“Approved” on methodological meeting of Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with course of Infant and Adolescent Gynecology “___”______________________ 201_ year protocol # T.a.the Head of the department Professor ________________ O.A. Andriyets METHODOLOGICAL INSTRUCTION for practical lesson “Pregnancy and labor with extragenital diseases” MODULE 4: Obstetrics and gynecology CONTEXT MODULE 9: Pathology of pregnancy, labor and puerperium Subject: Obstetrics and Gynecology 6th year of studying 2nd medical faculty Number of academic hours – 6 Methodological instruction developed by: ass.prof. Andriy Berbets Chernivtsi – 2010 1. Actuality of theme Pregnancy is often complicated by extragenital pathology. Some of extragenital diseases are less clinically relevant but often they can be dangerous both for mother and fetus. Approximately 60% of pregnant women have different types of extragenital pathology. Student needs to be familiar with the most frequent types of extragenital diseases in pregnant wome, approaches to treatment and obstetrical tactics. For the last decades intensity of researches of features of extragenital diseases increases for pregnant. Considerable successes are now attained in development of obstetric cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology. The tactic/pl of conduct of pregnancy and labor changed. More frequent began to allow pregnancy at many forms and variants of diseases, which were before considered contra-indicated for a genesial function. Pathology of the cardiovascular system occupies 1st place among reasons of maternal death rate from extragenital pathology. Very high percent of complications during pregnancy, in labor and in a puerperium, the disease of kidneys, endocrine pathology (10 - 26% abortion, 14-35% oligotrophy of fetus, removing layer by layer of placenta), give. At the same time experience testifies that timely exposure these вадів pathologies for pregnant, assiduous treatment with the repeated hospitalization during pregnancy, correct conduct of labor and puerperium enable acutely to reduce lethality and amount of complications at pregnancy, encumbered with cardiovascular diseases and diseases of kidneys. 2.Purpose of studying : A student must know: 1. Diagnostics of diseases of the cardiovascular system 2. Diagnostics of disease of the respiratory system, blood of CNS, liver and gall-bladder. 3. Shows are for the pre-schedule breaking of pregnancy at this pathology 4. Features of flow and conduct of pregnancy are at the diseases of the cardiovascular system, blood. 5. Prophylaxis of complications of the diseases of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system related to the presence, to blood. 6. Features of corresponding pathology 7. Diagnostics of disease of kidneys, endocrine pathology 8. Features of flow and conduct of pregnancy are at the diseases of kidneys, endocrine pathology Student should be able: 1. To diagnose illnesses of the cardiovascular system during pregnancy. 2. To give a conclusion about possibility of maturing of pregnancy or necessity of her preschedule breaking. 3. To develop the plan of conduct of pregnancy at the diseases of the cardiovascular system. 4. To develop the plan of conduct of pregnancy at the diseases of blood, breathing organs, CNS 5. To give recommendations in a puerperium at presence of diseases cardiac - vascular system. 6. To diagnose pathology of kidneys, endocrine pathology during pregnancy. 7. To give a conclusion about possibility of maturing of pregnancy or necessity of her preschedule breaking. 8. To lay down the plan of conduct of pregnancy at the diseases of endocrine pathology. 9. To lay down the plan of conduct of pregnancy at the diseases of kidneys 10. To appoint treatment at the diseases of kidneys during pregnancy Practical skills: o To lay down the plan of conduct of labor at the diseases of the cardiovascular system, at a diabetes mellitus, diseases of the respiratory system, liver and gallbladder o To lay down the plan of conduct of labor at the diseases of kidneys o To appoint treatment at the diseases of kidneys during pregnancy o To estimate clinical and laboratory indexes at extragenital diseases 3. Basic part Disease of the cardiovascular system Cardiac insufficiency is inability of heart to provide circulation of blood, corresponding metabolic processes of organism in the period of pregnancy and labor. For pregnant insufficiency of circulation of blood mostly develops at the purchased and congenital defects of heart, illness of myocardium, chronic diseases of heart. In the first months of pregnancy insufficiency of circulation of blood develops rarely. It more frequently arises up at the end of to 2 trimesters of pregnancy, so as to 26-28 weeks of blood circulation volume maximally increases during pregnancy, as well as intensity of work of heart. In labor and early puerperium haemodynamic violations appear: repeated in-flow of blood 400-800 ml at every uterine contraction, over-load by blood vessels of abdominal region after labor, rapid decompression of bottom veins, pain syndrome which provokes development of insufficiency of circulation of blood. These conditions are critical. Chronic heart failure Classification of heart failure of New York association of cardiologists (1995) Functional class Sick with a disease hearts but No-symptom dysfunction of I limitation of activity the left ventricle FC ІІ Sick with a disease hearts are with Mild heart failure small limitations of physical activity FC ІІІ Sick with a disease hearts, Moderate heart failure considerable limitation of physical activity FC IV Sick with a disease hearts in which Severe heart failure even minimum physical exercise causes discomfort In our country the accepted classification of chronic heart failure by Н.Д.СтражескоВ.Х.Василенко. 1st stage: symptoms of violation of circulation (of blood of dyspnoea, palpitation, fatigue appearing only after physical effort). 2nd stage A: stuffiness and palpitation become almost permanent or appear at very easy physical effort; the symptoms of heart dilatation and stagnant phenomena appear in the small circle of circulation of blood at left-ventricle insufficiency, in liver at insufficiency of right part of heart. 2nd stage B: the blood sludge expressed as in small so in the large circle of circulation (symptoms circulation disorders are present in liver, kidneys, edemas are acutely expressed at insufficiency of right heart) of blood 3rd stage: the irreversible dysfunctions of all organs are expressed: the signs of dysfunction of all organs develop in them; the signs of metabolic, feed, of dystrophic changes develop in them. It is known that normal pregnancy can be complicated by appearance of symptoms of insufficiency of blood circulation. A characteristic to healthy pregnant hyperpnoe gives the impression of presence of stuffiness sometimes. For healthy pregnant there can be periodic tachycardia (up to 100 beats in 1 min), extrasystols and other violations of rhythm, edema on feet, dizziness, weakness, stethalgia. Rheumatism is the system disease which includes inflammation of connecting tissue with recurrent localization of process in the organs of circulation of blood. A causative agent is β-hemolytic streptococcus of group А. Classification of rheumatism by А.І. Нестеров: 1 - mild. It is characterized by weak expression of clinical symptoms of active rheumatism, almost complete absence of signs of exsudate to the component inflammation in organs. Laboratory indexes or not deviate from a norm, or changed minimum. 2 - moderate. It is characterized by the moderate clinical displays of rheumatic attack with a not high fever or without her, without the expressed exsudate to the component inflammation in the staggered organs. The laboratory signs of activity of process are mildly expressed. Leucocytosis can be absent, RSE and other laboratory indexes is mildly increased. 3 - severe. Characteristic used for setting inflammation and local displays of disease with a fever with advantage of exsudate to the component inflammation in the organs involved (acute polyartritis, diffuse myocarditis, pancarditis, rheumatic pneumonia. In blood expose neutrophilic leucocytosis, high RSE, С-reactive albumen, growth of level of Fibrinogenum etc. During pregnancy it is very important clarification of activity of rheumatic process, so as it determines not only the necessity of treatment, prophylaxis but also obstetric tactics, id est activity is the criterion of possibility of maintenance or necessity of terminating pregnancy, also choice of method of labor tactics. Pregnant who suffers rheumatism has to be under strict clinical supervision of internist in the female dispensary. At suspicion on activity of rheumatic process for diagnosis and treatment the pregnant must be hospitalized in therapeutic department or a maternity hospital is specialized. An active rheumatic process is contra-indication for pregnancy, especially at the acute and subacute flow of disease. Pregnancy is contra-indicated in case when after the rheumatic attack of passed less than 6 months. At minimum activity of process (1st degree), if pregnant insists, pregnancy can be saved. Thus it follows to take into account that medications of treatment of intensifying of rheumatism in a 1 trimester are very limited (salicylates are contra-indicated). At FC 1 or 2 and at an active rheumatic process conducted the stage of delivery through natural labor ways with the exception of pushing efforts (imposition of obstetric forceps). In case of decompensation of blood circulation caesarian section is indicated. Treatment: etiotropic therapy-penicillines; Steroid and non-steroid medications give an anti-inflammatory effect and are symptomatic but not nosotropic medications. corticosteroids + prednisolon - 5 mg, dexametazone - 0,5 mg. They are indicated in case of severe carditis, pericarditis, in case of unbearableness or inadequacy of salicylates. aspirin and other non-steroid drugs are indicated in case of weakly expressed carditis. It should be remembered that under act of aspirin the chromosomal aberration increase in lymphatic cages, that specifies on possibility of mutagene effect. Preparation represses the biosynthesis of простагландинів of Е and F2 also, which stimulate reduction to the myometrium which can become reason of the protracted labor or переношування of вангітності. at unbearableness of salicylates shown analgin, бутадіол. Prophylactic treatment is conducted 3 times during pregnancy: 12 weeks, 28-32 weeks, in post-natal period. Acquired defects of heart Rheumatism strikes a mitral valve, less frequently aortic and tricuspidal valves. Mitral stenosis is stenosis of the left atrioventricular aperture. At mitral stenosis the violation circulation of blood begins not at once. The left venous aperture must be narrowed on 60%, id est a to 2 cm (in a norm a 6-7 cm). During pregnancy heart must anymore transport the blood, so as blood circulation volume increases on 30-50% regardless of the state of heart. And it can result in a pulmonary edema and cardiac asthma. Mitral stenosis most severe type of defect of heart in connection with that he causes over-load of small circle of circulation of blood, at the same time at pregnancy in itself there are conditions for a bradyhemarrhea in lungs. Labor for pregnant with mitral stenosis is quite serious clinical situation. For pregnant with the expressed mitral stenosis during labor of oscillation arterial and venous pressure is arrived at by large amplitude, pulse of 110 beats in 1 min, 24 breathings in 1 min The method of labor is determined by the degree of insufficiency of circulation of blood and activity of rheumatism. Mitral stenosis is diagnosed for pregnant as well as not for pregnant. At palpation there is the "cat-like purring" on an apex. On an apex a slamming 1 tone, pre-systolic or diastolic murmur, accent of 2nd tone on a pulmonary artery. At an auscultation accent 2nd tone on the pulmonary artery is present, prolongation of QT-interval on ECG. Heart ultrasound and Doppler investigation will confirm the diagnosis. At mitral stenosis pregnancy is contra-indicated, if from the beginning of pregnancy there are signs of insufficiency of circulation of blood or rheumatic activity, blinking arrhythmia, pulmonary hypertension and embolic complications. The prognosis for pregnancy and labor gets better after surgical treatment of stenosis. A mitral commissurotomy is technically accessible at the late term of pregnancy, but it’s better to conduct it on 10-11 up to 18 weeks of pregnancy. It is not desirable to do an operation in days which correspond menstruation, 2-3 months of pregnancy, which are accompanied by regress of corpus luteum, term after 19-20 week, when uterus increases not due to the height of muscle fibres, but due to by a stretching by growing fetus, in 26-28 weeks of pregnancy, when haemodynamic load on a heart arrives at a maximum. Later 28 week of pregnancy not desirable operation. Insufficiency of mitral valve At this defect blood during a systole enters not only aorta but also in back-flow direction in the left ventricle. Because of the strong left ventricle of minute volume of blood supported at normal level and decompensation develops lately. Most pregnant with "isolated" mitral insufficiency carry pregnancy without no signs of insufficiency of circulation of blood Insufficiency of valve is not contra-indication for pregnancy at the compensated defect. Aortic stenosis It is 16% of all heart organic defects. Diagnose is difficult. An area of the aortic opening is a 2,6- 3,5 cm. Its narrowing twice is not reflected on the state of pregnant. The period of complete indemnification of defect can proceed 20-30 years. At an area a 0,75-0,5 cm patients grumble about a weakness, stuffiness, loss of consciousness. Develops dilatation of cavities of the left ventricle, in him pressure rises and diminishes cardiac extrass. For stenosis of aorta systolic murmur above an aorta is a diagnostic sign. 2nd tone on an aorta is weak. At "isolated" aortic stenosis a pulse rarely is more frequent 60-65 beats per 1 min, systolic pressure is decreased to 90100 mm of mercury column, diastolic pressure is some increased. Clinical flow during pregnancy If aortic stenosis is compensated pregnancy is not contra-indicated. But even initial signs of insufficiency of circulation of blood are contra-indication to pregnancy. More frequent patients die not in a gestational period, in but a year after labor. Insufficiency of valve of aorta Second on frequency rheumatic defect of heart. A defect usually coincides with stenosis of estuary of aorta. At aortic insufficiency during a diastole part of blood from an aorta flows in зворотньому direction in the left ventricle, as pressure in an aorta in this period does not exceed pressure in a ventricle. Patients complain at aortic insufficiency on the strong shoves of heart, pulsation of vessels of neck, dizziness and loss of consciousness at the change of position of body, pain in area of heart for as a stenocardia. Characteristic pallor of skin covers, pulsation of sleepy and other peripheral arteries, a pulse is rapid. Systolic pressure is increased, diastolic is acutely decreased. In default of relapses of rheumatism aortic insufficiency does not cause decompensation of circulation of blood, runs across of high quality and is not contra-indication for pregnancy. Insufficiency with the signs of insufficiency of circulation of blood results the valve of aorta in death in 1-2 years. That is why pregnancy in this situation is contra-indicated. Congenital defects of heart To the congenital defects of heart there are 50 nosologic forms of anomalies of development of cardiac system. Classification of congenital defects (М. П. Чернова, 1977) Defects with the extrass of blood from (defect of atrial membrane, open arterial channels, defect of ventricular septa) left to right Defects with the extrass of blood on the right on left and with arterial hypoxemia (Fallo tetrade, transposition of main vessels, syndrome of hypoplasia of the left heart) Defects are with the barrier of blood stream (stenosis of pulmonary artery, stenosis of aorta, co-arctation of aorta) Most frequent expectant mothers have defects with the extrass of blood from left to right. Good flow of pregnancy have patients with the defect of muscular part of v membrane, with the small defect. If a disease is accompanied by insufficiency of circulation of blood, pulmonary hypertension or extrass of blood from right to left, then pregnancy must be terminated. Congenital malformations with the extrass of blood from right to left are most severe. Fallo tetrade and transposition of large vessels is a testimony to terminating pregnancy. Congenital defects with an obstacle to the blood stream in default of insufficiency of circulation of blood are not contra-indication to pregnancy. At coarctetion aortas pregnancy is possible only at the moderate narrowing, but even in such case conducted caesarian section. Pregnancy and hypertensive disease There is not only classification on this time. Classifications by WHO: a 1 .- increase of propulsion MODULE is a from 160/95 to 179/104 mm of рт century without the organic changes of the cardiovascular system; Propulsion MODULE and can change during twenty-four hours. a 2 ст.- increase of propulsion MODULE is a from 180/105 to 199/114 mm of рт century with the hypertrophy of the left ventricle, but without the signs of damage of other organs; a 3 ст.- increase of propulsion MODULE is a 200/115 mm of рт century and higher with the damage of heart and other organs (brain, retina of eye) Hypertensive illness negatively influences on flow of pregnancy. The most common complication is a late gestosis. For determination of tactic/pl of conduct of pregnancy most essential is an estimation of weight of disease and exposure of possible complications. Therefore the first hospitalization is conducted to 12 weeks to pregnancy. At 1 century pregnancy proceeds under surveillance of internist and accoucheur. At 2 and century pregnancy can be stored in default of violations of ССС and pochard, 2б and 3 centurycontra-indications for pregnancy. Second hospitalization in 28-32 weeks, третя-за 2-3 weeks to labor. Labor conduct through natural maternity ways with the adequate anaesthetizing at continuation of hypotension therapy and early amniotomy. 2 periods are shortened, conducting перінеотомію or imposition of obstetric tongs. A bleeding prophylaxis is conducted in 3 periods. Disease of breathing organs Bronchitis for pregnant, as a rule primary, infectious or viral genesis, at cooling of body often combines with laryngitis, tracheitis, acute respiratory disease, asthma state. Reason of bronchitis can be productive harmfulness. Basic clinical signs are a rheum, cough, pain in a thorax, sputum. What badly distinguished. Pregnancy does not assist a disease, but peculiar to pregnancy of flowdown of mucous membrane of bronchial tubes bothers sputum. On flow of pregnancy an acute bronchitis does not influence, but the intrauterine infecting of fetus is possible. Shown frequent warm drink (tea with honey, milk with a soda, lime tea), which facilitates expectoration, alkaline inhalations. For the output of bronchial spasm it can beta it is used euphylline. If necessary there can be the used antibiotics. Simple and effective mustard plasters, banks. A chronic bronchitis flows lasted with the periods of intensifying and remissions. Disease is characterized by the protracted periods of cough with the two-bit/pl of sputum. A неускладнений chronic bronchitis is not contra-indication for pregnancy and labor. At the expressed respiratory insufficiency the exception of pushing is shown. In transition the used for setting fire process there is a bronchopneumonia or catarrhal pneumonia on pulmonary fabric. A patient has a fever, cough, general weakness which testifies to the acute beginning of pneumonia; a pulmonary percussion sound is kept or dulling appears on the limited area. Breathing is with wheezes. A disease lasts 2-3 weeks, possible abscess and pneumosclerosis. Shown antibiotics, anti-fungal medications, coughing up facilities, banks, mustard plasters, respiratory gymnastics, massage of chest. Bronchial asthma Frequency in 1% of pregnant, a disease can be to pregnancy and arise up during her. The origin of asthma is related to the changes of sensitiveness to endogenous prastaglandines. The pregnant have clinicopathologic forms: atopic; infectiously-dependent (infectiously-allergic); auto-immune; dyshormonal; nervously-psychological; cholinergic. Pregnancy runs across under act of the cute nervous system, considerably the level of pregnenetrioldione increases in blood. All these changes of good influence on flow of pregnancy. At the same time in the organism of woman, changes which worsen the prognosis of disease pass: activating of respiratory center, physiology overventilation, oppression of the system of immunity passes for a mother. Foreseeing worsening of the state of pregnant is impossible. Treatment is determined by the form of disease and includes the use of medications recognition, by influence term of pregnancy on a fetus. For cut short of attack use: group of salbutamol; mustard plasters, banks; 1 ml of 5% esadrin; 2,4% 10 ml of euphylline; prednizolone is for 30 ml in 3 hours; Conduct of pregnancy and labor In the early terms of pregnancy the shown hospitalization is in therapeutic permanent establishment for an inspection and decision of question about maintenance of pregnancy. There is obligatory hospitalization 2-3 weeks prior to labor. Bronchial asthma which arose up during pregnancy after labor can diminish. Labor are conducted through natural maternity ways. Disease of blood Anaemia of pregnant is a decline of amount of haemoglobin and red corpuscles. Frequency of anaemia for pregnant of 30-35% and there is a tendency to the increase. At anaemia a basic function - delivery to oxygen is violated to the different organs and tissues, a hypoxia which influences on normal flow of pregnancy and fetus develops. Iron-deficient anaemia appears in 90% of pregnant. Indexes of normal vibrations of Hb are 115-145 gs/of л (11,5-14,5г%) and red corpuscles 3,7*1012 - 4,7*1012. At iron-deficient to anaemia (ЗДА) there is a decline of amount of iron in the serum of blood, marrow, high concentration of estrogen hormones, which assists the dyspoiesis of haemoglobin What causes anamia: wrong feed, violation of suction of iron (disease of intestinal highway), vomiting, bleeding, multifetation, lactation, too frequent pregnancies. Classification on the degree of weight : mild - Нb 91-110 gs/of л; moderate - Нb a 81-91 g/of л; severe degree - Hb not below 80 gs/л. Clinical features. The pregnant compains about a weakness, stuffiness and dizziness at insignificant physical effort, dizziness and headache. As a result of diminishing of enzymes iron is included in composition of which, observed there are trophic violations (psilosis, change of taste, fragility of nails). The some pregnant do not express at presence of anaemia of complaints. There is a pallor of skin covers and scleras at a review. Sometimes there is subfebrile temperature. At anaemia there are scray changes for the increase of oxygenation of tissues: increase of volume of plasma, cardiac extrass and speed of blood stream. At an auscultation above the apex of heart hearkened to systolic noise. There is the frequent breathing. Almost in half with anaemia arterial low blood pressure is determined. A liver and spleen at ЗДА is not megascopic. The diagnosis of ЗДА is based on the changes of next indexes is a decline of Hb below 115 gs/of л, diminishing of content of iron in blood of to 10,7 mmol/l, decline of Ht less than 33%, colour index below 0,85. There is less of red corpuscles, anisocytosis is norm or amount them increased. RSE is increased always. For pregnant from ЗДА the gestosiss of the second half of pregnancy develop often, in 1542% is terminating pregnancy in different terms, often there is a high water-level, ФПН, hypoxia of fetus, СЗРП. Labor at every third case at anaemia become complicated ill-timed outpouring of amniotic fluid, weakness of labor (15%), by the increase of blood loss in labor - in 10%. In this connection labor must be conducted actively with the prophylaxis of weakness of childlabor, asphyxia of new-born, bleeding in an early puerperium. Even insignificant blood loss is badly carried by women and can result in a collapse. A puerperium can become complicated by septic diseases in 12%. Anemia can result in a hypoxia, oligotrophy and development of anaemia of fetus. For children, born from mothers with anaemia, often there is oppression of erythrogenesis. Treatment: rational feed (meat, liver, bread, is leguminous, soy-bean, dill, parsley). Day's ration must contain albumens to 120г (50% of animal origin), limitation of fats to 70г on twentyfour hours and carbohydrates to 350-400г. apply medications of iron, vitamins, other medications. Most effective are medications of iron supply. To apply medications of iron better in all with ascorbic acid. Unrationally to apply at ЗДА medications which stimulate an erythrogenesis (folicacid, vitamin of В12). It is necessary to remember that an effect from treatment comes not early than as in 3 weeks. Blood transfusion is not conducted in connection with an of short duration effect and immunization of pregnant. Prophylaxis: early exposure and timely hospitalization, treatment. Megaloblast anaemia - it anaemia at which is violated ripening of cages of red row, conditioned by the deficit of vitamin of В12 or folic acid. Typical for such anaemias is a presence in marrow of megaloblasts, reason of increase of which is a dyspoiesis of DNA. В12-anaemias are hyperchromatic, characterized by the atrophy changes of tongue, gullet, stomach, changes of the nervous system. The deficit of vitamin of В12 can be constrained from disorder of absorbtion (atrophy changes of mucous membrane of stomach), by the invasion of helmints, inherited violations of гемопоезу. A clinic consists of anaemic syndrome, violations, changes of the nervous system (feeling of crawl of ants, numbness of extremities, violation of deep sensitiveness, spastic парапарез). For a blood test characteristic presence of hyperchromatic anaemia, macro- and anisocytosis of red corpuscles, diminishing of amount of leucocytes, moderate hyperbilirubinemia. In marrow megascopic amount of megaloblasts. Treatment: diet (meat, eggs, milk, liver, kidneys), vitamin of В12 (100-200 мг/twenty-four hours, in/a m, folic acid 5-15 мг/twenty-four hours, vitamin of С to 100 мг/twenty-four hours). Day's requirement of pregnant in фолієвій acid is 300-mcg (for unpregnant she is 100мкг). The depot of folic acid in the organism of man is absent, and the exchange of her very unstable, that is why the deficit of her at pregnancy arises up very quickly. A wrong feed, frequent pregnancies, protracted reception of hormonal contraceptives, assists it. Hyperchromatic anaemia is 1% from all cases of anaemias. For this form not the typical is expressed clinical flow (Hb within the limits of a 80-100 g/of л). Treatment to iron of effect medications is not given. A clinic is expressed in absence of appetite, characteristic vomiting, diarrhea, burning of tongue. There can be signs of hemorragic diathesis of skin, mucous membrane, scleras. There is an increase of spleen, fervescence. There is a decline of amount of red corpuscles in blood, in the strokes of blood is a presence of мегалоцитів, anisocytosis and grittiness and nuclear forms of red corpuscles. The amount of RBC is diminished. The amount of leucocytes increases from to the left. An early sign is a presence of the hypersegmented leucocytes. At pregnancy there can be next complications: wilful abortions, anomalies of development of fetus, complication of labor. A prophylaxis and treatment of anaemia consist in a valuable feed (green goods and fetus, meat foods, milk, nuts), setting of medications of фолієвої acid (5-15мг/доб), vitamin of С to 100мг/day. Hypoplasticanaemias - it a disease at which is observed acute oppression of hematogenesis. The hypoplasia of hematogenesis arises up at the action of external factors: action of ionizing radiation, use of some medicinal medications and chemicals. It is important have chronic infections - hepatitis, pyelonephritis. On occasion reason is self-aggression against to the antigen of cages of marrow. Consider that pregnancy is the possible etiologic factor of development of immune conflict. A clinic consists of three syndromes: anaemic syndrome; hemorragic syndrome; septic syndrome. The picture of blood is characterized by the expressed anaemia: Hb goes down a to 50 g/l relative lymphocytosis. In bone marrow almost complete absence of elements and substituting for them takes place by fatty fabric. There is an increase of content of iron in the serum of blood which results in the hemosiderosis of organs and tissues. The flow of disease is various. On occasion rapid progress of disease. A death rate is 60,5%; in another cases a disease runs across with periodic remissions, complete recovery is possible. Treatment: blood tranfusion, prednizolone, splenectomy, transplantation of allogenic marrow. Combination of anaemia with pregnancy is observed very rarely. Prognosis for the mother is unfavorable, lethality is observed at 45% cases. In case of occurring of disease during pregnancy (more frequent in the second half), clinical displays appear quickly: Hb 80-38 gs/of л, low platelets 45*109/л. There are signs of hemorragic diathesis. The flow of disease is very heavy, possible death of mother. At breaking to pregnancy there can be hearths of necrosis in the place of operation. If pregnancy comes for a sick woman, then there is intensifying of process. At the exposure of anaemia it is necessary to set her character and hemophthisis, terminating pregnancy is conducted in early terms. As it is quicker all necessary to conduct a splenectomy. If a woman renounces terminating pregnancy it is necessary to conduct dynamic control after the indexes of blood. Worsening of the state of pregnant (Hb of 60г/л, amount of leucocytes less than 1,5*109/л, less than 20%, proof relative lymphocytosis (anymore 60%), origin of hemoragias, infectious processes) forces to conduct terminating pregnancy. Hemolytic anaemia The inherited anaemias are constrained from the impairment structure of membranes of red corpuscles, by violation of activity of enzymes and synthesis of hematohistone. Immune anaemias are related to operating of autoantibodies on red corpuscles. Thus there is diminishing of amount of red corpuscles. The level of bilirubin rises in blood, an icterus appears for patients. Most often at pregnancy there is (due to defect of structure of membrane to the red corpuscles) hemolytic anaemia. The defect of membrane assists penetration in the red corpuscles of water. The spherical form of red corpuscles assists the increased destruction of red corpuscles in a spleen. A basic syndrome is hemolytic (icterus, anaemia). A bilirubin at intensifying rises to 102-119 мкмоль/л. There is an urobilinuria.. The picture of blood is characterized by the presence of microspherocytosis, decline of osmotic of red corpuscles, clasmocytoma. A disease has cyclic flow. Intensifying more frequent arise up at infectious at pregnancy. Treatment. Blood transfusion is shown only at considerable анемізації. Most effective at treatment of this anaemia is surgical treatment - splenectomy. Auto-immune anaemia arise up at formation of antibodies to the own red corpuscles at violations in the immunocompetency system. Distinguish symptomatic (at system red lupus, heterospecific ulcerous colitis, chronic hepatitis) and due to unknown reason anaemias. The clinic of anaemia is characterized by the presence of weakness, pain in area of heart, stuffiness, palpitation, icteruses. There is unbearableness of cold at this form of anaemia. At acute crises content of haemoglobin arrives at subzero numbers. The amount of immature RBC rises mildly. A reliable laboratory test is a test of Kumbs. The most effective treatment of anaemia is application of steroids. For liquidation of the phenomena appoint the large doses of prednizolone (from 50-60 to 80 мг/day). At the heavy intensifying blood transfusion is recommended after an individual Also indicated splenectomy. At pregnancy in combination with anaemia. Often there is a threat of terminating pregnancy. A prognosis is for the mother of good. The artificial breaking of pregnancy is not shown. Treatment is conducted with the use of prednozolone in the dose of 80мг/доб., blood transfusions until normalization of indexes of blood. A dose is reduced in future, a support dose (10-15мг/доб) is recommended. Labor it is recommended to conduct conservatively. During labor the dose of prednizolone it follows to increase. Leucoses are malignant diseases of hematogenesis tissue Classification: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Lymphoblastic. Myeloblastic. Monoblastic. Prometrin. Erythroblastic 6. Plasmoblastic. 7. Megacaryoblastic. Syndromes: 1. Hyperblastic (increase of lymphatic knots, liver, spleen). 2. Hemorragic (diffuse bleeding). 3. Anaemic. 4. Intoxication. At the beginning of disease flows without symptoms. A diagnosis is proposed only morphologically is an exposure of бластних cages of blood or marrow. The separate forms of leucosis differentiate only tissue researches. Pregnancy worsens the state of patient (not how many pregnancy, how many her completions), often becomes complicated by abortions. At a acute leucosis necessarily to terminate pregnancy in the first trimester. In the second trimester of terminating pregnancy it is better to conduct conservatively. At development of acute leucosis at the end of pregnancy and compensated state of patient is a temporizing tactic/pl and conduct of labor conservatively. Thrombocytopenia is a decline of amount of thrombocytes, related to the increased destruction, necessity and their insufficient education. There is destruction of thrombocytes most frequently. Distinguish to the inheritance and the purchased forms. There is a change of functional properties of thrombocytes at the inherited form. It is divided into immune and related to the action of factors. In basis of pathogeny a disease lies insufficient amount of thrombocytes and diminishing of components is related to it in the displacing system of blood. It is known that an important role is taken in the system to гемостазу to the thrombocytes. At platelets insufficiency arises up as a result of the increased fragility of vessels, so as a result of exit of red corpuscles from a vascular river-bed through capillaries. The sanguifluousness appears at the decline of amount of thrombocytes to 50*109/л (normal content is from 150*109/л of to 400*109/л). Clinically it shows up as rash on front of feet, trunk. Often there are hemorrhages in the places of injections, at the insignificant damage of vessels (measuring of arteriotony, , grinding of skin covers). The amount of thrombocytes diminishes in peripheral blood, factors of hemopexis in a norm, and their increase is possible. Bleeding time is prolonged. Broken retraction of faltung. In marrow megascopic amount of megacaryocytes. A diagnosis is set on the basis of characteristic clinical signs and indexes of blood. A flow of disease can be acute and chronic recrudescent. Nosotropic treatment consists of the use of steroids and splenectomy. If an effect from these measures is not observed, then immunodepressants are used. Treatment immunodepressants during pregnancy contra-indicated. Combination of this and pregnancy is often enough. Flow of pregnancy and labor depends on the form of disease and character of treatment which was preceded to pregnancy. During pregnancy, intensifying of anaemia is unoften. Sometimes intensity of symptoms of disease diminishes during pregnancy. Some authors consider that intensive bleeding during pregnancy and it is not arisen up up to labor. Pregnancy is contra-indicated at: 1. 2. 3. 4. To the acute form. Bleeding is from a nose and gums. A hemorrhage is in a brain. A chronic form is with frequent recidives. Illnesses of liver and gall-bladder Acute viral hepatitis is diffuse inflammation of liver, viral etiology, which is accompanied by an icterus and reason of which is unconnected with pregnancy. Classification. After expressed of clinical displays : 1. Hidden forms: - - subclinical. 2. Manifestal of forms: - - anicteric; - - icteric. After the recurrence of flow : 1. Cyclic. 2. Acyclic. After the degree of weight : 1. Easy. 2. Middle weight. 3. Heavy. 4. Extremely heavy. Complication: 1. Acute and subacute dystrophy of liver (acute hepatic failure). 2. Functional 3. Extrahepatic After consequences: 1. Recovery. 2. Less signs of pathology (hepatomegalia and hyperbilirubinemia). 3. Chronic hepatitis. 4. Cirrhosis of liver. 5. Primary cancer of liver. Diagnostics of hepatitis Clinical data. Presence one or more syndromes: - it is an intoxication syndrome; - it is an asthenovegetative syndrome; - it is a cholestatic syndrome; - it is the inflammatory syndrome; - it is a cytolytic syndrome; - - other. Laboratory indexes. 1. A global analysis of blood is leucopenia (possibly leucocytosis), lymphopenia, decline of RSE etc. 2. Biochemical indexes of blood are an increase of general bilirubin mainly due to direct, increase of activity of АLАТ, and in less degree АSАТ, dysproteinemia, increase of thymol test, decline of index of fibrinogenum, appearance of foods of disintegrations. 3. Specific inspection (an exposure is in blood) : By the method of ІФА : - it is hepatitis of А- of HAV IgM - even a single exposure is absolute proof of disease (appear in blood 4-5 days prior to the exposure of symptoms of disease and disappear through 6-8 months); - it is hepatitis In - HBsAg (basic marker of infecting of НВ - by a virus, it appears from 3-5 week of disease and determined 70-80 days), HBeAg (a marker of epidemiology risk, active replication of virus and transmission is from a mother to the fetus; of the impression of fetus here rises to 90%), HBcAg (it is not determined in blood, but there can be antibodies to him are of HBcIgM and HBcIgG, that testifies to etiology of ГВГВ and about the prospect), HBcorAg, HBxAg, of HBc IgМ; - it is hepatitis of С - анти- of HСV IgM (a diagnostic value is at chronic hepatitis); - it is hepatitis of D - HBsAg (a marker active of virus at acute hepatitis), - of HDV IgM (appear on 10-15 day of disease and 2,5-3 months are kept); - it is hepatitis of Е- of анти- of HЕV IgM. By the method of PCR (on possibility) : - it is hepatitis of А- of RNA of HAV; - it is hepatitis In - DNA of HВV; - it is hepatitis of С- of RNA of HСV; - it is hepatitis of D - RNA of HDV; - it is hepatitis of Е- of RNAof HЕV. 4. Urobilinuria. About the unfavorable prognosis of hepatitis testify: - it is appearance of hemorragic syndromes; - it is an increase of level of general bilirubin anymore as 200 мкмл /л due to indirect; - it is a decline of activity of АLАТ to the norm on a background growth of intoxication and height of level of bilirubin; - it is a considerable decline of level general protein, A/G coefficient <1, - it is a decline of протромбінового index ≤ of 50% and Fibrinogenum. Stages of grant of medicare : 1. Woman consultation: - it is an estimation of the state of pregnant; - it is establishment of previous diagnosis jointly with an internist and infectiologist; - it is a decision of question in relation to a necessity and place of hospitalization; - - acute hepatitis is to terminating pregnancy in any term; - - the risk of terminating pregnancy rises in two times, in ІІ-ІІІ trimester a risk is higher, than in І-му (С). 2. Infectious unit (to 36 weeks pregnancies or to beginning of childlabor). 3. Unit of maternity hospital. 4. Treatment and rehabilitation of породіль is in ambulatory terms. Principles of grant of obstetric help. 1. With beginning of childlabor a patient is hospitalized to the unit. 2. Labor conduct through natural maternity ways: - - in the acute stage of disease labor do not threaten to complications which are related to hepatitis (С); - - labor conduct as premature (С). - - caesar a section is conducted exceptionally after obstetric testimonies. Caesar a section does not diminish the risk of transmission of hepatitis from a mother to the child (А). - it is a bleeding prophylaxis in ІІІ period of labor (А). - - with the purpose of prophylaxis of infectious complications medications are not used with the mainly hepatic way of and with a hepatotoxic action. Medications of choice are cephalosporines of ІІ - ІІІ of generation and semisynthetic penicillines. 3. In a puerperium: - - medically is the protective mode; - it is a dietary feed; - it is an uranalysis - one time in three days; - it is a global analysis of blood; - it is biochemistry of blood and coagulogram - after testimonies; - it is a supervision of infectiologist, internist. 4. For all new-born from infected HCV mothers in the serum of blood it is determined maternal анти - HCV, which penetrate through a placenta. For germ-free children antibodies disappear in the first year of life. The pectoral rearing does not influence on the risk of infecting of child ( А). The new-born is not safe for other new-born. A chronic cholecystitis is a chronic recrudescent disease, related to the used for setting fire changes in the wall of gall-bladder. A basic role in development of cholecystitis is played is an infection, stagnation of bile, irritation of mucous membrane of gall-bladder. Classification 1. Presence of stones : - chronic non-calculary cholecystitis; chronic calculary cholecystitis; 2. Stage of process : it is intensifying; - incomplete remission; are remissions; 3.Severity: - - mild; - middle; - severe; Diagnostics 1. Subjective data: - it is a pain syndrome (dull, aching), pain in the area of right ribsarea, with an irradiation in the right half of thorax, in a right collar-bone, sew on the right, right shoulder, shoulder-blade, pain increases from rich and fried food; - it is a dispeptic syndrome (weight in right area, swelling of stomach, nausea, bitter taste in a company, violation of emptying, sometimes is a decline of appetite); - are the phenomena of intoxication (weakness, headache, pain in joints, in area of heart, high temperature, speed-up palpitation). 2. Objective data: - are positive to the bladder symptoms ; - it is a moderate jumboizing of liver, 3. Ultrasonic research: - it is a bulge of walls of gall-bladder; - it is content of bubble; - it is a presence of symptom by Murphy (болючість at pressure of device a sensor on the area of projection of gall-bladder); - it is a presence of pls from the walls of gall-bladder; - it is a presence of paravesical edema; - are concrements; - it is the assessed tongue, often with the prints of teeth. 4. Duodenal sounding: - it is turbidity of bile in portion In; - it is a presence of mucus, plenty of cages of cylindrical epithelium, leucocytes and their accumulations; - are crystals of cholesterol; - it is a possible presence of vermin; - it is a pathogenic flora from data of the bacteriological sowing. 5. Differential diagnostics is conducted with next diseases: - are infections of urinary ways; - it is an urolithiasis; - it is a disease of stomach and duodenum; - it is a disease of pancreas. Medicare to pregnant 1 Decision of question about possibility of maturing of pregnancy : 1.1. Contra-indication to maturing of pregnancy (to 12 weeks) : - it is a mechanical icterus - are frequent attacks of hepatic colic - it is festering inflammation of gall-bladder. The state after operation does not hinder to maturing of pregnancy. 2.1. The supervisions of pregnant with a chronic cholecystitis in woman consultation conduct jointly with an internist 2.2. Inspection (except for general for all pregnant) : - of liver, gall-bladder, pancreas and spleen; - it is determination of concentration in blood of bilirubin, АLАТ, АSАТ, alkaline amylase, cholesterol; - it is a clinical analysis of excrement; - it is the duodenal sounding with clinical and bacteriological research of bile. 2.3 On condition of absence of intensifying of process carreer appoint: - - medical physical education; - it is a rational feed (table №5 in a warm kind, reception of food not less than 5 times on twenty-four hours); - are the medical duodenal soundings (only at a cholecystitis) - 1 one time per a week - 4-6 times in ІІ and ІІІ trimesters. In quality cholagogues apply 2 glasses of decoction of wild rose or mineral water, 1-2 soupspoons of olive oil, 50-60 мл of 25-33 % solutions of sulfate of magnesium, 20 gs of Sorbitum or 20 gs of xilite, cut-in in 100 мл of water. 2.4 In the case of intensifying of process appoint: - it is a release from work; - - a diet is a table №5; - - for liquidation of pain syndrome Platyphyllinum, myotropic spasmolysants No-Spa. - antibacterial therapy (depending on a causative agent) during 1-2 weeks in middle therapeutic doses (ampicillin, Nitroxolinum, erythromysin). Delivery conducts taking into account an obstetric situation at the worn pregnancy. Puerperium: - it is the protective mode - it is the balanced feed (diet №5) - - a patient can be written depending on involution of uterus on a 3-5 twenty-four hours. At excerption estimate the state of patient. During the incomplete stabilizing of the state is shown перевід in a therapeutic unit or in surgical permanent establishment. After an extract from the maternity hospital of watching women with a chronic cholecystitis: - - for patients with a cholecystitis conduct a rehabilitation on a therapeutic area, in the sanatoriums of gastroenteric type. - - for women with a calculary cholecystitis decide a question about планове treatment. Vascular diseases of vessels of cerebrum and pregnancy. operative Vascular violations of cerebrum can arise up at atherosclerosis, hypertensive illness, kidney hypertension, endocrine pathology, traumas, aneurysm of vessels of cerebrum, dystonias, cardiac pathology, infectious and allergic, at pulmonary insufficiency, diseases of blood. Each of these diseases in the period of pregnancy and labor can show up in form different variants of acute violation of cerebral circulation of blood. Character of violation of cerebral circulation of blood for pregnant and during labor it can be in the form of transitional or proof violations with the considerable defect of flows, up to a paralysis. Classification. To transitional violations of cerebral circulation of blood ischemic attacks (ТІА) behave at infectious and allergic , cerebral vascular crises(high- and low blood pressure). Sometimes ТІА shows up in form vestibular violations (dizziness, vomiting, ataxia, nystagmus). The feature of vascular cerebral кризів is absence of explorer sensible and mobile violations at presence of brain symptoms (headache, vomiting, change of propulsion MODULE - гіпо- and high blood pressure, vegetative violations). A "stroke" or "cerebral blow" is included in the concept of proof violations of cerebral circulation of blood. A stroke is acute violation of cerebral functions of vascular genesis with general and symptomes by duration more than 24 hours and can be ischemic and hemorragic. At a hemorragic stroke hemorrhages are determined or in cerebral fabric, or under pia maters. The flow of vascular diseases of brain always becomes acute during pregnancy. Hemorrhages in a brain arise up suddenly under act of acute tension at pregnancy or in labor. Clinic: weight is sometimes preceded a stroke in a head, dizziness, headache, and sometimes suddenly pregnant is unconsciousness, hyperemia of face, cyanosys of mucous membranes, puffiness of face, pulsation of vessels, appears on necks, breathing hard, skin covers moist, cold, temperature of low, pulse a liquid, tense, arteriotony is mionectic, pupils extended, flows of eyeballs, defect to the mouth, paralyses or paresises appear, tendon reflexes on the side of paralysis are mionectic, low blood pressure of muscles, abdominal reflexes absent, the symptom of Бабінського can appear. Vomiting, violation of oesophageal reflexes develops sometimes. A blood test is leucocytosis, hyperglycaemia, increase of remaining nitrogen. Blood is determined in a neurolymph. Barrel symptoms - violations of breathing and cardiac activity appear at widespread encephalorrhagias. Possible subacute flow is a headache, vomiting, with further development of symptomes. Subarachnoidite hemorrhage. In a clinic the symptoms of irritation of pia maters prevail: headache which carries acute character or terebrant pain with different localization, sudden vomiting, dizziness, sonitus, excitation, epileptic attacks, sometimes acute getting up of propulsion MODULE symptoms appear early, the genicular go out and ахілові reflexes. Face of patient of , temperature increased. An eyeground is hemorrhages in a retina, stagnant. For diagnostics it is necessary to conduct of spinal cord, at which a liquid is evenly painted by blood. The always favourable ran across. Proceeding in the broken functions comes in 3-4 weeks after a hemorrhage. However for pregnant a clinic runs across more difficult and a prognosis depends on localization and sizes of hemorrhage. Ischemic stroke or cerebral heart attack. On the mechanism of development an ischemic stroke can be caused by the spasm of cerebral vessels, thrombosis of vessels of brain, atherosclerotic changes of vessels. An ischemic stroke at late токсикозах of pregnancy is observed rarer from hemorragic. They develop at in combination with rheumatic heart diseases, defects of heart, to blinking arrhythmia, low blood pressure. Ischemic strokes develop gradually. In a clinic characteristic is advantage of local symptoms above unlike a hemorragic stroke. At the heart attack of brain consciousness is stored, insignificant headache, possible vomiting. A characteristic clinic of cardiovascular insufficiency is with the changes of pulse and arteriotony. Symptoms show up as a hemiparesis, hemianesthesias. The clinic of thrombosis of vessels of cerebrum is characterized by the signs of high of intracraneal pressure, which shows up a headache, dizziness, vomiting, seisure attacks. Violation of sensitiveness, paresthesia, paresises and paralyses, show up. The clinic of thrombosis of vessels of cerebrum depends on localization of blood clot. Embolism of vessels of cerebrum is possible for pregnant at presence of endocarditis, rheumatic mitral illness. A clinic develops acutely - appear cramps, dizziness, temporal loss of consciousness. A face becomes pale, a pulse is frequent, rhythmic and corresponding cardiologic status. It is arisen up mono- or hemiplegia. Treatment of cerebral stroke : 1. Treatment of cardiovascular insufficiency – strofaitine, cordiaminum. In the case of sudden stop of heart is an indirect massage of heart, adrenalin in myocardium. 2. At a pulmonary edema is breathing in oxygen with the pair of alcohol. Diazepamum is used. Conduct of pregnancy and labor at acute violations of cerebral circulation of blood : 1. In the early terms of pregnancy with appearance of clinic of hemorrhage or thrombosis of vessels it is necessary to put a question about terminating pregnancy with the previous stabilizing of process. 2. At the terms of pregnancy of 16 тиж. and it is anymore recommended to decide a question individually taking into account character of cerebral stroke, reason, that caused him. 3. At a acute stroke in ІІІ trimester of pregnancy - labor (caesar section) after stabilizing of process. 4. At presence of the remaining phenomena after acute violation of cerebral circulation of blood labor can be conducted through natural maternity ways with the exception of ІІ of period of labor or operation of caesar section. Epilepsy is a chronic neurologic disease. Occurs often (in 5 persons on a 1000 population) enough. The real epilepsy is an only disease with the special clinical presentation, flow. Epileptic attacks show up in form large convulsive attack, small attack and epileptic status. There are other forms of attacks : attack, turn of chairman and eyes in parties, disorders of memory. A large convulsive attack has a tonic and clonic phase. A tonic phase begins from the loss of consciousness. All muscles are in tonic tension. On face a grimace, pupils extended, does not react on light, a chairman and eyes is returned, jaws are compressed. Breathing is stopped, face pale, and then . A tonic phase lasts a few seconds, and then a clonic phase comes. There are short, unrhythmic, strong shoves in all muscles. This phase proceeds from 2-3 to 5 min. From saliva is distinguished a mouth as suds, sometimes painted by blood. Often wilful urination. Later there is the state an attack, a patient wakes up then, but does not keep remembrances about a past attack. A small attack is a sudden, short (a few seconds) stop of ideas. At this time face of pale, a patient does not fall, reductions of muscles of face or extremities are possible. Epileptic status is possible both at epilepsy and at other of cerebrum. Going out it, patients with epileptic status are divided into two groups: patients with epilepsy as with a basic disease and epilepsy in combination with other diseases of cerebrum. At pregnancy epileptic status is observed very rarely. In case of his occurring erroneous judgement is possible, that it is an eclampsia with the loss of consciousness. Lethality is 16-20% cases. The clinic of epileptic status is characterized by violation of consciousness, булькаючим breathing, by frequent cramps with the expressed tonic tension of all muscles, cyanosys which grows, expansion of pupils, threadlike pulse, unpleasant smell of patient. A convulsive syndrome shows up the attacks of cramps, which arise up periodically from 2-3 to 20 and anymore during a hour and last from 30хв. to 20-30с. there are the phenomena of cerebral edema at heavy flow of status. Epileptic status on character of convulsive displays is divided on general, partial and one-sided. Pregnancy and labor is at epilepsy. One opinion about influence of pregnancy on flow of epilepsy it is not. Some authors consider that during pregnancy the displays of basic disease diminish, and other - vice versa, pregnancy influences negatively on flow of epilepsy. For patients violations of, aquatic-salt, carbohydrate proteometabolism and function of liver appear with epilepsy; changes of saccharine curve, diminishing of amount of hepatin and increase of suckling acid in muscles, decline of and concentration function of kidneys. For patients with epilepsy more frequent there are early and late gestoses. Tactic/pl of conduct of pregnancy and labor : Necessary early exposure of pregnant with epilepsy and compatible supervision of these patients by a psychiatrist, neurologist, accoucheur, internist and timely decision of question about expedience of prolongation of pregnancy. Some authors consider that pregnancy is at epileptic status, and at other forms of disease possible maintenance of pregnancy subject to condition regular anticonvulsant therapy and periodic hospitalization of these patients in permanent establishment. An obstetric tactic/pl must be individual. It is considered in general that pregnancy can be continued at the liquid attacks of cramps (1-2 times on a month), in default of heavy other diseases and desire to have a child. Continuous anticonvulsant therapy is conducted in these cases. Hospitalization in permanent establishment it is necessary to conduct 2 weeks prior to labor. Plan of conduct of labor : 1. Pain relief of labor. 2. Bleeding prophylaxis in ІІІ period of labor. 3. At worsening of the state conduct the exception of ІІ of period of labor or at the incomplete opening of ш/m and unefficiency of anticonvulsant therapy is craniotomia. 4. Labor by a caesar section it is shown: at epileptic status, frequent, heavy attacks which do not yield to the combined medicinal therapy, and also at the increased sensitiveness to medicinal medications. Treatment of epileptic status By basic principle of therapy of patients with epileptic status of stage, complexity of treatment. Medical measures divide into next groups: 1. Medicinal therapy. 2. Unmedicinal therapy. 3. Surgical. 4. A care is of patient. First help. A release is from bodies, the vomitive masses of overhead respiratory tracts. Introduction of air tube. Injections of cardiac medications Seduxenum of 10мг in/on 20 мл of 40% solution of glucose, to enter slowly. An intubation is conducted if necessary. At unefficiency of седуксену, conducted in anesthesia (to 1% solution of tiopental sodium or hexenal - 50-ml). Myasthenia is a heavy disease with the progressive flowing, shows up a weakness and pathological fatigueability of muscles. Frequency of is 0,15% among other nervous diseases. Most difficult is a question about etiology and pathogeny of міастенії. Disfunction of тимусу (лімфоїдна гіперплазія, tumours) matters at this pathology; endocrine-vegetative violations; the carried encephalitis is with the defeat of hypothalamic area; аутоімунні violation; diminishing of amount of АХ-рецепторів is in нервово-м'язових синапсах. Clinic. The characteristic sign of міастенії is a muscular weakness, dysfunction of muscles, which move an eye, dysfunction of masticatory and mimic muscles, syndrome of бульбарного параліча, violation of functions of muscles of extremities, neck and trunk : atrophy of muscles послаблення of м'язевого tone; decline of tendon, skin reflexes; phenomenon of генералізації м'язевої of fatigue; changes of cardiovascular activity. М'язева a weakness is noticeable even at watching a patient in a state of calmness. Possible origin of paresises and paralyses which diminish after rest or use of прозериноподібних medications. Disorders of function of oculomotor muscles show up in form птоза different degrees of expressed, with acute limitation of flows of eyeballs, doubling in eyes. Syndrome of бульбарного параліча shows up paresis or paralysis of tongue with disorders of language, хриплість, афонічність, hit of spoon-meat in a nose. At the weakness of muscles of larynx and respiratory muscles there is closing of included надгортанником in a larynx with the displays of stuffiness as a result of accumulation of mucus. In these cases there is a necessity of urgent tracheotomy or intubation with sucking of mucus. The dysfunction of muscles of extremities is observed relatively rarely and mainly in proximal departments. At the defeat of respiratory muscles there is a stuffiness, frequent shallow breathing, acute stop of breathing. Violation of sensitiveness shows up as paresthesias, feeling of crawl of ants, by periodic pain in muscles. In 32% of patients there is cardiovascular insufficiency, complaints about palpitation, unpleasant aching and squeezing pain in the areas of heart, interruptions and feeling of "stopping" beating of heart. Distinguish the next types of clinical flow of : the first type is the acute beginning, a clinic lasts from a few weeks to 2-3 months with further progress; the second type is the acute beginning, but a clinic fully shows up from 3 months to 1 year, a process makes progress in future; third type - the gradual beginning over, a clinic fully shows up during a few years with slow progress which brings to disability; 4th type - shows up a few symptoms with slow progress and disability. Flow during pregnancy. In the early terms of pregnancy - first three months there is worsening of the state of patients and it is related to the increase of amount of pregesterone in an organism and decline of естрогенів; from 4 months of pregnancy - improvement, and nearer to labor - again there is worsening of general of pregnant. For patients in a state of remission or with the local easy forms of disease pregnancy and labor ran across well and there was diminishing of symptoms of disease in majority, but in 1/5 patients there was intensifying of process in a puerperium. If a disease makes progress and symptoms are not corrected by application of and potassium medications, pregnancy is contra-indicated. At plugging in a process vitally important organs pregnancy termination is a necessity regardless of term of pregnancy. With the heavy form of disease to and після of labor recommend a patient to appoint prednizolone. Labor it is better to conduct through natural maternity ways with the adequate anaesthetizing. Tactic/pl of conduct of pregnancy and labor 1. In 2nd trimester of pregnancy is hospitalization in a neurological unit. 2. At the easy form of міастенії or at the compensated processes and at the desire of woman to have a child, pregnancy can be kept under surveillance of neurologist, internist and endocrinology with continuation of reception of medications of type of prozerin in combination with the vitamin of В1, В12 and chlorous potassium. 3. In the cases of abandonment from terminating pregnancy worsening of the state, it is necessary to promote the doses of treatment. 4. Predelivery hospitalization is in permanent establishment. To shut out over-term of pregnancy. 5. Labor it is better to conduct through natural maternity ways; at intensifying is a caesar section under intratracheal anesthesia with the use of artificial ventilation of lungs. 6. In labor it is necessary to remember about possibility the weaknesses of childlabor is timely stimulation by Oxytocinum and prosteglandines; in ІІ period of labor possible weakness of tone of muscles of neck, extremities and that is why it is necessary to be ready to imposition of ferceps. In ІІІ period of labor is a bleeding prophylaxis. In puerperium period to continue treatment of basic illness. In addition at labor it is necessary to remember the origin of respiratory insufficiency about possibility. 7. In a післяпологовму period it is necessary to continue treatment of basic disease for woman, and sometimes to put a question about her translation in a neurological unit. 8. In new-born in the first 2 weeks there are signs of transitory myasthenia (low blood pressure, hyporeflexia, weakness), which pass after treatment of prozerine. The dissipated sclerosis (РС) is a widespread enough and heavy disease of CNS of remittant character and occupies a leading place in the group of demyelinating defeats of head and spinal brain with gross violation of circulation in these structures. At РС a possible indrawing is in the process of lanocs of defence. In marrow the revival of neutrophilic sprout is determined on the initial stages of disease, gradual decline of amount of cages of marrow in the process of disease. In timus is hyperplasya, at the heavy forms of РС is his involution, excrescence of ephithelial stroma, increase of little bodies of Gassal is structural elements, what uninherent in a norm for this organ; diminishing of amount of T-cell and suppressors, increase of В-cells. Lowering of protective properties of organism stimulates the products of autoantibodies against myelin. Clinic. РС runs across in such forms: cerebral; spinal; cerebrospinal. The last form is divided into a hyperkinetic and eye variant. Characterizes this form combination of pyramid violations, possible defeats visual to the nerve with development of diplopia. The early symptom of РС is transitional agile, sensory or visual violations, loss of abdominal reflexes, weakness of feet easy tremor in hands. Quite often there is a paropsis for to the type of bulbar neuritis of visual nerve with the fall of central eyeshots. A loss of eyesight is partial or bilateral. Possible defeat of peripheral agile neurons: loss of tendon reflexes, atrophy of muscles. The special symptom at РС are paresthesias which arise up at the acute bending of chairman forward, to the breasts - feeling of electric current which runs across on a backbone downward with an irradiation in feet, sometimes in hands. In the stage of height of disease the 90% cases have paresis. Symptoms show up a cerebellum in a kind: ataxias, дизметрії, дизартрії, nystagmus; rough тремор of extremities and chairman, which arises up at flows and tension. At a heavy form is a dementia, euphoria and expressed forms of psychical disorders, violation of urination. For early diagnostics of РС it is recommended to conduct research of eyeground, indexes of spinal puncture (moderate increase of albumen with the increase of level γ-Gl), computer tomography, research of immunological status, hormones. Treatment of РС : Etiologic treatment (treatment antiviral medications). Immune therapy, including hormones and them synthetic analogues. Symptomatic therapy is on the correction of violations of functions of the system of homoeostasis, functions of the nervous system. At the choice of method of treatment it is necessary to take into account the stage of disease, type of flow, phase of disease. Flow of pregnancy and labor. Pregnancy has a negative influence on flow of РС. During pregnancy there is worsening of flow of РС or origin of the first displays of disease. At the acute intensifying a disease in labor can arise up weakness of labor. To have of high quality flow of РС and desire of woman a child is given by possibility of prolongation of pregnancy under surveillance of neurologist. Complication during labor: premature outpouring of amniotic waters; weakness of childlabor; possibility of low blood pressure of uterus in the third and in an early puerperium; hypoxia of fetus. Tactic/pl of conduct of pregnancy. 1. At pregnancy at this group of patients it is necessary to cut pregnancy short, taking into account the possible intensifying. 2. In the case of prolongation of pregnancy at will of woman, permanent control from the side of accoucheur and neurologist, permanent treatment of РС. 3. Hospitalization of such patients in permanent establishment for 2 weeks before labor. 4. Plan of conduct of labor : labor are conducted conservatively; at the ill-timed outpouring of amniotic waters is stimulation of childlabor; prophylaxis of infectious complications; at the weakness of childlabor medicinal stimulation is conducted; a bleeding prophylaxis is in ІІІ and early puerperium. Complex therapy of basic disease is conducted in a puerperium. Diseases of kidneys Pyelonephritis is infectional disease with the repressing impression of interstitial tissue, bowls and kidneys. A pyelonephritis can be during pregnancy (gestational pyelonephritis or pyelonephritis of pregnant). Pyelonephritis which was to pregnancy can become acute or run across in a chronic and latent form. Factors which assist to development - violation of urination, alteration of hormonal and immune status. Cause: collibacillus, streptococci, funges, staphylococcuss. Ways of spread -hematogenic, lymphogenic and ascending. Clinic: it is more frequent arisen up on 22 weeks of pregnancy on 2-5 day after a maternity period. High of temperature of body, chill, weakness, disuria, pains in a lumbar area. Diagnostics: global analysis of blood global analysis of urine an uranalysis is by Нечипоренку an uranalysis is by Земницькому sowing of urine is on a flora and sensitiveness to the antibiotics. Treatment Hospitalization bed mode (position of pregnant on to the side, genicular-ulnar position) a diet is antibacterial therapy (пеніциліни and цефалоспорини); uroseptics (нітропросолін, левіграмін, 5-НОК) spasmolysants infision therapy in default of effect from conservative methods there is a treatment-cannulation of ureters. Patients are divided a pyelonephritis by 3 degrees of risk : 1 ст.- women are with a mild pyelonephritis which arose up during pregnancy; 2ст.- patients by a chronic pyelonephritis which arose up to pregnancy; 3 ст.- pregnant with a pyelonephritis and hypertension with azotemia, and with the pyelonephritis of one kidney; To the patients from 3 centuries of risk pregnancy is contra-indicated. Glomerulonephritis Occurs rarely in 0,1-0,2% of pregnant, but is the most dangerous disease, so as complications here meet very often. It’s an infectiously-allergic disease with the impression of glomerulis and canals of kidneys, caused by the β-hemolytic streptococcus of the A-type. A glomerulonephritis develops in 10-15 days after a quinsy, scarlatina, streptococcus pyoderma. Rarely there is an uninfectious glomerulonephritis which develops after vaccinations. Classification. Glomerulonephritis are acute and chronic, but more frequent there are chronic forms. The clinic of disease develops weakness, main pain, edema of soft tissues, increase of arteriotony, hematuria appears. Flow of glomerulonephritis during pregnancy: intensifying of chronic glomerulonephritis comes, that it is possibly related to the increase of глюкокортикоїдів during pregnancy. A chronic glomerulonephritis can run across in such forms: 1. Hypertensive form, hematria, proteinuria, change of eyeground (in 7%). 2. Nephrotic: proteinuria 10-30 gs/of л, edemata, hyperemia. 3. Mixed: high blood pressure, proteinuria 1-3-6 gs/of л, increase of BP, edemata, there can be an eclampsia; 4. Latent: microproteinuria microhematuria, cylinders, normal BP, edemata are not, sometimes there is hematuria at this form, then it will be to conduct a differential diagnosis with the tumour of kidneys. All forms sooner or later pass to chronic uremia. Flow of pregnancy is at a glomerulonephritis. Pregnancy for such patients very dangerous, a self disease becomes acute at first, secondly almost in 40% a late gestosis, which runs across difficult, badly responds to treatment, develops at pregnancy, often there are attacks of eclampsia and antenatal death of fetus. Premature removing layer by layer of the normally placed placenta with the bleeding, that quite often results in death of patient. In 1/7 pregnant labor begin prematurely. Oligotrophy of fetus. Especially unfavorable for illness and mixed form of disease, most favorable is latent form. 3 groups of risk of pregnant of patients with are distinguished a glomerulonephritis. To 1 degrees of risk take pregnant with the latent form of glomerulonephritis. To 2 degrees of risk - pregnant with a nephrotic form. To 3 degrees of risk pregnant with a hypertensive and mixed form, with a acute and strained chronic glomerulonephritis, and also with an expensive form which runs across with kidney insufficiency. Conduct of pregnancy. The pregnant with a glomerulonephritis must to 12 weeks to pregnancy to be hospitalized in a nephrological unit, for the careful inspection of decision of question about possibilities to save pregnancy. Pregnancy it can allow patients with a latent form 2/3 pregnant). Late gestosis for them arise up in 20%, but responds to treatment. There are strong edemata at a nephrotic form, they are treated by diuretic medications, infusing into albuminous medications. They 3 times must be in permanent establishment in times of pregnancy. If edemata, proteinuria and hematuria diminish, then pregnancy can be continued. At 3 degrees of risk pregnancy is contra-indicated, so as quite often already kidney insufficiency can develop during pregnancy, not speaking about such complications which arise up as a heavy form of nephropathy, quite often прееклампсії and eclampsias, premature removing layer by layer of placenta, death of fetus. Treatment. Diet: albuminous, it is necessary to be increased to 2 gs/of kg, to decrease the reception of NaCl a to 5 g, water of to 800 мг for a day. Symptomatic treatment: hypotension medications, diuretics, albuminous medications. Urolithiasis. Occurs in 0,15-0,3% and the attacks of colic become more frequent during pregnancy. It is assisted by expansion and low blood pressure of kidney bowls, ureters and urinary bladder, joining of infection, urinary stones begin migration and state of every third patient during pregnancy gets worse. Complication of flow of pregnancy : - it is Terminating pregnancy. - it is Origin of pyelonephritis due to the trauma of mucous membrane of urinoexcretory ways joining of infection. - it is the Late gestosis. - - a mortinatality arrives at 50%. - it is Гідронефроз, if there is the complete corking of сечовода by a large stone. A monopathy does not influence on flow of pregnancy. Terminating pregnancy is shown only at kidney insufficiency, or at combination with the heavy form of gestosis. Labor in most cases runs across without complications. Treatment: the boiled meat, fish 2-3 times per a week, apples, apricots, water-melons, decoctions of blackberry. Spasmolysants: papaverin of 2% for 2 мл, Nospanum for 2 мл, Platyphyllinum of 0,2% for 2 мл, Baralginum for 5 мл in/, atropine, misdelivering, morphine it is not desirable. Atropin weakens the musculature of neck which can result in terminating pregnancy, misdelivering - promotes retractive activity of musculature of uterus, Morphinum - represses a respiratory center. On occasion colic it is succeeded by medications which extend the musculature of ureter (cystenal for 20 drops on the piece of sugar under a tongue, and at the repeated attacks for 20 drops 3 times per a day during a meal, or after-meal) preferentially; avisan 0,1 for 2 pill to the after meal, or for 0,05-0,1, 3-4 times in the day of it is possible to give to 3 weeks. Warm baths and hot-water bottles at pregnancy are contra-indicated. If the attacks of colic are not bought by medicinal medications then conduct the cannulation of ureters, if a catheter it is not possible to conduct in ureters - a question is put about operative treatment. Testimony for an operation: 1. Anuria caused by block of ureter. 2. The septic state of patient is at a papular pyelonephritis. 3. At pyonefrosis. Diabetes mellitus Disease which is characterized by insufficiency of insulin in an organism : absolute, when a pancreas produces a few of hormone, or relative, when tissues of illnesses of man are unfavorable to insulin, although a secretory function is not broken. In a pre-insulin era women, patients, have labor on a diabetes mellitus were very rarely, pregnancy came only for 5% women and threatened to their life, a nepnatal death rate arrived at 60%.Treatment of insulinomas allowed sick diabetes women to have children. But a mortinatality arrives at 20-30%. Distinguish: 1th type (insulin-depending); 2th type (insulin-independent); diabetes of pregnant (gestational diabetes); 1th type of disease which beta-cells of pancreas collapse βat. It develops in children and teenagers, characterized by absolute insulin insufficiency, lability of flow, propensity to acidosis, presence of autoantibodies to the own antigens β-cells of pancreas. 2th type – appears in people over 30 years, more frequent on a background obesity, peculiar relative insulin insufficiency him, mionectic sensitiveness of tissues to endogenous insulin. Gestation diabetes is transitory violation of tolerance to glucose, first it appears during pregnancy. Insulin influences on all types of metabolism. Insulin is anabolic hormone, which assists utilization of glucose and biosynthesis of hepatin, lipids, albumens. When insulin not enough is violated utilization of glucose, a gluconeogenesis increases, by a result what a hyperglycaemia is. During physiology pregnancy a carbohydrate exchange changes in accordance with the large requirements of fetus in energy material, mainly in glucose. Physiology pregnancy is characterized by the decline of tolerance to glucose, by the decline of sensitiveness to insulin, by the increased disintegration of insulin by the increase of free fat acids. The changes of carbohydrate exchange are related to influence of placenta hormones: placenta lactogen etc. Due to placenta lactogen the amount of free fat acids which are used for the power expenses of mother rises in the organism of pregnant, keeps glucose the same for a cyotrophy for which she is a basic energy source. On the character the indicated changes of carbohydrate exchange are considered as alike with changes at a diabetes mellitus, that is why pregnancy is examined as a diabetic factor. Distinguish: - - diabetic (clinically expressed) - - latent (violation of tolerance is to glucose) About potential diabetes it is possible to think in next cases: 1. when both the parents patients by diabetes, or there is heredity; 2. when one of twins- diabetic; 3. for women which were unparous living or dead children with mass of body more than 4 500 g; 4. for women which gave before a dead child with hypoplasia of pancreas; 5. for women with obesity; 6. for women with usual abortions; 7. for pregnant with a high water-level; 8. at a glucosuria; Distinguish 3 degrees of weight of diabetes mellitus : 1 century (easy) - hyperglycaemia < of 7,7 ммоль/л, there are not signs of ketosis, normalization of level of sugar in blood it is possible to attain by means of diet; 2 century (middle) - hyperglycaemia <of 12,7 ммоль/л, there are not signs of ketosis, necessary treatment of insulinomas in doses, which do not exceed 60 odes/twenty-four hours; 3 century (heavy) - hyperglycaemia - >of 19,7 ммоль/л, кетоацидоз, microangiopathies, for normalization of sugar in blood, dose of insulin more than 60 odes/twenty-four hours; A 1st type diabetes mellitus is middle and heavy degree, and 2nd mild and moderate degree. Under pregnancies flow of diabetes mellitus changes considerably. It is possible to distinguish 3 stages of changes : 1. The improvement of flow of illness passes in the first trimester, the level of glucose diminishes in blood, the sensitiveness of tissues rises to insulin and it can result in development of hypoglycemia. Therefore the dose of insulin is diminished on 1/3. Diminishing of requirement in insulin is related to the increased utilization of glucose by a fetus. In this period hard control is needed after the state of carbohydrate exchange; 2. From 13 week of pregnancy there is worsening of flow of illness. height of hyperglycaemia which can result in acidosis and pre-coma. The dose of insulin must be increased, as a requirement in insulin increases in connection with influence of placenta hormones. From 32 weeks and to labor the improvement of flow of diabetes is possible again. The improvement of flow of diabetes in this period is related to influence of insulin of fetus on the organism of mother, and also with the increase of the use of glucose which gets through a placenta from maternal blood a fetus. 3. In labor there is considerable fluctuation of level of sugar in blood, a hyperglycaemia and acidosis under act of eflowal influences (pain, fear) or hypoglycemia can develop as a result of physical work. After labor sugar of blood quickly diminishes and then rises gradually. On 2-3 days the dose of insulin goes down, to 7-10 day a puerperium the dose of insulin arrives at that which was to pregnancy. Therefore the pregnant with a diabetes mellitus are hospitalized in such terms: 1. in the first weeks of pregnancy, for the estimation of weight of illness; 2. in 20-24 weeks, when the flow of illness gets worse; 3. in 32 weeks for indemnification of diabetes mellitus and decision about a term and method of labor; Pregnancy is contra-indicated: 1. at diabetic microangiopathies; 2. at unstable and insulin-resistant forms of diabetes with propensity to acidosis; 3. at a disease diabetes both the parents; 4. at compatibility of diabetes and sensitization of rhesus; 5. at compatibility of diabetes and tuberculosis; 6. at presence of in anamnesis of repeated stillborn, or children which were born flawy development; Patients with a diabetes mellitus rarely wear pregnancy. They have 36-37 weeks an optimal term. Labor conduct through natural maternity ways. Testimony to the operation: (except for obstetric) vascular complications which make progress during pregnancy; unstable diabetes is with propensity to acidosis; heavy gestosis and diabetes; growth of the phenomena of acidosis; acute kidney insufficiency. Disease of thyroid At pregnancy there is an increase of function of thyroid increase of secretion of thyroid hormones in 2nd trimester. On the measure of development of pregnancy part of these hormones contacts with the protein of blood and becomes nonactive biologically, and the concentration of active factions remains such which was to pregnancy. The thyroid of fetus begins to function early - from 12-16 weeks of development; to labor the pituitery-thyroid system of fetus is in the functionally-active state. A thyrotropin hormone does not pass through a placenta, and thyroxin and triiodo-thyronine - pass and from fetus to the mother, and from a mother to fetus. Mostly pregnancy combines with Based illness, which hyperplasia, hypertrophy and hyperfunction of thyroid is at. This pathology occurs from 0,19 to 8%. The pregnant complains about heartbeat, increased nervousness, fatigueability, parahypnosis, feeling of heat, increased sweatness, tremor of hands, exophtalm, increase of neck. In ІІ at the easy form of disease there is a remission of disease a half some patients have the state, due to binding of hormones to the protein. At the middle and heavy forms of disease in ІІ a heart failure (in connection with the change of hemodynamics) develops the half of pregnancy (from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy). Heartbeat arrives at 120-140 bpm, breathing, high pulse pressure becomes more frequent, blinking arrhythmia develops sometimes. Complication of pregnancy 1. Miscarriage is in 46% (some authors consider that the increased synthesis of thyroxine unfavorably influences on implantation of oosperm which results in to abortion). 2. Early gestosiss, that coincides with intensifying of illness and it is bound to the changes at CNS and exchange processes. A gestosis at Based illness runs across unfavorably, badly responds to treatment, in connection with what pregnancy forced to interrupt. In ІІ late gestosis develop the half of pregnancy and mostly they run across with a hypertension syndrome. Labor in most роділь pass without complications, often take place quickly, childlabor active. In ІІІ period quite often there are bleeding in connection with violation of homoeostasis. In the first days after labor there is intensifying of базедової illness the symptoms of which increase with a lactation. Sometimes a lactation is halted in connection from intensifying by illnesses by treatment of patient, so as medications pass to milk and in the organism of child. Treatment: extract of valerian. Iodine-thyronin for 0,05х2 times on a day at the easy form. At a middle degree - 0,15-0,2 gs/of доб. and 2-3 weeks prior to labor stop the reception of дійодтироніну. At the conduct of heavy forms illnesses appoint mercazolil 0,005 to 40 мг in a day and for 60 мг in a day - at heavy. At achievement of the good state a dose is diminished by to 5 мг on a day. Influence of thyroid hormones on a fetus: influence on a height and fetation, development of pulmonary fabric, on the processes of myelinization of cerebrum. Defects for children are observed in 19%, from them in 4% are defects of development of brain, in 0,8% - cardiovascular system, in the 8,6% defects of development of genital organs, у4% are кили, in 0,8% is a defect of soft palate and in 0,8% illness of Down. The born children have a decline of hormones of thyroid, which bind to oppression to the тіреоїдної function to the hypophysis of fetus maternal by thyroxines. There is гіпотіреоз in 12%. For children dry filling out skin, пергаментність bones of skull, increase of tongue, м'язева low blood pressure, hyporeflexia, slow peristalsis of кишківника. These phenomena pass in the first 2 weeks of life of child, the half of children needs realization of replace endocrinotherapy. Conduct of pregnancy The pregnant is under surveillance of accoucheur and endocrinology. At the heavy forms of Based illness pregnancy is contra-indicated, for this purpose the pregnant must be hospitalized in early terms to pregnancy, to inspect. At key forms operative treatment is shown in the end And to the trimester. During pregnancy is control after the level of hormones and obligatory treatment. At intensifying of illness is hospitalization. In labor to conduct a bleeding prophylaxis in ІІІ period of labor. The new-born must be under a permanent supervision and to conduct adequate treatment them . At a thyroprivia pregnancy comes rarely, but comes even if, then children give labor inferior. Pregnancy is interrupted even at the subclinical forms of hypothyreosis. Quite often irondeficient anaemia develops for pregnant. The weakness of maternity forces develops at labor. For pregnant the state can become better due to the hormones of fetus. The new-born often give labor with the signs of hypothyreosis, anomalies of development of brain, illness of Дауна. The pregnant from hypothyreosis behave to the group of risk, they must conduct treatment: thyroidine 0,1 № 50 for 1 pill 2-3 times on a day; triiodothyronine 0,00002 for 1 pill 1-2 times on a day during all pregnancy under control research of hormones. 5.3. Control questions 1. Aquired defects of heart. Conduct of pregnancy and labor. 2. Congenital defects of heart. Conduct of labor. 3. Features of flow of diseases of breathing organs are at pregnancy 4. Features of flow of pregnancy are at the vascular diseases of CNS. 5. A conduct of pregnancy is at the vascular diseases of CNS. 6. Shows are to terminating pregnancy at the diseases of CNS. 7. A conduct of labor is at the vascular diseases of CNS. 8. Features of pregnancy and labor are at myasthenia. 9. Shows are to terminating pregnancy at myasthenia. 10. Methods of treatment in case of the diseases of CNS. 11. Features of flow of pregnancy and labor are at epilepsy. 12. A conduct of pregnancy and labor is at epilepsy. 13. What changes of blood are characteristic for women with physiology pregnancy? 14. Anaemias of pregnants. 15. Clinic, diagnostics of different forms of anaemias pregnant. 16. Treatment of anaemias of pregnant. 17. Who of pregnant belongs to the group of high risk? 18. A conduct of labor is at anaemias. 19. Leucosis. Classification. 20. Conduct of pregnancy, labor. 21. Symptomatology of leucosis. 22. Thrombocytopenia. Forms, clinic, diagnostics. 23. Conduct of pregnant, labor at thrombocytopenia. 24. To give determination: to the pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, urolithiasis. 25. Etiology: to the pyelonephritis, nephrite, glomerulonephritis. 26. The pregnant have classification of disease of kidneys. 27. Clinic: pyelonephritis (different forms), glomerulonephritis (different forms), urolithiasis. 28. Determination of risk group: at a pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. 29. The pregnant have features of flow of disease of kidneys. 30. Features of flow of pregnancy are at the diseases of kidneys. 31. Features of flow of labor are at the disease of kidneys. 32. Features of conduct of pregnancy, labor, puerperium, period of new-bornness are at the diseases of kidneys. 33. Treatment of disease of kidneys at pregnancy and in post-natal 34. A diabetes mellitus is pathology of carbohydrate exchange. 35. The pregnant have diagnostics, clinic and treatment of diabetes mellitus. 36. Contraindications to continuation of pregnancy for patients by a diabetes mellitus. 37. The pregnant have obstetric complications with a diabetes mellitus. 38. Methods of labor of pregnant are at a diabetes mellitus. 39. The pregnant have diagnostics, clinic and treatment of diabetes mellitus. 40. Contraindications to continuation of pregnancy for patients by a diabetes mellitus. 41. The pregnant have obstetric complications with a diabetes mellitus. 42. Methods of labor of pregnant are at a diabetes mellitus. 43. A conduct of pregnancy and labor is at the diseases of thyroid. 44. Features of conduct of pregnancy and labor are at the diseases of liver and gall-bladder. 5.4 FINAL STAGE Control and correction of level of professional ability and practical skills is conducted by the decision of situational and clinical tasks, tests. A teacher sets a domestic task, recommends literature on the topic of next employment. 6.Methodical materials: 6.1Materials to control of base preparation of students: situational tasks. 6.2 Materials for the methodical providing of the basic stage of employment: tool of maternity hospital, history of labor. 6.3Materials for the final stage of employment: clinical situational tasks. 6.4Materials for the methodical providing of self-study of students in the corresponding methodical pointing for independent work. Task № 1. Multipara 27 years at pregnancy 36 weeks entered a term maternity unit with regular fights, that began 6 hours to the volume. It was ill a quinsy. From 16 years is on "Д" of account in connection with the defect of heart. Obstetric anamnesis is without features. Under surveillance of district accoucheur in woman consultation since from 8 weeks of pregnancy. At the beginning and at the end of pregnancy was on prophylactic stationary treatment. Objectively: In the lungs of the vesicular breathing. A liver is not megascopic. Spleen is not palpated. The symptom of Pasternatskyi is negative on either side. In 20 minutes after amniotic waters released and beginning of pushing efforts a living boy was born by mass of 2450г, long a 44 cm. After labor of child the state of породіллі became worse acutely, a skin had gone by pale, sticky sweat appeared, a pulse became more frequent, weak filling and tension, BP - 90/50 мм.рт.ст. Consciousness is stored. 1 .Diagnosis. 2. Reason of worsening of the state of woman is after labor of child. З. How to prevent this complication. Task. №2. Unit of pathology of pregnant the pregnant entered, pregnancy And, 27 weeks with complaints about a fervescence to 380С, chill, pains in a lumbar area. Objectively: skin of гіперемована, the symptom of Пастернацького is acutely positive on the right. An uterus is easily excitative. Your diagnosis? Appoint treatment. Task № 3.To the doctor of перинатолога the pregnant appealed concerning registering. Pregnancy And, 7-8 weeks. Hypertensive illness of ІІа of century. In what terms of потібно to hospitalize pregnant in what permanent establishment? Tests. For pregnant the volume of circulatory blood increases in a term: А. of 28-32тиж. В. of 39-40тиж. С. of 22-23тиж. D.37-38тиж. Е. of 21-22тиж. An congenital defect is hearts which are протипоказом for maturing of pregnancy : А. Тетрада of Фалло В. Defect of міжпередсердсерної membrane С. Defect of міжшлуночкової membrane D.The arterial is open channels Е. Stenosis of mouth of aorta Optimal term of пологорозрішення for pregnant with a diabetes mellitus: А. of 36-37тиж. В. of 39-40тиж. С. of 34-35тиж. D.37-38тиж. Е. of 31-32тиж 7.Literature Basic: 1. Э.К. Айламазян. СПб. "Специальная Литература", 1997. - С. 199-229 2.Бодяжина В.И., Жмакін К.Н., Кирющенков А.П. Акушерство. - М.: Медицина, 1998. - С. 251-252. 3.Шехтман М. М. Экстрагенитальные заболевания и беременность. - М.: Медицина, 1999. 4. Наказ МОЗ України № 676 Про затвердження клінічних протоколів з акушерства та гінекології від 31.12.2004р. Additional: 1. Гилязутдинова З.Ш. Беременность и роды at заболеваниях центральной и периферической нервной системы. Из-во Казанской университета. 1988.- С. 10-33, 98110, 116-130. 2. Серов В.Н., Стрижаков А.Н., Маркин С.А. Практическое акушерство. - М.: Медицина, 1989.