Q3 Exam Review

Q 3 Exam Review Sheet
Single celled organism
What are all living things made of? (cells)
What is the difference between a unicellular and a multi-cellular organism?
(Unicellular one cell, multi celled many cells)
Name the 4 different single cellular organisms.
(Ameba, paramecium, euglena, volvox)
To the right is a diagram of a(n) _____ameba_________. What function are these protozoa
performing? (engulfing food)
Euglena is known for having an eyespot.
What is the function of an eye spot?
(Find light to make food)
This is the most complex and specialized of protists. Cilia allow it to move and capture
food. (paramecium)
These diagrams show a Paramecium and a Euglena.
Euglena and Paramecium are similar in which way?
(both have aids to help them move)
To the left is a diagram of a volvox. Describe.
(algae living together, has 500-20000 cells, does photosynthese
Plant/animal cells
Basic info to know
• Cells are the basic units of function in all living things.
• Cells in animals and plants have unique forms that allow each to take part in processes
that are necessary for the cell and or/living thing to survive.
• Organelles are to cells what organs are to the body.
• They carry out the individual tasks of gaining and working with energy, as well as
directing the overall behavior of the cells.
Know the organelles and the function of each for both plant and animal cell
Organelles :
Function :
Contains the DNA and RNA and manufactures proteins
Nucleolus: In nuclei where ribosomes are synthesized.
structure that appears during mitosis(cell division)
Energy producers of the cell
Produce proteins
Golgi Bodies:
Packages Proteins
Involved in photosynthesis
Store waste, nutrients, and water
Contains digestive enzymes, mostly in animal cells
Endoplasmic Reticulum: Passageway that transports proteins from the nucleus Rough
ER covered in ribosomes, Smooth ER is not
Cell membrane:
Semi-permeable lining that surrounds the cell
Cell Wall: Is a stiff non-living wall that surrounds the cell membrane made of cellulose
Jelly-like material surrounding the organelles
How food, air, and water gets in and out of the cell.
Cellular Respiration: How an animal cell gets energy.
How a plant cell gets energy.
Know the difference between and plant and animal cell
Both contain: Nucleus, Nuclear Envelope, and Chromosomes- which carry the genes or
the DNA, Cytoplasm, Mitochondria, Cell membranes
Difference: Plant cells have non-living rigid cell walls, Plant cells contain chloroplasts which
contain chlorophyll, a green chemical needed for photosynthesis, Plant cells contain a large
vacuole; animal cells never contain large vacuoles, Plant cells are regular in shape; animal cells
are irregular in shape.
Human body
Know the organization from cells to organism
(Cells---tissues---organs---organ system---organism)
Know what a lysosome does and how it compares to a body system
(Digestive system)
Understand what cytoplasm does and how it helps a cell
Is located around the cell organelles and is located next to the nuclear membrane
The most basic unit of life
Know examples of organs
Heart, lungs, kidneys
Know what the main function of each system does in the body
Digestive-absorb nutrients- (small intestine)
Respiratory –obtain oxygen and remove carbon dioxide
Circulatory-bring blood to the heart and back around the body.
Endocrine-send hormones throughout the body
Nervous-send signals throughout the body
Integumentary system(skin) protect the body, regulate the body’s temperature
Immune system-kill disease and make antibodies
Urinary system- clean out the waste for the body
Skeletal system –gives support to the body, helps the nervous system send signals, and
protects the organs, movement
Muscular system-move the bones
Know examples or organ systems
Listed above!
Know how the skeletal system and the muscular system work together
Skeletal provides support and the muscles move the bone
What does cellular respiration do for the body?
Cells use oxygen to burn nutrients for energy