Questionnaire used in the study Demographics GENDER: AGE M [ 21-25 [ STATUS: ] F [ ] 26-30 [ ] 31-35 [ RESIDENT [ ] ] 36-40 [ ] 41-45 [ ] SENIOR RESIDENT [ ] 46-50 [ ] >50 [ ] ] Attitude and practice regarding oral health in pregnancy 1) Is oral health important in pregnancy? Strongly agree [ Disagree [ ] Strongly disagree [ ] Agree [ ] Undecided [ ] ] 2) Do you think oral health complaints in pregnancy are normal disorders associated with pregnancy? Yes [ ] No [ ] I don’t know [ ] 3) Do you assess problems with teeth and gums of your patient and make appropriate referrals? Yes [ ] No [ ] 4) Do you educate pregnant women about care that will improve their oral health? Yes [ ] No [ ] Management of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy 5) Do you assist pregnant women with dealing with nausea and vomiting? Yes [ ] No [ 6) If yes which of the following non pharmacological means of dealing with nausea and vomiting in pregnancy do you recommend? a) Tell them to eat small amounts of nutritious yet non cariogenic foods throughout the day Yes [ ] No [ ] b) Use a teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in a cup of water as a rinse after vomiting to neutralize acid Yes [ ] No [ ] c) Chew sugarless or xylitol containing gum after eating Yes [ d) Brush immediately after an episode of vomiting Yes [ ] No [ ] No [ ] ] e) Use gentle tooth brushing and fluoride toothpaste to prevent damage to demineralised tooth surfaces Yes [ ] No [ ] 7) Do you think obstetricians should be educated on oral health care? Strongly agree [ ] agree [ ] disagree [ ] ]