Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
University of Hail
Faculty of Nursing
Course Syllabus
Faculty Member
:Advanced Adult Care Nursing (Theory)
:NURS 313
:NURS 311, NURS 312
:NUR 314
:3rd year
:4 credit hours\ week.
Office Number
Office Hours
Course Title
Course Number
Course Prerequisite
Course Corequisite
Course level
Credit Hours
E-mail Address
Course Description:
This course emphasizes the student's utilization of the nursing process and
critical thinking in the delivery of quality nursing care to adult clients. The
student focuses upon meeting the nursing needs of patients with advanced health
musculoskeletal, neurological, renal, integumentry, and sensori-neurological
health problems.
The student will be expected to achieve competency in selected nursing skills
related to the above patients’ need of nursing care. The teaching method will be a
combination of lecturing, discussing, assignments, and self-directed learning that
could help the student to gain the required theoretical knowledge and facilitate its
application of patients.
Course objectives
Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient
with advanced cardiovascular health problems
2. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient
with advanced respiratory health problems
3. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with advanced
gastrointestinal health problems.
4. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with advanced
neurological health problems
5. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with advanced
renal health problems.
6. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with advanced
integumentry health problems.
7. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with sensorineural health problems.
8. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with
endocrinological health problems.
9. Utilize the nursing process as a frame work for care of the patient with AIDS
10. Apply the knowledge of pathology, physiology that related to the advanced
adult health problems.
11. Conduct health education plans according to the patient needs.
Teaching methods
1. Modified lecture,
2. Group discussion
3. Written assignment,
4. Internet applications
Main Teaching Aids
1. Data show
2. White board
3. Flip chart
4. Models
Participation and Attendance
Major 1
Major 2
Final Exam
Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing by Suzanne C.
O'Connell Smeltzer, Brenda G. Bare, Kerry H. Cheever, Janice L. Hinkle. Publisher:
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins11th ed. (2007)
Williams & Wilkins (2006). Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice, eighth edition.
Lewis S, Heitkemper M, Dirksen S, O’Brien P, Bucher L. Medical Surgical Nursing:
Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 7th ed. Mosby inc, 2007.
Timby Barbar K, Smith Nancy E. Introductory Medical Surgical Nursing,
Philadelphia, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2003.
Nursing Curriculum Content
Unit I
Unit II
Unit III
Unit IV
Unit V
Unit VI
Unit VII
Cardiac system (Cardiac; vascular; hematology)
*System Review
*Care for patient with congestive heart failure
*Care for patient with pulmonary edema
*Care for patient with peripheral vascular diseases
*Care for patient with transfusion therapy
Respiratory system
*System review
*Care for patient with pneumonia
*Care for a patient with pneumothorax
*Care for patient with chest injuries.
Gastrointestinal system
*System review
*Gastrointestinal bleeding
*Gastric cancer
*peptic ulcer
Neurological disorders
*System review
* Advanced Assessment of neurological system
* Care for patient with increased intracranial pressure .
* Care for patient with multiple sclerosis.
*Rehabilitation measure
Renal, genito-urinary disorder
*System review
*Assessment of renal and urinary tract infections
*Care for patient with urinary retention, incontinence,
*Care for patient with urinary tract infection, renal
Urolithiasis, kidney transplant
Integumentary disorders
*System review
*Assessment of integumentary function
*Care for patient with burn injury
*Rehabilitation measure
Sensori-neural disorders
*System review
*Assessment of patient senses (eye, ear, nose)
*Care for patient with eye, vision disorder
*Care for patient with ear, balance disorder
*Rehabilitation measure
Endocrine system
*System review
* Care for patient with diabetes insipidus
* Care for patient with diabetes mellitus
* Care for patient with diabetic ketoacidosis
8 hours
8 hours
8 hours
4 hours
4 hours
8 hours
6 hours
10 hours
Unit IX
* Care for patient with hyperosmolar hyperglycemic
nonketotic syndrome
Care for patient with AIDS
Revision & catch up
2 hours
2 hours