Syllabus12 - btylkowski

Accelerated Chemistry Classroom Expectations (2011-2012)
Mr. Tylkowski
Welcome to the new school year! Here is some information that will help you get used to my classroom
policies and procedures.
You are expected to come to class with the following items:
1) Chemistry folder/binder for handouts
2) A pen or pencil
3) Scientific Calculator (Any calculator with a “Log” button is fine.)
You are expected to take care of your personal business between classes. Passes will rarely be issued
during class.
Tardy rule: (These policies conform to the school’s new tardy policy.)
Students will be given detention slips by hall monitors and allowed to enter class within the first ten
minutes of the passing period. After ten minutes, the hall monitors will write a discipline referral to the
assistant principal and the student will not attend your class that period.
Lab Safety: During the year we will be performing lab activities. Students are expected to follow safe
procedures and wear safety goggles in the lab area when instructed. Report all accidents or injuries.
Unsafe or disruptive behavior at any time will not be tolerated. It will result in a zero for the day and
removal from the lab.
Grading: We will be using the standards based grading model.
o Your grade will be dependent on what you learn, not on what you do. Your grade will be an
average of the scores you receive on each of the six learning standards.
Retakes on Tests:
o If a student gets below a “4” on any assessment, in order to have the possibility of a retake, the
student must receive re-teaching by Mr. Tylkowski on a pre-arranged day before a retake can
Students must show evidence of learning (homework, review sheets, labs, ect.) before a retake
can occur.
PLEASE take advantage of re-takes. Mr. Tylkowski can be available before school, during
lunch, and after school most days.
The retake process MUST begin within the two weeks following the assessment. This includes
getting help, redoing an assignment, and scheduling time to meet with Mr. T.
Student Behavior
As a Maroon I will:
-Commit to my future
-Engage in school life
-Nourish my intellect
-Take ownership for my actions
-Respect and represent my community
-Appreciate diversity
-Live responsibly
Students will be expected to treat each other and the teacher with respect at all times. The teacher will
do the same.
Stay seated until the bell rings. Do not stand by the door waiting for the bell to ring.
Don’t mess with any equipment in the room. This includes the gas valves, sinks, faucets, cabinets, fire
equipment, demo equipment, windows, teacher’s desk, fans, curtains, etc.
If you have any concerns about the class that need to be discussed outside of classroom, feel free to see
me before or after school/class so we can set up a time to talk.
My belief is that EVERYONE (Including you. Yes, You) can enjoy and succeed in Chemistry as long as
you are willing to learn. The more willing you are to learn and the more you put into the class, the more
enjoyment you will get out of the class. My job is to present the material in a clear manner and to
provide a classroom environment that is conducive to learning so that everyone can succeed. The rest
will be up to you!!! Good luck and enjoy the school year!
Chemistry Standard
LS 0: Students will safely identify and make
reliable qualitative and quantitative
measurements to describe the world.
LS 1: Students will understand matter is
composed of tiny particles called atoms and how
atoms move and interact gives the properties of
matter we observe.
Performance indicators
Students who demonstrate understanding can:
0.1 Demonstrate proper safety.
0.2 Demonstrate proper techniques to gather data
0.3 Analyze and interpret data to draw conclusions
1.1 Classify matter and the changes it undergoes.
1.2 Understand that all matter is made up of particles called
atoms which themselves are made up of subatomic particles.
LS 2: Students will be able to describe how
electrons move within an atom and how the
arrangement of electrons within elements give
rise to patterns on the periodic table.
2.1 Understand how the electrons are arranged in the atom and
can apply this concept to explain the properties of elements
LS 3: Students can construct models of atomic
bonding and describe how the electrons move
with covalent and ionic bonding.
3.1 Apply the concepts of transferring or sharing of electrons
between atoms in order to form stable compounds.
2.2 Understand how the periodic table is organized
3.2 Name and write formulas for covalent and ionic compounds.
LS 4: Students understand the language of a
chemical reaction and can describe how elements
are combined, pulled apart, and rearranged in a
chemical reaction to produce more stable forms
of matter.
LS 5: Students will understand and apply the
relationship of energy, kinetics, and equilibrium
to a chemical reaction.
4.1 Apply the law of conservation of mass as it pertains to
chemical reactions.
4.2 Describe how elements and compounds undergo changes
during chemical or nuclear reactions
5.1 Understand and apply the relationship of energy as it relates
to states of matter and chemical reactions
5.2 Understand and apply the concept of kinetics as it relates to
chemical reactions
LS 6: Students will be able to quantify a chemical
reaction using dimensional analysis and the
concept of a mole.
5.3 Understand and apply the concept of equilibrium as it relates
to a chemical reaction.
6.1 Convert units using dimensional analysis
6.2 Analyze the chemical composition of a substance using the
concept of a mole.
6.3 Quantify a chemical reaction using stoichiometry.
Mr. T’s Schedule:
1- Chemistry- Room 317
2- Plan- Science Office
3- Team Meeting- Room 315
4- Chemistry- Room 315
5- Lunch- Room 307
6- Accelerated Chemistry- Room 315
7- Accelerated Chemistry- Room 315
8- Spring Chemistry- Room 315
I am available before and after schools most days,
please find time to see me!