I am extremely concerned that this green paper will result in significant reductions in environmental protections for the environmentally unique, beautiful and sensitive north of Australia. The paper refers to removing barriers to development, using one-stop-shops for environmental approvals, and removing unnecessary ‘green tape’, which it says is "perceived to impose an unwelcome burden on business, community organisations or individuals". The green paper says "environmental assessment processes can cause delays and involve a range of costs, including those relating to administration and compliance". These comments indicate that the government believes environmental protections are an inconvenience to business that should be removed wherever possible, in order to minimise burden on business and maximise profits. This will inevitably result in environmental degradation. The paper also repeatedly mentions the need to build dams, which have well documented and scientifically proven environmental impacts that result in loss of biodiversity and potential extinction of species. I believe there should be much less emphasis on the need to build dams due to their unavoidable and serious environmental consequences. Environmental impacts of dams include loss of habitat, loss of environmental flows, barriers to aquatic organism movement, trapping of important sediment flows, downstream erosion, release of water which is too cold for aquatic ecosystems, and potential impact on groundwater systems. I am also concerned about the environmental impact of resource extraction and potential over-extraction of river flows for resource and agriculture industries. I believe in providing greater economic opportunity to Australia's North, especially to underprivileged indigenous communities. This should be focused on sustainable projects such as tourism opportunities, instead of exploitation and degradation of unique, beautiful and sensitive ecosystems across northern Australia.