STEP 1 : Create table : SQL> create table stud( sno number primary key, sname char(15), sub1 number,sub2 number, sub3 number,grade char(15)); Table created. STEP 2 : Insert the records in table named stud : The last field of grade is left blank since it would be calculated later using procedure. SQL> insert into stud values(1,'Pray',98,94,90,' '); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values(2,'Jay',57,74,40,' '); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values(3,'Prisha',58,54,50,' '); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values(4,'Masum',48,44,40,' '); 1 row created. SQL> insert into stud values(5,'Shyam',40,40,40,' '); 1 row created. STEP 3 : View the records in table named stud : SQL> select * from stud; SNO SNAME SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 GRADE ---------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------1 Pray 98 94 90 2 Jay 57 74 40 3 Prisha 58 54 50 4 Masum 48 44 40 5 Shyam 40 40 40 STEP 4 : Create a function named givegrade which checks conditions and returns the grade in variable named g: create or replace function givegrade(p in number) return char is g char(15); begin if p >= 70 then g:='Distinction'; return g; elsif p >= 60 then g:='First'; return g; elsif p>= 50 then g:='Pass'; return g; else g:='Fail'; return g; end if; end; / STEP 5 : Write the following procedure that will update the grade in the table : > declare cursor c_grade is select sno,sub1,sub2,sub3 from stud; no stud.sno%type; s1 stud.sub1%type; s2 stud.sub2%type; s3 stud.sub3%type; t number; g stud.grade%type; p number(10,2); begin open c_grade; loop fetch c_grade into no,s1,s2,s3; exit when c_grade%notfound; t:=s1+s2+s3; p:=t/3; g:=givegrade(p); update stud set grade=g where sno=no; end loop; close c_grade; end; / SQL procedure successfully completed. STEP 5 : View the updated table named stud which shows grades of students. select * from stud; SNO SNAME SUB1 SUB2 SUB3 GRADE ----- --------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------1 Pray 98 94 90 Distinction 2 Jay 57 74 40 Pass 3 Prisha 58 54 50 Pass 4 Masum 48 44 40 Fail 5 Shyam 40 40 40 Fail