PSD Lesson Plan Template` (EATS) Week Of: Mar. 30th Focused Standard/Element (s) WIDA Standard Essential Question Activating Strategy Teaching Opening (10-15 min) Monday Teacher: 3/30/15 First grade Course/Level: Reading with Integrated Science and Social Studies Tuesday 3/31/15 Wednesday 4/1/15 RL.1.3 – Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story RL.1.5 – Explain major differences between books that tell stories and books that give information, drawing on a wide reading of a range of text types ELACC1RF2: a. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds ELACC1RF3: c. Know final –e and common vowel teams conventions for representing long vowel sounds ELACC1L1: e. Use verbs to convey a sense of past, present, and future S1L1a,b,c,d Students will investigate the characteristics and basic needs of plants SS1H2 Students will read or listen to American folktales and explain how they characterize our national heritage. {Review of all folktales} ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading Reading: How can learning new words help Reading: How can learning new words help Reading: How can learning new words help me become a better reader? How can I me become a better reader? How can I me become a better reader? How can I identify the story elements? How can I tell identify the story elements? How can I tell identify the story elements? How can I tell the difference between a fiction and nonthe difference between a fiction and nonthe difference between a fiction and nonfiction story? fiction story? fiction story? LA/Grammar: What does the final e in a LA/Grammar: What does the final e in a LA/Grammar: What does the final e in a word tell you about it? How can I identify a word tell you about it? How can I identify a word tell you about it? How can I identify a verb in a sentence? verb in a sentence? verb in a sentence? Science: What are some of the Science: What are some of the Science: What are some of the characteristics and basic needs of plants? characteristics and basic needs of plants? characteristics and basic needs of plants? What are the parts of a plant? What are the parts of a plant? What are the parts of a plant? Social Studies: How did American folktales Social Studies: How did American folktales Social Studies: How did American folktales characterize our national heritage? characterize our national heritage? characterize our national heritage? Parts of A Flower Video Peppa Pig’s Flying A Kite Video Pet Rabbit 101 Video 57OJ_iA A5J_0A a5CPc Grammar: verbs Grammar: long vowels Grammar: verbs LboBieY 7Gto3U e2fdzg Science:From a seed to a flower Science: Sid the Seed Science: 2pMSB8 KhNnWY LWzDg Read aloud “Flowers Bloom” Closed Read aloud “Let’s Fly a Kite” Closed Reading Read aloud “Pet Rabbits” Closed Reading Reading Passage Passage Passage Work-Time Activities (45-55 min) Differentiation Offered Summarizing Closure Activity (2030 min) Focused Standard/Element (s) WIDA Standard Essential Question Review fiction and non-fiction stories, make Review fiction and non-fiction stories, make Review fiction and non-fiction stories, make a list of characteristics that makes “Flowers a list of characteristics that makes “Let’s Fly a list of characteristics that makes “Pet Bloom “a non- fiction story. a Kite “a fiction story. Rabbits “a non-fiction story. Complete “Flowers Bloom” Vocabulary and Comprehension Page LA/Grammar: Long vowel activity/verb activity Science: Seed activity Social Studies: Review all of the Folktales, complete an activity from the black box Complete “Let’s Fly a Kite” Vocabulary and Comprehension Page LA/Grammar: Long vowel activity/verb activity Folktales, complete an activity from the black box complete an activity from the black box Vocabulary in Closed Reading Passage Comprehension Questions Vocabulary in Closed Reading Passage Comprehension Questions Vocabulary in Closed Reading Passage Comprehension Questions Journaling: What is your favorite flower? Interactive journal- parts of a plant Journaling: Have you ever flown a kite? What happens when a seed is planted? Thursday 4/2/15 RL.1.3 – RL.1.5 – ELACC1RF2: a. ELACC1RF3: c. ELACC1L1: e. S1L1 a, c SS1H2 ELP Standard 2; Level 2; Reading Reading: How can learning new words help me become a better reader? How can I identify the story elements? How can I tell the difference between a fiction and nonfiction story? LA/Grammar: What does the final e in a word tell you about it? How can I identify a verb in a sentence? Science: What are some of the characteristics and basic needs of plants? What are the parts of a plant? Friday 4/3/15 Journaling: I would/would not like a pet rabbit because….. Draw about the life cycle of a plant Additional Notes Science: Parts of a plant activity Social Studies: Review all of the NO SCHOOL Complete “Pet Rabbits” Vocabulary and Comprehension Page LA/Grammar: Long vowel activity/ verb activity Science: Parts of a plant activity Social Studies: Review all of the Folktales, Link for read aloud, “Tops and Bottoms” QTZBc Activating Strategy Teaching Opening (10-15 min) Work-Time Activities (45-55 min) Social Studies: How did American folktales characterize our national heritage? The World of Peter Rabbit and Friends Video rZiM Grammar: long & short vowels Mi3601U Science: Read aloud “Hippity Hoppity” Closed Reading Passage Review fiction and non-fiction stories, make a list of characteristics that makes “Hippity Hoppity “a fiction story. Complete “Hippity Hoppity” Vocabulary and Comprehension Page LA/Grammar: Long vowel activity/ verb activity Science: Read “Tops and Bottoms” Activity about types of plants Social Studies: Review all of the Folktales, complete an activity from the black box Differentiation Offered Summarizing Closure Activity (2030 min) Vocabulary in Closed Reading Passage Comprehension Questions Journaling: What was your favorite story you read this week? Why? Draw 2 plants that are tops/2 bottoms