Answer all the questions in this section
Give any two dating methods used in archaeology to determine age of fossils.
 Chemical dating i.e radio Carbon and potassium argon
 Geological dating
 Stratigraphy
 Statistical delegating
 Fission track dating
(2 x 1 = 2 marks)
Give the main reason why agriculture developed in Egypt
 Availability of water along the Nile
State two ways in which people are affected by food shortages in developing countries.
 Death
 Invested by diseases
 Hungary and starvation.
Identify two types of democracy
 Pure/Direct democracy
 Indirect/representative democracy
(2 x 1 = 2 marks)
State any two improvement which were made on macadamized roads in the 19th century
 Tar was put on the top surface
 Roads were widened to create highways
 Roads were straightened.
 Were hardened by adding more layers of gravel/stones and cement.
(Any 2 x 1 = 2 marks)
Give two advantages of the use of electricity in industries during the industrial revolution
 Supply could by regulated
 Could be used in many different ways
 Could be used far from the source/industries could be established anywhere
 There was a clean working environment
 The cost of production of goods was made cheaper.
(Any 2 x1 = 2 marks)
Give two reasons why early urban centers in Egypt developed in the Nile valley
 River Nile provided water for the population in these centers and good means of transport
and communication.
 The historical importance of Egypt attracted many visitors making it a tourist and cultural
 Centers of worship like shrines centers holy centers grew into urban centers.
 Some administrative canters also attracted large populations.
 Defense consideration led to the emergence of urban centre.
 People were attracted by commercial activities eg trading in the farm products.\
 Availability of fertile lands led to high production of goods hence attracting large
population growth rate.
(Any 2x1=2 marks)
State one way in which centralization of the authority contributed to the success of the
Buganda Kingdom
 It enhanced effective control of the kingdom
 It promoted control of other traditional leader eg clan leaders and thus brought about
 It enhanced loyalty to one single leader.
 It led to the emergency of able Kabaka who propelled the kingdom to strength.
(Any 1x1=1mark)
State one political factor which lead to the scramble for colonies in Africa
 Rise of nationalism in Europe
 The unification of Germany
 Militarism, search for military supremacy
 Public opinion in Europe
(1x 1 = 1mark)
Name one community in West Africa which resisted European invasion in the 19th century
 The Mandika
Give two resolutions of the Berlin conference of 1884 to 1885
 Congo river was declared free for navigation by ships of all the represented nations
 Congo basin was declared neutral area in case of war
 Religion toleration was to be observed in the Congo basin,
 Doctrine of effective occupation was draw, which required maintenance of occupation
army in the claimed area and the occupier power to inform other signatories of the Berlin
Any 2x1 = 2 marks
Give two reasons. Why the league of Nations was formed in1919
 To prevent the occurrence of another world war.
 To maintain peace and security in the world.
(2X1=2 marks)
State one major event that led to the outbreak of the First World War.
 The Sarajevo assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austrian
throne and his wife Sophie.
(1x1= 1 mark)
Identify two major ways used by the super powers to fight during the cold war.
 Malicious propaganda
 Military pacts/treaties ie Warsaw pact and NATO
 Economic aid to rivals i.e Marshal Plan and COMECON plan.
(Any 2x1= 2 marks)
Give one main function of the international labour organization (ILO)
 To try and secure international agreements on matters of workers welfare in the whole
world e.g wages, working hours and general conditions at the work place. (1x1 = 1 mark)
Name the philosophy that Tanzania adopted at independence to spearhead her development
 Socialism
(1x1= 1 mark)
SECTION B (45 Marks)
Answer any three questions from this section in the answer sheet provided.
What factors contributed to the development of agriculture in Mesopotamia?
Availability of indigenous crops
 Existence of fertile land along the rivers Tigris and Euphrates
 Existence of good transport
 Availability of water from the Tigris and Euphrates
 Political stability
 Availability of labour
 The invention of farming tools
(Any 5x1 = 5 Marks)
Describe five effects of early agriculture on Man
 It led to food security
 Led to a settled life/sedentary life
 Trade developed
 Led to the development of urban centre
 Specialization in jobs
 There was increased food production to support increased population.
 Led to increased population
 Development of centralized systems of government
 Development of religion
 Development of early write e.g hieroglyphics and cuneiform.
 Invention of the wheel for early transport.
(5x 2 = 10 marks)
State three means of water transport used during the ancient times.
 Air/wind – driven boats.
 Rafts
 Canoes
 Sailing ships
Describe six results of railway transport
 It has promoted trade because goods are transported efficiently to the markets.
 Towns have developed along railway lines in some countries
 Religious faiths and political ideas spread through railway transport
 It has led to the movement of people from place to another and this has increased social
and cultural interaction.
 Agricultural goods are transported more easily and faster.
 People have been employed as railway maintenance officers and drivers.
 Exploitation of natural resources such as mining fisheries and forestry have been
 Railway transport is a source of government revenue in many countries.
 Industrial development has been boosted by railway transport.
What five reasons encouraged the nationalists in Mozambique to use armed struggle to
attain independence?
 Portugal refused to listen to the grievances of the Africans.
 The nationalists were trained in fighting skills.
 The liberation committee of the organization of African unity support their course.
 O.A.U supported them course.
 They were supported by communist3countries.
 The success of Mau Mau fighters in Kenya inspired them.
 The country was forested and conducive for guerilla warfare.
 The UN denounced colonialism thus boasting the morale of the nationalist movement.
Describe the problems which undermined the activities of the nationalists in
 They lacked basic needs such as foods, clothes and medicine.
 Personal ambitions caused disunity among the nationalists.
 Ideological differences led to the formation of rival guerilla movement such as MANU,
 The Nationalists were demoralized due to the assassination of their leader, Eduardo
 The Portuguese ruthlessly suppressed the nationalist movement.
 The south Africa Apartheid government assisted the Portuguese to fight the nationalists.
Portugal outlawed political movement
The Christian church in Mozambique condemned the nationalist movement.
(Any 5x2= 10 marks)
Identify five economic activities of the Ndebele during the 19th century
 Kept cattle
 Practiced crafts eg basketry
 Were iron workers
 Raided cattle
 Grew crops
 Hunted wild animal
(5x1= 5 marks)
Describe the political Organization of the Asante Empire during the 19th century
 It was a centralized state divided into three divisions.
 The overall ruler was the Asantenene.
 Conquered states were ruled by their kings but treated as provinces of Asante.
 The Asantehene ruled with the help of a confederacy of kings (Omanhene)
 The Omanhene represented the king in the provinces.
The empire had a standing arms for defense
Religion played an important role in the governance of the kingdom.
The sacred golden stool visited them.
It had a well established judicial court system.
(5x2 = 10 marks)
Answer any two questions from this section.
Give three reasons why the British used direct rule in Zimbabwe.
 They desired to control the economy of Zimbabwe to maximize profit.
 The indigenous/ local political institutions based on Induna had been destroyed during
the British occupation of Zimbabwe.
 To ensure complete control of Africans.
 Existence of British south Africa company personnel on the sport who were familiar
with the area as well as British system of administration
(3x1 = 3 marks)
Explain six reasons why indirect rule was not successful in Southern Nigeria.
 Southern Nigeria did not have centralized indigenous system of Government that was
necessary for the application of indirect rule.
 There were many ethnic groups,4 languages and customs which needed to be
streamlined before indirect rule could be introduced and be successful.
The introduction of new ideas such as forced labour and direct taxes which infuriated
the people of Southern Nigeria.
The failure of the British administrators to fully understand how social, economic and
political system of southern Nigeria (based on the office of the oba) operated, made
them fire up easily.
Opposition from the educated elite who felt out of the administration of their own
The educated people resented the chiefs appointed by the British because they were
The obas in Southern Nigeria had defined powers such as mediation so when they
were given wide ranging powers people became uncomfortable.
Communication barriers between the British supervisors, the warriors, chiefs and the
people often led to misinterpretation and misunderstanding.
 Misuse of power by the warrant chiefs who raised taxes for their own benefits. They
also harassed women sexually.
 Use of excessive force to suppress any form of resistance provoked resentment eg the
shooting of women during a demonstration against British administration.
Identify five methods used by the United Nations Security Council to promote peace
and security in the world.
 Approves sanctions i.e diplomatic or economic
 Investigates disputes/situations that might lead to international friction.
 Calls upon states to settle their disputes peacefully.
 Recommends to states appropriate procedures to be followed in settling disputes.
 Displays peace keeping forces in countries ravaged by war.
 Determines whether any situation threatens peace and takes necessary measures to
maintain peace.
 Regulates the production and use of dangerous arms.
(5x1 = 5 marks)
Describe five benefits for being a member of the common Wealth of nations
 Developed nations assist poor ones in capital and technical aid.
 Participation in social events for common wealth such as sports e.g commonwealth
 Development of democracy in member states e.g commonwealth election observers.
 Develop psychological sense of unity / belongingness.
 Administrative assistance in exchange programmes in scholarship and student
exchange programs.
 Rights and freedoms of citizen are guarded e.g nations which dishonor these get
(5x2 = 10 marks)
Give three functions of the state Government in India
 Enacting laws for the states which should not contradict Union laws.
 Construction and Maintenance of transport and communication network.
 Maintenance of security or law and order within the states.
 Supervision in education within the states.
 Regulation of commerce in the states.
(3 x 1 = 3 marks)
Explain five functions of the Queen of Britain.
 Assents the law
 Appoints and dismisses administrative workers
 Signing of treaties
 Summons and dissolves parliament
Appoints the Bishop and Archbishop of the Anglican Church.
Commander in chief of the armed forces.
Confers honors to distinguish persons
Is the legal head of state and symbols of national unity.
Invites the leader of the winning parts in an election to form the government.
(6 x 2 = 12 marks)