T A S M A N I A N Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S Mathematics Methods A U T H O R I T Y MTM315114, TQA Level 3, Size Value = 15 THE COURSE DOCUMENT This document contains the following sections: RATIONALE .................................................................................................................................................. 2 AIMS.............................................................................................................................................................. 2 COURSE SIZE AND COMPLEXITY ............................................................................................................. 2 ACCESS........................................................................................................................................................ 2 PATHWAYS .................................................................................................................................................. 3 RESOURCES ............................................................................................................................................... 3 LEARNING OUTCOMES .............................................................................................................................. 3 COURSE DELIVERY .................................................................................................................................... 3 COURSE CONTENT .................................................................................................................................... 4 FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS.................................................................................................................... 4 CIRCULAR (TRIGONOMETRIC) FUNCTIONS............................................................................................ 5 CALCULUS ......................................................................................................................................... 6 STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY ............................................................................................................. 7 ASSESSMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 8 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES ...................................................................................................... 8 CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................................... 8 STANDARDS ....................................................................................................................................... 9 QUALIFICATIONS AVAILABLE .............................................................................................................. 17 AWARD REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................... 17 COURSE EVALUATION ............................................................................................................................. 17 EXPECTATIONS DEFINED BY NATIONAL STANDARDS ....................................................................... 18 ACCREDITATION ....................................................................................................................................... 25 VERSION HISTORY ................................................................................................................................... 25 © Copyright for part(s) of this course may be held by organisations other than the TQA Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 2 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 RATIONALE Mathematics is the study of order, relation and pattern. From its origins in counting and measuring it has evolved in highly sophisticated and elegant ways to become the language now used to describe much of the modern world. Mathematics is also concerned with collecting, analysing, modelling and interpreting data in order to investigate and understand real-world phenomena and solve problems in context. Mathematics provides a framework for thinking and a means of communication that is powerful, logical, concise and precise. It impacts upon the daily life of people everywhere and helps them to understand the world in which they live and work. The major themes of Mathematics Methods, TQA level 3, are function study, calculus and statistics. They include as necessary prerequisites studies of algebra, functions and their graphs, and probability. The areas of mathematics are developed systematically, with increasing levels of sophistication and complexity. Calculus is essential for developing an understanding of the physical world because many of the laws of science are relationships involving rates of change. Statistics is used to describe and analyse phenomena involving uncertainty and variation. For these reasons this subject provides a foundation for further studies in disciplines in which mathematics and statistics have important roles, including engineering, the sciences, economics, health and social sciences. AIMS Mathematics Methods aims to develop students’: understanding of concepts and techniques drawn from algebra, the study of functions, calculus, probability and statistics ability to solve applied problems using concepts and techniques drawn from algebra, functions study, calculus, probability and statistics reasoning in mathematical and statistical contexts and interpretation of mathematical and statistical information including ascertaining the reasonableness of solutions to problems capacity to communicate in a concise and systematic manner using appropriate mathematical and statistical language capacity to choose and use technology appropriately and efficiently. COURSE SIZE AND COMPLEXITY This course has a complexity level of TQA level 3. At TQA level 3, the student is expected to acquire a combination of theoretical and/or technical and factual knowledge and skills and use judgment when varying procedures to deal with unusual or unexpected aspects that may arise. Some skills in organising self and others are expected. TQA level 3 is a standard suitable to prepare students for further study at the tertiary level. VET competencies at this level are often those characteristic of an AQF Certificate III. This course has a size value of 15. ACCESS It is highly recommended that students attempting this course will have successfully completed Mathematics Methods – Foundation, TQA level 2. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 3 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 PATHWAYS Students may study Mathematics Specialised, TQA level 3, either concurrently with, or on completion of, this course. Mathematics Methods is designed for students, whose future pathways may involve mathematics and statistics and their applications in a range of disciplines at the tertiary level, including engineering, the sciences, economics, health and social sciences. RESOURCES Programs of study derived from this course need to embrace the range of technological developments that have occurred in relation to mathematics teaching and learning. Students should have access to graphics calculators and become proficient in their use. Graphics calculators can be used in all aspects of this course in the development of concepts and as a tool for solving problems. Where feasible, students should have some experience with CAS technology. Refer also to the current TQA Calculator Policy that applies to TQA level 3 courses, available at http://www.tqa.tas.gov.au/0021. The use of computers is recommended as an aid to students’ learning and mathematical development. A range of packages is appropriate and, in particular, spreadsheets should be used. LEARNING OUTCOMES On successful completion of this course, students will: be self-directing; be able to plan their study; persevere to complete tasks and meet deadlines understand the concepts and techniques in function study, calculus, probability and statistics solve problems in function study, calculus, probability and statistics apply reasoning skills in function study, calculus, probability and statistics interpret and evaluate mathematical and statistical information and ascertain the reasonableness of solutions to problems communicate their arguments and strategies when solving problems choose and use technology appropriately and efficiently. COURSE DELIVERY This course has an academic mathematical focus. The course content is presented under topic headings. The topics may be addressed separately and in any order, however much of the content is inter-related and a more integrated approach is recommended and encouraged. It is also recommended that, where possible, concepts be developed within a context of practical applications. Such an approach provides students with mathematical experiences that are much richer than a collection of skills. Students thereby have the opportunity to observe and make connections between related aspects of the course and the real world and to develop further some important abstract ideas. Through engaging in learning activities derived from this course students have the opportunity to: gain deeper insight into the structure of mathematics meet intellectually challenging situations develop desirable attitudes towards mathematics. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 4 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 COURSE CONTENT For the content areas of Mathematics Methods, the proficiency strands – Understanding; Fluency; Problem Solving; and Reasoning – build on students’ learning in F-10 Australian Curriculum: Mathematics. Each of these proficiencies is essential, and all are mutually reinforcing. They are still very much applicable and should be inherent in the study of four (4) areas of mathematics: Functions and graphs Circular (trigonometric) functions Calculus Statistics and probability. Each area of study is compulsory and relates to Criteria 4 – 8. Criteria 1 – 3 apply to all four areas of mathematics. FUNCTIONS AND GRAPHS This area of study will include: graphs of polynomial functions in factored form with linear factors, including repeated factors review of factorisation of polynomials and its use in curve sketching and determining the nature of stationary points graphs of y = xn for n = -2, -1, ½, 1, 2 and 3, graphs of y = ax and y = logax, where a = 2, 10 and e, including domain, range and (where relevant) asymptotic behaviour logarithm laws, including change of base solution of simple exponential and logarithmic equations graphs derived from others, using translation, reflection in x-axis, reflection in y-axis, dilation from axes and combinations of these (resultant graphs with asymptotes that are not parallel to one of the Cartesian axes are excluded) basic composition of functions equations and graphs of circle and semi-circle informal consideration of one-to-one and many-to-one functions, conditions for existence of inverse functions finding inverses of functions such as: graphs of inverses derived from graphs of original functions recognition of the general form of possible models for data presented in graphical or tabular form, using polynomial, power, circular (trigonometric), exponential and logarithmic functions revision of the binomial theorem for and its link to Pascal’s triangle (formal derivation and extended problems involving particular terms not included). Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 5 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 CIRCULAR (TRIGONOMETRIC) FUNCTIONS This area of study will include: revision of radians: definition, conversion between radians and degrees revision of unit circle o definition of sine, cosine and tangent o special relationships o special values; e.g. o symmetry properties, such as and that exact values of sine, cosine and tangent of integer multiples of the identity tan x = applications of the angle sum and difference identities – an introductory treatment only sin x cos x o o simple illustrations of the application of circular (trigonometric) functions; e.g. tidal heights, sound waves, biorhythms, ovulation cycles, temperature fluctuations during a day recognition and interpretation of period and amplitude graphs of: , inverse trigonometric functions to enable the solution of trigonometric equations of the form: , , and in a given domain and also of the form: in a given domain. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 6 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 CALCULUS This area of study will include: deducing the graph of the gradient function, including its domain, from the graph of a function limit theorems made plausible first principles approach to gradient functions rules for derivatives of (formal derivation not examined) product, quotient and chain rules; applications involving simple manipulations applications of differentiation to curve sketching and stationary points (points with zero gradient: turning points and points of inflection). Turning points are to be distinguished using any one of the following methods : use of the second derivative, graph of the first derivative and ‘change of sign of derivative test’ equations of tangents and normals, maximum/minimum problems and rates of change including numerical evaluation of derivatives informal treatment of the fundamental theorem of calculus definite and indefinite integrals of and other simple polynomials and linear combinations of these functions combinations of these functions – in the case of use of absolute value is appropriate and linear an informal discussion of the properties of integrals integration by recognition that application of integration to calculating the area of a region under a curve and simple cases of areas between curves. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a d [ f ( x )] = f '( x ) = g ( x ) implies that dx ò g ( x ) dx = f ( x ) + c Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 7 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 STATISTICS AND PROBABILITY This area of study will include: discrete random variables: o concept of a random variable o construction of a discrete probability distribution o calculation and interpretation of the expected value and variance of a discrete random variable o property that, for many random variables, approximately 95 per cent of the distribution is within two standard deviations of the mean binomial distribution: o application of the binomial distribution to the number of successes in a fixed number, n, of Bernoulli trials with probability p of success o the effect of the parameters n and p on the graph of the probability function o calculation of probabilities o formulas for the expectation and variance of a binomial random variable and their use hypergeometric distribution: o application of the hypergeometric distribution to sampling without replacement o calculation of probabilities o formulae for the expectation and variance of a hypergeometric random variable and their use normal distribution: o the normal curve as the limit of the histogram using examples such as weights and heights of people (for large samples) o the effect of the mean and variance on the shape of the normal distribution o use calculators or computer packages to calculate probabilities and quantiles (for example: quartiles) for normal distributions. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 8 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 ASSESSMENT Criterion-based assessment is a form of outcomes assessment that identifies the extent of student achievement at an appropriate end-point of study. Although assessment – as part of the learning program – is continuous, much of it is formative, and is done to help students identify what they need to do to attain the maximum benefit from their study of the course. Therefore, assessment for summative reporting to the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority should focus on what both teacher and student understand to reflect end-point achievement. The standard of achievement each student attains on each criterion is recorded as a rating ‘A’, ‘B’, or ‘C’, according to the outcomes specified in the standards section of the course. A ‘t’ notation must be used where a student demonstrates any achievement against a criterion less than the standard specified for the ‘C’ rating. A ‘z’ notation is to be used where a student provides no evidence of achievement at all. Providers offering this course must participate in quality assurance processes specified by the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority to ensure provider validity and comparability of standards across all awards. Further information on quality assurance processes, as well as on assessment, is available in the TQA Senior Secondary Handbook or on the website at http://www.tqa.tas.gov.au Internal assessment of all criteria will be made by the provider. Providers will report the student’s rating for each criterion to the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority. The Tasmanian Qualifications Authority will supervise the external assessment of designated criteria (*). The ratings obtained from the external assessments will be used in addition to those provided from the provider to determine the final award. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCESSES The following processes will be facilitated by the TQA to ensure there is: a match between the standards of achievement specified in the course and the skills and knowledge demonstrated by students community confidence in the integrity and meaning of the qualifications. Process - the Authority gives course providers feedback about any systematic differences in the relationship of their internal and external assessments and, where appropriate, seeks further evidence through audit and requires corrective action in the future. CRITERIA The assessment for Mathematics Methods, TQA level 3, will be based on the degree to which a student can: 1. communicate mathematical ideas and information 2. analysis: demonstrate mathematical reasoning, analysis and strategy in problem solving situations 3. plan, organise and complete mathematical tasks 4. *demonstrate an understanding of polynomial, hyperbolic, exponential and logarithmic functions 5. *demonstrate an understanding of circular functions 6. *use differential calculus in the study of functions 7. *use integral calculus in the study of functions 8. *demonstrate an understanding of binomial, hypergeometric and normal probability distributions * = externally assessed Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 9 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 STANDARDS C RITERION 1 C OMMUNICATE M ATHEMATICAL I DEAS AND I NFORMATION Rating ‘C’ A student: presents work that conveys a line of reasoning that has been followed between question and answer generally presents work that follows mathematical conventions, and uses mathematical symbols correctly presents work with the final answer apparent generally presents the final answer with correct units as required presents tables, graphs and diagrams that include some suitable annotations adds a diagram to a solution. Rating ‘B’ A student: presents work that clearly conveys the line of reasoning that has been followed between question and answer generally presents work that follows mathematical conventions and uses mathematical symbols correctly presents work with the final answer clearly identified consistently presents the final answer with correct units when required presents detailed tables, graphs and diagrams that convey clear meaning adds a diagram to illustrate a solution. Rating ‘A’ A student: presents work that clearly conveys the line of reasoning that has been followed between question and answer, including suitable justification and explanation of methods and processes used consistently presents work that follows mathematical conventions, and consistently uses mathematical symbols correctly presents work with the final answer clearly identified and articulated in terms of the question as required consistently presents the final answer with correct units when required presents detailed tables, graphs and diagrams that convey accurate meaning and precise information adds a detailed diagram to illustrate and explain a solution. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 10 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 2 A NALYSIS : D EMONSTRATE M ATHEMATICAL R EASONING , ANALYSIS AND S TRATEGY IN P ROBLEM S OLVING S ITUATIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: selects and follows an appropriate strategy to solve routine problems describes solutions to routine problems evaluates the reliability and validity of solutions to problems identifies and describes limitations of simple models uses calculator techniques to solve routine problems. Rating ‘B’ A student: selects and applies an appropriate strategy to solve routine and simple non-routine problems interprets solutions to routine and simple non-routine problems evaluates the reliability and validity of the results and solutions to routine and simple, non-routine problems identifies and explains the limitations of familiar models selects calculator techniques when appropriate, to solve routine problems. Rating ‘A’ A student: selects and applies an appropriate strategy, where several may exist, to solve complex problems in unfamiliar contexts interprets solutions to routine and non-routine problems in a variety of contexts evaluates the reliability and validity of the results and solutions to routine and non-routine problems in a variety of contexts identifies and explains the limitations of familiar and more complex models explores calculator techniques appropriate to solving problems in familiar and unfamiliar contexts. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 11 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 3 P LAN , O RGANISE AND C OMPLETE M ATHEMATICAL T ASKS Rating ‘C’ A student: uses planning tools to achieve objectives within proposed times divides a task into sub-tasks as directed selects from a range of strategies and formulae to successfully complete straight forward problems monitors progress towards meeting goals and timelines meets specified timelines and addresses most elements of the required task. Rating ‘B’ A student: selects and uses planning tools and strategies to achieve and manage activities within proposed times divides a task into appropriate sub-tasks selects from a range of strategies and formulae to successfully complete straight forward and complex problems monitors and analyses progress towards meeting goals and timelines, and plans future actions meets specified timelines and addresses all required task elements. Rating ‘A’ A student: evaluates, selects and uses planning tools and strategies to achieve and manage activities within proposed times assists others to divide a task into sub-tasks selects strategies and formulae to successfully complete straight forward and complex problems monitors and critically evaluates goals and timelines, and plans effective future actions meets specified timelines, and addresses all required elements of the task, with a high degree of accuracy. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 12 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 4 D EMONSTRATE AN U NDERSTANDING OF P OLYNOMIAL , H YPERBOLIC , E XPONENTIAL AND L OGARITHMIC F UNCTIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: recognises and sketches graphs of the standard functions and of relations for this course, that is of y x n ( for n 2, 1, 1 , 1, 2, 3) , 2 , or understands the difference between: one-to-one and many-to one and many-to-many relations understands the difference between a relation and a function, and if given the graph of a relation, can define the domain and range of that relation and state whether the relation is a function understands the conditions for the existence of inverse functions can graph a polynomial function of the form can graph functions of the form given the graph of a simple function, can draw a graph of the inverse function can algebraically find the inverse of simple polynomial functions sketches the graph of uses the logarithm laws for products, quotients and powers to solve simple logarithmic equations determines simple composite functions. Rating ‘B’ In addition to the standards for a C rating, a student: writes the equation of a function that is either a simple translation or reflection of any standard function of this course sketches a graph of a function and uses it to determine whether or not an inverse exists, giving reasons given the graph of a more complex function, can draw a graph of its inverse can algebraically find the inverse of hyperbolic functions determines more complex composite functions. Rating ‘A’ In addition to the standards for a C and B rating, a student: writes the equation of a function that is a translation, reflection and/or dilation of any standard function of this course can algebraically find the inverse of exponential and logarithmic functions solves more complex logarithmic equations. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 13 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 5 D EMONSTRATE AN U NDERSTANDING OF C IRCULAR F UNCTIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: identifies and uses correct definitions, special relationships and symmetrical properties of the trigonometric ratios in solving problems calculates exact values in both radians and degrees can graph trigonometric functions of the form solves trigonometric equations of the form domain finds the equations of trigonometric functions of the form from graphical or worded information uses the angle sum and difference identities in routine problems draws conclusions about real world applications of circular functions. in a given Rating ‘B’ In addition to the standards for a C rating, a student: can graph trigonometrical functions of the form solves trigonometric equations of the form given domain finds the equations of functions of the form from graphical or worded information. in a Rating ‘A’ In addition to the standards for a C and B rating, a student: can graph trigonometric functions of the form solves trigonometric equations of the form finds the equations of functions of the form in a given domain from graphical or worded information. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 14 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 6 U SE D IFFERENTIAL C ALCULUS IN THE S TUDY OF F UNCTIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: sketches gradient functions for continuous functions and states the domain applies differentiation rules to differentiate thereof finds the equations of the tangent and/or normal to a curve given the x coordinate of a point on the curve finds and classifies stationary points of known functions. and linear combinations Rating ‘B’ In addition to the standards for a C rating, a student: applies differentiation rules to differentiate products, quotients and simple composite functions differentiates a simple linear or quadratic expression from first principles finds the equations of the tangent and/or normal to a curve given its slope finds and justify stationary points of known functions and interpret the results. Rating ‘A’ In addition to the standards for a C and B rating, a student: sketches gradient functions for simple discontinuous functions and states the domain applies differentiation rules to differentiate functions that involve combinations of the differentiation rules finds the equation of a curve given its slope establishes a function in one variable using given information, finds and justifies its stationary points and interprets the results. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a and a point on the curve Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 15 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 7 U SE I NTEGRAL C ALCULUS IN THE S TUDY OF F UNCTIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: determines the indefinite integral of a polynomial function in expanded form and verifies by differentiation determines the indefinite integral of verifies by differentiation sketches simple polynomial and simple exponential functions, and calculates the area between the graph and the x-axis by evaluating one definite integral determines the distance travelled by an object moving in a straight line in one direction by integrating a simple polynomial velocity function in time t evaluates the area between the graphs of two polynomial functions with two points of intersection that are given. , where n is a positive integer, and and Rating ‘B’ In addition to the standards for a C rating, a student: integrates polynomial functions in factorised form determines the indefinite integral of , where n is any integer, , or a linear combination of these functions sketches more complex polynomial and exponential functions and simple trigonometric functions and calculates the area between the graph and the x-axis by evaluating one or more definite integrals determines the distance travelled by an object moving in a straight line with one or two changes in direction by integrating a polynomial velocity function in time t evaluates the area between the graphs of two polynomial functions with two points of intersection that are easily determined. Rating ‘A’ In addition to the standards for a C and B rating, a student: sketches hyperbolic or truncus functions and calculates the area between the graph and the xaxis by evaluating one or more definite integrals evaluates the area between the graphs of any two functions with two or more points of intersection that are easily determined. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 16 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 C RITERION 8 D EMONSTRATE AN U NDERSTANDING OF B INOMIAL , H YPERGEOMETRIC AND N ORMAL P ROBABILITY D ISTRIBUTIONS Rating ‘C’ A student: identifies and defines randomness, discrete variables and continuous variables constructs discrete probability distributions using tree diagrams and tables calculates expected value of a discrete random variable describes the characteristics of normal, binomial and hypergeometric distributions and determines which distribution is appropriate in a given situation calculates a binomial probability for a single outcome calculates expected value and variance of a binomial random variable determines probabilities in a normal distribution. Rating ‘B’ In addition to the standards for a C rating, a student: calculates the variance or standard deviation of a discrete random variable calculates a binomial probability for multiple outcomes calculates a hypergeometric probability for a single outcome calculates expected value and variance of a hypergeometric random variable determines quantities in a normal distribution. Rating ‘A’ In addition to the standards for a C and B rating, a student: calculates a hypergeometric probability for multiple outcomes determines mean and standard deviation in a normal distribution. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 17 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 QUALIFICATIONS AVAILABLE Mathematics Methods, TQA level 3 (with the award of): EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT HIGH ACHIEVEMENT COMMENDABLE ACHIEVEMENT SATISFACTORY ACHIEVEMENT PRELIMINARY ACHIEVEMENT AWARD REQUIREMENTS The final award will be determined by the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority from 13 ratings (8 ratings from internal assessment and 5 ratings from the external assessment). EXCEPTIONAL ACHIEVEMENT (EA) 11 ‘A’ ratings, 2 ‘B’ ratings (4 ‘A’ ratings and 1 ‘B’ rating in the external assessment) HIGH ACHIEVEMENT (HA) 5 ‘A’ ratings, 5 ‘B’ ratings, 3 ‘C’ ratings (2 ‘A’ ratings, 2 ‘B’ ratings and 1 ‘C’ rating in the external assessment) COMMENDABLE ACHIEVEMENT (CA) 7 ‘B’ ratings, 5 ‘C’ ratings (2 ‘B’ ratings and 2 ‘C’ ratings in the external assessment) SATISFACTORY ACHIEVEMENT (SA) 11 ‘C’ ratings (3 ‘C’ ratings in the external assessment) PRELIMINARY ACHIEVEMENT (PA) 6 ‘C’ ratings A student who otherwise achieves the ratings for a CA (Commendable Achievement) or SA (Satisfactory Achievement) award but who fails to show any evidence of achievement in one or more criteria (‘z’ notation) will be issued with a PA (Preliminary Achievement) award. COURSE EVALUATION Courses are accredited for a specific period of time (up to five years) and they are evaluated in the year prior to the expiry of accreditation. As well, anyone may request a review of a particular aspect of an accredited course throughout the period of accreditation. Such requests for amendment will be considered in terms of the likely improvements to the outcomes for students and the possible consequences for delivery of the course. The TQA can evaluate the need and appropriateness of an accredited course at any point throughout the period of accreditation. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 18 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 EXPECTATIONS DEFINED BY NATIONAL STANDARDS IN CONTENT STATEMENTS DEVELOPED BY ACARA The statements in this section, taken from Australian Senior Secondary Curriculum: Mathematical Methods endorsed by Education Ministers as the agreed and common base for course development, are to be used to define expectations for the meaning (nature, scope and level of demand) of relevant aspects of the sections in this document setting out course requirements, learning outcomes, the course content and standards in the assessment. Unit 1 – Topic 1: Functions and Graphs Inverse proportion: examine examples of inverse proportion (ACMMM012) recognise features of the graphs of and , including their hyperbolic shapes, and their asymptotes. (ACMMM013) Powers and polynomials: recognise features of the graphs of y=xn for n∈N, n=−1 and n=½, including shape, and behaviour as x→∞ and x→−∞ (ACMMM014) identify the coefficients and the degree of a polynomial (ACMMM015) expand quadratic and cubic polynomials from factors (ACMMM016) recognise features of the graphs of y=x3, y=a(x−b)3+c and y=k(x−a)(x−b)(x−c), including shape, intercepts and behaviour as x→∞ and x→−∞ (ACMMM017) factorise cubic polynomials in cases where a linear factor is easily obtained (ACMMM018) solve cubic equations using technology, and algebraically in cases where a linear factor is easily obtained. (ACMMM019) Graphs of relations: recognise features of the graphs of x2+y2=r2 and (x−a)2+(y−b)2=r2, including their circular shapes, their centres and their radii (ACMMM020) recognise features of the graph of y2=x including its parabolic shape and its axis of symmetry. (ACMMM021) Functions: understand the concept of a function as a mapping between sets, and as a rule or a formula that defines one variable quantity in terms of another (ACMMM022) use function notation, domain and range, independent and dependent variables (ACMMM023) understand the concept of the graph of a function (ACMMM024) examine translations and the graphs of y=f(x)+a and y=f(x+b) (ACMMM025) examine dilations and the graphs of y=cf(x) and y=f(kx) (ACMMM026) recognise the distinction between functions and relations, and the vertical line test. (ACMMM027) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 19 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Unit 1 – Topic 2: Trigonometric Functions Circular measure and radian measure: define and use radian measure and understand its relationship with degree measure. (ACMMM032) Trigonometric functions: understand the unit circle definition of cosθ, sinθ and tanθ and periodicity using radians (ACMMM034) recognise the exact values of sinθ, cosθ and tanθ at integer multiples of recognise the graphs of y=sinx, y=cosx, and y=tanx on extended domains (ACMMM036) examine amplitude changes and the graphs of y=asinx and y=acosx (ACMMM037) examine period changes and the graphs of y=sinbx, y=cosbx, and y=tan bx (ACMMM038) examine phase changes and the graphs of y=sin(x+c), y=cos(x+c) and (ACMMM039) y=tan (x+c) and the relationships sin prove and apply the angle sum and difference identities (ACMMM041) identify contexts suitable for modelling by trigonometric functions and use them to solve practical problems (ACMMM042) solve equations involving trigonometric functions using technology, and algebraically in simple cases. (ACMMM043) =cosx and cos and (ACMMM035) =sinx (ACMMM040) Unit 1 – Topic 3: Counting and Probability Combinations: recognise the numbers as binomial coefficients, (as coefficients in the expansion of (x+y)n). (ACMMM047) Unit 2 – Topic 1: Exponential Functions Indices and the index laws: review indices (including fractional indices) and the index laws (ACMMM061) use radicals and convert to and from fractional indices (ACMMM062) understand and use scientific notation and significant figures. (ACMMM063) Exponential functions: establish and use the algebraic properties of exponential functions (ACMMM064) recognise the qualitative features of the graph of y=ax (a>0) including asymptotes, and of its translations (y=ax+b and y=ax+c) (ACMMM065) identify contexts suitable for modelling by exponential functions and use them to solve practical problems (ACMMM066) solve equations involving exponential functions using technology, and algebraically in simple cases. (ACMMM067) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 20 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Unit 2 – Topic 3: Introduction to Differential Calculus Rates of change: interpret the difference quotient as the average rate of change of a function f (ACMMM077) use the Leibniz notation d x and d y for changes or increments in the variables x and y (ACMMM078) use the notation interpret the ratios dy for the difference quotient dx and where y=f(x) (ACMMM079) dy as the slope or gradient of a chord or secant of the dx graph of y=f(x). (ACMMM080) The concept of the derivative: examine the behaviour of the difference quotient as h→0 as an informal introduction to the concept of a limit (ACMMM081) f (x + h) - f (x) (ACMMM082) h define the derivative f '(x) as lim use the Leibniz notation for the derivative: h®0 dy dy and the correspondence = lim d x®0 dx dx =f'(x) where y=f(x) (ACMMM083) interpret the derivative as the instantaneous rate of change (ACMMM084) interpret the derivative as the slope or gradient of a tangent line of the graph of y=f(x). (ACMMM085) Computation of derivatives: estimate numerically the value of a derivative, for simple power functions (ACMMM086) examine examples of variable rates of change of non-linear functions (ACMMM087) establish the formula d n (x ) = nx n-1 for positive integers n by expanding (x+h)n or by factorising dx (x+h)n−xn. (ACMMM088) Properties of derivatives: understand the concept of the derivative as a function (ACMMM089) recognise and use linearity properties of the derivative (ACMMM090) calculate derivatives of polynomials and other linear combinations of power functions. (ACMMM091) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 21 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Applications of derivatives: find instantaneous rates of change (ACMMM092) find the slope of a tangent and the equation of the tangent (ACMMM093) construct and interpret position-time graphs, with velocity as the slope of the tangent (ACMMM094) sketch curves associated with simple polynomials; find stationary points, and local and global maxima and minima; and examine behaviour as x→∞ and x→−∞ (ACMMM095) solve optimisation problems arising in a variety of contexts involving simple polynomials on finite interval domains. (ACMMM096) Anti-derivatives: calculate anti-derivatives of polynomial functions and apply to solving simple problems involving motion in a straight line. (ACMMM097) Unit 3 – Topic 1: Further Differentiation and Applications Exponential functions: a h -1 as h→0 using technology, for various values of a >0 (ACMMM098) h estimate the limit of recognise that e is the unique number a for which the above limit is 1 (ACMMM099) establish and use the formula use exponential functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (ACMMM101) d x (e ) = e x (ACMMM100) dx Trigonometric functions: establish the formulas (sinx)=cosx, and (cosx)=−sinx by numerical estimations of the limits and informal proofs based on geometric constructions (ACMMM102) use trigonometric functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (ACMMM103) Differentiation rules: understand and use the product and quotient rules (ACMMM104) understand the notion of composition of functions and use the chain rule for determining the derivatives of composite functions (ACMMM105) apply the product, quotient and chain rule to differentiate functions such as xex, tanx, 1 , xn xsinx, e−xsinx and f(ax+b). (ACMMM106) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 22 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 The second derivative and applications of differentiation: use the increments formula: d y @ dy ´ d x to estimate the change in the dependent variable y dx resulting from changes in the independent variable x (ACMMM107) understand the concept of the second derivative as the rate of change of the first derivative function (ACMMM108) recognise acceleration as the second derivative of position with respect to time (ACMMM109) understand and use the second derivative test for finding local maxima and minima (ACMMM111) sketch the graph of a function using first and second derivatives to locate stationary points and points of inflection (ACMMM112) solve optimisation problems from a wide variety of fields using first and second derivatives. (ACMMM113) Unit 3 – Topic 2: Integrals Anti-differentiation: recognise anti-differentiation as the reverse of differentiation (ACMMM114) use the notation ò f (x)dx for anti-derivatives or indefinite integrals (ACMMM115) establish and use the formula ò x n dx = establish and use the formula ò e x dx = e x + c (ACMMM117) establish and use the formulas ò sin xdx = -cos x + c and ò cos xdx = sin x + c (ACMMM118) recognise and use linearity of anti-differentiation (ACMMM119) determine indefinite integrals of the form ò f ( ax + b) dx (ACMMM120) identify families of curves with the same derivative function (ACMMM121) determine f ( x ) , given f ' ( x ) and an initial condition f(a)=b (ACMMM122) determine displacement given velocity in linear motion problems. (ACMMM123) 1 n+1 x + c for n ¹-1 (ACMMM116) n +1 Definite integrals: examine the area problem, and use sums of the form curve y = f (x) (ACMMM124) ò b å f (x ) d x i i i to estimate the area under the f (x)dx as area under the curve y = f (x) if f (x) > 0 (ACMMM125) interpret the definite integral recognise the definite integral interpret recognise and use the additivity and linearity of definite integrals. (ACMMM128) ò b a a ò b a f (x)dx as a limit of sums of the form å f (x ) d x i i i (ACMMM126) f (x)dx as a sum of signed areas (ACMMM127) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 23 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Fundamental theorem: understand the concept of the signed area function F(x) = F¢(x) = understand and use the theorem: understand the formula ò b a ò x a f (t)dt (ACMMM129) d x ò a f (t)dt = f (x) dx (......) (ACMMM130) ( ) f (x)dx = F ( b) - F ( a) and use it to calculate definite integrals. (ACMMM131) Applications of integration: calculate the area under a curve (ACMMM132) calculate the area between curves in simple cases (ACMMM134) determine positions given acceleration and initial values of position and velocity. (ACMMM135) Unit 3 – Topic 3: Discrete Random Variables General discrete random variables: understand the concepts of a discrete random variable and its associated probability function, and their use in modelling data (ACMMM136) use relative frequencies obtained from data to obtain point estimates of probabilities associated with a discrete random variable (ACMMM137) recognise uniform discrete random variables and use them to model random phenomena with equally likely outcomes (ACMMM138) examine simple examples of non-uniform discrete random variables (ACMMM139) recognise the mean or expected value of a discrete random variable as a measurement of centre, and evaluate it in simple cases (ACMMM140) recognise the variance and standard deviation of a discrete random variable as a measures of spread, and evaluate them in simple cases (ACMMM141) use discrete random variables and associated probabilities to solve practical problems. (ACMMM142) Bernoulli distributions: use a Bernoulli random variable as a model for two-outcome situations (ACMMM143) identify contexts suitable for modelling by Bernoulli random variables (ACMMM144) recognise the mean p and variance p(1−p) of the Bernoulli distribution with parameter p (ACMMM145) use Bernoulli random variables and associated probabilities to model data and solve practical problems. (ACMMM146) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 24 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Binomial distributions: understand the concepts of Bernoulli trials and the concept of a binomial random variable as the number of ‘successes’ in n independent Bernoulli trials, with the same probability of success p in each trial (ACMMM147) identify contexts suitable for modelling by binomial random variables (ACMMM148) determine and use the probabilities P ( X = r ) = ( ) p (1- p ) n r r n -r associated with the binomial distribution with parameters n and p ; note the mean np and variance np(1- p) of a binomial distribution (ACMMM149) use binomial distributions and associated probabilities to solve practical problems. (ACMMM150) Unit 4 – Topic 1: The Logarithmic Function Logarithmic functions: log b a define logarithms as indices: a x = b is equivalent to x = log a b i.e a = b (ACMMM151) establish and use the algebraic properties of logarithms (ACMMM152) recognise the inverse relationship between logarithms and exponentials: y = a x is equivalent to x = loga y (ACMMM153) interpret and use logarithmic scales such as decibels in acoustics, the Richter Scale for earthquake magnitude, octaves in music, pH in chemistry (ACMMM154) solve equations involving indices using logarithms (ACMMM155) recognise the qualitative features of the graph of y = loga x ( a >1) including asymptotes, and of its translations y = loga x + b and y = loga ( x + c) (ACMMM156) solve simple equations involving logarithmic functions algebraically and graphically (ACMMM157) identify contexts suitable for modelling by logarithmic functions and use them to solve practical problems. (ACMMM158) Calculus of logarithmic functions: define the natural logarithm lnx = loge x (ACMMM159) recognise and use the inverse relationship of the functions y = e x and y = lnx (ACMMM160) establish and use the formula d l (ln x) = (ACMMM161) dx x establish and use the formula ò x dx = ln x + c, for x > 0 (ACMMM162) use logarithmic functions and their derivatives to solve practical problems. (ACMMM163) Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a l Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016 25 Mathematics Methods TQA Level 3 Unit 4 - Topic 2: Continuous Random Variables and the Normal Distribution General continuous random variables: use relative frequencies and histograms obtained from data to estimate probabilities associated with a continuous random variable (ACMMM164) understand the concepts of a probability density function, cumulative distribution function, and probabilities associated with a continuous random variable given by integrals; examine simple types of continuous random variables and use them in appropriate contexts (ACMMM165) recognise the expected value, variance and standard deviation of a continuous random variable and evaluate them in simple cases (ACMMM166) understand the effects of linear changes of scale and origin on the mean and the standard deviation. (ACMMM167) Normal distributions: identify contexts such as naturally occurring variation that are suitable for modelling by normal random variables (ACMMM168) recognise features of the graph of the probability density function of the normal distribution with mean μ and standard deviation σ and the use of the standard normal distribution (ACMMM169) calculate probabilities and quantiles associated with a given normal distribution using technology, and use these to solve practical problems. (ACMMM170) ACCREDITATION The accreditation period for this course is from 1 January 2014 until 31 December 2016. VERSION HISTORY Version 1 – Accredited on 9 September 2013 for use in 2014 - 2016. This course replaces Mathematics Methods (MTM315109) that expired on 31 December 2013. Version 1.a – 13 December 2013. Correction of typographical errors. VERSION CONTROL This document is a Word version of the course. It is not a TQA controlled version. The current PDF version of the course on the TQA website is the definitive course. Tasmanian Qualifications Authority Version 1.a Period of Accreditation: 1/1/2014 – 31/12/2016 Date of Publishing: 9 February 2016