UDNY TENNIS CLUB www.undytenniclub.co.uk Membership Application Form Season 2015 - 2016 Membership year April 1st 2015 to March 31st 2016 Family (Max 2 adults. Includes all under 18s in household) £140.00 (Winter £40.00) Adult (age 18+) £70.00 (Winter £20.00) Adult Concession* £40.00 (Winter £10.00) Junior (age 11-17) £35.00 (Winter £10.00) Junior Concession* £25.00 (Winter £10.00) Child (age 10 and under) £25.00 (Winter £10.00) A shoe tag donation (voluntary) Renewal by April 30th Early Renewal Family Total Fees: £ -£10 Early renewal Adult -£5 .00 Please insert details of all the members applying on this form Title First name (s) Surname Type of membership D.O.B. For all members** BTM Number Address: Postcode: Phone: Mobile (s): Email: I agree to abide by The Udny Tennis Club Rules Signature: Payment: (available in the Clubhouse and on the Club website) Date: Attached/Enclosed Online School attended *** Notes 1. * to obtain a concessional rate The Udny Tennis Club (‘the Club’) use the same definition for concession as Aberdeenshire Council. This currently is for familes in receipt of Council Tax rebate and /or Housing Benefit., a person that is registered disabled, has a National Entitlement Card, a student and or person who is in receipt of the state pension 2. By providing a telephone number and email address you are consenting to the Club sharing these details with other club members. If you would prefer not to share these details please tick the box (es) e-mail address 3. Home Phone Mobile Phone Compliance with the rules of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and The Udny Tennis Club All members of the Club in shall 3.1 3.2 be bound by and subject to the rules of the Club (as in force from time to time); and to be bound by and subject to the rules and disciplinary code of the LTA (or such successor entity or entities as become(s) the governing body of the game of lawn tennis from time to time) as in force from time to time (please see www.lta.org.uk for details of all the rules and disciplinary code) 3.3 acknowledge that the above is intended to be enforceable by the LTA and/or the Club and the Club agrees that each member will be required, as a condition of membership, to agree to be bound by and subject to the said LTA, rules and disciplinary code and such agreement contains an express acknowledgement that: agreement confers a benefit upon the LTA agreement creates third party rights in the LTA’s favour both or one of the LTA and/or the Club can enforce any breach at its/their option and in its/their sole discretion agreement may not be varied, amended or revoked without the prior written consent of the LTA; and the identity of each member shall be notified to the LTA by the Club in accordance with the LTA’s directions from time to time and that such notification shall, with effect from the date of such notification, constitute intimation of, and shall entitle the LTA to enforce, the third party rights referred to above in respect of the period both before and after such intimation. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) 3.4 The behaviour of members must at all times be appropriate and all members must be aware of the age and sensitivities of people playing on the adjacent court. Members, particularly younger members, must feel free to bring any matter to the attention of any of the committee members without fear of recrimination. Any breach of the Rules and inappropriate behaviour, action or language are taken very seriously by the Committee 4. Membership tags must be attached to shoes or rackets or otherwise displayed when playing at the Club. 5. If you are interested in playing in matches, please email the Club via our website link or speak to a committee member at the Club 6. Neither the Club nor any officer thereof shall be liable to any member or guest of a member or any other person for any loss of or damage to any property occurring (from whatever cause) in or about the Club premises; nor for any injury sustained by any member or guest or any other person whilst on or entering or leaving the Club premises 7. British Tennis Membership All members will sign up for British Tennis Membership. You will receive a British Tennis Membership (BTM) number which you must have to play in any team. This also entitles club members to enter the Wimbledon ticket ballot and increases the club’s allocation. Visit the LTA website for more information. www.lta.org.uk/britishtennismembership/ . ** We need to know all members dates of birth to be able to report our membership and type of membership to the LTA and join any members that have not done so. 8. The two courts can be booked using the online booking system via the club website at www.udnytennisclub.co.uk . Please request the password from a committee member. It is recommended that you should always book a court. If members are playing on the courts without booking then a member that has booked the court will always take preference and any member who has not booked should vacate the court as soon as practicable. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact a committee member and they will assist you. 9. ∞ Winter Membership starts on October 1st 2014 10. Please do not share any passwords, combinations or codes that The Club tells you. Any member that shares information to non-members allowing them access to the website, courts or clubhouse will face disciplinary action and consequences include forfeit of membership with no return of any payment 11. Passwords, codes and combination numbers are subject to change. Notification of such change will be done by email. It is the responsibility of the member to ensure that an up to date email address is available and the Club are aware of such email address 12. *** It would help the Club to promote tennis at school and help juniors to play more tennis if we know which schools the junior members attend. This information is voluntary 13. Once a membership is paid any refunds will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Committee. All requests must be sent in writing to the Secretary in the first instance. Please make cheques payable to Udny Tennis Club. Please return form with payment to: The Membership Secretary, Udny Tennis Club, 6 Aikenshill Cottages, Foveran, Aberdeenshire, AB41 6AT email: info@udnytennisclub.co.uk