WCC-Consultation-Res.. - South Worcestershire Development Plan

Consultation Response
Community Infrastructure Levy – Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule
Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
Traveller and Travelling Show People Site Allocation DPD – Call for Sites Consultation
Strategic Response of Worcestershire County Council
Worcestershire County Council (WCC) are pleased to submit the enclosed response to the four
consultations currently being undertaken by the South Worcestershire Councils (SWC) as part of
the proposed South Worcester Development Plan (SWDP).
We would welcome the opportunity for further engagement with SWC in matters that are of
strategic importance to the economy, environment and communities of Worcestershire.
Community Infrastructure Levy – Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS)
In principle WCC are happy the PDCS has been updated to reflect the uplift in numbers within
the SWDP and the updated viability work by HDH. WCC have been directly involved with the
development of the document and in particular the Regulation 123 list. WCC recognise the
Regulation 123 list will need to evolve still further prior to the Draft Charging Schedule proposed
for the summer 2016. WCC also recognises the funding gap information within the justification
will require further revision and detail for the Draft Charging Schedule.
WCC would like to propose preparation of a CIL governance document is completed alongside
the Draft Charging Schedule to help ensure funds will be directed to the appropriate
infrastructure projects identified within the Regulation 123 list.
Draft Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document Consultation (DCSPD)
In principle WCC are happy with the concept of a singular DCSPD. WCC as with the PDCS have
also been directly involved with the development of the policy document. WCC recognises the
use of S106 obligations will continue until such time CIL is adopted. WCC can confirm
development of the Education and Transport evidence base documents is in progress and will be
used in particular until such time CIL is fully adopted and going forward as a basis for discussion
on strategic sites.
Consultation Response
The strategic planning team received a consultation response from the Superfast Broadband
team shown below. Broadband provision is critical for the future success of Worcestershire as a
whole and the strategic planning team would like Broadband to be considered for inclusion
within the DCSPD and PDCS.
The Superfast Broadband Programme Team response is primarily concerned with the additional
'demand' placed on the Broadband infrastructure when new developments are established. We
have found that new developments affect not only those business / residents in the newly
developed establishments / dwellings but may also affect existing users of the broadband
infrastructure in the surrounding area.
It is our recommendation therefore that:
A. Developers of new developments (residential, employment and commercial) will be expected
to facilitate the provision of broadband infrastructure suitable to enable an appropriate
broadband service for all occupiers of the development.
B. Developers are required to work with a recognised network carrier to design a bespoke duct
network, wherever practicable, for the development.
C. Developers must make sure that broadband services that meet the ambition of the European
Digital agenda are made available, wherever practicable, to all premises, at market prices and
with a full choice of all UK service providers.
D. In some locations outside towns and the city, an alternative appropriate solution may be
E. Other forms of infrastructure, such as facilities supporting mobile broadband, should also be
included, wherever possible and viable.
In cases where the new development relies on existing 'copper based' broadband infrastructure
and the new development will hinder the existing service to neighbouring communities it should
be requested of the developer to upgrade the local infrastructure to ensure neighbouring
communities and their new development.
Further minor amendments to the wording within the Transport section of the DCSPD is
attached to this consultation response.
Consultation Response
Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document Consultation
WCC has no comments on this consultation
Traveller and Travelling Show People Site Allocation DPD – Call for Sites Consultation
WCC has no comments on this consultation