Syllabus - ECU Blogs - East Carolina University

Math 1065: College Algebra
Prerequisite: A score of 75 or better on the Accuplacer Mathematics Placement Test OR a score of
540 or better on the math section of the SAT OR a score of 20 or better on the math
section of the ACT OR successful completion of MATH 0001/0045.
Course Design Overview
 Class meets once a week for fifty minutes.
 Lab participation in the CAVE (College Algebra Virtual Environment) for a minimum of three
flexible hours per week is required.
 All homework, quizzes, tests, and the final exam will be completed online using a web-based
learning and assessment system called MyMathLab. If you have difficulty accessing
MyMathLab through, try accessing your assignments
through .
 A minimum score of 60.00% is required on all practice tests.
 If you need technical assistance, contact MML student technical support at 1.855.875.1797 or
1.800.677.6337 or .
 For additional information, refer to
 Email communication with your instructor from anywhere other than your ECU official
account will not be given any consideration and will be discarded.
Required Materials
A College Algebra/TestCal package, ISBN 978-0-321-92374-5, is
required. This code will give you access to the eText, which you
should read regularly. Please note you may get temporary access for
a few days at no charge.
If you are repeating Math 1065 you will need to purchase it again as
we have switched to a new edition of the e-text.
If you already have a Pearson account, you do not need to create a
new one.
Your ECU email address must be entered in the email address
field during the registration process in MyMathLab even if it is
not the email address you use most often.
A Math 1065 College Algebra Course Pack is required and should be brought to every class.
It may be purchased from the Dowdy Student Store. Your course pack will be checked
EVERY class to ensure that you have purchased and are completing the “Before Going to
Class,” and “Outside of Class” sections. If you are repeating Math 1065 you will need to
purchase a NEW Math 1065 Course Pack.
You will need the course ID# ___________________. Please note there is a different course
ID for each section of MATH 1065.
A non-graphing calculator with logarithmic and exponential capabilities is required; we
recommend the TI-30XS MultiView calculator. A cell phone may not be used as a calculator.
Headphones to listen to the video lectures in the CAVE are required.
4 Big Blue Books (or Big Green Books) 8.5”x11” can be purchased at Dowdy Student Store
Class Meetings and Math 1065 Course Pack
 Attendance is mandatory on the first day of class. If you do not attend, you will
automatically be dropped from the course. Any student who needs to be added back into the
course must meet with Ms. April Church ( prior to the end of ECU’s
drop/add period. He/she will need to bring his/her Math 1065 Course Pack and his/her College
Algebra/TestCal package to the scheduled meeting. Ms. Church will go over the material
covered during the first class and the student will complete a set of questions about important
course policies. Once all requirements have been satisfied, Ms. Church will give the student an
add form that must be brought to Mrs. Sandy Godley in Austin 124 prior to the end of ECU’s
drop/add period. If a seat is still available, then Mrs. Godley will add the student back into a
class. Note: If you are dropped for not attending the mandatory first day of class, then fulfilling
all requirements and receiving an add from does NOT guarantee you a seat in Math 1065 as
seats are filled on a first come first serve basis.
 Class meets once a week for fifty minutes at the scheduled time (check your student schedule
on Banner for this information).
 Your Math 1065 week starts at 9am on the day your class meets and ends at 9pm on the night
before your next class meeting.
 Attendance will be taken each class meeting. You will receive a participation grade for each
class meeting. To earn a 100% for class participation you must meet ALL of the below
o Attend for the FULL 50 minutes
o Have completed ALL “Before Going to Class” and/or “Outside of Class” course pack
work (see your weekly calendar for section due dates).
o Take notes, pay attention, and stay awake throughout the 50 minute class
o If you fail to meet ANY of the above requirements, then you will receive a grade of 0%
for that class meeting.
 All cell phones, computers and any other electronic devices must be turned off and put away
(out of sight) during class. If you fail to follow this class rule throughout the 50-minute class
meeting, then you will receive a grade of 0% for that class meeting.
 Your course pack will be checked each class to ensure that you have purchased and have
completed ALL of the “Before Going to Class” and “Outside of Class” sections (see your
weekly calendar for section due dates). If you have not completed ALL of the course pack
work, then you will receive a 0% for that class meeting.
 If you must miss class and have a documented university excuse, issued by the Dean of
Students Office (death in the immediate family, severe personal illness, required military
service, etc.), contact your teacher immediately, preferably before the absence occurs or
immediately thereafter. A class absence will only be excused once documentation has been
turned into your instructor/professor. NOTE: A letter from Student Health does NOT qualify
as a university excuse for this course.
 If your class absence is excused, then it is your responsibility to schedule a meeting with your
instructor/professor to have your course pack work checked. If you do not schedule this
meeting or do not have the course pack work completed, then you will receive a 0% for class
participation even if your absence was excused.
Lab Hours in the CAVE
 The Pirate CAVE is located in the basement of Joyner Library.
 To gain entry to the CAVE you must have your ECU OneCard (or photo ID with Banner #)
AND your Math 1065 Course Pack. If you do not have one or both of these items, then you
will NOT be permitted to enter to the CAVE.
 When you enter and leave the CAVE, you will present your OneCard and Math 1065 Course
Pack to the desk assistant and he/she will swipe your card so that your time in the CAVE may
be recorded for each visit. It is your responsibility to make sure that you are signed in
when you enter and signed out when you leave. (If you need to use the restroom, you will
have to sign out.)
CAVE participation for a MINIMUM of 3 flexible hours per week is required, but you should
plan to spend at least 5-6 hours per week either in the CAVE or elsewhere in order to master
the material. Teachers and tutors will be in the CAVE ready to provide you with personalized
You are strongly encouraged to interact with teachers, tutors and other students in the CAVE in
order to get individualized, immediate answers to your questions.
In general, your CAVE week starts at 9am on the day your class meets and ends at 9pm on
the night before your next class meeting. For example, if your class meets on Wednesday,
then your week starts on Wednesday morning at 9 AM and ends the following Tuesday at 9
PM. Some exceptions may be made to accommodate holidays, test weeks and school breaks.
See your CAVE Time Sheet, located in the front of your course pack, for specific details.
You will receive a CAVE participation grade for each week. You must work in the CAVE a
MINIMUM of 3 hours each week following all rules to earn a grade of 100%. If you fail to
meet this requirement for a specific CAVE week, you will receive a grade of 0% for that week.
2 hours and 59 minutes does not equal 3 hours and will result in a grade of 0% for that
You are allowed to do only your Math 1065 work or your math-related activities (such as
reading the eText or watching a math video) while you are in the CAVE. The penalty for
violating this rule will be you are asked to leave the CAVE and you will receive a zero for
CAVE participation that week even if all required hours have been completed.
No cell phones in the CAVE. If we see or hear your cell phone, then you will be asked to leave
the CAVE and you will receive a zero for CAVE participation that week.
Students may only use NON-graphing calculators while in the CAVE. Graphing
calculators, cell phone calculator, ipod calculator, ipad calculator, etc. may not be used. If you
forget your non-graphing calculator, then you may check one out with a photo ID.
No food, drinks, gum, candy, tobacco products, or weapons are allowed in the CAVE. Bottled
water is permitted, but it must be in a bottle with a cap.
You must keep track of your CAVE participation. The tutor at the time clock can only tell you
your time for that particular visit as you leave the CAVE. The tutor can NOT tell you your total
hours for your specific CAVE week.
The CAVE is closed on test days, holidays, school breaks, and when ECU cancels classes.
Please refer to your CAVE Time Sheet, located in the front of your course pack, for your
weekly lab requirement.
If you must miss a week in the CAVE and have a documented university excuse, issued by
the Dean of Students Office (death in the immediate family, severe personal illness, required
military service, etc.), contact your teacher immediately, preferably before the absence occurs
or immediately thereafter. A CAVE absence (missing an entire week in the CAVE) will NOT be
excused, but can be made up (in a timely manner) once documentation has been turned into
your instructor/professor. Note: A letter from Student Health does not qualify as a university
Syllabus Quiz
 There is a syllabus quiz in MyMathLab that covers the contents of the syllabus. Read the
syllabus carefully before attempting this quiz.
 You must complete the syllabus quiz with a score of 100% before you will be able to open
any graded assignments in MyMathLab.
 You may not give nor receive help while you are taking the syllabus quiz.
 The Syllabus Quiz does not count towards your course average.
 Quizzes are paired with the Study Plan. In order to take a quiz you must earn a minimum
number of mastery points in the Study Plan for that quiz. For example, for Quiz 1 you must
earn at least 6 out of the 8 possible mastery points in the Quiz 1 Study Plan before you can
access Quiz 1.
 Quizzes can be taken anywhere using MyMathLab.
 Quizzes can be attempted up to ten times prior to its due date (check your weekly schedule for
due dates). In general, quizzes are due at 11:00 PM on two nights before your class meets
 Only your best quiz score for each quiz will be counted in your semester average.
 You may not give nor receive help while you are taking a quiz (treated as cheating under
ECU’s Academic Integrity clause); tutors will be glad to review it with you once you have
completed it.
 If you rely on help to get a score of 100% on the quizzes, you will score much lower on the
 You will not get feedback after each exercise is entered. You must work through the entire
quiz and submit it before seeing your score. You can review your quiz in your MyMathLab
grade book under “Results”, and the MyMathLab learning aids will appear for the review.
 It is recommended that you take a quiz at least four times even though you earn a score of
100% before that. This will ensure that you see a cross-section of the exercises drawn from the
exercise pools from which the questions are drawn.
 There will be a Review Quiz at the end of the semester (check your weekly schedule for its due
date). The Review Quiz is cumulative and covers material that students typically struggle with
on the Final Exam. The Review Quiz is NOT paired with the Study Plan and can be attempted
up to ten times prior to its due date. Only your best score will be counted in your semester
Study Plan
 You should watch the videos, review your class notes and read the e-text before attempting the
Study Plan work.
 You are allowed to give and receive help while you are working on Study Plan assignments.
 If you rely on the MyMathLab learning aids or other help to get an exercise correct, then use
the Similar Exercise feature and rework the exercise repeatedly until you can get it correct
without any help. Many students who become overly dependent on the learning aids or other
assistance to get a score of 100% on the assignment find out that they score much lower on the
 Study Plan work does not count towards your course average.
 The proctored, password protected tests and final exam are taken using MyMathLab in the
Pirate CAVE. It will be your responsibility to register for them on MyMathLab (click on the
Schedule a Test button).
 There will be an announced time period for which each test will open and close for scheduling
(check the announcement page on MyMathLab for specific dates). You will schedule your test
by clicking on the “Schedule a Test” menu button in MyMathLab.
 Once the registration time period has ended, there will not be any rescheduling unless a
student has a documented university excuse issued by the Dean of Students Office (death in
the immediate family, required military service, an official ECU function, etc.).
Please make sure that you have scheduled your test prior to the schedule closing date as you
will receive a grade of 0% if you do not schedule your test.
Please note: upon completion of a test scheduling process, a confirmation message containing
the test date and time will appear on the screen, and a confirmation email will be sent to the
email account you have indicated. You should confirm that the reservation is complete by
clicking on the “Check Reservation/Need Support?” link in the system. You have not
scheduled a test until you see this confirmation message!
A practice test will be assigned prior to each of our three tests. You may take the practice test
as many times as you would like, however, you must score at least 60.00% on the
appropriate practice test prior to your scheduled test time. Failure to meet this requirement
will result in a 0% for your test grade.
All practice tests are copies of the actual tests. You should take the practice test many times
in a test setting, using only blank paper, a non-graphing calculator, and something to write
with, in order to prepare for the actual test.
Practice Tests do not count towards your course average.
Tutors are not allowed to give you help while taking a practice test, but they will gladly
review a practice test with you once you have completed it.
On your test day, please arrive at the CAVE at least 15 minutes before your scheduled testing
appointment. Items required for entry in the Pirate CAVE for testing are a test reservation
appointment, your ECU OneCard, and a NEW blank 8.5” x 11” bluebook. You may also
bring a writing instrument and a non-graphing calculator. If you wish to check out a CAVE
calculator, then you will need to bring a second photo ID.
If a student is caught with any unauthorized materials in the testing lab (information written
on oneself, the desktop, calculator, notes) or if the student accesses a cell phone or other
electronic device, that student will receive a grade of 0% on the test and possible disciplinary
You will be assigned to a particular workstation. Once a student is seated for a test, he or she is
not permitted to move from that location for the duration of the exam. The test must be
submitted prior to leaving the CAVE.
In extreme situations (power failure, server failure, forced evacuation of building) should a
testing session be interrupted, student test work will automatically be saved, so that when
power or reconnection is re-established the student may again log into their test and resume
work for the remainder of their time. If a testing session is interrupted for some other reason, it
is likely that the student will be advised by a test proctor to X out of their test (by clicking on
the upper right corner X of their browser); the student in this case should not click the Submit
button for their test because then the student will not be permitted to re-start and finish their
test. For whatever reason the testing session is interrupted, the test may resume soon thereafter
or at a later time. Students will be advised by the test proctor whether they should wait in their
seats until the test can be re-started, or whether they should submit their names and then leave
the CAVE to return at a later time.
Only 1 attempt is allowed for each test (NO EXCEPTIONS).
The three tests are comprehensive.
You are not allowed any assistance on tests; this includes notes, formula sheets, or any other
type of outside help. While testing, you are not allowed access to other online materials,
including your homework, quizzes, and online learning aids in MyMathLab. Remember,
academic dishonesty is a violation of the university code of student conduct.
If you miss a test, a makeup may be allowed depending on the circumstances:
1. If you did not register for the test during the registration period, no makeup will be
2. If you did not score at least a 60.00% on the appropriate practice test, prior to your
scheduled test day/time, no makeup will be allowed.
3. If you miss a test because you scheduled it but went to take it on the wrong day or at the
wrong time, no makeup will be allowed.
4. If you miss a test because you are sick, no makeup will be allowed. Remember the final
exam can be used to replace your lowest test score.
5. If you miss a test and have a documented university excuse (death in the immediate
family, required military service, an official ECU function, etc.), print a Makeup Test
Request Form from MML, fill it in, attach the documentation and contact Ms. Church
( within one week of missing the test. If you do not contact Ms.
Church within one week of missing the test, then no makeup test will be given and
you will receive a 0% for the missed test.
6. If you miss a test because of extenuating circumstances of a very serious nature totally
beyond your control (not covered in #5 above), print a Makeup Test Request Form from
MML, fill it in, attach appropriate documentation and contact Ms. Church
( within one week of missing the test. Note: Documentation of this
extenuating circumstance must be provided, without documentation no makeup test will
be allowed. If you do not contact Ms. Church within one week of missing the test,
then no makeup test will be given and you will receive a 0% for the missed test.
ALL makeup tests must be taken in a timely manner. In general, makeup tests need to be
completed before the next scheduled test.
Final Exam
The final exam will be given during exam week (see course calendar for the days the final
exam will be offered). This is the only course where you get to pick the date/time of your final
exam. Therefore, you need to make sure that you choose a date/time that does not interfere
with any of your other final examinations.
It is your responsibility to register for the final exam on MyMathLab (click on the Schedule a
Test button). There will be an announced time period for which the final exam will open and
close for scheduling.
Once the registration time period has ended, there will not be any rescheduling unless a
student has a documented university excuse issued by the Dean of Students Office (death in
the immediate family, required military service, an official ECU function, etc.).
If you scheduled your final exam during a time that interferes with one of your other final
examinations, and the final exam registration period has ended, you must notify Ms. Church
( via email by 5pm on Reading Day. If you do not notify her by the
aforementioned deadline, then you will be signed up for the Tuesday December 15th final exam
time that begins at 8pm and there will be a 15 point penalty deducted from your final exam
Please note: Upon completion of a test scheduling process, a confirmation message containing
the test date and time will appear on the screen, and a confirmation email will be sent to the
email account you have indicated. You should confirm that the reservation is complete by
clicking on the “Check Reservation/Need Support?” link in the system. You have not
scheduled a test until you see this confirmation message!
There is a practice final exam on MML, it is a copy of the actual final exam. You should work
it numerous times in a test setting to prepare for the actual final exam.
You DO NOT have to make at least a 60.00% on the practice final exam in order to take the
actual final exam.
Please arrive at the CAVE at least 15 minutes before your scheduled final exam. Items
required for entry in the Pirate CAVE for testing are a test reservation appointment, your
ECU OneCard, and a NEW blank 8.5” x 11” bluebook. You may also bring a writing
instrument and a non-graphing calculator.
If a student is caught with any unauthorized materials in the testing lab (information written
on oneself, the desktop, calculator, notes) or if the student accesses a cell phone or other
electronic device, that student will receive a grade of 0% on the test and possible disciplinary
You will be assigned to a particular workstation. Once a student is seated for the final exam, he
or she is not permitted to move from that location for the duration of the exam. The final exam
must be submitted prior to leaving the CAVE.
Only 1 attempt is allowed for the final exam (NO EXCEPTIONS).
The final exam counts 25% of your overall course grade, therefore it is important to do well
on the final exam.
After taking the final exam, the grade that appears on MML is NOT your course grade. Your
instructor will still need input important grades on MML (class attendance, CAVE attendance,
etc). You will receive an email from your instructor once your overall score on MML reflects
your course grade. You should receive this email within two to three days after the last final
exam for 1065 is given.
Your final exam score will be entered in the grade book as your final exam score AND as a
Test #4 score. Then, the lowest of the scores on Tests #1-4 will not be used in the final grade
calculation. This has the effect of replacing your lowest of three test scores with the final exam
score if it is higher.
If you miss your final exam, please read the following to determine which option best applies
to your circumstances:
1. If you did not register for the final exam during the registration period, then you need to
contact Ms. Church ( immediately. She will sign you up for the
Tuesday December 15th final exam time that begins at 8:00pm. There will be a 15 point
penalty deducted from your final exam score.
2. If you miss the final exam because you scheduled it but went to take it on the wrong day
or at the wrong time, then you need to contact Ms. Church (
immediately. She will sign you up for the Tuesday December 15th final exam time that
begins at 8:00pm. There will be a 15 point penalty deducted from your final exam score.
3. If you miss the final exam because you are sick and can provide a doctor’s note stating
that you are not allowed to return to class until a date/time after your scheduled final
examination, then contact Ms. Church ( immediately. Once she
receives this documentation, she will reschedule your final exam. There will be no
grade penalty.
4. If you miss the final exam because you are sick but cannot provide a doctor’s note
stating that you are not allowed to return to class until a date/time after your scheduled
final examination, then contact Ms. Church ( immediately. She will
sign you up for the Tuesday December 15th final exam time that begins at 8:00pm.
There will be a 15 point penalty deducted from your final exam score.
5. If you miss a test and have a documented university excuse (death in the immediate
family, required military service, an official ECU function, etc.), contact Ms. Church
( ASAP. She will reschedule your final exam. There will be no grade
6. If you miss the final exam because of extenuating circumstances of a very serious
nature totally beyond your control (not covered in #5 above), print a Makeup Test
Request Form from MML, fill it in, attach appropriate documentation and contact Ms.
Church ( ASAP. She will determine on an ad hoc basis if your final
exam will be rescheduled with no penalty or if you will be signed up for the Tuesday
December 15th final exam time that begins at 8:00pm with a 15 point penalty deducted
from your final exam score.
Course Grade Calculation
Class Participation
CAVE Participation
Quizzes (includes Review Quiz)
Tests (3)
Final Exam
Grading Scale
A 93 and above
A- 90-92
B+ 87-89
B 83-86
B- 80-82
C+ 77-79
refer to Class Meetings and Course Pack section
refer to Lab Hours in the CAVE section
2 lowest grades dropped
lowest will be replaced with exam score if higher
C 73-76
C- 70-72
D+ 67-69
D 63-66
D- 60-62
F 59 and below
Note: Standard rounding rules will be used in the course, i.e. a 72.4 will be treated as a 72 and a 72.5
will be treated as a 73.
An incomplete will be given on an ad hoc basis. A student must be passing the course at the time the
incomplete is requested in order for his/her request to be considered.
Fast Track Option
Any time after the completion of Test 1, if your overall score on MML is a 95.00% or higher
then you have the option to become a “Fast Track” student (note: this overall score excludes
class attendance and CAVE attendance).
It will be your responsibility to notify your instructor, via email, that you are eligible and want
to participate in the “Fast Track” option.
“Fast Track” students are not required to attend class meetings or complete CAVE hours, but
may continue attending class and the CAVE as needed.
“Fast Track” student are required to continue completing ALL course pack work.
All study plan assignments, quizzes, and practice tests can be completed outside of the CAVE.
All assignments must be completed on or before their due dates (see course calendar).
“Fast Track” students may choose take tests and/or the final exam, before their regularly
scheduled times (see course calendar). Early test dates/times for “Fast Track” students will be
available (email Ms. Church,, to set up an appointment). You must email Ms.
Church at least 72 hours in advance to schedule a “Fast Track” Test.
If a “Fast Track” student chooses not to take tests and/or the final exam early, then he/she must
schedule his/her test and/or final exam on MML during the appropriate test registration time.
“Fast Track” students are expected to follow the same testing procedures and rules as all
other students for tests (i.e. at least a 60.00% or higher on appropriate practice test, must
bring ECU One card to test, must bring a new Big Blue book to test, etc.)
If your overall average drops below a 95, you will then return to the normal schedule and will
no longer be eligible for the “Fast Track” option.
Course grades for “Fast Track” students will be entered at the end of the semester at the same
time that all MATH 1065 grades are entered.
Throughout the semester announcements will be made in class, through the MyMathLab
announcement page, and by ECU email. It is the student’s responsibility to check the
announcement page on MyMathLab and his/her ECU email daily. Failure to check announcements
and/or ECU email on a daily basis is NOT an excuse for missing an assignment, rescheduling a test, or
missing an opportunity to improve your course grade.
Starfish Retention SolutionsTM is an early alert and connection tool used by East Carolina University
to support student academic success. Working thorough Blackboard, Starfish enables instructors to
give praise or raise concerns regarding your academic performance within a course. Called "kudos"
and "flags," these notifications are sent to your ECU e-mail account and copied to your advisor.
Please note that not receiving a Starfish notification does not indicate good or poor academic
performance. You should always speak with your instructors if you are unsure of your academic status
in your course.
Technical Difficulties
East Carolina University and its faculty are not responsible for outcomes due to individual technical
issues, nor scheduled MML downtime. You are responsible for resolving any personal technical issues
that arise in the completion of your assignments. Please be aware of scheduled MML maintenance
windows, and adjust your schedule accordingly. If you need technical assistance, call MML student
technical support at 1.855.875.1797 or 1.800.677.6337.
Special Note
East Carolina University seeks to fully comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
Students requesting accommodations based on a disability must be registered with the
Department for Disability Support Services (located in Slay 138). The telephone number is
Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is a fundamental value of higher education and East Carolina University; therefore,
I will not tolerate acts of cheating, plagiarism, falsification or attempts to cheat, plagiarize or falsify.
Should I determine that an academic integrity violation has taken place, I reserve the right either to
assign a grade penalty or to refer the case to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities for an
Academic Integrity Board hearing. I will assign a grade penalty up to an F for the assignment or
course. Should it come to my attention that you have had a prior academic integrity violation, or if
there are other aggravating circumstances, I will refer the case directly to the Office of Student Rights
and Responsibilities. Should the Academic Integrity Board determine that you committed an academic
integrity violation, you may be assigned a grade penalty and/or any other sanction allowed in the
student Code of Conduct, up to and including suspension from the University. The Student Handbook
is online at
Retention Requirements
GPA Hours at ECU
(identified in Transcript
in Banner Self Service) plus
transferred credit hours
1-29 semester hours
30-59 semester hours
60-74 semester hours
75 or more semester hours
Retention Requirements Effective with
Fall 2011 grades
GPA for all courses taken at ECU
University Closings
In the event of a weather or other emergency, information about the status of classes at ECU is
available on the ECU emergency information hotline (252.328.0062) and on the emergency alert
website ( Note: If ECU cancels classes, then the CAVE will be closed.