Biology Science Articles

Biology Science Articles
1. Find a news article that deals with some area of Biology.
 The article must be a news article.
 Do NOT use encyclopedias or dictionaries.
 Do NOT use a book (i.e. textbook).
 Do NOT use a general information article used to inform the reader of a topic
which will not change as time goes on. For example, an article on the discovery
of the malaria parasite.
 The article cannot be a summary of a news item (i.e. 1 or 2 paragraphs). The article
must be at least ¾ of a page in length. (No short articles.)
 News sources can be from the internet, magazines, etc.
 The topic of your article is up to you. Find something that interests you.
 i.e. health, new animal discovery, ecology, etc.
 If you are not sure your article is related to Biology, show me your article before the
due date and I will decide if it is ok.
2. Read the article and turn in the following information about it on a sheet of paper.
Place the information in the order shown below.
Your Name
Class Per.
Title of Article
Author of Article
Source of Article
Date of the Article
 If the author is not listed in the article, then write “Author not listed” on your paper.
 The summary must be at least 2 full paragraphs (minimum 5 sentences per
 The summary must be in your own words.
 All work must be neatly handwritten or printed. No typed work.
 No writing in the margins of the paper.
3. Staple a copy of the entire article to the back of your summary sheet.
 Exception: if you use an article from a magazine in my classroom OR the internet in
my room, show me your article and I will sign your summary saying that I have seen
your article and ok’d it.
Biology Science Articles
Possible Sources for Science Article
The following sources are examples that you can use - you may use other sources.
1. Magazines in my Room:
 Science World
 National Geographic Extreme Explorer
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute
2. Internet Sources:
To find news articles, you may need to find the “News” section within each website.
Make sure the article is a news article dealing with Biology (and not just an information
A. Better Sites to Check:
 Discovery News –
 Science Daily –
 National Geographic News –
B. Other Sites:
 Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) –
 CNN –
 Medpage Today –
3. Magazine Sources at WHS Library:
NOTE: library magazines are NOT on the shelves – you must ask the librarian for them.
 Audubon
 Discover
 Texas Highways
 Texas Parks & Wildlife
 Time