Annual Governance Statement for the Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf September 2015 In accordance with its legal obligations, the Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf endeavours to operate at a strategic level, leaving the headteacher and the senior leaders responsible and accountable to it for the operational day to day running of the school. The three core strategic functions of the Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf are : 1. Ensuring clarify of vision, ethos and strategic direction; 2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils; 3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. Canon Law (Church law) also requires that Catholic schools are “…at least as academically distinguished as that in the other schools of the area” and the Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf are mindful of this requirement in all that they do. 1|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) Governance arrangements The Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf is made up of 7 Foundation Governors, 3 Staff Governors (including the Headteacher), 1 elected Parent Governor, 1 Local Authority Governor. Foundation Governors are appointed by the Bishop of Leeds, not simply because of their particular skills, but, more importantly, for the strict purpose of ensuring, on his behalf, the Catholic character of the school. Foundation Governors are also under important legal duties to preserve and develop the school’s religious character. In order to ensure that the school’s religious character is protected and that the school is being conducted in accordance with the tenets of its religious designation, Governing Bodies of Catholic schools must always have a majority of Foundation Governors. The full Governing Body meets once each term, and we also have a number of committees to consider different aspects of the school in detail. At St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf, we have 4 committees. We also have committees that meet if required to consider pupil discipline and staffing matters. A list of serving Governors is set out at Appendix 1 Teaching and Learning Committee Objectives : To review and monitor the quality of pupils’ learning and achievement To ensure a broad and balanced curriculum is delivered To review developments in the school’s curriculum To ensure relevant policies are up to date Finance, Property and General Purposes Committee Objectives : Review and monitor the financial performance against the school development plan Submit the annual financial plan to the main Governing Body for approval Review the production of statutory accounts Review property maintenance and management (in conjunction with the Diocese of Leeds) 2|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) Human Resources Committee Objectives : Formulating, setting and approving personnel policies Reviewing staff grading and salaries Terms and conditions of employment including disciplinary procedures Student Care Committee Objectives : To review safeguarding and pupil welfare To monitor the quality of care To monitor arrangements for the recording, storage and administering of medication To formulate and monitor care policies Premises, Grounds and Health and Safety Objectives Governors’ attendance record To monitor compliance with health and safety legislation and best practice To formulate and review policies relating to health and safety To monitor the maintenance and development of the premises To monitor the maintenance and development of the grounds Governors have excellent attendance at meetings. See Appendix 2 for details of individual governors’ attendance at meetings. 3|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) The work that we have done on our Committees and in the Governing Body Over the past year, the Governing Body has focused on improving outcomes for our ever more varied population. This included scrutinising pupil results and records of teaching and learning grades, discussing strategies for behaviour management and keeping pupils safe. We discussed school policies which are to be updated and then ratified by the Governing Body. We have also responded to the findings of our recent OFSTED report in February 2015, focusing on work in the Early Years and Primary stage, and the development of a method of assessing progress in personal development in residential pupils. We have also agreed that Governors may attend any committee meetings as visitors to deepen knowledge of the work of each committee. This has been a good training development opportunity. Governors have also attended a day’s training on “A Framework for Governance” run by the NGA, and a number of Governors have completed the online training about Radicalisation Awareness and our Clerk has passed the Clerk’s Development Programme. Governors are often in school, either to meet with different members of staff, as for the Headteacher’s performance management, to participate in recruitment, and to participate in school events like the Christmas or Easter liturgies – a real joy! The Teaching and Learning Committee has discussed pupils’ progress in the Primary Department, both before and after the OFSTED inspection. Governors were updated on the way in which provision and outcomes for children in this phase have improved, with better use of outdoor space and good curriculum development. With a continuing focus on pupils with multi-sensory impairment, the committee was updated on using Music and Movement together with Touch to help these pupils learn. The Behaviour for Learning Policy was reviewed and approved. The methods of Assessment and Monitoring were updated, to be used in such work next year. The committee discussed the Policy for Sex and Relationships educated and decided this needed to be updated, together with a more detailed scheme of work, mapped across Departments. The committee learnt that all pupils are doing well at all levels in English, with a new Head of department. The committee explored why not all children achieved Good or Better progress and learnt that those pupils have significant additional needs and are receiving additional support to help them make good progress. 4|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) The Premises, Grounds and Health and Safety Committee carried out a Health and Safety audit so as to put forward areas for development. They reviewed and approved the 2015 Health and Safety Policy. They also consulted with experts and implemented advice on risk assessments, including appointing an Educational Visits Co-ordinator. The Human Resources Committee has reviewed and significantly updated a number of policies including Managing Sickness Absence and Leave of Absence. They have overseen the introduction of the new School teachers Pay and Conditions framework and have reviewed the appraisal process for all staff. They have approved a number of changes to the establishment including alterations to job descriptions, pay and grading for some posts. Together with other Governors, they have participated in the recruitment process for the Head of Care, Speech and Language Therapists, LSAs and an IT technician. The Care committee have reviewed child protection records, as is good practice, and been informed of any incidents and their outcomes. The Annual Residential Care Inspection was again successful. The Independent Visitor completes one unannounced inspection every half term. Any child protection issues are reported to the committee and new guidance and procedures for missing pupils have been considered and included in our policies and procedures. The committee has worked on producing a new assessment framework for skills for independent living, and agreed Pupils’ Care targets will be agreed and shared with parents. Members of this committee are appointed as Safeguarding Governor, and Child Protection Governor. A comprehensive audit of safeguarding has been completed and an action plan produced which is regularly monitored. An independent external audit was also commissioned to ensure that the school continues to be at the forefront of developments to keep all pupils safe. Governors were updated on the work of the school Nurse and the changes which have been introduced since her appointment. The Health, First Aid and Medicine policy was read and approved. The policy for Parent/Carer complaints has also been discussed and updated. The committee has carried out an inspection of the residential accommodation which has led to a number of improvements to the showers, bedrooms and corridors being carried out in order to make the environment safer and more homely. 5|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) The Finance and General Purposes Committee has overseen the school budget, closely monitoring anticipated pupil numbers and the effect on the budget. The end of year draft accounts were presented to the Diocesan Trustees by the Business Manager and the Chair of Governors. Best Value was always assured by the use of tenders and quotations where applicable. Funds were made available by this committee once curriculum needs were identified. The committee continues to manage the school’s property portfolio, with input from the diocese as appropriate. Minutes of Governing Body and Committee meetings are public documents – you can ask at the school office if you would like to see any of the minutes of our meetings. Governors’ future plans for the school The Teaching and Learning committee will review the effectiveness of the Sex and Relationships policy and scheme of work. It will continue to be updated on pupil progress. The Care committee will monitor the effectiveness of assessment for independent living, and continue to maintain an oversight of safeguarding. The Human Resources committee will review the Staff Handbook and monitor the further development of the appraisal process in particular to ensure that objective setting is increasingly informed by the school development plan The Premises, Grounds, and Health and Safety committee will review the systems for monitoring, maintaining and improving the school environment, especially the Fire Risk Assessment. The Finance and General Purpose committee will examine the school’s systems for predicting future income and continue to get best value for the school from the property portfolio. How you can contact the Governing Body We always welcome suggestions, feedback and ideas from parents, carers and the wider school community. Please contact the Chair of Governors, Mrs Anne Winfield 6|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) Appendix 1 – Governing Body of St John’s Catholic School for the Deaf Governor Category Committee Term of Office expiry date Rev David Arblaster Foundation Governor Human Resources Student Care October 2018 Barbara Auty (Vice Chair) Foundation Governor Human Resources Student Care September 2018 Sandra Barlow Staff Governor Teaching and Learning January 2017 Ann Bradbury (Headteacher) Staff Governor N/A Fr John Carlisle Foundation Governor Human Resources Student Care Finance, Property and General Purpose To be arranged Terry Forbes Foundation Governor Finance, Property and General Purpose September 2018 Marie Lynch Foundation Governor Teaching and Learning Committee September 2018 Graham Myers Foundation Governor Finance, Property and General Purpose June 2018 Geoff Riley Parent Governor October 2016 Jim Snowball LEA Governor Teaching and Learning Premises, Grounds and Health and Safety Premises, Grounds and Health and Safety Steve Tausney Staff Governor Premises, Grounds and Health and Safety October 2016 Anne Winfield (Chair) Foundation Governor Finance, Property and General Purpose Teaching and Learning September 2018 February 2017 May 2017 7|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015) Appendix 2 – Governors Attendance Record for 2014/2015 academic year Governor Full Governing Body Premises Grounds and Health and Safety Committee Teaching and Learning Committee Finance, Property and General Purpose Committee Human Resources Student Care Committee Rev David Arblaster Attended all meetings N/A N/A Voluntary attendance at meeting Attended all meetings Barbara Auty (Vice Chair) Attended 1 out of 3 meetings (unable to attend due to change of date of 1 meeting) Attended 2 out of 3 meetings N/A N/A N/A Attended all meetings N/A Attended all meetings Ann Bradbury (Headteacher) Attended all meetings N/A N/A Voluntary attendance at meeting Attended all meetings Voluntary attendance at meeting Attended all meetings Fr John Carlisle 1 out of 3 meetings N/A Attended all meetings N/A N/A Terry Forbes Attended 2 out of 3 meetings N/A N/A Attended all meetings N/A Marie Lynch Appointed September 2015 N/A N/A N/A N/A Graham Myers Attended all meetings Voluntary attendance at meeting N/A Attended all meetings N/A Geoff Riley Attended all meetings Attended all meetings N/A N/A Jim Snowball Attended 2 out of 3 meetings Attended all meetings N/A N/A Steve Tausney 2 out of 3 meetings Attended all meetings Unable to attend meetings Voluntary attendance at meeting N/A N/A N/A Anne Winfield (Chair) Attended all meetings N/A Attended all meetings Attended all meetings Voluntary attendance at meeting Sandra Barlow 8|Page Governance Statement (Updated September 2015)