Alaska Tech Prep Consortium FY11 Goals Goal 1. Develop Tech Prep programs in high-demand, high-skill career fields, using articulation agreements to link secondary and postsecondary institutions, business and industry in non-duplicative sequences of courses, and providing possibilities for concurrent enrollment. Application Strategies & Outcomes Expand Tech Prep programs statewide Bring secondary, postsecondary, business and industry together to align curriculum. Articulate courses that lead to industry recognized credentials, certificates or degrees. Display list of courses/programs that are aligned on the web. In collaboration with the University, identify a list of aligned courses that could be offered statewide. Research and implement where possible, statewide delivery opportunities including the aligned and articulated distance courses. Develop partnerships and resource structures that will develop and strengthen sustainable CTE & Tech Prep programs i.e. Bridging the Gap Competitive Grants. Research funding structures and advocate for the support of the Tech Prep model to be a recognized part of a systemic and statewide comprehensive education & career readiness plan. Share Tech Prep materials and best practices in rural sites. Ask partners to share best practices and successes. Highlight best practices and successes via quarterly newsletters and website. Continue to examine Tech Prep program structure and policies that support planned and accountable student transitions. Collaborate and work closely with EED, DOLWD, UA to continue to deliver a Tech Prep program that provides seamless transitions for students in Alaska Research program structures and identify action steps for advocating and implementing Tech Prep as a statewide model. Expand articulations with apprenticeship programs Utilize business and industry apprenticeship articulations and models such as articulations with the Anchorage School District to extending school to apprenticeship opportunities and programs, including a statewide General Agreement. Develop a MOA with DOLWD to utilize DOLWD STA Agreement. Attach STA to UA General Agreement between district agreement. Revised July 25, 2010 Page 1 Alaska Tech Prep Consortium FY11 Goals Goal 2. Work with postsecondary, apprenticeship and secondary educational institutions to develop Tech Prep Programs of Study that promote student competence in technical skills and in core academic subjects in a coherent sequence of courses that result in an industry-recognized credential, certificate or degree in a specific career field. Application Strategies & Outcomes Develop Programs of Study that support the inclusion of the academic and technical standards and employability skills within a program’s career cluster, leading to an industry-recognized credential, certificate or degree. Continue to develop programs of study in the articulation process Post districts’ Programs of Study on the website for each (where possible) of the 14 UA Career Clusters. Support use of contextual and applied curricula and instruction by gathering best practices of contextual teaching and learning and reporting those practices via the web site, newsletter, and work sessions. Identify strategies that address academic preparation of Tech Prep students for the programs in which they are earning college credits/advanced standing. Continue to support assessments that measure academic preparation of Tech Prep students Provide funding for Tech Prep students (Junior status) taking the Accuplacer Communicate value of WorkKeys and college placement assessments through use of Alaska Tech Prep folders, newsletters and website promotion Identify and promote program services that prepare Tech Prep students transitioning into college or apprenticeship training. Collaborate with postsecondary training programs to identify current services available to support Tech Prep student’s transitioning into postsecondary programs. List and describe services on the Alaska Tech Prep website. Assist counselors and teachers in the use of Career Readiness and academic assessments to help students connect foundational academic courses, technical courses and careers pathways. Collaborate with EED to provide professional development, mentoring and one-on-one assistance where possible. Revised July 25, 2010 Page 2 Alaska Tech Prep Consortium FY11 Goals Goal 3. Develop Tech Prep programs that involve all the participants in the Consortia in programs that facilitate nonduplicative student transitions, without the need for remediation, utilizing all aspects of industry, and the use of educational technology and distance learning, as appropriate. Application Strategies & Outcomes Promote Tech Prep programs that showcase all aspects of an industry. Provide best practices and professional development opportunities to all participants in the Consortia in use of Programs of Study and All Aspects of Industry. Collaborate with EED to provide professional development at Fall PDC Collaborate with EED to provide professional development, mentoring and one-on-one assistance where possible. Develop professional development modules and post on website. Report via the web site, newsletter, and regional work sessions. Use technology to support student transitions. Facilitate opportunities that promote planned and accountable student transitions using educational technology and/or distance learning, as appropriate. Work together with other partners to support the use of educational technology and/or distance learning for delivery of aligned courses as appropriate Research funding for the development of aligned distance courses Update the Alaska Tech Prep Website with information useful to students, CTE teachers and business partners Collect information from students, teachers, business and industry that promote best practices, student successes, career development, employability and labor information Survey districts, students, teachers and update information on a regular basis Goal 4. Provide career pathway related in-service training for members of the Consortia, including teachers, faculty, administrators, counselors. Application Strategies & Outcomes Conduct professional development training. Provide statewide or regional Tech Prep work sessions. Provide information and training at state and professional conferences. Encourage teachers, administration & counselors to stay current with industry recognized certification Use the website to identify industry recognized certifications Revised July 25, 2010 Page 3 Alaska Tech Prep Consortium FY11 Goals Goal 5. Provide equal access to members of special populations and develop Tech Prep program services appropriate to their needs Application Strategies & Outcomes Identify special populations groups enrolled in Tech Prep and services to support them. Share best practices in serving special populations and developing Tech Prep programs that are appropriate to the needs of special populations, including students entering non-traditional programs. Provide financial assistance to allow economically disadvantaged students to participate in the Tech Prep college credit. Goal 6. Coordinate with the state’s Perkins’ Title I (i.e., secondary and postsecondary grants) program activities including data collection and reporting for performance accountability. Application Strategies & Outcomes Coordinate with EED to meet accountability requirements under Perkins IV. Hire and work with a consultant to evaluate current organizational structure and Tech Prep program. Hire and work with a consultant to evaluate and develop a system to meet reporting requirements. Collaborate with MAU enrollment services and Department of Labor (DOL) placement offices to develop consistent methods for identifying Tech Prep students. Gather follow-up data on students who participate in school to apprenticeship programs. Revised July 25, 2010 Page 4