teacher ratios, or
enrollment projection standards by the board.
If after a nonresident student begins attending the Cambria-Friesland School
District and if the I.E.P. of the student requires a special education program or
related service that is not available in the district, or there is no space available in
the special education programs identified in the student’s I.E.P., the CambriaFriesland School District board may notify the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) and
resident school board that the program of services are not available in the
Cambria-Friesland School District. If such notice is provided, the student shall be
transferred to his/her resident district and that district will be required to provide
an appropriate educational placement.
Whether the student has been screened by his/her resident district to determine
if there is reasonable cause to believe that the student is a child with exceptional
educational needs (EEN).
Whether the student has been reported to the school resident district or identified
by the student’s resident school district, but not yet evaluated by a multidisciplinary team in the student’s resident district.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) of student attending nonresident school district on a full-time
basis are responsible for student transportation to and from the school or program in the
nonresident school district. Parent(s)/guardian(s) of student who are eligible for free or
reduced price lunch may apply to the Department of Public Instruction for
reimbursement of costs incurred by the parent(s)/guardian(s) for the transportation of
student to and from the student’s residence and the school of program in which the
student is enrolled.
If the student is EEN and transportation is required in the student’s I.E.P., the nonresident school district is responsible for transporting the student.
The Cambria-Friesland School District, at its discretion, may provide transportation of
nonresident student if it is deemed practical. For example, the school board may allow
transportation of a student who is in or close to an existing Cambria-Friesland bus route.
Inter-Scholastic Participation
Student(s) will have to meet all guidelines, timeframes, etc., setforth by the W.I.A.A.
Student(s) who are accepted into the Cambria-Friesland School District will be eligible
contingent upon academic eligibility, as well as other eligibility requirements setforth by
board policy for that inter-scholastic activity.
Appeal Of Rejection
If an application for enrollment is rejected as outlined above, the student’s
parent(s)/guardian(s) may appeal the decision to the Department of Public Instruction within 30
days after the decision.
Approved: January 26, 1998
Revised: March 26, 2012
Reviewed by Board: October 25, 2004